Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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You can't say you like the idea of a 35m halfpipe though... can you? :wink:

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "RnRCj"You can't say you like the idea of a 35m halfpipe though... can you? :wink:

Errrrrrrrr... next question! :roll:  :lol:

Ok, so my initial reaction to the height was probably the same as yours, however, I'm willing to give it, and Imagineering, a chance to prove themselves. You never know, it could look really good together with everything else... :wink:

The thing that I'm looking forward to the most is the look and the feel of the land, and from the description it sounds like a fantastically fun place just to look around and explore. Something like that it what the WDS is missing, the new area of the Toon Studio wasn't to bad at this (with the themeing all around rather than a plain concrete path, the Agrabah Oasis plant area, the shells flying out of Crush, etc), and neither is the new Hollywood Boulevard and Tower of Terror areas, but apart from these (and maybe the entrance area), the Studios doesn't have this, and I'm looking forward to seeing it there :wink:


I 100% agree with Bultin, this news has only made me look forward to this more than less (and i know RnRCj will hate me for saying that :mrgreen: ).  It is something WDS needs and as i've been saying since the start, it's filling one of the "gaps", isn't it better than nothing? ;)

As for the 35m halfpipe... well i need to know how tall that is? :P  I can never estimate measurements right, what would it be the same hight as in DLRP?  I know it's bigger than Studio 1 (as it says the Army Men attraction is that height, and something i'm really looking forward to seeing) but how bigger?  Height doesn't really bother me though, like it won't be an eyesore IMO, well it won't hurt my eyes :P
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "-breeno-"As for the 35m halfpipe... well i need to know how tall that is? :P  I can never estimate measurements right, what would it be the same hight as in DLRP?  I know it's bigger than Studio 1 (as it says the Army Men attraction is that height, and something i'm really looking forward to seeing) but how bigger?  Height doesn't really bother me though, like it won't be an eyesore IMO, well it won't hurt my eyes :P

It'll be very tall. To put into perspective; Studio 1 is 20m, and TOT is 55m, so it'll only 20m short of that. I think the two main problems that people are worrying about are:
1. the difficulties with themeing it.
2. seeing it from a distance (it'll tower over most things in the Studios, except TOT and perhaps the Earffel Tower) and from Frontierland and the Disneyland park as well (e.g. you can clearly see TOT from the Fantasy land Archway near Bella Notre, so  you'll probably see this).

I suppose this is, in a way, the ultimate Disney Marmite, you'll either love it or you'll hate it :wink:  :P


35 metres is a decent height, Tower of Terror is around 60 metres.
It wont look huge though as it will only be a bit of track up in the air.
I guess it will be the Intamin version. (Vekoma's is a standard size and has a lower capacity). I also guess that Disney will want the 1080 p/h version with 3 gondalas on the board.

The descriptions have made me pretty excited, it looks like its going to be themed nicely and also have some nice touches from the movies which some people won't pick up on.

Sounds good to me!

Captain Pan

Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"
Quote from: "RnRCj"I'd be shocked if some of you guys reply thinking this is all good news.


You're gonna hate me for this, but I still have hope for this project. I think that Imagineering can pull this off, and it does sound like a good step forward for the Studios. To me, it sounds like a place that you'd have great fun walking through, where you'd feel like an excited child again, just what the Studios needs. Therefore I'm still looking forward to seeing how this'll turn out :P

But you still have to keep in mind, that even this description is still a rumour, anyone could have written it! And even if it is based on concept art, these thing can change hugely in a small space of time, you only have to look over the concept art for the Toon Studio to see that :wink:

Quote from: "RnRCj"The Paratower, again is a big mistake. It's just too big and sounds awfully toony.

I hate to say it RnRCj, but they don't call it the Toon Studio for nothing :wink:

TBB... Perfectly put there lad... Perfectly Put...

If these rumours have any truth... I would be quite happy to see all of these rides in the Studios... and in Toon Studio... I'm Loving the fact they've filled the land with more than just the rides... Rex is Still in my opinion under used and So is Hamm... Ratzenberger (along with Lasseter) is Pixar... Nice to see the ball too!

Height... well except for my small fear of... I'm daring to give it a whirl.. Although I will admit RC is giving my stomach cause for concern...

But we shall have to wait and see...

Maybe there needs to be more thought towards the "Pre School Toys" As Potato Head would say...

