Crush's Coaster

Started by Anthony, July 18, 2006, 07:20:53 PM

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Quote from: "Alan"A few things seem to be missing from the ride...

- Where are the angler fish? You can't see them very well in the video, and there doesn't seem to be any loud scary angler fish sound.

- Where's the EAC screen of bubbles you're supposed to break through, just before the main drop?

- Weren't there supposed to be big green (word escapes me) plants hanging from the ceiling in the coaster section?

Exacly , you see the angler fish just 2 seconds but I think the effect isn't working here.

The EAC screen isn't there , it's a shame

Yes there supossed to be big green plants hanging but this idea scraped a time ago.


I expect some of those things are actually there but you can't see them in the video. I'm sure it wil be much different when you ride it  :wink:


Quote from: "Bowie"
Quote from: "Alan"A few things seem to be missing from the ride...

- Where are the angler fish? You can't see them very well in the video, and there doesn't seem to be any loud scary angler fish sound.

- Where's the EAC screen of bubbles you're supposed to break through, just before the main drop?

- Weren't there supposed to be big green (word escapes me) plants hanging from the ceiling in the coaster section?

Exacly , you see the angler fish just 2 seconds but I think the effect isn't working here.

The EAX screen isn't there , it's a shame

Yes there supossed to be big green plants hanging but this idea scraped a time ago.

Hello Alan, I can answer your questions :) :

First, the angler fish: it is there, but you barely see it. We were at the back when we rode the coaster, so I don't really know if it's better at the front (I'm told that no  :lol: ). There is just a light on it, that goes off almost instantly. No movment, no big sound... a bit disappointing to say the least.

The bubble break through scrim tunnel is in fact at the very end of the ride, although it wasn't very convincing. The effect was something of a blue movment, I surely didn't understand it. Neither did I see the screen effect with the turtles jumping in the EAC. I am told it's here, but I didn't see it  :cry:

The plants are nowhere to be seen, it was scrapped, as was the last projection scene planned for the end of the ride after the break zone. That would have made a cool ending, which as of today is a bit underwhelming.

Otherwise the ride was good. Short but beautiful dark ride, and fun coaster, lightly themed though.


I really wish they made this a two layer ride, a coaster for thrill junkies and a family friendly dark ride for all.  I am going to be the only one in my family who can experience a real Disney attraction in the Studios.  Why does Europe have to be sooooo obsessed with white knuckles.
since 2001 (many before that)


I can't help me, but after the lift I can't see anything in the video just dark and a few lights...Is this really all? Then I will be a bit disappointed. :(
Hmm...perhaps I expected too much
Movie Park Germany - Hooray I\'m in the movies!


Quote from: "Grandmath"The plants are nowhere to be seen, it was scrapped, as was the last projection scene planned for the end of the ride after the break zone. That would have made a cool ending, which as of today is a bit underwhelming.

 Maybe they still have to add it this month? Or it doesn't work
yet. I can't imagine that they have cut such an important scene
from the ride! A good ending leaves a good impression for the visitors.



Thanks for the answers guys.

Its a shame that some elements of Crush's Coaster got scrapped. I wonder if the Imagineers are satisfied with it, or frustrated that it's not quite what it should have been? Particuarly without a final video scene at the end, the ride seems to lack a satisfying conclusion.

For those of you that have ridden it, is it a WOW attraction? Did it make you say "wow" or just "mmm, that was good"? Also, how does it compare to the other attractions in the Resort? Is it now the best ride at the Walt Disney Studios? Is it more enjoyable than Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast?


Quote from: "ChipChap"I can't help me, but after the lift I can't see anything in the video just dark and a few lights...Is this really all? Then I will be a bit disappointed. :(
Hmm...perhaps I expected too much

No the video doesn't render anything, juste like a video of Space Mountain... there are thousands of moving bubbles around you. But hey, don't expect much more.

Alan, I don't know if I can describe it as a Wow attraction. I guess my hopes were a bit higher, having seen the blueprints and that kind of stuff, with the early extra themeing and effects still planned (such as a whirlpool effect during the coaster). That said, I am rarely enthusiastic the first time I ride any new ride: I was disappointed with Tower of Terror, Expedition Everest, Test Track, Rock'n Roller Coaster, Jurassic Park River Adventure, Dinosaur, Incredible Hulk, Mission Space, Indiana Jones Adventure, Soarin etc. just to name a few. I guess I was expecting the impossible! Then, all these rides grew on me and became favorites. On the other hand I was always wowed by attractions that seemed low-key at first: Space Mountain in Florida, Spaceship Earth, California Screamin or Monsters INC for example.

So maybe a I need to ride this one again, and again. And in the front row would be a big plus I think! But I can honestly say it is a GREAT ride for the Studios, which lacked this kind of fun and exciting family ride. I know my partner didn't know much about it and loved it, as did the mother and little boy that were sitting in front of us. I'm sure it will be a winner.


