Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "davewasbaloo""You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." Walt Disney

Disney is dead


Quote from: "DopeyDad"quite so, I particularly like

We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together.
Walt Disney

Walt ment that there was nothing fun in typical themeparks aimed at kidds only. The type of parks with simple and bare rides was what  Walt did not want in his Disneyland. He wanted something that was fun for children yet interesting for the adults... like the haunted mansion, pirates and train rides in landscapes that impress everyone riding.
TSPL is NOT even Dumbo or Orbitron. TSPL is plain ugly in ALL ways.


You've got no imagination. You just keep bring up the old rides. Haunted Mansion, pirates, train, Dumbo, Orbitron. Can we have something new please. As I've said I'll leave the imagineers to the imagineering. And the critics to do what they do best, just criticize.
Ed & David


Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"
Quote from: "DopeyDad"quite so, I particularly like

We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together.
Walt Disney

Walt ment that there was nothing fun in typical themeparks aimed at kidds only. The type of parks with simple and bare rides was what  Walt did not want in his Disneyland. He wanted something that was fun for children yet interesting for the adults... like the haunted mansion, pirates and train rides in landscapes that impress everyone riding.
TSPL is NOT even Dumbo or Orbitron. TSPL is plain ugly in ALL ways.

What? I'm struggling to stay polite here but which bit of TSPL do you not see as an improvement to WDS in terms of helping parents and children have fun together. You have to stop this pick and mix, random criticism, changing tack every time someone challenges your narrow view. You hate WDS, we get it!


Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"He wanted something that was fun for children yet interesting for the adults... like the haunted mansion, pirates and train rides in landscapes that impress everyone riding.
Oh yeah... at the DLR they've only attractions the whole family can enjoy... :roll:
I've a question for you: could you say something positive about a new attraction at DLP (not cynic and not Captain EO, because that's an old DLR attraction)? I'm just curious...
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

[size=120] - twitter - youtube[/size]


TSPL will have three rides that will be new to DLP. Three rides that are popular in other theme parks, including Disney Parks. Now what's wrong with that. TSPL is a miniland, within Toon Studios in WDS Park. Disney aren't building a new theme park all about toys. TheToy Story films are popular enough, (and without the help of Walt Disney so no quotes from him needed) to have a miniland dedicated to the them.
Ed & David


Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"
Quote from: "DopeyDad"quite so, I particularly like

We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together.
Walt Disney

Walt ment that there was nothing fun in typical themeparks aimed at kidds only. The type of parks with simple and bare rides was what  Walt did not want in his Disneyland. He wanted something that was fun for children yet interesting for the adults... like the haunted mansion, pirates and train rides in landscapes that impress everyone riding.
TSPL is NOT even Dumbo or Orbitron. TSPL is plain ugly in ALL ways.

***Please... Please don't speak the words of Walt Disney, this is getting way out of line... The comments made are unnecessary, disrespectful & frustrating.

What I said previously remains true (see below). ***And to be realistic, the decision making is in the hand of the company, there is no ownership here. How has the love become such hatred.

**It is about time all these negative and unreasonable comments come to an end. From my understanding everyone on this forum is most likely a Disney Fan. It is Disney, the company we admire who has decided to create this area. We should be satisfied that something Is being built rather than nothing considering the current climate and recent investment. Some are thinking far deeper than necessary into what is simply, an early expansion to a fairly young Walt Disney Studios Park. What has been completed so far is at a standard unmatched by other operators. The Walt Disney Co has not lost its way, and will continue to impress on multiple levels. I personally look forward to opening day of what will be a positive addition to the park.**


Yes, indeed. And Walt Disney Isn't here to give us his opinion on TSPL, so he can't be quoted on it.
Ed & David


Look, TimmyTimmyTimmy, I dont pretend to know very much about the whole imagineer designing of the park. I cant quote Walt, but what I do know is that I come on this thread to find out how the build is going, what has changed and read the "Oh dears, not liking that, not what I want for the park" or the "I like that" But you're coming over as very, very pessimisitc. And really depressing.
I dont have the money to go so often, we have saved hard to go and I am going to D**N well enjoy my trip. I probably wont ever get to Disney Sea so I have to take your word for it that its better-the photos are beautiful and I can see yes it is a beautiful, beautiful park and TSPL doesnt compare. I hear you dont like TSPL. I respect that. In fact I am completely agreeing with you that the studios does look like a concrete car park-work needs to be done. But they are trying, might not be in a direction you want but not everybody is going to like everything Disney do. I have friends who wouldnt spend a penny going to the parks cos they're one big merchandise rip off-their view not mine, which I respect.
As someone who cant go very often to DLP let alone any other Disney Park, you are actually making me feel really ignorant. Another reason for coming on here is to learn, not to be made to feel stupid and ignorant cos I dont get the whole Disney ethos.
 I am going to Disney to have time with my family and to enjoy the parks with my family and to do rides with my family. Isnt that what Walt wanted?
Yes we cant do/wont do everything-Guess what. My son is 7 and is a mad Indiana Jones fan.... Oh no he cant do Indina Jones and the Temple of Peril! Hes too small! Holiday over.... actually do you know what we think, oh well, we cant do it this time, lets find something else we can do.
Sorry for ranting but thats how I am feeling.
Big breath! Lets move on!
Soooooo, any new pics or info?
Edit-sorry if this feels like I am getting at you TimmyTimmyTimmy, but I feel we're stuck in a rut in the conversation and need to move on.

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "JelleP"
Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"He wanted something that was fun for children yet interesting for the adults... like the haunted mansion, pirates and train rides in landscapes that impress everyone riding.
Oh yeah... at the DLR they've only attractions the whole family can enjoy... :roll:
I've a question for you: could you say something positive about a new attraction at DLP (not cynic and not Captain EO, because that's an old DLR attraction)? I'm just curious...

