Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Dont get me wrong, constructive critisism is greatly welcomed by me, after all it wouldnt be a discussion if it wasnt. However... Its not a discussion if we are not open to other peoples views. Its a problem that has been going on in this thread ever since I came back and one that certain memebers have been warned about. Time and time again I and other have said we respect others views to those who do not like it. What is upsetting people is the attitude that is given by a member who everyone knows doesnt like TSPL and whos posts are constantly sarastic and agressive (though looking back I can see some of these posts have been edited)

Its one of the reasons I left the forum in the first place (secondly because life got busy and sorry, but real life and my family is more important than a squabble over an addition to a theme park.) There are people on here whos views I value, such as davewasbaloo. There are also those that I find are nothing but sarcastic and downbeating to members. I can see why some people dont like it, as I've said time and time again, I am going to be excited for my trip and wait until I've seen it with my own eyes before I make judgement. However every time I log on I see a comment in this thread (or any thread actually) about how a certain member hates TSPL it shows an inconsideration for others points of view... People are saying that peoples head are so stuck up with being 'disney fans' that they are wrong... In the same way some people can be so totally negative and also be wrong.

At the end of the day, whether we like TSPL or not, neither of us are right or wrong. Some people will love it, some will hate it. You have to remember that some people on the magic forum arent die hard Disney fans, they dont need to be called names because they love something. THAT is what makes me angry, people should be allowed to be excited for TSPL without being constantly told they are wrong.

*throws mickey confetti in an Attempt to get this thread back on track*

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel


None of us on the forum are involved in the design or planing phase of a new land in a Disney theme park. I sometimes feel it's easy to tear the imagineers work down when it's built. Indeed some had written TSPL of from the get go, with out even seeing it or trying it. It's true people don't have to like it. And that has been made clear. I don't like RochnRoller Coaster. The point I was making is that the Toy Story films are Fantasy. And TSPL is themed to that. It's Fantasy, it's not ment to look like a real boys garden. I think some people have made the piont they should look like real toys. My piont stands about the dancing dolls and the canal boats. And I don't thing that is being rude.
Ed & David


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I have refrained from commenting for a while as negative views of Disney do not seem to be allowed formally or informally. But I thought I should share some more new news with you all.

In addition to RC Racer not being suitable for under 1m20's or people with heart problems etc. Those of us that are big better watch out too. Apparently the harnesses are less forgiving to bigger people than Crush Coaster. Whereas Disney coasters used to be able to fit larger guests with ease, Paris once again have built an attraction that tall or stout (or in my case both) may struggle with fitting. Be sure to talk to a cast member if you are large before getting in the queue.

I will be going in 12 days, but as I have already done a walk around and my comments have not been well received, I doubt I will share my experiences (unless I report the views of my wife, kids and friends we are going with).

I'm by no way an expert but I remember reading somewhere else about restraints on a different ride that they have to be able to accommodate the widest spread of guests, including people that are smaller, so they tend to have tighter restraints, unfortunately excluding larger people. Being tall I know how much of a pain it is to fit into some rides comfortably.
Anyway, the thing with an RC Car on a Hot Wheels track is because "children mix their toys", the official WDI line on it. But considering American parks are being sued by BMW for using roller-coaster cars that look like Mini Coopers I think using a car Disney own the rights to was a good decision, just maybe not themeing wise. Also, consider how many licensing agreements Disney have entered into to create this land with Hasbro, Mattel, etc.


The less rights that Disney have to pay for the better in my opinion... And has been said we have no idea how things go on back stage. For all we know DLP bought the three rides and said to the WDI here do something with it... Blaming WDI for everything TSPL related isnt right, I am sure theres a lot of other parties that had input to the area and the rides. Its easy for us to sit here and say we could do a better job, however we dont know the restraints they had to work under.

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel


OK - this will be my last post at this forum.

