Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "Anthony"I actually thought Music Express was the most plain, "fairgroundy" of all three proposed attractions, so this is good news to me. It's not as easy to integrate into an environment as the others.

I thought the music express had the smallest chance of looking ugly. The other two rides are just towers of steel looming above the park, and unless they completely enclose them and do some sort of amazing exterior (yeah, right...) I can't imagine any them looking like quality Disney attractions at all. The Toy Story theme just makes it worse because the film just doesn't offer much for detailed theming. Don't get me wrong, I love the Toy Story films, but in my opinion it just doesn't work in a theme park.

Quote from: "Anthony"RNRCj, I still think the parachute tower in particular will be brilliant fun, brilliantly themed and brilliant to watch as a kind of Green Army Men training camp. The DCA image above looks very mechanical for the reason that it's part of a Victorian fairground. Looks good to me.

How does it look good? It's basically the ride as it comes with a flag on top. I've never understood Paradise Pier. I mean, why theme an area of a theme park to an amusement park? It doesn't make sense.

Change of subject; I was just looking at halfpipe coasters on //, and the smallest model that currently exists is this:

(Yes, that IS a halfpipe on top of a building :lol:)

This is still too big for a family ride if you ask me. Hopefully the one at WDS will be half the size and won't look like a steel monster. I also don't want to see any of those ugly supports. :sick:


I still don't know how they can build these without ruining the sight lines from Frontierland,I am sure we will be looking across to Phantom Manor with the tops of these rides showing !! We will have to see ! I don't mind that they are Pixar rides (sorry Davewasbaloo !) but would prefer that they were based on older Disney movies,but guess a lot of younger guests wouldn't relate to them aswell ,as they have grown up only knowing Pixar !


Quote from: "Timbo"I don't mind that they are Pixar rides (sorry Davewasbaloo !) but would prefer that they were based on older Disney movies,but guess a lot of younger guests wouldn't relate to them aswell ,as they have grown up only knowing Pixar !

I like Pixar, in fact I think they are a quality operation. I am just tired to Disney relying on characters for their attractions. I remember when Fantasyland was the only place for characters and I prefer it that way.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "RnRCj"
(Yes, that IS a halfpipe on top of a building :lol:)

This is still too big for a family ride if you ask me. Hopefully the one at WDS will be half the size and won't look like a steel monster. I also don't want to see any of those ugly supports. :sick:

I totally agree with you!! I can't think - even of Imagineers - anyone could be able to theme such an ugly thing so well that the steel won't rule the scenery  :roll:

Like I've already said, I really enjoyed a similar ride at Movie Park Germany in October, and it really doesn't look toooo bad: ... rfer07.jpg

But it needs very much space I think...
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


I still believe WDI will pull this one off and silence the doubters.  The halfpipe will be based on RC yes?  Well then if i was an Imagineer i'd have the track as like a hot wheels track (you know it the orange track and maybe hide the gaps in the track if possible so it looks more like a hot wheels track) and as for the supports why not cover them up with boxes, toys etc ;)

As well i'm near certain the halfpipe will not be large at all, probably will turn out to be the small halfpipe in the world and darn i say it i am really looking forward to seeing this (and the other three) in WDS :shock:  :mrgreen:
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Quote from: "-breeno-"I still believe WDI will pull this one off and silence the doubters.  The halfpipe will be based on RC yes?  Well then if i was an Imagineer i'd have the track as like a hot wheels track (you know it the orange track and maybe hide the gaps in the track if possible so it looks more like a hot wheels track) and as for the supports why not cover them up with boxes, toys etc ;)

That's exactly what I'm worried about - bright orange track ruining the WDS skyline. Then of course there's the bright green paratower just to make it even more ghastly. If these rides were smaller and were less vibrant, then I'm sure I would be a little more optimistic about this project. Unfortunately though this just sounds like some quick cheap rides to fill in a empty space, and what's more they are huge rides too.

