Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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QuoteRnRCj, do you class the Zamperla's Destruction Derby ride as a Six Flags ride too?

Well it can be, but the Destruction Derby is a ride that can easily fit into a themed park too. The halfpipe and paratower, however, were designed for amusement parks and they are hard to theme because of their size. I will be VERY surprised if WDI can pull of excellent Disney-quality theming for these two rides.

Quote from: "Kristof"Let's wait until more news and concept art leaks out. The people I know who're involved with the project are really excited and eager to transformer the old WDS into a true Disney themepark.

It will be a bit of a relief when concept art is released! I've got loads of horrific images going through my head. :lol:

Quote from: "Kristof"And I have to admit, Toy Story Playland may not be WDI's most impressive idea to roll out Burbank, for that we have to wait 4 more years for Ratatouille that'll open nearby TSPL...

I must admit, I am looking forward to Ratatouille! The only problem is that it's themed to a Pixar movie, but the actual attraction seems like it could make up for that.

Quote from: "Anthony"So by this judgement, we should close down half of Fantasyland? Come on, this is exactly what Walt Disney Studios needs - some good plain fun attractions and some good, colourful areas to walk around and enjoy.

There is a difference. The attractions in Fantasyland are placed within an area full of details, full of stories, and full of wonderful architecture and landscaping. The Fantasyland rides are easy to theme as well. To me it just sounds like TSPL is rides surrounded by trees, along with the props.

Quote from: "Anthony"I'd say this sounds more imaginative than Rock 'n' Roller Coaster any day... (Oh no he di - n't...) :P

*The crowd goes ooooo*  I knew someone would throw that back at me. :lol:

But I have to disagree sir! Whilst I do think the exterior of RnRC is repulsive, I think the inside is a fine piece of Disney Imagineering and when all the effects are working it is a quality Disney experience.

Oh, and for that:

*Post edited*  :P [/Anthony]




for me it´s a normal thing for a Disney park. Similar rides are in every Disney park and you wan´t miss them. The problem is that it wasn´t there from begining. Imagine Fantasyland without Dumbo, Mad hatters and Lanzelots and then the rumour that they would build some rides based on a normal flying-thing-in-the-air-carrousel, a tea-cup-styled ride and a little merry-go-round. What would we say! Where´s the next E-ticket? A tea cup ride???? no thank you! What´s happend to WDI......
But this kind of rides weren´t there at WDS at opening day. And that´s the point. Now they simply built them to get this mistake out of the park.
WDS needs such rides so we are back to point one: the theming.

As I said before I´m a big Toy Story Fan but I don´t like the idea of theming everything like Toy Story. But it seems they made this decission without asking me. So all I can do now is sit and wait. With a cup of tea. And a cookie.

Waiting for concepts arts. To make a first judgment. And with hopes that we don´t get that pussn-vision 3D:

Quote from: "pussinboots"All I can say is... I just hope they put some serious thought into the project's placement, and the way it will affect its surroundings, and not slap something random in an already random park. I can already imagine Hollywood Boulevard and Buzz Lightyear's Super Duper Halfpipe Adventure sitting back-to-back.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...




Nice to see some progress in the pictures, but what caught my attention was in the text with the update. It says that the RC ride will be a Disk-O, and not a halfpipe. Please tell me this is true!


Now we know it's an RC theme, I actually can't see a Disk'O fitting that as easily as a Halfpipe, which would probably be themed as a hotwheels track or something? I agree it's going to be a challenge to theme and place it properly, but that only makes me more excited to find out more about this and see it progress.

Quote from: "RnRCj"To me it just sounds like TSPL is rides surrounded by trees, along with the props.
Well, yes. In Disney terms it's probably a cheap, easy fix. It'll add a lot of capacity and a very marketable themed area for relatively little money. That'll be about the thinking behind it.


Disney should never do cheap and easy, NEVER.  I do not travel abroad for cheap and easy, and it is annoying how many fans give this behaviour a pass. It makes me sick quite frankly.
since 2001 (many before that)


You make "cheap and easy" sound like they're building some sleazy fairground! I did say "in Disney terms". We don't even know the budget yet, we haven't seen the concept art, we don't know how these attractions will be placed in the park... that's why I'm personally willing to "let it pass".  Because we don't know enough about it.

I think it'd be foolish for Euro Disney SCA to launch straight into another big E-ticket or something here. The park needs this padding to let it breathe, tick a few boxes that they stupidly missed in 2002.

But hey who knows, if the concept art is awful, there's still time for us to call a boycott and stop the diggers yet.


This picture has me worried:

I can easily see us ending up with something as bad as this. :sick:

QuoteDisney should never do cheap and easy, NEVER. I do not travel abroad for cheap and easy, and it is annoying how many fans give this behaviour a pass. It makes me sick quite frankly.

I agree sort of, but for me it depends whether something LOOKS cheap and easy. If Disney bought a cheap ride but made it look stunning, I wouldn't mind. The problem with TSPL is that it sounds like it will look cheap and easy too. :?


