Worst ride to breakdown on?

Started by bigrossco, March 23, 2009, 01:37:30 PM

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Agent Lex

Usually when rides like Phantom Manor and Buzz "break down" it's because they're letting a disabled guest on or off. The ride vehicles are always moving, so they have to stop the entire chain of vehicles so the person has time to board.


I'd have to agree that the "worst" would be It's a Small World due to the annoyance factor--but the scariest to me would be in California Adventure:  California Screamin' and the Sun Wheel/Mickey's Fun Wheel.  

I was walking over to ride Screamin' one afternoon and they were doing a breakdown removal of passengers.  It was fascinating to watch, but essentially emergency breaks had locked folks in place at different stages of the ride.  The worst was one that was locked at the very top of the biggest lift.  Castmembers had to walk up the side of the lift, unlock seats one by one, escort people out, and then the guests had to walk down thin stairwells built into the ride.  It looked pretty damn scary for someone like me who doesn't like heights.  I think for that genuine feeling of fear, the worst at Disneyland Resort Paris would be Tower of Terror.

Brer Dan


It has to be TOT! Although I have to agree with CPP and getting off the Phantom Manor in the dark would be a challenge.


When's your Frontierland site starting, and how do I get to it? We love love love FL!!! :D
May 1995 Santa Fe & Davy Crockett Ranch
May 1997 Santa Fe
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Mar 2013 Cheyenne


Quote from: "luke85"I would have never thought that about Peter Pan's Flight, it would take AGES to get everyone out! I think any attraction which kept you there for a long time would be bad.

I'd be interested to see what would happen on a Big Thunder Mountain breakdown, just to see how the CM's would get you off the island!

We broke down on Thunder Mountain, it was my youngest daughters first time on a roller coaster  :roll:  :roll:  She was 8, we stopped just before they take your picture.

They were rubbish at letting us know how long we were going to have to wait, it was around 6.30pm just after New Year so was dark. Eventually they got us out of the carriage, and we had to walk back, which took us through parts of the ride, and througha  service door, and we were totally under the mountian. It was ace, a totally different aspect of the ride... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:


Pirates of the Caribbean would be the worst. Would you have to wade through the water or do they have a rowing boat that comes around to collect everyone?

We once got stuck on Phantom Manor. It was awful. AWFUL. I needed the toilet but my mum convinced me to go on Phantom Manor because there was no queue and the ride was short. But of course that was the day we got stuck for 30mins  :?

The Cast Member was going to make us walk through the creepy graveyard with that dog that creeps me out, but he changed his mind and brought us down the fire exit instead.
It kind of spoilt the scariness of it for me, because I got to see 'backstage' and its just a normal building with concrete steps leading down to an exit :)


I had to get evacuated in Space Mountain almost at the end and PotC on that 1st lift. Was funny to see the cast members reacting, some cool some less cool  :lol: They've worn that kind of fishing trousers... During both evacuation we could see a lot of the backstage area :) I videotaped it if anyone is interested... Was fun! :lol:


Quote from: "esmeralda"I videotaped it if anyone is interested...


Quote from: "Javey74"What about TOT, being stuck just a fraction down the liftshaft from the top doors.  I'd be thinking well I could unclip my seatbelt and look for some side wall ladders, climbing to the nearest side exit emergency door, or sit and wait until the lift carriage can be winched manually.  But just think, it you picked the first option, and the carriage broke free and started decending again....Well the reality of that doesn't bear thinking about, other than to remember what happened to the original people in the service elevator, and you wouldn't be far short of the end result..  :shock:  :shock:  :o

 :shock:  ok, i'm now officially NEVER going on ToT again  :shock:   :cry:   :lol:
Jan 2007 - Santa Fe - 5 days, 4 nights

Jan 2008 - Cheyenne - 8 days, 7 nights

Jan 2009 - Cheyenne - 11 days, 10 nights

September 2009 - Santa Fe - 3 days, 2 nights

Next trip - Cheyenne - 6th December - 5 days, 4 nights


I've never been evacuated, but if I'm going to be evacuated it should be Space Mountain. It would be very interesting to see what it looks like backstage.


I'd be interested to know how rollercoaster security works, especially if it has loops.
Surely, you cannot get stuck atop a loop, hanging heads down.

I'd think they have security checkpoints and can stop there, so... I'd like to see Space Mountain lit, too. Then again... don't spoil it for me.
(The fantastic book "A Behind The Dreams Look At Making The Magic Real" has some model photos of SM.)
Life is different.

Mrs. Jennes

i also got stuck in phantom manor at madame leona's table! it wasn't that bad, cause nobody got evacuated and everyone thought it's just because of listening to the story leona is telling  :D
I often saw BTM stuck, always on the same place, in the highest curve you see from the entrance of Frontierland.

A dream comes true the 10th Time in March \'10


Quote from: "luke85"I'd be interested to see what would happen on a Big Thunder Mountain breakdown, just to see how the CM's would get you off the island!

LOL it broke down on taht island when we was on it, we were sittin there for almost an hour, it was quite late already and, well, sitting on top of a mountain in ur tshirt and shorts in the middle of a "nice" breeze....aint all that hehee
At least we got anytime fastpass tickets :) ...thinking about it, shouldve kept em for souvenirs..but what can u do, btm is just SO darn good hehe :)

All our wishes


My son and his friend was "rescued" from the top of BTM. Last time we were on DLPR we were rescued from Buzz. Buzz must be the attraction that is broke most times of all the attractions. Every time I've been at DLPR it is broke at least two times a day.

Walts heir

The worst one is definetly the tower of terror beacause if anything happens people will panick also it will take a while till a cm comes
the 2nd one is Indiana jones during the loop with your head upside down butifthere is. Problem on any ride they make sure every car is close to an emergency exit before they stop the ride

Walts heir

When you say buzz freezes a lot i actually heard they stop it to let a disabled person ride
I love when it happens helps me get a bit more points