Its a waste of time, to write down your opinion and always get treated.
I remember the old times, when we had fun to discuss the pro and cons. Many of the "old gang" here have gone.
And I miss the good times I had here.
As much as I like Kristof and his fantastic work here... This forum has become too rude.
And as long as people don´t accept any negative word about their holy Disney Cow, it won´t become better.
Disney can make mistakes like everyone else. And its the function of the fans the critisize them - who else should do? As long as nobody says a word of criticism - Disney has no reason to change something.
I´m a huge Disney-Fan. But discussing here isn´t possible anymore.
I don´t know how many posts here a really part of disneys pr department. (Some here know who I mean)
But for me the point has come to stop this: "Fans-are-fight-against-each-other-thing"
This is poor and ignorant.
And the pro-Disney guys here do the same, what they accuse to the TSPL-Disliker.
Its tiring.

Wish you all the best!!!
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Quote from: "MagicStar"OK - this will be my last post at this forum.

Its a waste of time, to write down your opinion and always get treated.
I remember the old times, when we had fun to discuss the pro and cons. Many of the "old gang" here have gone.
And I miss the good times I had here.
As much as I like Kristof and his fantastic work here... This forum has become too rude.
And as long as people don´t accept any negative word about their holy Disney Cow, it won´t become better.
Disney can make mistakes like everyone else. And its the function of the fans the critisize them - who else should do? As long as nobody says a word of criticism - Disney has no reason to change something.
I´m a huge Disney-Fan. But discussing here isn´t possible anymore.
I don´t know how many posts here a really part of disneys pr department. (Some here know who I mean)
But for me the point has come to stop this: "Fans-are-fight-against-each-other-thing"
This is poor and ignorant.
And the pro-Disney guys here do the same, what they accuse to the TSPL-Disliker.
Its tiring.

Wish you all the best!!!

I appreciate you will not read this as your post states, however this is my 2 pennies worth.

I am one of those looking forward to visiting this new land, I go in November and relish anything new. I have no issue however with people expressing their dislike for the look of the land, the rides etc etc. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Their own likes and dislikes. I respect constructive criticism and detailed opinion based on what people have seen.

HOWEVER - what I do not appreciate about some of the people who do not like the land is the way that any persons who have shown any positive response to the addition, or anyone looking forward to the thought of taking their children there, have been shot down. Told on various occasions that they are "happy clappy" or that they do not appreciate true Disney Magic.

I cry every time I first step into Main Street and see the Castle. That is the magic working for me, the 6 year old in side is still going strong. TSPL may not bring me to tears in the same way - but that 6 year old is very excited about going on the Parachute Drop.

Whilst I am not part of the "old gang" (I have only just had the disposable income to save for these trips) I feel my opinions as just as valid. Discussion is very possible here - there are a number of forum members who have made constructive, if negative, posts which have been interesting and useful.

To get a bit further back to the topic - whilst TSPL may not be as "magical", I think it works well in WDS. It brings colour, themeing and more, much needed rides. If it had been placed in Disney Park itself I may have had a different opinion but I think that the planners have chosen the right area for it. With the Rat Ride being opened soon, maybe turning that side of the park into a Pixar theme is not a bad idea. It is the direction Disney is going in and more more future driven. Personally I would love a Up themed ride, but as my favourite Pixar film I appreciate I am bias.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


Quote from: "Clara2141"HOWEVER - what I do not appreciate about some of the people who do not like the land is the way that any persons who have shown any positive response to the addition, or anyone looking forward to the thought of taking their children there, have been shot down. Told on various occasions that they are "happy clappy" or that they do not appreciate true Disney Magic.

I cry every time I first step into Main Street and see the Castle. That is the magic working for me, the 6 year old in side is still going strong. TSPL may not bring me to tears in the same way - but that 6 year old is very excited about going on the Parachute Drop.

 =D> well said! Thats what I've been try to say without much luck, you have a better way with words then me.

I see nothing wrong with a pixar section in the studios either, especially since Pixar play such a huge part now. Out of 3 of my Nephews favourite all time characters 2 are Pixar (Buzz and Lightning Mcqueen.) I know a lot of children love and are growing up with Pixar. Pixar for them is what films like Aladdin and the Little Mermaid were like for me.

