Bad Guest Behaviour

Started by dagobert, May 27, 2011, 12:16:00 PM

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I have actually had a full on verbal fight with a family who thought they could come and push in front me of and my daughter just before the parade had began, we had been there for 30min so there was no way I was going to let it happen.

It shocks me how the adults are worse than the children in practically everything I have witnessed at DLP.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Did I ever mention the girls smoking hash on It's a Small world who changed their language every time I asked them to stop (I used French, English, German, Spanish, Dutch and Italian). When I told a cast member, they shrugged.

Thankfully there are also some examples of amazing behaviour at DLP too.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Did I ever mention the girls smoking hash on It's a Small world who changed their language every time I asked them to stop (I used French, English, German, Spanish, Dutch and Italian). When I told a cast member, they shrugged.

Thankfully there are also some examples of amazing behaviour at DLP too.

We were less than impressed with a guess smoking his weed outside our window at Cheyenne.

We did say something about the smell and that we don't want to have to walk with our kids through that smoke.  At least the guy had the decency to look embarrassed and put it out as soon as we got in our room.

My kids don't like watching the parade as they were pushed down the path from in front of us by a group of spanish kids (much bigger and older than my then 3 and 5 year old).  They parents were just as bad, they were trying to force another spanish lady and her young daughter out of the way next to us in order to get in.   My hubby told them to leave her and i had to tell their kids to move up so I could keep my kids where I could see them.  The lovely young German couple next to us let my kids in front of them to watch the parade and were trying to help us keep our kids close and safe, but in the end my kids wanted out.

So, that is why I want to try and book Walts with the hope of watching the parade because my kids just do not enjoy parade time from that memory!


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"I have actually had a full on verbal fight with a family who thought they could come and push in front me of and my daughter just before the parade had began, we had been there for 30min so there was no way I was going to let it happen.
Urgh. Exactly the same thing happened to us before Fantillusion! We'd been waiting there, too, and a Spanish woman with her daughter bumps past us out of nowhere, saying "My family..." to pretend her family were in front of us, but they weren't. But that wasn't the worst bit. The worst bit was when she grinned at her daughter, proud of her selfish inconsiderance. To be honest, I wish I pushed passed her, but I was probably better off not starting a conflict.
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All the pushing and shoving you get in que and at parades really spoils it for me.You spend ages in the que and someone comes along  and tries to get in front,not nice!We always go to get a place for the parade at least 30min before and always sit on the kerb and even then there's always someone who tries to get in front and omg getting autographes now that really gets to me.I always make sure my youngest waits her turn and always asks please can i get an autograph and always say thank you to the character but some people...i wont even begin to describe what some are like,i'm sure you all can guess :shock:


All this makes me long to go back to Tokyo Disneyland.  In Japan people have an understanding of respect - there is none of this pushing and shoving at parade times - the etiquette is quite specific with the front row sitting on the floor (people even bright their own mats to place on the floor, quite often ones bought at Disney) and the back rows stand.  CM's also ask people to remove Mickey ears etc during shows as to not block the views. It is like when the doors open to the stretch room in HM, there is a CM stood on the other side and only when they move away do guests walk in.  I remember 2 little girls pushing passed and running to the side where the doors would open.......they were westerners!!  I thought "yeah, show us all up why doncha!"

As for could eat your dinner off the floor.

If the world was a little more like Japan, it would be a better place
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I just felt that I should speak up as a parent with a little one who has peed in a non-designated area in DLP.

Firstly I want to say I think it's awful that a parent would force their child to pee against a tree or indeed in full view of everyone. But I remember one morning when my little girl was three she was absolutely desperate for the toilet, we had just had brekkie in Pinocchios, I went to take her to the toilets next door and the queue was literally coming out of the door and about twenty people deep which is blooming ridiculous. I was quite lucky because I found a quiet spot behind the nearby gift shop and she had her wee in a bush in a quiet corner! That wasn't laziness on my part but there are no alternative toilets in that spot and to have a queue coming out of the door like that in my opinion is pretty outrageous and should never happen.

It's never happened since and wouldn't expect it to as she is five now - I'm not condoning the cases you have put forward here but sometimes, just sometimes, it's not the parents' fault. And if peeing in a bush means my little girl doesn't wet herself then so be it!


Quote from: "lynny"All the pushing and shoving you get in que and at parades really spoils it for me.You spend ages in the que and someone comes along  and tries to get in front,not nice!We always go to get a place for the parade at least 30min before and always sit on the kerb and even then there's always someone who tries to get in front and omg getting autographes now that really gets to me.I always make sure my youngest waits her turn and always asks please can i get an autograph and always say thank you to the character but some people...i wont even begin to describe what some are like,i'm sure you all can guess :shock:

We got back from DLP last month and had exactly what you had described happen to us.  The last time we saw the Parade; just before we left the park for the Eurostar; we had been sitting on the kerb for a good half an hour waiting for the parade to start.  A gentleman decided that it was okay to push his child in front of me and when I refused he was verbally abusive and then he took to tapping me on my shoulder to try and get my attention and every time I took a photo he jolted me! :-x


QuoteI just think they should have one of the Willy Wonka Egg machines at the start of the park and all the bad eggs would be removed :D.

