Bad Guest Behaviour

Started by dagobert, May 27, 2011, 12:16:00 PM

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Must admit that apart from seeing a people standing in areas they shouldnt be standing in during the parade, I did not witness any bad guest behaviour during my recent trip.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "lubynoo"Did post this yesterday but it has vanished?!

Anyway I have MANY things to complain about from this last trip but I will for now leave you with this.

We went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. The first show we attempted to watch was the Castle Courtyard show with Huey Duey and Louie. We arrived thirty minutes early in order to get a space so my son could still see in his wheelchair and found adequate space to position ourselves so he could see and then spent the next thirty minutes attempting to entertain my son which is not easy. As the time of the show more and more people arrived and started pushing and shoving us even though we had been there first now before you tell me Disney are not responsible for the way other people act let me tell you that a red coated Disney person watched all of this happen and did nothing to intervene and I happen to know from experience that crowd control etc is one of their many job descriptions.

We left it a little which but it got so bad that people were hurting my son and crushing his legs etc so we were forced to move and thus he didn't get to see the show at all that evening. We tried again for Minnie's Pirate party and arrived forty five minutes early in order to try and alleviate the previous problems we had experienced. We got a spot right at the front and were there so early there were no red coats on parade. We entertained my son with the ipad and then when more people arrived the problems arose again one woman sat her child on my sons lap in his wheelchair as if he was a chair. I kicked up a fuss at this point and asked the red coats to intervene but they ignored me my son ended up being hit numerous times and was quite nastily scratched due to all the people pushing and shoving and so after being ignored once again by the red coats we were forced to miss this show as well. We did come to MNSSHP last year and had nothing like these problems. I know there are not specific areas for wheelchairs but surely if you get there over thirty minutes beforehand you are entitled to stay where you are without people attacking you? My son suffered many panic attacks and meltdowns throughout the evening due to this and it was ruined for all of us.

Needless to say it was a bit rubbish if my son hadn't of been so distressed I may have killed someone I mean using him as a chair is taking bad manners to beyond!!!!

As for the manners mentioned above it is so true!! When we watched the halloween show last year my son was so patient for the characters at the end and Frollo got a bucket of sweets and tipped them all in his lap and then the witch came and gave him loads more and said that's for being patient and not a brat!! The look on the brat children's faces was amazing!!

I am speechless, on what planet would a parent think it OK to sit a child on the lap of a person in a wheelchair they did not know?

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


So amI! Speechless.How can someone think of sitting his or her child in the lap of an other?!?! ](*,)
 I hope you do have some better memories of your trip and that your son was able to enjoy other times during your stay.


Honestly never seen anything like it in the last six years since he has been born. It was beyond shocking. I go to Disneyland Paris as much as I can and have been doing so for god knows how many years normally at least three times a year and I love it but this halloween really put me off. I am so hoping Christmas in three weeks makes up for it just so shocked at the way the staff were as well. If my son wasn't so distressed probably would have ended up having a big blow out at her it was the way she sat her child on him and then tried to push my son down and then got annoyed when he started screeching and reacting he hates being touched by anyone let alone people he doesn't know I mean he is ok with me and my mum but even family cant touch him. I hope they respond to my complaint.

Don't get me wrong we had some AMAZING cast members and they were so good with him because he is really hard to interact with and they were so patient the characters were wonderful. Especially because he is really tactile. The princesses were incredible and snow white left another table to come and sing him happy birthday when his cake came so that made his day bless him lol he adores the princesses. The characters do a blooming hard job and I love them for it!!!!!


When we was last there, we were walking past the sports bar one evening and saw a couple getting thrown out for one of them being drunk and disorderly! Don't get me wrong we all like a drink now and again but Disney isn't the place really is it. I was disgusted in what we saw as there families with young children! Think they mut of thought they were in ibiza or something!  :|

Princess Alexa

the thing that really gerts to me is the very little respect that some other vistors show to others. For instance, I was watching the show on the stage by the castle on my last trip and people can be so inconsiderate by placing their children on bins or on their shoulders which makes it impossible for others to see. I get that the children need to see but i once got hit in the face by a parent doing this and they just didnt care!

some people need to read the park etiquette rules


Hi guys i am 12 years old so see this problem from a child's eyes i totally agree with the characters/CM's noticing people being patient as last year when we were in the tea party at cowboy cookout (we stayed from the beginning to the end) lots of children were going up to the characters to get their pictures/autographs instead of waiting at the tables and when all the characters got to me (I had stayed sat down the whole time waiting, well other than to get food obviously) they interacted loads with me especially about my mickey mouse sorcerer hat thing i was wearing and at the very end minnie had all the leftover marshmallows and kept giving them to me LOL!