But As Buzz would say...
"To Infinity and Beyond"


I'm not sure what to think of this, I've never been excited about this development. I can't see it fitting with the park well, hopefully I'll be proved wrong. It would be quite nice to see references to Toy Story 3 considering that it is released next year too.
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


I got confirmation yesterday evening that the description is true. To give you an idea... The Paratower is taking over the entire grass behind AODA, RC Racer will go between the trees of the forest and Slinky somewhere in the middle.  There will be props and references everywhere which make the area sound a lot more appealing to me now!  I know what I'll be enjoying in 2010 and it won't be another Entertainment misfire taking over Main Street and Le Chateau.


Doesn't sound that bad to me at all :)
So we are going to have constructionphoto's real soon I guess.
Considering these attractions are fairly 'plain'  (meaning they do not involve that much actual building construction) this could be all done rather fast.

Let's wait and see in the months to come :)
What's next? :D
No touchy!


Quote from: "Kristof"I know what I'll be enjoying in 2010 and it won't be another Entertainment misfire taking over Main Street and Le Chateau.
You mean there'll be NO giant visible bolts holding this into the ground? :roll:

Indeed, all these props and references sound brilliant. The monkeys over the walkway, giant walkie-talkies for the Army Men, Rex and the RC photolocation... it sounds like everything we just asked for. An expanded version of the area outside DHS' Toy Story Mania but (hopefully) set amongst a lot of planting. Nice!

Although I still can't quite work out how they're turning Scuttles Scooters into Slinky, and making it look good, since the cars are separate. Unless it'll be very different. ... /index.htm

I just can't picture that one.


Wasn't this type of ride scrapped in favour of another (but still with the Slinky theme)?


Just caught up on this thread and even though i despise Toy Story this place is going to make one little girl very happy.

I'm looking forward to seeing this whole new area come to life though.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!

Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "Kristof"I got confirmation yesterday evening that the description is true. To give you an idea... The Paratower is taking over the entire grass behind AODA, RC Racer will go between the trees of the forest and Slinky somewhere in the middle.  There will be props and references everywhere which make the area sound a lot more appealing to me now!  I know what I'll be enjoying in 2010 and it won't be another Entertainment misfire taking over Main Street and Le Chateau.
I was going to ask about the validity of the original description. Anyone could just write up an idea and make it seem like fact - however now a second person has "confirmation" I'm inclined to believe its true.
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Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!


The description sounds quite accurate. The only thing still missing from all rumours, etc about this is word of if the new area will include anything like toilets, shops or eating places. That might make me seem like the most dull fan on earth, but knowing some of the guests who visit DLRP, the fact Toy Story Playland will be popular with kids and the nearest toilets are right over by Studio Tram Tour... well, let's just say it's good the land will be surrounded by lots of plants...

I'm guessing they really are waiting till Ratatouille to bring that kind of desperately needed "infrastructure" to this half of the park. It's just ridiculous that Toon Studio probably still won't have any proper shops, any restaurants or any toilets after this.

In better news, read this from upcoming pixar:
QuoteToy Story's re-release and sequel campaign plans have just been released by Toy News.

Promotions will be "extensive" for the first two Toy Story films and "huge" for the highly anticipated Toy Story 3. Merchandise will range from brand new action figures to DVD/Blu-ray's which will be released in Spring of '10 (Toy Story), Summer of '10 (Toy Story 2) and Fall of '10 (Toy Story 3). TS3's campaign will be the most extensive and will feature PR, TV, press and outdoor advertisements and high profile promos.

Don't Forget: Toy Story in 3D will be released October 2nd, 2009; Toy Story 2 in 3D will be released February 12th, 2010 and Toy Story 3 will be released June 18th, 2010.
It's indirect advertising, but re-releasing the first two films in 3D and then Blu-Ray, and then the release of the third film -- Toy Story Playland could well bring WDS an even bigger boom than Toon/Tower did.


Quote from: "Anthony"I'm guessing they really are waiting till Ratatouille to bring that kind of desperately needed "infrastructure" to this half of the park. It's just ridiculous that Toon Studio probably still won't have any proper shops, any restaurants or any toilets after this.

Oh I´m absolutly on your site here. It´s a bit weired that you have to take a longer walk just to find a toilet. And with no shops and "proper" food location their´s really a big miss. Wasn´t the rule for a Disney park: Put a shop at the end of the attraction  :mrgreen:
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