A new attraction. There are no new attractions in DLP. Everything new goes into WDS just to give the park a boost to keep it alive. The squeeze int everything they can come up with weather it fits or not. The good thing about WDS is the tower of terror and crush. It has a few other rides that are good aswell but it´s not enough by far. ...and it all looks like s... something...

I will stop hating the parks toy addition when you stop loving it. Let me ask you all this... does the parachute jump tower look good? Is it great to see it from the magnificent entrence that WDS really has/had? Is it a fun ride to tell friends about? Will you go online to watch endless videos about it? Does it has a story? Would walt Disney want to have a soldier tower in a Disneypark? Will the parachute tower do something good in the long run when it comes to the economi for WDS? Is it a great solid ride to stand for 30-50 years?


Quote from: "tubbsy"Look, TimmyTimmyTimmy, I dont pretend to know very much about the whole imagineer designing of the park. I cant quote Walt, but what I do know is that I come on this thread to find out how the build is going, what has changed and read the "Oh dears, not liking that, not what I want for the park" or the "I like that" But you're coming over as very, very pessimisitc. And really depressing.
I dont have the money to go so often, we have saved hard to go and I am going to D**N well enjoy my trip. I probably wont ever get to Disney Sea so I have to take your word for it that its better-the photos are beautiful and I can see yes it is a beautiful, beautiful park and TSPL doesnt compare. I hear you dont like TSPL. I respect that. In fact I am completely agreeing with you that the studios does look like a concrete car park-work needs to be done. But they are trying, might not be in a direction you want but not everybody is going to like everything Disney do. I have friends who wouldnt spend a penny going to the parks cos they're one big merchandise rip off-their view not mine, which I respect.
As someone who cant go very often to DLP let alone any other Disney Park, you are actually making me feel really ignorant. Another reason for coming on here is to learn, not to be made to feel stupid and ignorant cos I dont get the whole Disney ethos.
 I am going to Disney to have time with my family and to enjoy the parks with my family and to do rides with my family. Isnt that what Walt wanted?
Yes we cant do/wont do everything-Guess what. My son is 7 and is a mad Indiana Jones fan.... Oh no he cant do Indina Jones and the Temple of Peril! Hes too small! Holiday over.... actually do you know what we think, oh well, we cant do it this time, lets find something else we can do.
Sorry for ranting but thats how I am feeling.
Big breath! Lets move on!
Soooooo, any new pics or info?
Edit-sorry if this feels like I am getting at you TimmyTimmyTimmy, but I feel we're stuck in a rut in the conversation and need to move on.

Sorry to make you feel depressed about what I write. I just try to be honest and I do feel that most people not here think like me when they see all this. That is why WDS is a failure. Fans of Disneyparks get passionate about what they like and not. Many of you write things that make me wonder if you are blind or just lack insight in what is fun for the ENTIRE family.

The new land will soon open. We will see if it helps the WDS park to get the visitor numbers a Disneypark should have. If not... TSPL was a BAD idea from start and ahuge mistake.

Ok let´s move on... hmmm what is there really to say about TSPL... not very much since you get it all just by looking at it.


Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"
Quote from: "JelleP"
Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"He wanted something that was fun for children yet interesting for the adults... like the haunted mansion, pirates and train rides in landscapes that impress everyone riding.
Oh yeah... at the DLR they've only attractions the whole family can enjoy... :roll:
I've a question for you: could you say something positive about a new attraction at DLP (not cynic and not Captain EO, because that's an old DLR attraction)? I'm just curious...

A new attraction. There are no new attractions in DLP. Everything new goes into WDS just to give the park a boost to keep it alive. The squeeze int everything they can come up with weather it fits or not. The good thing about WDS is the tower of terror and crush. It has a few other rides that are good aswell but it´s not enough by far. ...and it all looks like s... something...

I will stop hating the parks toy addition when you stop loving it. Let me ask you all this... does the parachute jump tower look good? Is it great to see it from the magnificent entrence that WDS really has/had? Is it a fun ride to tell friends about? Will you go online to watch endless videos about it? Does it has a story? Would walt Disney want to have a soldier tower in a Disneypark? Will the parachute tower do something good in the long run when it comes to the economi for WDS? Is it a great solid ride to stand for 30-50 years?

lets see if we cant answer some of your questions.
1) Does it look good? Dont know and neither do you as its not finished, all weve seen are shots over a construction wall.
2) Cant tell if it enhances the entrance as I haven't see it yet, I'll answer that one when i have
3) Is it a fun ride to tell people about, yep were taking people with us this year and they are excited about all the new rides
4) WIll I watch endless videos about it, probably not but then as I haven't seen any yet I cant really comment
5) What would Walt think, I dont know and neither do you cos were not Walt
6) Will it be good in the long run, who knows only time will tell
7) Is it a good solid ride for 30-50 years? How many rides survive that long, SM has been revamped, Vissionairuim has already gone, Star Tours 2 is coming, rides get replaced and enhanced all the time.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


How about they add a TSPL merry-go-round?
I feel we've all been on it long enough. I for one am wondering what the interactive element reported to be in Slinky Zig Zag might be, any ideas folks?


TimmyTimmyTimmy-:) thank-you x
Hmmmm-DopeyDad, dont know - would love to find out...
Anyone got any ideas what they'd like it to be?

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "DopeyDad"I for one am wondering what the interactive element reported to be in Slinky Zig Zag might be, any ideas folks?
Perhaps you can open or close the "spring" as it moves, rather than it being at random? Like the height toggle on Dumbo or Carpets.