Indeed, having been to Paradise Pier and Flicks Fun Fair at DCA, as well as the Dinorama at DAK, I am very nervous of these sorts of things. Yes, Cars is excellent. Jumping Jellyfish is not.

I am not asking for huge e-tickets. But not the halfpipe or parachutes - yuk.
since 2001 (many before that)


I bow down to the opinions that the parachute drop is different enough from TOT to warrent its close proximity.

I am totaly excited about the potential of new attractions being added to the resort, and in the grand scheme of things, there are attractions in the main park and all Disney theme parks that dont grab my attention as much as others as they are not aimed at me. What they do however is create a wider spectrum of attractions, and help turn the park into a real full day experience. Location wise, it also begins to add depth to the park, instaed of one long concrete road with attractions either side.

All that said, like a lot of people on here, I am dubious. The recent additions to the park have been so richly themed, TOT and Hollywood Blv just take teh park to another level. I think their "heightened reality" approach is what is so magical.

If these attarctions are themed well, not jsut the attraction itself, but the area, just like the effort placed in the Cars attarction, then it has to be a great move for the Park.

The danger is, and I feel why so many people are a liitle concerned, is that it is three existing standard rides that Disney are placing and adding together at once. When they have taken existing rides in the past and "Disneyfied" them is has been slightly more subtle, in that the ride has been housed and disguised so well.

Three, in a small area, with two of them having height, meaning there is every chance they will change the sight lines, and the heightened reality of the Hollywood Blv area is my concern.

All that said, its simply down to the theming. If that is done well, and not like previous Pixar lands like "Bugs Land", more inline with our Cars attraction, then you know, surely it has to be good?!


From WDSfans:

QuoteNo Music Express for Toy Story Playland

Early concepts pointed out that a Music Express attraction would be part of Toy Story Playland, but it has come to our attention that this will not be the case.

Slinky however, will be the theme of the third attraction besides the Parachute Drop Tower and the Half Pipe coaster, but what kind of ride it will be is not known yet.

Great. The only ride which had some potential to look good. :roll:

Any reason why they decided to scrap it? Surely there are FAR more reasons to scrap the other two rides.

Captain Pan

Quote from: "RnRCj"From WDSfans:

QuoteNo Music Express for Toy Story Playland

Early concepts pointed out that a Music Express attraction would be part of Toy Story Playland, but it has come to our attention that this will not be the case.

Slinky however, will be the theme of the third attraction besides the Parachute Drop Tower and the Half Pipe coaster, but what kind of ride it will be is not known yet.

Great. The only ride which had some potential to look good. :roll:

Any reason why they decided to scrap it? Surely there are FAR more reasons to scrap the other two rides.

Ok So We Hit another hurdle on the way to getting something which in my opinion should provide at least something respectable to the Park... But nothing ever goes smoothly in the world, not even at or for Disney... Look back at the History of The Company Altogether all you doubters...
      The Little Mermaid was shelved and scrapped continually in its production, like wise Beauty and Jungle Book and Beauty and The Beast... And in the end Beauty and the Beast made something impossible happen, the only ever Animated Movie to be nominated for the best Feature at The Oscars.

OK So in some opinions we've lost what some hypothesize as the Best Attraction in this new frontier, but we are again yet to see concrete concept, somewhere in WDI there are a team of Imagineers working thier socks off to try and give something to the Park, something that will give WDS that will compete with the small attractions in Disneyland.

When The Man Upstairs Closes a Door, He Opens a Window... Every Cloud had a Silver Lining... and from that quote RnRCj I have a Slinky dog to look forward to gazing and Gaping on...

Some of us around here Like Pixar, and with the exception of Frountierland and Discoveryland in Disneyland where would you put the New Classics being brought out by acomplished award winning artists if its not the Studios?


I actually thought Music Express was the most plain, "fairgroundy" of all three proposed attractions, so this is good news to me. It's not as easy to integrate into an environment as the others. RNRCj, I still think the parachute tower in particular will be brilliant fun, brilliantly themed and brilliant to watch as a kind of Green Army Men training camp. The DCA image above looks very mechanical for the reason that it's part of a Victorian fairground. Looks good to me.

Now, what can they theme to Slinky that's not a music express? Unless it actually will be something like Scuttles Scooters (TDS) and WDI just don't happen to class that specifically as a Music Express?


Quote from: "Anthony"Now, what can they theme to Slinky that's not a music express? Unless it actually will be something like Scuttles Scooters (TDS) and WDI just don't happen to class that specifically as a Music Express?

Well if where staying on the Bugsland Area and are thinking of a kids ride then, a slinky version of Heimlich's Chew Chew Train ?



hey folks,

hmm i don´t know what to say, i just wait til they tell us and show us
the first conceptarts of whats in store...
hopefully they will oben they´re mouth on the shareholders meeting in february,
and don´t begin to dissapoint us again  :roll: