Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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There's a huge photo update over on Theme Park Review (link), it shows the area off well, there's some parts which look nice, and others which look poor.

What I've kinda come to realise is that the area needs to settle and the planting be more 'overgrown and wild' to fit the garden theme. With the neat topiaries and lovely little patches of shrubbery, it looks more like an expansion of a SeaWorld park - compare this to one of the Sesame Street areas and you'll see visual similarities.

I think what this area has done is cleverly brought both a new kids area (visually/thematically) to the park, and yet provided another 'mid-thrill' attraction for the teens/adults in the family. I just think that it needs time to settle with the planting and let them tweak it as they learn how it works operationally.

This is a stepping stone between Tower and Ratatouille, and at the end of the day it's nice to see the greenery and less tarmac heavy area breaking up the park.

Is it a perfect area? No. Is it truely Disney? No. (But it's not as bad as Chester and Hesters Dinorama! Nothing is that bad.). Is it somewhere which will be enjoyed by the families? Most likely.

It's not up to the standards we expect of the parks, but it'll please the guests, and with guests comes revenue, and with revenue comes better investments in the future - Ratatouille, hopefully Soarin' and that theatre district plan. Who knows, it might even get some actual buildings for Hollywood Bvd to clad the views created by Parachutes!

So, my final thoughts are: it's a nice area, very different to what else we have at Studios, and it's something which I think over time will get a little better, and hey, it's in now, no changing it, lets live with it until Ratatouille goes up, and then get excited by that. Maybe in the master plan for the park the area is there as a filler to help to soak up the queues they're planning for Ratatouille?
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I will be going in 12 days, but as I have already done a walk around and my comments have not been well received, I doubt I will share my experiences (unless I report the views of my wife, kids and friends we are going with).

You have to comment Dave (can I call you Dave) this forum would be missing something good if you didn't. If those who disagree with you cant accept your opinion tough. Ive gone back over this thread many times and there are as many good arguements for as against but it has degenerated into chaos far too often. People have different standards/understandings/beliefs/experiences of Disney which is part of the problem but also the reason why this forum works. There are many happy threads in this forum and i dont see why TSPL has generated such a force of ill feeling. People are different and we all need to respect that, me included, if we were all the same this forum would be a worse place for it.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


Quote from: "Scissorsboi"But it's not as bad as Chester and Hesters Dinorama! Nothing is that bad.

I full heartedly agree there -_- I think that was the only part of Animal Kingdom I truely hated with a passion... Of course it wasnt helped by the fact that I queued 40 minutes for the ride there and there were only 20 people infront of me in the queue!

I've been looking at some peoples photos on Flickr of the preview opening and some of the photos are looking truely amazing. Some not so. As Scissorsboi said I think it needs time to grow before we can truely judge it. I'm looking forward to letting my own camera loose on it to be honest.  :thumbs:

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel


Here is a trip report from Toy Story Playland, including a look into the Barrel of Monkeys Shop aswell as generic land/ride photos: ... 99#p929199


Thanks Whip, Davewasbaloo, now the place is pretty much fully open, can you shed any more light on the area from your walk-through too. It would be interesting to get a counter view from the fairly positive trip report above.

Nice to see you back btw Whip


I think the forum would be missing a big part of it, if dave stopped commenting, he has been a driving force of the forum, and all his helpfull tips and answers on the forum have helped many make the most of the resort. His valuable insight into what Disney was and what it could be again, is invaluable. He is an adoring fan of Disney parks especialy our own disneyland paris, but he has seen, what many of us have seen including me and many who choose to deny, is the steady decline in the Disney standards, in many many areas . The are the king of imagination and of creating dreams, but now its been ripped to the basics, cuts cuts, even when they get ti right they change it or cut it, or cancell. Even disney parks worldwide are getting it wrong, managment only care about one thing nowadays and that is money money, were walt beleived in the magic and dreams, and made money on the values of Disney. So if Dave were not to comment i would personally really miss his reports on his and our beloved park


Quote from: "PetiteSirene"Although I dont know the accuracy of these figures TSMM cost roughly 80 million USD and TSPL 70 Million Euro. If converted to pounds that makes TSMM £5,963,954.48 cheaper than TSPL. However having said that, for 5 million less we would have only one new ride rather than 3. And also I agree that if we had TSMM it would have just been another 'studio' box added to the mix. The studios needed and immersive area and although not everyone likes it I think TSPL does the job.  :? swings and roundabouts

Yes... Besides, the Tower of Terror appears to have cost a significant amount more than its identical US counterpart. So we don't really know what it would have cost to build Midway Mania in Paris. Perhaps about €70 million... I wonder if any plans have been drawn up for it.
Here's that video:
I'm starting to repeat myself into oblivion, but I really, really like the music. It's somewhere in between Alice's Curious Labyrinth and Discoveryland, wouldn't you say? And coming from those Tinkertoy installations rather than the usual planter speakers, the sound quality must be excellent, too.

