Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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If you'd care to give an example TTT I'd happily defend myself from your accusation of being the lowest form of discussion.


Quote from: "DopeyDad"If you'd care to give an example TTT I'd happily defend myself from your accusation of being the lowest form of discussion.
Go back and find the examples your self!


I have none


Guys please, would you fight if you were at a Disney park? The atmosphere in this topic right now is so childish and un-Disney, constant bickering. Just draw a line in the personal arguements and forget them.

Talk about TSPL, it's just about to open and instead of getting the exciting build up it deserves it's getting flooded by arguements. I wrote a big constructive post about the area above, and the arguements about how you wanted constructive views on the area around it meant that it went un-noticed.

I know I'll visit the area when it's open, and I know I'll enjoy it. It doesn't mean that it has to be the best or worst thing ever. Suspend your disbelief, go with the storyline Imagineering came up with and try to enjoy what parts of it you can.
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


I can't very well let statements like that go unchallenged, much as I'd rather be talking about TSPL.

And I really liked points in your last post about TSPL Scissorsboi, it made a lot of sense to me.


Quote from: "seanmartina"I really think you should not leave the forum, this is a public forum were all views are welcome, your saying what you think, and your not anti disney ,just like many people, you have misgivings about toy story play land,  i think your views should be welcomed, and if some people take offence because they have different views,thats really down to them. you have taken a lot of stick on this board which sould be unacceptable, just because you dont agree... you have taken a stand on something you think is right..

Sadly, some of us have been asked not to do so. It is difficult as there is a lot of value in this forum in the main.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"
Quote from: "seanmartina"I really think you should not leave the forum, this is a public forum were all views are welcome, your saying what you think, and your not anti disney ,just like many people, you have misgivings about toy story play land,  i think your views should be welcomed, and if some people take offence because they have different views,thats really down to them. you have taken a lot of stick on this board which sould be unacceptable, just because you dont agree... you have taken a stand on something you think is right..

Sadly, some of us have been asked not to do so. It is difficult as there is a lot of value in this forum in the main.

I really dont think anyone should be asking anyone, not to not write an opinion... thats like saying if its not good news we dont want to know... dont post here.... this is after all the magic forum... discuss the magic! and the not so magic.... or should we dictate to all the postive posters on what to write as well.. maybe some rose tinted glasses would be nice..


We should be able to value each others opinions, I fall quite happily into the happy clappy camp-but I value what others have to say and have read through what has been said(Although I am beginning to skip posts of repetitive arguments). Nobody is going to like everything-what a boring bunch we'd be if we did.

I will say if there are certain areas in TSPL I dont particularly like and why (I am concerned the cement made to look like mud round RC looks like it will crumble and we will have some unsightly fencing put up round him in no time. And as Davewasbaloo has pointeed out-height restrictions on rides-although this wont effect my family as we're all tall enough-or dont fancy riding RC) But I will say that in the majority I love the look of the area as its another area to visit with my family and we all love Toy Story. Its brought greenery into WDS and its bright and colourful (And I can see that as a pro from the happy clappy camp where I stand and as a gory unsuitable con on the flip side)

ButIf I feel that comments are derogatory then I also think I have the right to say I  find it so-so that discussions can move on. Low pops from either side, liking it or hating it are cheap and lead us down this road again. C'mon guys wheres the Disney spirit?-and before anyone says its not in TSPL -thats a cheap shot. :P

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"You posted a picture of "irony".... Petit Sirene enjoyed it, can I see your face? Can I post it where ever I want and get personal with you? I doubt you would like that?

Actrually it was posted in light humour, then again as I then pointed out to someone I was guessing humour would be lost on this thread in particular. As for seeing my face? If you looked hard enough you could find it. Have I been singled out and had abuse thrown at me on the net? Sure, it happens to everyone, YES its even happened on this forum and was one of the reasons I stopped posting. The reason? Because I posted how I was being optimistic and looking forward to TSPL and apparently I was wrong to think that. This is why it annoys me that people are allowed to sit here shoot down every 'happy clappy' person who looks forward to this place. I have constantly posted that I am waiting to judge for myself but am looking forward to it, and yet I'm constantly shot down as a happy clappy 'doesnt know a thing about Disney' person.

