Would/could Disneyland Paris ever shut down?

Started by ilovedisneylandparis, September 01, 2012, 05:43:16 PM

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I saw some photos the other day of a theme park that had closed down and is now abandoned, and it must have subconsciously worried me because I had a dream last night that DLP was closed down and woke up thinking it had really happened! :oops:  Very glad it was just a dream!

This may be a very silly question but...I know DLP have had a lot of problems with money and that there is a lot of debt in general - is there a chance that it would ever 'close down'? Or is this completely out of the question despite its money issues? I can't imagine my life without it :(


It very nearly did in 1994 when Euro Disney S.C.A. neared bankruptcy, but Disney managed to save the company by initiating a financial restructuring and by persuading the banks to invest and loan even more money. Also many, including then CEO Michael Eisner, credit Space Mountain's opening in 1995 to of been the resort's saviour. It brought in many more visitors and they actually made a profit for a couple of years after that.

At present, it would be extremely unlikely for anything disastrous like that to happen, since the debt is steadily being paid off and visitors numbers are high and increasing. Furthermore, if DLP ever got into any serious trouble, The Walt Disney Company would probably help prop things up by bailing DLP out.
DLP Visits:
July 29th 2009 - August 2nd 2009 - Disney\'s Hotel Sequoia Lodge
July 27th 2010 - July 31st 2010 - Disney\'s Hotel Sequoia Lodge
August 1st 2011 - August 5th 2011 Disney\'s Hotel Sequoia Lodge
"If can dream it, you can do it" - Walter Elias Disney
"Et maintenant je déclare Euro Disneyland officiellement ouvert!" - 12th April 1992


And the resort is now such an important part of tourism and the economy in Paris that even the government wouldn't want it to close down. It's too big to fail. The Walt Disney Company always step in when worse-comes-to-worse.
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Thankyou both, that's good to know! I wondered the same, whether it is too big to fail, it's not like a standard run of the mill theme park so its closure would be a very big deal.

I feel better now, haha  :oops: I was just interested to know because I've never really considered if it could possibly close down before, but then when I did I wasn't sure!

Thanks again for your replies :)