It's often the case isn't it? You watch an attraction built from scratch, over the course of 2 years, then when it finally opens it's slightly dissapointing. It's not that it's not good, it's just that you were expecting more from it. You were expecting to be surprised, to be blown away, and you weren't.

I too was dissapointed when I frst rode the Jurassic Park River Adventure, Dinosaur and Mission Space. However, I was blown away by the Tower of Terror, Test Track, Rock'n'Roller Coaster and especially the Indiana Jones Adventure and Soarin'. It's hard to explain why. Something to do with the sheer scale and complexity of the attractions.

I guess if you don't expect much from Crush, don't expect more than just a coaster in the dark, and aren't expecting an E-ticket, it can be very surprising and satisfying. Like you said, the average person riding it, who doesn't expect a mega attraction, will love it. And at the end of the day, that's what's important, right?


I absolutly love the rides mentioned above, well the ones that i have been on.. Jurassic Park River Adventure, Dinosaur, Tower of Terror, Test Track, and Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. (I havn't been to the American parks since the newer rides opened)

I guess im just one of those people who don't expect too much from the rides though, but after watching the Crush's Coaster video it does seem a bit dissapointing and i was expecting more from it but im not going to judge it until i have been on it and experienced it for myself.  :D

I was looking at the layout of the track on the Magic Blog and it does look like quite a fun ride, i just hope the themeing is better in person than what it looks like on the video.

Heres a picture of the track from the Magic Blog if any one is interested: ... 1may04.jpg

1997 - Santa Fe
2006 - Cheyenne
2009 - New York


Exactly, when you know a ride by heart before riding it, it can be disappointing the first time. For Crush, I was expecting all the drops, stops and curves on the track, I knew everything that was coming. Even more, I envisioned the final effect in my head, so most of the time, the result was a mix between "unsurprising" and "disappointing".

Whereas the average guest that goes in without expecting anything, is coming out with a ride that's full of surprises, and much more thrilling that he thought it would be. Plus, he wasn't expecting any of the effects that were planned but then scrapped. That said, a longer dark ride portion would have greatly beneficiated. It is great but sadly we go from scene to scene too quickly. I would have gladly exchange 15 seconds of the coaster for a dark ride new scene.

But then again, I can't wait to ride it again and again, to fully enjoy Crush's Coaster, as much as I've enjoyed the aformentioned rides (ie: Expedition Everest is now one of my favorites, as are Soarin, Mission Space or Tower of Terror...).


Just like another person has said, the video seems incredibly bare. I do understand video cameras do not at all capture what the human eye see's in dark rides, but still, just buy the video, iwas a little dissapointed.

I thought the first scene with all the coral and the reef was absolutely beautiful and the small projection at the begining was a really cute touch. Also the little things which are hard to notice such as the large amoutn of jellyfish hanging from the ceiling in that area too. By the looks of the video, the anglar fish do not move, they don't make you jump and they don't really add much atall to the ride experience.

Sadly the guy who filmed this didn't get to film inside the first section of the ride before you go outside, because I could imagain that would be really themed and would be a great place to start the ride.

However, as much as the lift hill was themed really well with great music and voice overs, whatever happened to this 4 meter bruce? I did see his head poking out of the side of the submarine, but that was only his head, not his supposidly 4 meter planned body. Can anyone confirm this is what i've seen? Or do you see him later on etc?

As for the ride experience in the dark, I still think it could have been presented a lot better, yes the bubbles are a nifty touch, but nothing more, which is a shame. I was expecting you to fly over more corals and the reef in the dark ride section, with perhaps a few animatronics and projections of characters, even on the mid course breakruns. It's a bit of a shame to see that it is indeed just a black room you're on a coaster in.

One last thing, I hear people speaking about the finale, well the supposidly planned one, what did this actually consist of? It would be interested if they could incorperate something new, exciting and above all a memory to remeber as it's the end of the ride.

After all my ranting though, I do understand that themeing does come later in some cases. Never have I before watched a construction of a ride in disney, but more tussuads attractions, where even after testing days, extra little things are added. Lets just hope this is the situation with Disney.



In defense for Crush's Coaster... Try looking on YouTube for a video of Phantom Manor or Haunted Mansion. Unless it's filmed with nightshot, you'll only see some blurry figures and loud noises...

Wait until you've done the actual ride before judging it.

Let's use this topic from now on to share your experiences with the attraction based on a real-life ride-through, not on a poor video.

Tnx.  :)


I wasn't slating the attraction, i've litterally just explained what was supposidly planned for it and the outcome of it, and I did give them the benefit of the doubt and say some themeing could be added later.

I do understand it is almost impossible to see anything shot in the dark, and I did mention that in my point, I am incredibly excited to ride this thing and I just hope it brings what I expect to a Maurer Söhne coaster :D


Nath, my post wasn't just directed to you of course, I was just talking in general.  We've had topics like these before (OUADP anyone?) and it's just not good for the whole forum atmosphere to allow these.  You don't review a major blockbuster either by watching a bootleg divx video shot in a Russian Cinema.  

Enough said about the Crush's Coaster video.   :D