Bad Guest Behaviour

Started by dagobert, May 27, 2011, 12:16:00 PM

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I think it's time to open a topic on bad guest behaviour.

Some people will never learn it. Looking at the photos I think it needs more than one CM to stop the guests. It's amazing how so many people are acting like that.

Take a look:

At leat a CM is stopping them:

All pictures taken from


I hate to say it, but I really think the best option in Paris would be to increase the height of those railings around Central Plaza. It would solve the problem instantly. The only catch is, it would have a negative impact on the aesthetics of the area.

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "Alan"I hate to say it, but I really think the best option in Paris would be to increase the height of those railings around Central Plaza. It would solve the problem instantly. The only catch is, it would have a negative impact on the aesthetics of the area.

How about a moat. 6 foot deep, 3feet wide and a sign 'Any wet guests will be ejected from the park' ?


We returned from the magic last night! Had a fantastic time but was shock by some people's behaviour. Every time we joined in the dance express, we tried to return to where we were standing and people refused to make room! We also saw a parent hold his toddler over the grass area between lines in the dumbo queue, pulled his trousers down and let him urinate!!!!  It was during emh so there wasn't much of a queue he could of taken him 2 the loo and returned after!

Had an amazing time thanx to this forum and the fantastic advice. Will do a trip report ASAP



Annoys me when people behave like that!  Rules are there for a reason!  Ok Im not saying I follow every single rule of the book in life but in Disney I do!  Its an amazing place, so why do stuff you shouldn't by climbing and walking on places you shouldn't!?


Well, good to see there were Cast Members there to clear some areas of grass. I don't envy that job.

But I'm not sure I entirely blame people for trampling the grass to see Once Upon a Dream Parade. When you're in the park in the time leading up to the parade you can almost feel the tension swelling. There's so much emphasis placed on that one performance. If there was a proper parade at the Studios, or a second performance of OUADP, or any other kind of entertainment in the park besides Dance Express and the once-a-day Central Plaza show, it would take the heat off this parade and lead to fewer guests using desperate behaviour to get a view. For example, if we had a show like Le Livre Magique de Mickey on the Castle Stage it'd satisfy a lot of peoples' need to see the main characters, perhaps making them less likely to be so desperate to catch a glimpse during the parade.

For some people it may well just be idiocy or disrespect, but at DLP it might also be lack of other options...


Well yeah you do have a point there.  :)  It is hard to get a good view of the parade at times!  Especially when the really tall people stand at the front!  You're tall, you can see, stand at the back lol


Im sure that Central Plaza stage takes up a lot of previous guest space aswell. Why is that stage there again? :P


what really gets to me is people smoking in the que lines, at xmas on crush the cm said in about 5 different languages to stop smoking he was getting very very annoyed he kept coming back over the speaker repeating it, he even got to the theyre are children in this que don't be so selfish.


I agree that Disney is a lso reponsible for such behaviour, at least during parades. There isn't enough space on Central Plaza since that ugly stage was built there. They should run the parade twice a day or should create a real and good looking parade for WDS.


Bad behaviour is ... bad. Public peeing, smoking, pushing in lines,misuse of restrooms.... no question.

But I quite understand the people standing/walking on grass. And here I have to blame Disney: There simply is too little space for too many visitors who want to watch the parades. Every parade.
Some stands for the spectators would guarantee line of sight for much more people. But now it's a real fight for the best spots.

Best regards, Farbauti.


I guess most of us want to see the park looking picture perfect and treated with respect. But human nature being what it is some people will always be prepared to break the rules. That said I don't like to see people standing on the grass and the CM did well to move them on. I've seen the parade many times and  never needed to stand on the grass or hang from a tree to get a good view, all it takes is a bit of forward planning. I am glad to see the park looking busy though.
Ed & David


I have many, many anecdotes of bad guest behavior, and I am one of those people who feel the need to actually argue with people about it. Keep your smoke away from my face or you will pay, haha.

But on my last trip I saw the most inexplicable thing. A man in the Ratatouille area next to Toy Story Playland encouraging his toddler son to pee against a construction wall. I mean, why? It wasn't busy. There are free public restrooms. And if there weren't, there'd be bushes. But against a construction wall in a public pathway?


Quote from: "pussinboots"But on my last trip I saw the most inexplicable thing. A man in the Ratatouille area next to Toy Story Playland encouraging his toddler son to pee against a construction wall. I mean, why? It wasn't busy. There are free public restrooms. And if there weren't, there'd be bushes. But against a construction wall in a public pathway?
Well he must have been desperate! :shock: But part of the blame should probably go to DLP, because the nearest toilets in the toon studios are the ones in Studio 1. Ironically, the Ratatouille area is meant to have toilets.
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
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Walt Disney World
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It will take a lot to stop bad behaviour. People just don't care anymore sadly :(

Do guests at WDW etc climb over railing etc?

I'm just grateful my parents brought me up to respect other peoples property etc and that I'm doing the same with my daughter.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!