I am open to other peoples view, as I have said I value davewasbaloo and Forza's critisism, and why? Because they have a valueable arguement. They have fors and agasints for the lands instead of 'TSPL is Crap end of' NO not everyone like TSPL, not everyone has to, but people who do shouldnt be left feeling like they are worthless and know nothing about Disney just because they havent been to Tokyo DisneySea. Perhaps the reason people have targeted you TTT is because of the sarcastic comments you post, like calling Slinky Dog Stinky Dog and asking DopeyDad if he had any worth to his joke by asking if he had even been to any of the other resorts. You might actually get some respect if you stopped shooting anyone down who disagrees with you.

Thats all I have to say on the matter, this thread has made me angry beyond measure I to be honest I dont need it. I try to be nice and defend some people who have had nasty comments against them and been targetted but I'm done. So BACK ON TOPIC:

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"On one level Claire, that may seem fine. But call me old fashioned, I am the school of thought that all Disney attractions should be suitable for the whole family to ride. That is why Walt built Disneyland in the first place.

I think the problem here is although I agree Disney Parks should be for the whole family, europeans are known for their thrill seeking. Something that the realised very early on. I hold up my hands and admit I am a thrill seeker and rides like ToT are my ultimate fav. However I also value the family friendly rides such as IASW and PPF. I think DLP have the tough situation of needing to cater to the Disney brand but also catering for the thrills that a European expects from a theme park. A part of what Walt also said was that Disney should be a place where adults can find their inner child and theres nothing that brings out the child in me than running through the ToT queue line giggling like a little child.  ;)

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"It will be popular, and yes it is better than that mess that is Chester and Hester's, but is this the sort of stuff you would want to travel to see? Not everything needs to be an e-ticket or indeed I am happy for us to go a few years between attractions.

I agree its not the kind of thing that would make me book to go see it. I happen to be going in September and so I will look forward to seeing this new addition. However I can imagine a lot of kids running up to mummy and daddy begging to go because of TSPL.

I seriously think we ALL need to take a step back and wait to see what happens. Theres no point shooting down the place before it gets off the ground. It might turn out to be an enormous mistake, at which point we hope they learn their mistake and take steps to make sure it doesnt happen again. Then again after some time once its settled we might realise that infact this was what WDS needed, and who knows what the Rat Ride will bring. None of us can see into the future (though that would be a pretty cool gift xD)

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel


Just got back from 4 days of magic at Disneyland Paris. After reading all the posts i've missed the past few days, I just want to add this to the other discussion in this topic:

How many times do we have to post that we all RESPECT each others opinions, even if we not agree with them. The real problem is the attitute of some 'nay-sayers' that their opinion is SUPERIOR to the opinions of others. Why is that so hard to see? A forum is a place where we can all express our opinions, whether they are positive or negative but with RESPECT for each other. That respect is lacking, at least with a few members here.
I do not have a problem with nay-sayers, but I do have a problem when they think their opinion is the ONLY opinion possible and others are 'less' in thinking otherwise.

This thread started with the positive members complaining about the attitute of some negative members. Now, some negative members have magicaly turned this around and positioniting themselfs in the 'victim-role'. As if, they are attacted by the positive members. That's hillarious! It could be a script for a sit-com!
If members want to leave, then by all means do. If members want to stay, then by all means stay. As long as we RESPECT each other and not shooting comments down because they don't reflect our own.

Back ontopic (get ready for a positive review and finaly some Magic in this topic):

I've been to the avant-premiere for Dream passholders last saturday and I had a blast! I too had concers about the rides (especially capacity-wise) and those concerns are still there, but when I entered Toy Story Playland and heard the fantastic music loops, the colorfulness of the land, the theme, the look on the childrens faces and the que's, I felt quite happy about it (oh dear god, does this mean I'm now officialy part of the 'happy clappy' group?).

We did all the rides and started with the Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop. They realy need to add a giant parachute on top of the tower, but besides that, it's a great ride with lots of opportunities to make beautiful pictures of both parks and hotels. The que is great with lots of detailed theming and small references. The ride itself is very smooth and relaxing. We went up and down several times and waved to the visitors of the Studio Tram Tour. At the end we all clapped (all 'happy clappy' folks) and went through the exit with a smile.

Next stop was Slinky Dog Zig Zag Spin. Again, the que is great with the music loops and lots of greenery all around. Before we entered the vehicles, I thought this was for kids only. How wrong I was. This ride is lots of fun and towards the climax is getting realy fast! Everybody was laughing and cheering, kids and adults alike. Even lots of teens did this ride and based on their reaction afterwards, liked it more then they imagined. If the que is not too long, I will ride Slinky again in the future!