And if you want a less euphoric review, there are some fairly balanced ones over at Disney Central Plaza, notably the one by Mr. Freddy:
http://disneycentralplaza.englishboard. ... 02-580.htm


Quote from: "RockNRoller"
Quote from: "MagicStar"
Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"Talk about getting the most important element for the theme of this ride all wrong! I know that it is a RC racer... but what is it doing on that track then?

Thats the point I asked myself from the early beginning. This car doesn´t fit on a hot wheels track!
And the question is: Didn´t they care about that? Or didn´t they find a better solution?

Please correct me if Im wrong but isnt there a scene in Toy Story 1 where Buzz rides down a Hot Wheels track not actually on RC but still a Hot Wheels track and lets be honest if they had built this and put on any old car we would have said why not RC. Hot Wheels track and RC, both toys of Andy bought together to make one ride.

Hot Wheels are Hot Wheels... Rc cars are RC cars... sure it is possible to mix. A child can put a boat on a railway track.
I don´t think they used their imagination enough when they sat down one night had a beer and designed this land.


Quote from: "Clara2141"I am one of those looking forward to visiting this new land, I go in November and relish anything new. I have no issue however with people expressing their dislike for the look of the land, the rides etc etc. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Their own likes and dislikes. I respect constructive criticism and detailed opinion based on what people have seen.

HOWEVER - what I do not appreciate about some of the people who do not like the land is the way that any persons who have shown any positive response to the addition, or anyone looking forward to the thought of taking their children there, have been shot down. Told on various occasions that they are "happy clappy" or that they do not appreciate true Disney Magic.
Quote from: "forza_united"I could find similar posts that tells me TSPL is very, very good without arguementation. This is the nail of which I am trying to hit the head - we need to see that some from both "camps" are making postulations that could irritate someone from the other camp. I hereby recommend everyone to follow up a TSPL opinion with argumentation. By doing this we will be able to get a real discussion and not just a "my-dad-is-bigger-than-your-dad"-discussion. This is not pointed at anyone in particular - more a general thing myself included.
These two quotes sum up my views on what's happening in this thread.

For the past 4 years I've been posting on internet forums (mightn't seem long but I'm 16, so I started at 12) and I think it's safe to say I've nearly saw it all in terms of 'debates' that got out of hand.  Worst case scenario I've witness was members banned, more leaving for good and a number of topics deleted.  Believe me it wasn't pretty, and the aftermath of it has left a hostile reception on the forum.  Do you want this to happen to here?  I still see this as the friendliest forum on the web.  A lot has changed on this forum from the day I joined, the boards grew bigger, members have came and went and regulars found themselves a home, but if we keep going the way we are this won't be a home for anyone, and the Magic Forum will just be another forum on the internet and not the friendly place I once knew.  I don't want this to happen, and I'm sure you'll agree.

Oh, and TimmyTimmyTimmy, on the topic of "A RC car wouldn't fit on a Hot Wheels track", what about this one?  There's a plausible answer to this riddle.
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Thanks everyone. My walkthrough pretty much showed me what you have seen, and I may ride some of these attractions in a few days time.  As far as the area is concerned, I do recognise the greenery is welcome, and indeed there is a lot of attention to detail. My real issues are the capacity and weather problems, as well as the nature of the attractions not being inclusive. Also add in that if it were themed to another theme, it could really be in any other theme park around the globe.

It will be popular, and yes it is better than that mess that is Chester and Hester's, but is this the sort of stuff you would want to travel to see? Not everything needs to be an e-ticket or indeed I am happy for us to go a few years between attractions.