Some people have been comparing the rides to Fantasyland:

Who here honestly thinks that these rides will look as beautiful and be surrounded by such rich landscaping as this? From what we've heard, this is just going to be 3 rides on a flat piece of land with a few random toys dotted around. No classy Disney attractions.

Huge rides like this only work with top quality theming. Look at every other huge Disney ride:

Space Mountain - e-ticket with quality theming
Big Thunder Mountain - e-ticket with quality theming
Pirates Of The Caribbean - e-ticket with quality theming
Tower Of Terror - e-ticket with quality theming

A few from around the globe:

Journey To The Centre Of The Earth - e-ticket with quality theming
Expedition Everest - e-ticket with quality theming

Now let's look at some huge Disney rides that don't have such quality theming:

Jumping Jellyfish - looks awful
Maliboomer - looks awful
Primeval Whirl - looks awful

Have I proved my point yet? Huge rides like this just do not work unless they have excellent e-ticket style theming.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm ranting. :lol:


Quote from: "RnRCj"Have I proved my point yet? Huge rides like this just do not work unless they have excellent e-ticket style theming.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm ranting. :lol:

Not ranting, I whole heartedly agree. I hope you and I are proven wrong, but having seen Flik's Fun Fair in person as well as excessively studying pictures of Mermaid Lagoon, I am not hopeful at all. And what does a bunch of giant toys have to do with a studio anyway?
since 2001 (many before that)


People wonder why I get grumpy about this stuff, but some of the responses show that you can put a Disney overlay on any faeces, and people will still buy it. Faeces coated in gold is still faeces at it's core.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "RnRCj"I can't imagine any them looking like quality Disney attractions at all. The Toy Story theme just makes it worse because the film just doesn't offer much for detailed theming. Don't get me wrong, I love the Toy Story films, but in my opinion it just doesn't work in a theme park.

I think you are right. Toy Story is one of the weakest Pixar films when it comes to creating immersive environments in the themeparks. For example A Bugs Life, Monsters Inc, Cars, Finding Nemo and Wall-E are set against a background thats a world on its own and recognisable aswell. I would rather see them building Flik's Flyers surrounded by greenery or Jumping Jellyfish with a Little Mermaid theme like in Tokyo then three rather unthemed (?) Toy Story rides. Wrong theme, wrong rides. Ofcourse we can't judge on how they will theme it, we have to wait on the concept arts for that. I hope I will be proven wrong, I truly do, but just as many other doubters I think its rather difficult to theme these kind of flatrides the Disney way. Its not about decorating here, its about theming.

On the other hand, I hope the Imagineers have a masterplan for the Studios, and do not just add some random rides. Let's remember this is a Studios park, so I hope they will keep that in mind aswell, and not just throw in as many rides a possible and theme it to a certain film or filmset. Just look at Disney's Hollywood Studios and notice they don't even have one single flatride like in our Toon Studio. A streetset, a filmmuseum or other additions which take the film/studio theme seriously can be fairly cheap aswell and do add capacity to the park. The only problem is that these kind of additions are more difficult to promote then something like Toy Storyland.

And for those who say the doubters are too negative; maybe we are, but we are just being realistic in the first place. Just look at Disney's trackrecord when it comes to these kind of flatrides: Paradise Pier and Dinoland USA. A Bugs Land seems quite immersive to me (I can only judge from pics), but at least the environment creates a true backdrop for these flatrides (Flik's Flyers etc.) in my humble opinion.


Remember that the paris parks have been done great in revenue in the last years, especially in 2008, so they have enough money to turn this idea into something great. Will the toystory playland be a land by it's own, or will it be attached to toon studio? Although I'm not sure what to expect from this project, I think it will work out well


I am reserving final judgement till I see some concept art. I am a bit skepical that these rides will work but I'm kind of picturing this area like a larger version of the honey I shrunk the kids playground in Disney's Hollywood Studios. What am I talking about? well that play area sits behind a well themed street set and is very well themed. I can see this Toystory Playland eventually sitting behind a well themed extension to the Boulevard and becoming it's own enclosed little area.