So it really pays to be patient and wait your turn there is no reason for all these people pushing and shoving there just ruining there own holiday and making it less magical for themselves. :D
Previous Disney Trips

DLRP 2007 Sequoia Lodge (15th Anniversary)
DLRP 2008 Sequoia Lodge (15th Anniversary Extended)
DLRP 2009 Sequoia Lodge (Mickey\'s Magical Party)
DLRP 2011 Sequoia Lodge (Magical Moments Festival)
DLRP 2012 Sequoia Lodge (20th Anniversary)
DLRP 2013 Sequoia Lodge (20th Anniversary Extended)


@Princess Alexa: You think that people placing their children on their shoulder because they are too small to see anything are rude? Really? What about people that are naturally tall. Are they rude too?


The worst experience I have had (admittedly not as bad as some others mentioned here) was on my last visit, we had been waiting patiently along the side of Main Street for the Fantillusion (I think) parade to start, had been there for a good 30 mins to secure a front row spot. A family came from across the street and gestured that they wanted to get through so I stepped aside and behind my other half to let them pass and onto the pavement, and the mum just plonks herself right where I was standing. I couldn't bite my tongue so I tapped her on the shoulder and said "what do you think you're doing?" but she didn't understand English so it wasn't until the husband intervened that she actually got what I was saying. People are SO unbelieveably self absorbed and think they take priority over everyone else. I detest queue jumpers etc., I'm not a total rulebook saddo but it's just plain rude!!

Also @lubynoo above, my jaw hit the floor when I read about you and your son's experience. Absolutely unbelievable. Some people behave in a way that is beyond comprehension.
Trips so far
April 2011 - Sequoia Lodge (First ever DLRP trip)
Nov 2011 - Newport Bay Club (Mickey's Magical Fireworks and Bonfire 2011)
Sep 2012 - Hotel New York (20th Anniversary Celebrations)
Nov 2013 - Hotel Cheyenne (Mickey's Magical Fireworks and Bonfire 2013)
Dec 2015 - Disneyland Hotel (Disneyland at Christmas)

Princess Alexa

Quote from: "Someguy"@Princess Alexa: You think that people placing their children on their shoulder because they are too small to see anything are rude? Really? What about people that are naturally tall. Are they rude too?

of course not and i didnt mean it to sound like that so im sorry that it did!
i was just upset that a child had kicked me in the face and then the parent had not even cared- i love disneyland and i would always choose to go there over any other holiday despite any bad behaviour in parks because its the whole experience you take into account


Quote from: "jj554"The worst experience I have had (admittedly not as bad as some others mentioned here) was on my last visit, we had been waiting patiently along the side of Main Street for the Fantillusion (I think) parade to start, had been there for a good 30 mins to secure a front row spot. A family came from across the street and gestured that they wanted to get through so I stepped aside and behind my other half to let them pass and onto the pavement, and the mum just plonks herself right where I was standing. I couldn't bite my tongue so I tapped her on the shoulder and said "what do you think you're doing?" but she didn't understand English so it wasn't until the husband intervened that she actually got what I was saying. People are SO unbelieveably self absorbed and think they take priority over everyone else. I detest queue jumpers etc., I'm not a total rulebook saddo but it's just plain rude!!

Also @lubynoo above, my jaw hit the floor when I read about you and your son's experience. Absolutely unbelievable. Some people behave in a way that is beyond comprehension.

I so know where you are coming from as we had a similar experience when we were watching the parade on our last day.  Like you we had been waiting a good 30 minutes to secure a front row spot and a guy behind me that turned up just as the parade had started gestured that he wanted me to allow his family to push in front of me.  I refused so he kept tapping me on the shoulder to try and get my attention as I took photographs of the parade!!!!