It will be interesting to see what my kids have to say.
since 2001 (many before that)


I can't see the problem with the RC height limit myself. It's clearly a thrill ride and the park needs those as much as it needs kiddie rides. I'm sure that's as low as they could safely have it. If the height limit is 1.2m then your average 7 or 8 year old should be able to get on it which sounds fine to me. It's not like Disney doesn't have an abundance of rides that suit the little uns.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


On one level Claire, that may seem fine. But call me old fashioned, I am the school of thought that all Disney attractions should be suitable for the whole family to ride. That is why Walt built Disneyland in the first place.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "-breeno-"
Quote from: "Clara2141"I am one of those looking forward to visiting this new land, I go in November and relish anything new. I have no issue however with people expressing their dislike for the look of the land, the rides etc etc. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Their own likes and dislikes. I respect constructive criticism and detailed opinion based on what people have seen.

HOWEVER - what I do not appreciate about some of the people who do not like the land is the way that any persons who have shown any positive response to the addition, or anyone looking forward to the thought of taking their children there, have been shot down. Told on various occasions that they are "happy clappy" or that they do not appreciate true Disney Magic.
Quote from: "forza_united"I could find similar posts that tells me TSPL is very, very good without arguementation. This is the nail of which I am trying to hit the head - we need to see that some from both "camps" are making postulations that could irritate someone from the other camp. I hereby recommend everyone to follow up a TSPL opinion with argumentation. By doing this we will be able to get a real discussion and not just a "my-dad-is-bigger-than-your-dad"-discussion. This is not pointed at anyone in particular - more a general thing myself included.
These two quotes sum up my views on what's happening in this thread.

For the past 4 years I've been posting on internet forums (mightn't seem long but I'm 16, so I started at 12) and I think it's safe to say I've nearly saw it all in terms of 'debates' that got out of hand.  Worst case scenario I've witness was members banned, more leaving for good and a number of topics deleted.  Believe me it wasn't pretty, and the aftermath of it has left a hostile reception on the forum.  Do you want this to happen to here?  I still see this as the friendliest forum on the web.  A lot has changed on this forum from the day I joined, the boards grew bigger, members have came and went and regulars found themselves a home, but if we keep going the way we are this won't be a home for anyone, and the Magic Forum will just be another forum on the internet and not the friendly place I once knew.  I don't want this to happen, and I'm sure you'll agree.

Oh, and TimmyTimmyTimmy, on the topic of "A RC car wouldn't fit on a Hot Wheels track", what about this one?  There's a plausible answer to this riddle.

Well I cant say anything more than sometimes all it takes is a long shot. RC raser as a Hot Wheel... It doesn´t change anything but ok, RC racer is a Hot Wheel car.


If you start a forum and expect people to have the same view that´s fine. I can say I am sorry if I have put anybody down.
I have only been saying negative things about Disney. I have been repetetive and also the mosyt active in the TSPL forum. I have gotten alot of dirt for it.
People say that I don´t back up my views, but when I do I get dirt for not liking what everybody else does. I write long posts about what is bad and how it could have been done, people write "I love it" about TSPL and then some crap about how TTT is visible on google and how negative I am. If anybody leaves your forum because of my view or anybody elses that is their problem not, mine. This is a forum not North Korea!
Nobody has had as many negative comments posted on the TSPL forum as I, and they have almost always been cheap shots. Petit Sirene, Ed Uk, Dopey Dad and some others stand for the very lowest when it comes to a discussion. They answer back at the person who has written things and not about the things that have been written. TTT is being mentioned all the time. I understand why... but there has to be a limit on how much crap one person should take on a forum like this? If no limit then why am I constantly warned over and over when all I do is to post my view on a themepark?
Festival Disney... can we see your face? You posted a picture of "irony".... Petit Sirene enjoyed it, can I see your face? Can I post it where ever I want and get personal with you? I doubt you would like that? I was here to talk about Disney and not to try to defend myself from lazy minded idiots.

Kick me out, delete me or what ever. I am not going to post anything here again. This have been the worst internet experience in my life. To the ones that commented about ME.... you all belong in Toy Story Playland together!

Bye tragic forum!


I really think you should not leave the forum, this is a public forum were all views are welcome, your saying what you think, and your not anti disney ,just like many people, you have misgivings about toy story play land,  i think your views should be welcomed, and if some people take offence because they have different views,thats really down to them. you have taken a lot of stick on this board which sould be unacceptable, just because you dont agree... you have taken a stand on something you think is right..