I must say, I do like this idea VERY much!! :p

I have just come back from a 3 day trip, with about 50 of us (drama academy) from ages of 9-19, plus some parents.
NEVER in a million years would any of us act the way I see some people acting in the park. It really does disgust me the way some people think they can behave, in Disneyland of all places. Have some respect!
The thing that drives me insane is not queue jumping.. but the actual lack of queuing.. I know people joke about brits loving to queue, but its actual curtesy when there are alot of people around, you queue, for example, to meet and greet a character. As we're all abit older teenagers, we end up feeling guilty when we go before a child for a picture, even though we were there waiting first, just because their parent is pushing them ahead.
We met Lady Tremaine infront of Auberge de Cendrillon, and we were tolerating quite a few children and parents pushing infront of us, until we went up for our picture, and as we did, a child literally ran in, ushered by his parent. I was like, are you kidding me! Luckily for us, Lady Tremaine was english, noticed what had happenend and (in character) shoo'd the child out of the picture and walked away abit! legend. I wish more CMs could control this, Tigger was literally running away to find a space as people were actually mobbing him.

Another time, we were watching the Peter Pan show, and I witnessed a (spanish i think) child and parent walk straight up half way through the show to the massive crowd, push her child through the crowd to the front. Fair enough if they just want to find a place infront of an adult to be able to see, but the kid kept pushing through even younger children, til they were right at the front. If this behaviour is taught from a young age, no wonder half the kids and older act like they do. Sort it out parents! :p

Sorry for the rant. I appreciate everyone in the parks who respect each other and understand the disney manners!!! :D Lets show 'em how its done by example! :thumbs:
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


i do hate when the characters are out and about and everyone waits there turn except for a few who just push and shove i really have to hold my breath!
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I have another example for bad guest behavior...Last week, a couple decided to walk on the beach in front of PotC and to take some photos there. Some children saw that and one minute later, the beach was like a battleground. Screaming children running, chasing each other and throwing sand - their parents standing just beside them and watching them. Hello? Why is there a stonewall separating the pavement from the beach? Why are their signs which tell you that it is forbidden to enter the beach? This scence just made me stunned....
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Bring back the moon!


I don't know if it was the same day, but I saw someone else stood on the rocks taking pictures. It's like come on guys respect the boundaries !! Why must they stand there of all places!! :@
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Yes...the pushing and shoving gets on my nerves. I don't have kids but would gladly let children in front of me but i had one experience with a French woman who decided about 10 minutes before the parade was due to start she wanted her kids in the front so started shouting at us and ramming her push chair in the back of our legs! I don't think so love!
If she had asked nicely i would have let them but not after she went off on one!

Another time a indian family were next to us we had been waiting for around an hour with another 30mins to go and every 5 minutes or so the girl (she was about 19) next to me kept moving up to let another one of her family in, not that i minded but i didn't like it when she sat on my leg to let someone else in. Me and my friend swapped places because i had a dead leg so she then sat on my friends foot.

i just wish people would learn some manners and get there earlier!  :x
Rant over lol!
Syanne xxx    


For anyone concerned about bad guest behaviour.....

I have a couple of friends who work as "performers" in DLP.
I met up with one when i was there last week, he was telling me that they do appreciate that some people are more willing to wait patiently and queue properly than others (BRITISH!).

However, the character performers really do take this into account. He said many of the performers just dismiss anyone who they have seen has been rude and inpatient.....a quick autograph, picture done. For those who are polite, quiet, wait thier turn the performers acknowledge this and will give a bit more time to the kids, a personalised autograph, hugs etc

Even i noticed it. I may be 20 years old, so characters dont instantly come to me (i never queue to see them) however when they do come round at meals, i am very polite to them, a please, thank you and "have a lovely day" and I can always tell that they appreciate me, i get a hug, kiss and just general appreciation.

Trust me, good manners dont go unoticed there!!!! :D/
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Did post this yesterday but it has vanished?!

Anyway I have MANY things to complain about from this last trip but I will for now leave you with this.

We went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. The first show we attempted to watch was the Castle Courtyard show with Huey Duey and Louie. We arrived thirty minutes early in order to get a space so my son could still see in his wheelchair and found adequate space to position ourselves so he could see and then spent the next thirty minutes attempting to entertain my son which is not easy. As the time of the show more and more people arrived and started pushing and shoving us even though we had been there first now before you tell me Disney are not responsible for the way other people act let me tell you that a red coated Disney person watched all of this happen and did nothing to intervene and I happen to know from experience that crowd control etc is one of their many job descriptions.

We left it a little which but it got so bad that people were hurting my son and crushing his legs etc so we were forced to move and thus he didn't get to see the show at all that evening. We tried again for Minnie's Pirate party and arrived forty five minutes early in order to try and alleviate the previous problems we had experienced. We got a spot right at the front and were there so early there were no red coats on parade. We entertained my son with the ipad and then when more people arrived the problems arose again one woman sat her child on my sons lap in his wheelchair as if he was a chair. I kicked up a fuss at this point and asked the red coats to intervene but they ignored me my son ended up being hit numerous times and was quite nastily scratched due to all the people pushing and shoving and so after being ignored once again by the red coats we were forced to miss this show as well. We did come to MNSSHP last year and had nothing like these problems. I know there are not specific areas for wheelchairs but surely if you get there over thirty minutes beforehand you are entitled to stay where you are without people attacking you? My son suffered many panic attacks and meltdowns throughout the evening due to this and it was ruined for all of us.

Needless to say it was a bit rubbish if my son hadn't of been so distressed I may have killed someone I mean using him as a chair is taking bad manners to beyond!!!!

As for the manners mentioned above it is so true!! When we watched the halloween show last year my son was so patient for the characters at the end and Frollo got a bucket of sweets and tipped them all in his lap and then the witch came and gave him loads more and said that's for being patient and not a brat!! The look on the brat children's faces was amazing!!