New DLRP Promotional DVD!

Started by Anthony, March 11, 2005, 04:37:43 PM

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Glad to hear i'm not the only one that's annoyed by that voiceover!  :wink:

I haven't start begging for another dvd yet. I still don't dare too actually. I'm not that brave.  :wink:

Jorien  :D


Set up a new email address and give a fake name...

...the move house so that they don't realise it's you again from your address!  :lol:

I think it is actually worth begging for this DVD though, since I do doubt it'll be used in any other country for a while.  If they do use it in another country, not only will they have to translate all the videos and menus, but they'll have to change a section of the DVD with a (really cheap) CG map showing how to get to DLRP from the UK...  :?


Quote from: "Baloo"Set up a new email address and give a fake name...

...the move house so that they don't realise it's you again from your address!  :lol:

LOL!!!  :lol:

Quote from: "Baloo"I think it is actually worth begging for this DVD though, since I do doubt it'll be used in any other country for a while.  If they do use it in another country, not only will they have to translate all the videos and menus, but they'll have to change a section of the DVD with a (really cheap) CG map showing how to get to DLRP from the UK...  :?

That map is not something i'm worrying about, as dlrp already made a 3d animation of how to get to dlrp from Holland. So they would only have to translate it. But like you said too, i doubt they will for a while. I think this release is just a test. If it's a success then maybe.....

Jorien  :D


Quote from: "Jorien"Today i received the WDW vacation kit. It looks really great!!! I had to wait a long time for it to get it, but at least this they did send me. And this is also coming from the uk. I first signed in on the american website, played a bit with the information they asked, but i didn't receive anything. (Only americans were able to request it) So i visited the UK website and also on this website it was only for people from the UK. But here you'll just have to look for something where you can also put the country you live voila!  :D
So i'm really happy that i got at least this one. I know what i'll be doing tomorrow! But i guess you have got it already?  :wink:

Jorien :D

WOW How did you menage to do so  :?: I was asking them so many times to send mi this kit and nothing... they didn`t want to  :x  :cry:

Maybe you can make a dvd image of this vacation kit (and maybe of DLRP DVD also) using for example Nero and place it somewhere in the internet so I can download it and burn it on DVD for myslef  :?:  :wink:


I just went to the english website of WDW, and filled in the form to ask for a free kit. Here is the exact link of the page where you can fill in the form.
Are you from Holland too? Or maybe from another country outside the UK? Then the only thing you have to do is fill in all the information asked and behind county you have to fill in your country (i know it's not the same) That's how i did it...and it works! It did some years ago with the videotape and now with the dvd too. Good luck!  :wink:

And if you can't wait that is the website with the torrent you can download: WDW 2005 Vacation Planning DVD.torrent. (You have to register first!)

Hope this is the information you needed!  :wink:

Jorien  :D


Thanks a lot... :)

I think I will fill in the form on the page you gave me because a real WDW DVD is much more "exciting" than a "torrent"  :wink:

BTW I`m from Poland so only a little bit more to the East from Holland and UK too  :P


Quote from: "Matts"I think I will fill in the form on the page you gave me because a real WDW DVD is much more "exciting" than a "torrent"  :wink:

You're absolutely right!  :wink:

Quote from: "Matts"BTW I`m from Poland so only a little bit more to the East from Holland and UK too  :P

LOL!  :lol:


LOL, I'm sure you'll all be pleased to know that the DVD must have been the big break the voiceover woman needed - she's now doing recorded Christmas special offer announcements for Clintons card shops!!!  :lol:  :lol:  I hope they can afford to get her back for next year's DVD...  :wink: (or not, as the case may be)


Where can i get a copy of the dlrp promotional dvd? think i maybe on it? im not too sure though!


I think you just have to order the DLRP brochure, but I think that our British members can help you out on this.


Ok cool, well if any one can help me out then that'd be great! Cool new website btw Raptor im liking it! but where are all the parade pics???  :P


As far as I know the DVD is still only available to UK guests.  They used to send it out with the brochures, although that may have changed by now.

You can also order the DVD on its own from here: // , but I've forgotten the code!  :?  :lol:

And also of interest - the 2006 Spring/Summer brochure is now available to order: // haven't got mine yet though!


Doh!!! does any1 have the code??? would really love to c it! please help!


Aha!  Just found the code - it's DMC.

I can't guarantee they're still using that service to send out DVDs, but it's worth a try.  I'd order a copy of either Autumn/Winter or Spring/Summer brochure at the same time too.

I hope you get the DVD!  It's really good!  :D


Thanks "Baloo" sorry dont know your name, that worked my copy is on its way! very excited! So do you visit dlrp often?