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel


Quote from: "alka1"I wish WDS would have gotten DCA's Midway Mania clone and not DHS. You get the toy theme, but it's indoors and interactive fun for the whole family. Because all these rides are outdoors at TSPL, I wonder how the weather will affect operations. With poor weather in the winter, does that mean the entire land will shut down?

Same as Fantasyland, I suppose. But the thing is, as we know, Midway Mania would have eaten away so much of Euro Disney's budget for this addition that there would not have been a nice juicy budget left for the packaging.
Someone once likened the Studios to a place filled with nice Disney attractions still in their boxes, waiting to be put in a Disney park. So it would have been another crate... And we'd all be looking jealously to the other, better packaged versions of the ride.

QuoteThe only other thing that bothers me is the huge size of RC and Parachute Drop. They kind of destroy the illusion of keeping everything the size of a toy. At Flik's Fun Fair, the land is kept within a "canopy" and it everything is kind of tucked away to preserve the illusion that the guest is a size of a bug.

That I agree with. I suppose thrills need to be a certain size just to pick up the requisite speed, but I'm not sure why they thought they needed two of them anyway; the park had plenty on offer for the teenage boy demographic without them. Why not two round-and-round-type rides and one really cheap dark ride? (A partially covered version of Heimlich's Chew Chew Train doesn't sound like it would have rivaled Space Mountain's invoice.)

But the vegetation of Flik's Fun Fair has had six years to grow, of course. Did you know bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth? So good news.


OMG what's happening here. Many members are leaving.

Quote from: "MagicStar"OK - this will be my last post at this forum.

Its a waste of time, to write down your opinion and always get treated.
I remember the old times, when we had fun to discuss the pro and cons. Many of the "old gang" here have gone.
And I miss the good times I had here.
As much as I like Kristof and his fantastic work here... This forum has become too rude.
And as long as people don´t accept any negative word about their holy Disney Cow, it won´t become better.
Disney can make mistakes like everyone else. And its the function of the fans the critisize them - who else should do? As long as nobody says a word of criticism - Disney has no reason to change something.
I´m a huge Disney-Fan. But discussing here isn´t possible anymore.
I don´t know how many posts here a really part of disneys pr department. (Some here know who I mean)
But for me the point has come to stop this: "Fans-are-fight-against-each-other-thing"
This is poor and ignorant.
And the pro-Disney guys here do the same, what they accuse to the TSPL-Disliker.
Its tiring.

Wish you all the best!!!

Quote from: "Pizzaplanet"In the last days I have read through the whole thread and to me it seems that on this forum it is not really tolerated to say something against Disney. Many people here like TSPL and many people don't like it.  In my opinion the people that don't like TSPL didn't insult anyone. And if people can't stand with critics, I'm very sorry for them. Although I think that the theming of the land is great, I still don't like TSPL very much. For me it is a waste of money that could be better used.
We pay premium prices at Disney and what we get for the money, especially in Paris, isn't really what I expect. I know Disney has financial issues and so they can't spend a lot. Another reason why I think TSPL is a waste of money.

Maybe there are people who are happy with Disney's standards of today, but I'm not. WDI did great jobs in recent years, but they made more mistakes and people are tolerating these mistakes. I'm sure the great days of Disney themeparks are gone. Why should Disney build wonderful attractions when people are happy with carnival rides.

I'm leaving this forum now, because I don't feel very comfortable here, since paople don't even tolerate constructive critics here.

Tomorrow we are going to Disneyland Paris and I'm sure my kids will like it.

Have a magical day!!

Well said! You will not read it anymore, but I'm joining you! At least until things have calmed down. I'm also tired to be treated like that and that discussions aren't possible anymore.

Wish you all the best!


Quote from: "pussinboots"Same as Fantasyland, I suppose. But the thing is, as we know, Midway Mania would have eaten away so much of Euro Disney's budget for this addition that there would not have been a nice juicy budget left for the packaging.

