Crush's Coaster

Started by Anthony, July 18, 2006, 07:20:53 PM

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i loved this ride and i hate roller coasters wont do space mouatin or RnRC but for some reason i loved this think its the nemo fact to be honest

but i do agrea cue area sucks its just boring but then its a cue and not ment to be that fun i guess but think it would be cool to have different tvs with different nemo chacters talking to you or just somthing

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "buzz"but i do agrea cue area sucks its just boring but then its a cue and not ment to be that fun i guess but think it would be cool to have different tvs with different nemo chacters talking to you or just somthing

That's a good idea, they could add some TV's and make them look like fish tanks! :)


Yeah, it sounds like the lamest way to improve a queue line, but some small TV monitors at least in the middle of the queue could work really well. They could be made to look like the bank of monitors a director watches, with little animated scenes like you see from the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, as if you're getting to see the scenes currently being filmed inside.

Would also solve the problem of the ride not being "Nemo" enough. They could even include the most popular character: Dory. :shock:


Quote from: "Baloo"They could even include the most popular character: Dory. :shock:

Is Dory actually included at all in the ride? I can't remember seeing her when I rode it :?


She's only mentioned on a sign in the queue line. ... emId=10672


I had this idea for the Crush's Coaster. I may be a cool thing to put Nigel at the entrance just watching over the people! You can see an animatronic of him here at 1:45!

Or they can put up some video screens with some characters talking (DORY!!) about the movie. Like those making off videos you always see on the extra dvd of movies :D

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Japper"I had this idea for the Crush's Coaster. I may be a cool thing to put Nigel at the entrance just watching over the people! You can see an animatronic of him here at 1:45!

That would be awesome, I've never seen that video before but Nigel looks so cool :)


Nigel looks a bit more like a puppet there.

An animatronic in the queue would make the ride pretty special... but it'd be quite expensive. They'd also have to make sure it had a long enough program so that it didn't loop around too many times with people waiting so long.

That queue is so condensed into a small, concrete rectangle. The first fairly cheap and easy improvement they could make is to extend it the full length of Studio 5 and have winding paths with more space between them (rather than double-backs), filled with sand and plants. A bit like the outside queue area at POTC.

The people behind the magic seem to see Crush on the same D-ticket level as Peter Pan/Pinocchio though, which means it'll probably never get a quality pre-show. :(


Yes that would be a very good idea! A bit more 'themed queue' and a lot more air!

But about that nigel, he doesn't have to talk, he just can look around sitting there relaxed.
(Wouldn't he then be less expensive ? )


i just came back from dlrp yesterday (was meant to go in sept but had to cancel) and finally got to go on crush's coaster. The wait wasn't too long actually when the park first opened, i was expecting a bit of a scrum but it was alright, never waited more than half an hour i dont think. To be fair i dont think we waited long because the first time we queued we got turned away as it broke down, and we returned just as they allowed people back through, but then it broke down as we got to the front of the queue and it took a long time get everything back up and running. was an excellent ride when we finally got to go on it, it was amazing! sadly i can't remember much of it, it was a bit overshadowed by being rescued off the top of the slope you get pulled up the next time we went on it!! the cast member didnt really seem to know what to do, and it was really scary, i don't think a small child would have managed to climb out the shell and across the gap between the stairs and the track, cos i had difficulty and got my leg stuck. i refused the offer of the pass to get us back to the front of the ride, purely because i didn't feel safe enough to go back on it incase it happened again (saw it happen again and they got fire and rescue in when i went back to it) but i loved the ride itself when it worked all the way through! i do hope they manage to sort out whatever the software problems are because otherwise it will ruin an amazing ride.


Quote from: "lanibear"i just came back from dlrp yesterday (was meant to go in sept but had to cancel) and finally got to go on crush's coaster. The wait wasn't too long actually when the park first opened, i was expecting a bit of a scrum but it was alright, never waited more than half an hour i dont think. To be fair i dont think we waited long because the first time we queued we got turned away as it broke down, and we returned just as they allowed people back through, but then it broke down as we got to the front of the queue and it took a long time get everything back up and running. was an excellent ride when we finally got to go on it, it was amazing! sadly i can't remember much of it, it was a bit overshadowed by being rescued off the top of the slope you get pulled up the next time we went on it!! the cast member didnt really seem to know what to do, and it was really scary, i don't think a small child would have managed to climb out the shell and across the gap between the stairs and the track, cos i had difficulty and got my leg stuck. i refused the offer of the pass to get us back to the front of the ride, purely because i didn't feel safe enough to go back on it incase it happened again (saw it happen again and they got fire and rescue in when i went back to it) but i loved the ride itself when it worked all the way through! i do hope they manage to sort out whatever the software problems are because otherwise it will ruin an amazing ride.

It's a real shame about Crush's reliabilty problems :( I really hope they find a way to fix them. They're the only major downside to Crush's Coaster. When I rode it we also stopped at the top and I thought we would have to evacuate, but then after about 45 seconds we got going again.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the ride though :)


yeah its an amazing ride, the problems are a shame though! hope it all gets sorted because it's a waste of such a good coaster, to have that happening all the time.


Crush was a disaster last weekend.

The 2 times that we were in the waitingline it both had a technical problem.. They really need to fix all this problems first!


Rode crush every day over christmas and have to wonder, are these technical problems or is this a new form of q management techniques dreamed up by park management.

Its odd but every time they get the q line down so its no longer snaking back to studio 1 the ride miraculously re starts. By noting this method we were quite easily able to position ourselves at the front and find ourselves riding within 15mins of park opening, despite messages from CMs saying "could be 2 or 3 houirs|" to poor guests in the queue.

If these guests make the effort to arrive at the park early with the intention of riding Crush then the CMS  should at least have the respect to leave them in the queue with a true story and not "GUESS IDIOTICALLY" at ride restart times in the hope it will make the line go away..
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


I'm not sure if I misread your post, but park staff (operators and attendants) very rarely know what the actual problem is and would have no idea of times/or if the ride will even re-open. It's really out of their hands and are told to give a standard response.

Never fear of a ride shut down lanibear, you are in very safe hands!

Going back a little..DORY..I noticed this too. WHY? Seems very, very odd to me.
Welcome foolish mortals