The final stop was at RC Racer. Seeing RC for the first time 'live' was a real treat. He looks briljant and although I do not like seeing bare steel track, the theming of the ride and que itself made it look good. The que is designed for a whopping 120 minute wait, but now we only waited 10 minutes (hooray for Dream special events!). Walking down the entire que takes some time, but is beautiful with all the greenery and details. We got a place in front of RC and I realy got nervous. The restrains are double safety with the usual coaster bars on your shoulders and an extra belt to keep it in place in case it fails (got forbid that would happen).
Once RC started to move, everybody was realy excited. It took him 2 runs to get to maximal speed and boy oh boy, what a thrill! The feeling in your stomache is way worse then in the Tower of Terror, but so much fun. RC takes you BEYOND the point when you are looking straigt down the track. SWEET! The screaming is realy adding to the fun and everybody was in a 'WOW'-mood afterwards. The Studios has got another thrill-ride!

After leaving RC Racer we strolled down the road in Toy Story Playland and realy sooking up the atmosphere. Rex's one-liners are funny and he is communicating with Slinky when he rides. The Barrel of Monkeys at the end holds a small giftshop and the other barrel leads towards the future Ratatouille area.

Summary: TSP adds lots of atmosphere, theming and great music loops to the Studios. The rides are better then expected. It may not be an E-Ticket but seeing all the happy faces in there realy confirms for me that this is a good choice for the Studios. Looking forward to seeing Toy Story Playland with the lights on in october!
DLRP Fan Blog > The Magic of Disneyland Resort Paris (Dutch DLRP Fan Blog)


Welcome to the happy clappy club Tuvok ;) hehe

Quote from: "Tuvok"Rex's one-liners are funny and he is communicating with Slinky when he rides.

Wow thats a really nice detail! :D I am really excited about trying these rides for myself when we go in 4 weeks.  :D/
I am sure there is so much to the land that cant be explained in photos and its good to hear the kids really seemed to enjoy it! I guess we will have to see how it copes with floods of guests tomorrow...

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Thanks everyone. My walkthrough pretty much showed me what you have seen, and I may ride some of these attractions in a few days time.  As far as the area is concerned, I do recognise the greenery is welcome, and indeed there is a lot of attention to detail. My real issues are the capacity and weather problems, as well as the nature of the attractions not being inclusive. Also add in that if it were themed to another theme, it could really be in any other theme park around the globe.

It will be popular, and yes it is better than that mess that is Chester and Hester's, but is this the sort of stuff you would want to travel to see? Not everything needs to be an e-ticket or indeed I am happy for us to go a few years between attractions.

It will be interesting to see what my kids have to say.
Oh look a balanced arguement, something worth respecting. I think we all know Dave doesnt like TSPL, hope Ive made it obvious I do but when someone posts like this I can see the comments have been thought through and you can have a discussion. From my point of view I agree with the greenery and the popularity and, even though I like TSPL, i also agree with the issues on capacity and weather. One thing I never have to consider is the rides being inclusive, I have no children and according to every clothes shop I go in I am Mr Average Size. Until you made your comments Dave I would never have considered that as a potential problem, still isnt for me but helps me see your side, thank you.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


Quote from: "RockNRoller"Oh look a balanced arguement, something worth respecting. I think we all know Dave doesnt like TSPL, hope Ive made it obvious I do but when someone posts like this I can see the comments have been thought through and you can have a discussion. From my point of view I agree with the greenery and the popularity and, even though I like TSPL, i also agree with the issues on capacity and weather. One thing I never have to consider is the rides being inclusive, I have no children and according to every clothes shop I go in I am Mr Average Size. Until you made your comments Dave I would never have considered that as a potential problem, still isnt for me but helps me see your side, thank you.
I have to agree there - I'm a 24 year old female of average (if slightly on the shorter side) height and weight with no children so capacity, height restrictions, harness sizing and to some extent weather (I only have my girlfriend to think about) have little impact on me. As such I don't consider it when looking at the land. It is nice to "see" it through the eyes of parents of small and not so small children.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


just looks awesome. looking forward to it this saterday :D!

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


Quote from: "Disneydavid"just looks awesome. looking forward to it this saterday :D!
Have fun!! ;)
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