Worst behaviour I remember was a few years ago, when I took little sis off season to avoid the crowds. So, this is when there were no long quewes or a dreadful rush to anything.
It was a good thing, because at the time my medical condition was getting worse and I had to navigate the park with my walking stick to keep me upright.
On one of the days, I was being a collecting freak, and went to get one of the limited edition Alice in Wonderland pins. Of course, this meant that it took a little while for the cast member to get permission and give it to me, so there was a little quewe starting. By little quewe I mean one lady stood behind me waiting to pay.
However, this one woman was nearly the rudest person I have ever met. She was mouthing off in Italian the entire time I was there, banging her fist against the desk impatiently because she was having to wait.
So when I finally got my pin (about 7 mins wait), I apologised to this women the best I could with the language barrier and went to get out of the way. Even then though she was just beyond belief, and decided she'd waited long enough.
She actually kicked my walking stick out from underneath me and pushed me onto the floor.
Thankfully my little sister wasn't there to see it or she would have freaked out. The cast member on the till, to her credit, refused to serve the woman until she'd made sure I was ok, but I got no apology from the rude Italian woman at all.
Previous stays
Santa Fe September 1999
Cheyenne November 2002
Sequoia Lodge September 2010
New York July 2011
Magic Circus September 2012


Quote from: "Someguy"@Princess Alexa: You think that people placing their children on their shoulder because they are too small to see anything are rude? Really? What about people that are naturally tall. Are they rude too?

I think the way some people do it is rude, yes. As a 5' 3" woman, I obviously make sure I position myself so I can see things, making sure I don't stand behind someone exceptionally tall. It's pretty bloody annoying when someone then puts a child on their shoulder and I can't see anything AT ALL. It's just about having a bit of consideration about whose view you're blocking.

Last time I was there we were watching the parade/fireworks with a very nice family from Newcastle behind me and my friend. We were down the castle end of main street and we were sitting on the pavement edge waiting for parade to start. Both being shorties, the vast majority of adults can stand behind us and see perfectly well. This family from Newcastle said just that when we asked them if they could see okay. We said we'd happily allow their kids to stand in front of us when the parade started so they could see. A cast member we got chatting to also removed several people who tried to get on the pavement in front of us.

When it came to fireworks time, Geordie dad put the little one on his shoulders and then checked behind himself. Seeing us, he allowed us to go in front of him so he wasn't blocking our view.

Nice fellow guests like that are always good to meet. :)
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


oh my god, now i feel scared to be there on my own when i visit disneyland.
I'm a patient woman and i'm affraid i will not speak up when it comes to pushing and shoving,...

About the british. I visited Tattoo in edinburgh and indeed, everybody was really nice and they hold on to the idea that nobody is queue jumping and everybody should respect it.
I just love it :P i wish that some people could embrace that idea :P
I had one time in disneyland, when a family member was with us and every hour that goes by, she noticed queue jumpers and I didn't noticed it at any disneytrip (I went there 13-14 times?).
So this time it was really irritating that so many people are just walking through, almost pushing into the crowd until they're ahead of their past position. I was at some point just watching every move of others and watching how the queue turns and bends (cause those are the open spots when they just could push in or something.)- nobody was getting through!- I find it very irritating when people are just pushing in a queue, like it'll go faster  :roll: . I'm not a fan of so many people in a small space and i don't think children would like it either. I find it also very stressfull to watch it and block queue jumpers like they don't have a chance.

The best tip: If you're with a group, just line up so that nobody that wants to, could pass you. I don't think this would work with small children (you have to watch them and see they wouldn't get hurt,...)

I've never seen anything about the queue jumping at the meeting with disney characters (i'm too old to go there  :oops:  ;) )
But I can really imagine what these parents could do to actually mess up others experience at some point.
You know because I think they just want the best for their child even if they have to push others away.
That's just so sad when they want to almost 'fight' for it to get the best spot.
It's also very creepy to see these kids and parents dragging each other when they see a character. I feel honestly so bad for the staff when they have to deal with this everytime. I was sitting near an entree and exit for the characters and i could see the kids screaming, jumping and chasing all these characters (with their mom clutched to their hands)
they are just pushing and shoving  :shock: . it was like they're bounty hunters or something.!

the best moment in disney was (that i just got to share with you about guest behavior)
was the roundabout at the disneyland paris castle.
When the disney electrical parade started (it was 6 years ago i think)
Everybody was just sitting down, nobody stood up and blocking the view. It was awesome! everbody was tired, every child chould see it so there was no pushing or shoving or children on the shoulders...
It could last forever. My uncle just said to me 'if everybody was smart, they just stay where they ae (sitting down)'
I couldn't agree with him more.
I think, this should happen more like staff could say it to everybody and if we all do the same, we can all enjoy it without complaning he/she is shoving pushing/blocking my view.