We must not forget that this is about adding important ride capacity on a very small budget, if we have to put up with some well themed fairground rides until we get a stunning Ratatouille E-Ticket I'm happy.

Like someone else said earlier this must be part of the master plan, I don't think these rides have been picked and dumped into the park, they are part of a strategy.

For those who think that the Toy Story theme doesn't really work in a Theme Park, I have to disagree, while it may not be as immersive as other themes if done well it could be really good. If on the other hand we have 3 lightly themed rides and very little in the way of other area themeing we may have a problem.

I think all this Pixarfication means it's only a matter of time before Toon Studio becomes Pixar Place, I would think this will happen by the time Ratatouille opens.

Finally, is it confirmed that it will be a half pipe coaster? I thought it was going to be a disko? I would be surprised if they built a half pipe coaster. Themeing a disko to a scaletric set would work perfectly.


What if they do the halfpipe inside? as a suggestion
All the Best,



Quote from: "Haz"What if they do the halfpipe inside? as a suggestion

you mean inside a building? wouldn't it have to be a very large building?


Quote from: "RnRCj"That's exactly what I'm worried about - bright orange track ruining the WDS skyline. Then of course there's the bright green paratower just to make it even more ghastly.

I know what you're saying but think back when you were younger, you didn't care if the colour of your toys matched with it's surroundings, you didn't care if things look out of place, you just wanted to play with your toys, right?  This is what Toy Story Land will be like, it's suppose to have bright, non matching colours and all over the place, like ever kid's bedroom.  

QuoteWho here honestly thinks that these rides will look as beautiful and be surrounded by such rich landscaping as this? From what we've heard, this is just going to be 3 rides on a flat piece of land with a few random toys dotted around. No classy Disney attractions.

Like i said the idea of "3 rides on a flat piece of land with a few random toys dotted around" is good because it's suppose to be like a kid's bedroom, which is what a kids room it like, there isn't any nice plants or water falls or fountains in a kid's bedroom.  I don't know about you but when i was a kid all what was on the floor was my toys and as you said other random toys dotted about the place ;)

QuoteHuge rides like this only work with top quality theming. Look at every other huge Disney ride:

Space Mountain - e-ticket with quality theming
Big Thunder Mountain - e-ticket with quality theming
Pirates Of The Caribbean - e-ticket with quality theming
Tower Of Terror - e-ticket with quality theming

A few from around the globe:

Journey To The Centre Of The Earth - e-ticket with quality theming
Expedition Everest - e-ticket with quality theming

Now let's look at some huge Disney rides that don't have such quality theming:

Jumping Jellyfish - looks awful
Maliboomer - looks awful
Primeval Whirl - looks awful

Yes but first of all these aren't suppose to be hugh e-tickets ;)  Also if you look at your list you haven't listed one DLRP attraction as "looking awful", and only three in ever Disney attraction as "looking awful", so if WDI have managed to only design 3 bad looking "hugh" attractions i'd be very confident TSPL will look good ;)

Also i'm not having a go at RnRCj :P  Just want to get my view through :)
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Sorry...but has anyone seen a imagineering masterplan/concept art or are we talking about some bubbles?

If we see a concept art and it looks horrible we can judge that hard but with nothing then our own imagination it seems a bit hard. Calm down a bit boys and girls!

The discussion could be:

Is toy story the right theming
Is a characters theming the right thing
Do WDS needs such a small rides addition
Is it the right place
....but this "They do absolute the wrong thing" without seeing any concept art, masterplans or else isn´t very target-oriented. Sure they must create a proper surroundings. A high theme standard. A nice landscape. But nobody said that they won´t do that. It seems to be unbelievable that they do it? well, it seems to be unbelievable to build a park like Disneyland once :wink:
So let´s judge after we know what they will do and not before we know nothing more then a name and [strike:lx3ifp8t]three[/strike:lx3ifp8t] two attractions. This "I don´t know what they exactly do but they do the wrong thing" makes me a bit sad. :(
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