Bad Guest Behaviour

Started by dagobert, May 27, 2011, 12:16:00 PM

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But there's no excuse in my book for a man to encourage his toddler son to pee against a construction wall in the Ratatouille area. We all need the toilet sometimes and people should be able to hold on between TSPL and Studio 1, it's not that far even if WDS does need more toilets. Aren't there toilets near the Art of Disney Animation in Toon Studio.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"But there's no excuse in my book for a man to encourage his toddler son to pee against a construction wall in the Ratatouille area. We all need the toilet sometimes and people should be able to hold on between TSPL and Studio 1, it's not that far even if WDS does need more toilets. Aren't there toilets near the Art of Disney Animation in Toon Studio.

No there is no excuse, but sadly these things happen.

Unless DLP management are willing to do something about bad guest behaviour it will just continue to happen.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "ed-uk"... I've seen the parade many times and  never needed to stand on the grass or hang from a tree to get a good view, all it takes is a bit of forward planning...
Sure, but you and me are DLP pros ;)
I think the majority of visitors are there for the first time and/or have too little time reserved for their stay.
Fact is: To find good places for parade watching you should occupy your space at least half an hour prior to the schedule. And still this doesn't guarantee that no idiots queue-jump last minute before you :(

Best regards,


I think bad guest behaviour is something that is normal to any theme park. So the question is why is this such a hard problem at DLP.

First I was thinking that its an european/french thing. Most people said this in the past and I was thinking it for a long time, well till my first visit to DL Anaheim. There were so much guests climbing over railings and queue jumping seems to be a passion for mothers (and they told their children how to do that), beside from the guests that rent a wheelchair to get faster on attractions. And for any first row view you had to wait a min. of 3 hours before showtime. (There was a kind of camping for places: a stroller with 2 family members and a picnic blanket safe the places while the others had fun in the park. After an hour: Family member switch.)

So no that isn´t a problem of people without any behaviour go to disneyland paris like moths searching for light. It´s a DLP management problem.

1. More CMs

What happend at DL Anaheim if someone had the idea to climb over the railings and on green grass/planters? I can say, there was nearly always a CM along the parade route to say sentences as "Sorry sir, you can´t stay there, please". So they need much more crowd control CMs that keep sure that guests don´t take the highest hills of the berm for a good view. By the way: The railing were even deeper than at DLP. So

Quoteincrease the height of those railings around Central Plaza.

isn´t the solution.

2. More Entertainment

It´s true: At DLP is a lack of high quality entertainment. The Parade seems to be the only high quality entertainment that you can get at the moment. So it is a must for everybody.


QuoteBut I'm not sure I entirely blame people for trampling the grass to see Once Upon a Dream Parade. When you're in the park in the time leading up to the parade you can almost feel the tension swelling. There's so much emphasis placed on that one performance. If there was a proper parade at the Studios, or a second performance of OUADP, or any other kind of entertainment in the park besides Dance Express and the once-a-day Central Plaza show, it would take the heat off this parade and lead to fewer guests using desperate behaviour to get a view. For example, if we had a show like Le Livre Magique de Mickey on the Castle Stage it'd satisfy a lot of peoples' need to see the main characters, perhaps making them less likely to be so desperate to catch a glimpse during the parade.

yes!! That´s a good point!

3. Don´t change the landscaping

Central Plaza is wide enough. But DLP reduced this space over the last years. In fact the whole center of central plaza is a big stage. And that in a time with higher visitor figures then the early years. (And all for ONE tacky evening show).
The guests on central plaza need simply more space to watch the parade. Before the big stages this was a area where people could simply find a place to watch the parade. The center of the place was one of the best spots cause you could see there everything around you. Now the only space for guests is the border of central plaza. And this areas are simply FULL of people.
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...the DPG is watching U...


Queue jumping seems to be a bigger problem in the US Disney parks. At WDW we encountered that several times in two weeks while at DLRP it only happened once in four visits. Climbing over fences happened there as well, but park security and CMs immediately told them how to behave. Paris needs more guest control CMs.

Nevertheless we had the feeling that at WDW guest behaviour in general was better, but I agree that Americans aren't the best themepark guests, although many US Disney forums that also cover DLRP think so. The US parks are better organized than DLRP. While in Paris people push to get a picture with a character, in the US CMs formed a queue. That hardly ever happens at DLRP. I'm sure US guests would behave the same way without the CMs. In Paris mostly only one CMs accompanies a charcter while at WDW there were always three. So crowd control was a lot easier.

The motorized wheelchairs were also annoying at WDW and I'm glad that there aren't so many in Paris. Those people always got a special treatment. If someone needs such a wheelchair, I'm fine with treating this person differently, but I'm very sure that many wouldn't need a wheelchair. Suddenly they could walk perfectly again. We also encountered wheelchair sharing. A family of four had one wheelchair and each of them used it to skip lines while the others waited.


Quote from: "dagobert"The motorized wheelchairs were also annoying at WDW and I'm glad that there aren't so many in Paris. Those people always got a special treatment. If someone needs such a wheelchair, I'm fine with treating this person different, but I'm very sure that many wouldn't need a wheelchair. Suddenly they could walk perfectly again.

We were both thinking that the inspiration for Wall-E came up from the wheelchair folks at DL Anaheim  :(
Would be a better services for the people that need a wheelchair if not everyone could get one.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Its quite shocking really, but I do feel we need more CMs, and at least two parades a day.
2005 DLRP


Last Thursday at Central Plaza: a man lifting his little kid over the fences onto the grass on the right side of the bridge / in front of the castle and encouraged him to pee against one of the trees there. Kid didn't really wanted to at first probably cause he was so out in the open but his dad kept on pointing at the tree so he went up there in the end, opened his pants and peed against the tree.

To make things even worse, dad thought it was hilarious and took out his camera and made a picture of it. We were on the other side and saw it happening and walked towards them to say something about it, but unfortunately lost them in the crowds before we could mention it.

"It's like when you go and you see a really great band live for the first time, you know, and nobody's saying it but everybody's thinking it: "We have something to believe in again."


Quote from: "pinkboxers"Last Thursday at Central Plaza: a man lifting his little kid over the fences onto the grass on the right side of the bridge / in front of the castle and encouraged him to pee against one of the trees there. Kid didn't really wanted to at first probably cause he was so out in the open but his dad kept on pointing at the tree so he went up there in the end, opened his pants and peed against the tree.


same thing i saw in the queue of phantom manor last friday..


That happened during the AP previews in the Animagique waiting pen, it was aweful (and given an AP event, shocking).
since 2001 (many before that)


During our visit 2 weeks ago we saw a woman encouraging her little daughter to pee on the pavement. This was on a bridge in Fantasyland, near Dumbo I think. Kid lifted her skirt, peed on the floor, let her skirt down again and off they went. It was shocking to watch that. Some people really need to get some manners.

Not to mention the countless people using their flash in dark rides so we felt like we were surrounded by paparazzi or the hordes climbing over fences and trampling bushes and flowers to watch the fireworks. One night a fellow stumbled and landed on his behind - we had a good laugh, serves him right for ruining the beautiful gardens at DLP.

But we still had a great time - in fact we're going again in December already!  :D


I am sooooo shocked after reading this!  

I have on many occasions been at the very beginning of the queue and my little one decides he needs the toilet.  I know he doesn't have a strong bladder and just take him directly to the toilet (all the way chanting for him to hold on).  On Dumbo the CM said I could do the baby switch thing as my hubby and eldest boy went on the ride and I had to go on the toilet run.   Under no circumstances would I tell my child to embarrass himself like that.

I think it comes down to laziness on the parents part!!!   :oops:   Shame on them.


What is worse: Peeing in nature or peeing all over the toilet?

Last week I visited DLP with friends (4 adults, no kids) and we all were really disgusted with the condition of the toilets. Particularly in Fantasyland and the Studios overall.

IMO parents who'd let their children pee anywhere also don't care about propper use of a toilet.
For me it's ok having the children pee against trees like dogs, and leave the toilets intact for civilised guests  :twisted:

Best regards,


I have many pet hates and bad manners is top of my list.

I think what annoys me the most is when we que an HOUR early to guarentee good spots for the parade and then people turn up after it has started and attempt to push an shove in front of me. No I don't care if you have children so do I and I got here early. On one occasion they shoved so hard my son came flying out of his wheelchair and into the path of the parade (we decided to just wait at the start instead of the wheelchair area to save room for other people) they didn't even blink just stood where his wheelchair should be. Luckily the cms removed them and helped me get my son up before he got trampled or I may have killed them.

I hate all the shoving as well many times we've been pushed over by rude people. My favourite moment though was with stitch we were waiting patiently and everyone was shoving him and pushing infront of the wheelchair practically sitting on my son, someone elbowed him in the face and stitch noticed and said something to his cm and then the cm pulled us off to one side and wouldn't let anyone else near and stitch spent a while with my son. That was nice but it shouldn't have to come to that!!

I hate bad service in restaurants as well no matter how good the food is bad service ruins or for me. I hate having to wait for three days for my food and hate having to ask for simple things like cutlery. I  have had cms ask me to take my son out of his wheelchair drag him upstairs by his arms leave him at the top and come back for the wheelchair. I'm happy to say it hasn't happened often but it has happened!!

I've witnessed quite bad que jumping etc in America too it is too big and far too crowded for my liking I tend to go when the children are in school and we go to Paris as it is much more bearable. Although I do love the American and even the Tokyo parks they are just not practical with my son any more :(.

I have seen many children going to the toilet where they should not be I think if or HAS to be done and that is debatable in itself but if it has to be done then be discrete about it don't just have them doing it infront of people.

That being said I do love all things Disney I just think they should have one of the Willy Wonka Egg machines at the start of the park and all the bad eggs would be removed :D.

I could go on all day but I shan't =p


I once witnessed a couple of mums having a proper punch fight in the paved section between disneyland and disney village. Their kids were stuck right in the middle of it and the dads were just watching and laughing. No security came at all, someone else stepped in to stop them. Stuff like that shouldnt happen.

Also saw an obnoxious child stick his middle finger up at his mum and run away. Kids like that dont deserve to go to Disneyland  :evil:
"Indian Chief Indian Chief, clap clap, peekaboo peekaboo, bleeeeeeeeehhhhh"- Had that in my head ever since i saw Following the Leader with Peter Pan!