Although I dont know the accuracy of these figures TSMM cost roughly 80 million USD and TSPL 70 Million Euro. If converted to pounds that makes TSMM £5,963,954.48 cheaper than TSPL. However having said that, for 5 million less we would have only one new ride rather than 3. And also I agree that if we had TSMM it would have just been another 'studio' box added to the mix. The studios needed and immersive area and although not everyone likes it I think TSPL does the job.  :? swings and roundabouts

I don\'t know when, I don\'t know how, but I know something is starting right now.
Watch and you\'ll see, someday I\'ll be Part of Your World.

Feb 2001 - Paris
Sept 2008 - Santa Fe
Dec 2008 - Cheyenne
Feb 2009 - Sequoia
September 2009 - Disneyland Hotel

For Walt's sake please stop this madness... This post will not be about pros or cons about TSPL as it should be - we all need to do something to stop people from leaving.

Everybody has a right to share their view on this addition. Look in the top it says: MagicForum - discuss the magic! And when you discuss you are able to be happy but you are certainly also allowed to critizise - after all this is what discussion is about.

Some of the people who are against TSPL has been rude sometimes and that is not okay. BUT how have those people's negative opinions been received? By telling them, that we know what that they just hate it and there is not way to keep telling it. Well, isn't that being just as rude as the other way around? When a new construction update has arrived the regular negative people have posted their negative posts, but the regular happy people have also posted their positive thoughts. You know what, I know how you feel too, so why is it that e.g. TTT isn't allowed to post his negative posts after an update when you (the positive people) are allowed to post your positive thoughts?? I fail to understand this...

This is a place for everyone as is the park - so please stop the double standards and do not leave this place because of this discussion. That is all I ask of you!  [-o<

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Quote from: "MagicStar"
Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"Talk about getting the most important element for the theme of this ride all wrong! I know that it is a RC racer... but what is it doing on that track then?

Thats the point I asked myself from the early beginning. This car doesn´t fit on a hot wheels track!
And the question is: Didn´t they care about that? Or didn´t they find a better solution?

Please correct me if Im wrong but isnt there a scene in Toy Story 1 where Buzz rides down a Hot Wheels track not actually on RC but still a Hot Wheels track and lets be honest if they had built this and put on any old car we would have said why not RC. Hot Wheels track and RC, both toys of Andy bought together to make one ride.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


Quote from: "forza_united"For Walt's sake please stop this madness... This post will not be about pros or cons about TSPL as it should be - we all need to do something to stop people from leaving.

Everybody has a right to share their view on this addition. Look in the top it says: MagicForum - discuss the magic! And when you discuss you are able to be happy but you are certainly also allowed to critizise - after all this is what discussion is about.

Some of the people who are against TSPL has been rude sometimes and that is not okay. BUT how have those people's negative opinions been received? By telling them, that we know what that they just hate it and there is not way to keep telling it. Well, isn't that being just as rude as the other way around? When a new construction update has arrived the regular negative people have posted their negative posts, but the regular happy people have also posted their positive thoughts. You know what, I know how you feel too, so why is it that e.g. TTT isn't allowed to post his negative posts after an update when you (the positive people) are allowed to post your positive thoughts?? I fail to understand this...

This is a place for everyone as is the park - so please stop the double standards and do not leave this place because of this discussion. That is all I ask of you!  [-o<

 =D>  =D>  =D>
Well said, people dont join a forum like this unless they are a fan of some description and I think we all want discussion however I dont need to be called happy clappy because I am looking forward to TSPL. Its the attitude behind the comments that hurts. Some such as yourself forza united and davewasbaloo have presented a reasonable arguement as to why you dont like it and I believe we would all respect that view however I will never respect someone who just posts TSPL is crap. Unfortunately you have caught the backlash. No one should leave this forum because of their point of view but before you post think if it will offend or upset.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"

Quote from: "RockNRoller"
Quote from: "forza_united"For Walt's sake please stop this madness... This post will not be about pros or cons about TSPL as it should be - we all need to do something to stop people from leaving.

