Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "JelleP"Hopefully they will create a Fastpass-line here, otherwise the lines will be as badly as C.C. and I don't think people are going to like that... :shock:

Like Crush's Coaster, adding a fastpass will not solve the problem of low capacity and queue time. It will just make them worse by adding another queue and slowing down the normal queue. Its been tested on crush and hasnt been back since (ovibously didnt work).

With such a low capacity, and hopefully large crowds entering this land, this ride is going to have huge problems, its the largest and only thrill ride out of the 3 new rides. I have a feeling the buzz about this ride will be the same as crush and thats not good. 2 - 3 hour queues anyone ?

Although i think a single rider line could work really well on this ride  :)


Quote from: "Owain"Although i think a single rider line could work really well on this ride  :)
Very good idea.

Although it'll probably just be left for CMs to shout "Une personne??" down the queue.


Hmmmm, maybe people are now understanding my concerns about this area. Funny, PotC, IASW, and PM were designed to be monster people eaters, as were all the original Future World atrtractions at Epcot, and even the omnimovers of Buzz. Disney used to try hard not just with theming but also in improving capacity and guest experiences.

Sadly, DLP have lost the ability so it seems. In a park where you have to be mindful of times, whether it is for Moteurs Action, Playhouse Disney or Stitch Live in your chosen language, Cinemagique, or Animagique, here they are installing more attractions with limited capacity that will lead for long waits in an area that could frankly be in any regional park in the world if it were not for the commercial marketing of a Disney licence.

How far they have fallen. So much so, after 17 years, I sold my shares to DLP this month and wrote a letter to Disney to let them know why.

I am now considering selling our Marriott timeshare if I find it difficult to trade into other properties.
since 2001 (many before that)


A single rider queue will be a great solution for avoiding the big crowds with a low capacity. Same as Crush´s Coaster, the RC Racer will have a lot of groups with 3 or 5 guests, so there often will be empty places in the vehicle!  :?
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This is an awfull capisity!

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


I don't think we have much to worry about regarding Toy Story Playland's low capacity, as many have already stated zero desire to ride these attractions. If anything these could take some preasure away from Crush and give Guest an opportunity to ride the coaster in less than the standard 60-80 minute wait.


I thought the WDS lacked capacity as a theme park, it opened with just two rides. Some people have already made their minds up about TSPL without even seeing it. They think it's rubbish already. TSPL will add capacity to the park as a whole.  If Walt Disney had come up TSPL more people would have liked it. Just like they like the Tea Cups, Carousel and Flying Eliphants. Nobody minds the Flying Carpets in the Studios, but TSPL, oh no they can't do that.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"Some people have already made their minds up about TSPL without even seeing it. They think it's rubbish already.
There's quite a lot of info already to make our minds up. Y'know... with the concept arts, the model and stuff. Besides, it doesn't take a genious to work out that three low capacity carnival rides with minimal theming is a bad idea for a Disney park (world famous for their unique experiences, the best theming in the world, and elaborate stories). Think about the long term effects as well. A huge orange piece of steel is not going to look good looming above a future Hollywood Boulevard expansion.

QuoteTSPL will add capacity to the park as a whole.
If they're trying to relieve the queues on Crush, creating more big queues with these rides isn't going to solve anything. C'mon. 600 rider per hour!!

QuoteIf Walt Disney had come up TSPL more people would have liked it.
But he didn't.

QuoteNobody minds the Flying Carpets in the Studios, but TSPL, oh no they can't do that.
Thing is, the Flying Carpets was the only carnival ride when WDS first opened. It was no big deal, and at least it had an appropriate story. For the small size of the park one carnival ride was enough. By the end of this expansion WDS will have five carnival rides (six if you count Crush), all squeezed into the same side of the park. It's going to looked like a dressed-up funfair. To compare, DLP only has four carnival rides (all very nicely themed) with around 15 non-carnival rides. A much better ratio!


WDS Fans just said this on Twitter: "Slinky Dog ZigZag Spin will have a capacity of 874 guests per hour." So the Slinky Dog will have a bigger capacity than the RC Racer?  :shock:
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

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And still a smaller capacity than Crush's Coaster. :shock:


I don't think DLRP is doing a good job with these new attractions...  :oops:
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

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Maybe there is a reason behind these such low capacity attractions.  Firstly i still don't see WDS as a 'finished' park, there is still gaps for future attractions, so if anything new comes to the park, i see it as a good thing (i've probably stated that a lot in this thread but whatever).  Also, remember that in a few years time we'll be getting a brand new E-Ticket ride beside these attractions, and, unless the Imagineers have all gone completely loopy, then it will be a "monster people eater" attraction.  That combined with these three TSPL attractions will surely bring down that queue line at Crush, yeah we may have a bit of a large queue for RC Racer at the start, but i have faith Ratatouille will cut it down to size ;)

Who knows this could be some smart imagineering here (who would of thought the words "smart" and "imagineering" would be brought together like that in this thread!).  Name me one attraction that was expected to be the major E-Ticket when WDS but failed at it?  Give up?  The Studio Tram Tour, i mean just look at it, it has 5 queue lines!  The imagineers got it wrong that time, they won't want to make that mistake again.

Also does anyone know what the average wait for these halfpipe attractions are in other parks?  Maybe it will give us a better idea of what's to expect?
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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WDS isn't a finished park nor is Disneyland. Disneyland will never be finished, I think Walt Disney said that. TOT is a great ride Crushes Coaster is, I wouldn't call them carny rides, myself. The expansion of the Studios has been much more than just a few carny rides. I'm sorry but I don't think anyone can run a Disney theme park better than Disney can. I hate to be controversial about it, but I still believe in them. I don't like all the rides, I wouldn't go on Rock n' Roller Coaster. With 15 million guests a year with different tastes, that's a lot of people to please, it's not just about what I like or not. The biggest complaint about the Studios when it opened was the lack of rides and themeing. I think Disney is addressing this issue. And just to add Walt Disney didn't come up with TSPL, I know. But then he didn't come up with TOT, Splash Mountain ( I know DLP doesn't have it) and BTM either. And I wouldn't call them carny rides.
Ed & David


I've queued about 15 minutes for Flamingoland's version, in peak summer season.

Flamingoland is a pretty small theme park, imagine what the wait will be like at Europe's biggest resort........


If you go to Disneyland Paris in the peak summer you will have to queue for a lot of the rides. If you go mid week in January you probably wont have to queue up for anything. If you 're worried about the queues and you want to avoid them go off season. Or take advantage of EMH in the morning.
Ed & David