Everybody has a right to share their view on this addition. Look in the top it says: MagicForum - discuss the magic! And when you discuss you are able to be happy but you are certainly also allowed to critizise - after all this is what discussion is about.

Some of the people who are against TSPL has been rude sometimes and that is not okay. BUT how have those people's negative opinions been received? By telling them, that we know what that they just hate it and there is not way to keep telling it. Well, isn't that being just as rude as the other way around? When a new construction update has arrived the regular negative people have posted their negative posts, but the regular happy people have also posted their positive thoughts. You know what, I know how you feel too, so why is it that e.g. TTT isn't allowed to post his negative posts after an update when you (the positive people) are allowed to post your positive thoughts?? I fail to understand this...

This is a place for everyone as is the park - so please stop the double standards and do not leave this place because of this discussion. That is all I ask of you!  [-o<

 =D>  =D>  =D>
Well said, people dont join a forum like this unless they are a fan of some description and I think we all want discussion however I dont need to be called happy clappy because I am looking forward to TSPL. Its the attitude behind the comments that hurts. Some such as yourself forza united and davewasbaloo have presented a reasonable arguement as to why you dont like it and I believe we would all respect that view however I will never respect someone who just posts TSPL is crap. Unfortunately you have caught the backlash. No one should leave this forum because of their point of view but before you post think if it will offend or upset.

I don't like that attitude either...

I could find similar posts that tells me TSPL is very, very good without arguementation. This is the nail of which I am trying to hit the head - we need to see that some from both "camps" are making postulations that could irritate someone from the other camp. I hereby recommend everyone to follow up a TSPL opinion with argumentation. By doing this we will be able to get a real discussion and not just a "my-dad-is-bigger-than-your-dad"-discussion. This is not pointed at anyone in particular - more a general thing myself included.

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Quote from: "forza_united"
Quote from: "RockNRoller"
Quote from: "forza_united"For Walt's sake please stop this madness... This post will not be about pros or cons about TSPL as it should be - we all need to do something to stop people from leaving.

Everybody has a right to share their view on this addition. Look in the top it says: MagicForum - discuss the magic! And when you discuss you are able to be happy but you are certainly also allowed to critizise - after all this is what discussion is about.

Some of the people who are against TSPL has been rude sometimes and that is not okay. BUT how have those people's negative opinions been received? By telling them, that we know what that they just hate it and there is not way to keep telling it. Well, isn't that being just as rude as the other way around? When a new construction update has arrived the regular negative people have posted their negative posts, but the regular happy people have also posted their positive thoughts. You know what, I know how you feel too, so why is it that e.g. TTT isn't allowed to post his negative posts after an update when you (the positive people) are allowed to post your positive thoughts?? I fail to understand this...

This is a place for everyone as is the park - so please stop the double standards and do not leave this place because of this discussion. That is all I ask of you!  [-o<

 =D>  =D>  =D>
Well said, people dont join a forum like this unless they are a fan of some description and I think we all want discussion however I dont need to be called happy clappy because I am looking forward to TSPL. Its the attitude behind the comments that hurts. Some such as yourself forza united and davewasbaloo have presented a reasonable arguement as to why you dont like it and I believe we would all respect that view however I will never respect someone who just posts TSPL is crap. Unfortunately you have caught the backlash. No one should leave this forum because of their point of view but before you post think if it will offend or upset.

I don't like that attitude either...

I could find similar posts that tells me TSPL is very, very good without arguementation. This is the nail of which I am trying to hit the head - we need to see that some from both "camps" are making postulations that could irritate someone from the other camp. I hereby recommend everyone to follow up a TSPL opinion with argumentation. By doing this we will be able to get a real discussion and not just a "my-dad-is-bigger-than-your-dad"-discussion. This is not pointed at anyone in particular - more a general thing myself included.

OMG Im agreeing with someone who doesn't like TSPL, I feel quite strange :lol:
Seriously you have hit the nail on the head, posting its crap doesn't help and people will get defensive. Post its crap because...... (explanation) is a discussion and thats what this forum is about.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"