Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Hey Guys!

Well after probably one of the most stressful days of my life i arrived in Disney yesterday and survived my first night!

Day didnt start out well, was running about 10 mins late and had 2 massive bags that i couldnt lift/pull. Got to the station and found out that the platform was on the other side of the station so had to try and get my bags up the stairs which considering i cant pull them let alone carry up the stairs was no mean feat! Luckily a kind man took one for me as the train was due in 2 mins and me and mum struggled with the other. We got to the other platform just as the train pulled up and literally had to throw the bags on. I leant out and gave my mum a hug as the doors closed on me, didnt even get to say goodbye  :cry:

Anyway, managed to get the bags onto the Eurostar (after a lot of effort!!) and had a pleasant journey. Id frozen my phone contract but it had cut off early in the morning so i couldnt txt anyone to let them know i had arrived etc so was feeling a bit bummed about that. Struggled with my bags again, the wheel had buckled on one so it kept tipping over and finally found my formation. Had a tour of backstage Disney and went thru loads of paperwork and was then taken to our accommodation.

Found out that our group had drawn the short straw, not only were we in the crappy housing complex most of us were all split up. Luckily i was put in a room with another newbie thank god but the room smelt of smoke, the shower sprayed everywhere except on you and it was really cold. The room consisted of 2 beds a table and kitchenette....no living room or proper kitchen like the other residence (lucky Lewis and Luke). Got ourselves settled ish and went to the supermarket and then went out to the other residence where Luke and Lewis's formation had arranged a party for us....awwww  :)  Was quite late by now and all i wanted was my bed but stayed out for a bit. Managed to find my way back home by bus with another new girl and had a crappy nights sleep in a rock hard bed!

Day 2 and its ok. As u can tell ive managed to get the internet at last but still no phone, will have to try and get that sorted. Get on ok with my formation group but no real friendships as yet, still its early days  :D  Think we're stayin in tonight and not sure about tomo yet. Start character trainin on monday so that should be good!


Oh Alaina, not a great first day in Disney but it can only get better ;)
Monday will be exciting for you though, that will be when your real journey starts :D/
We are in Disney in Oct so if there are an home comforts any of you are missing we can try and bring them over for you :thumbs:
Have fun, Kelly xx
September 2007-Cheyenne
March 2009-Santa Fe
January 2010-Cheyenne
October 2010-Hotel New York
December 2010-Cheyenne
February 2011-Disneyland Hotel
October 2011-Newport Bay
December 2011-Santa Fe
August 2012-Offsite
October 2012-Explorers Hotel
December 2012-Sequoia Lodge
May 2013-Kyriad
October 2013-Kyriad
December 2013-Dream Castle
October 2014-WDW Saratoga Springs[/color]


Ah Kelly im sure it will be fine! If ur coming over in oct do u fancy taking half my stuff home for me...brought waaaay too much with me as usual :P


Quote from: "alaina82"Ah Kelly im sure it will be fine! If ur coming over in oct do u fancy taking half my stuff home for me...brought waaaay too much with me as usual :P
Always the way isn't it, we always take far too much stuff when we go away!
Just noticed you're from Milton Keynes, we live in St Albans so quite close to you!! Honestly though if you find you need something it wouldnt be a problem to bring it over xx
September 2007-Cheyenne
March 2009-Santa Fe
January 2010-Cheyenne
October 2010-Hotel New York
December 2010-Cheyenne
February 2011-Disneyland Hotel
October 2011-Newport Bay
December 2011-Santa Fe
August 2012-Offsite
October 2012-Explorers Hotel
December 2012-Sequoia Lodge
May 2013-Kyriad
October 2013-Kyriad
December 2013-Dream Castle
October 2014-WDW Saratoga Springs[/color]


What have people done in their audition for when being a dwarf?? ...thats a difficult one, compared to things such as pirate or princess etc.


Quote from: "smallblonde"What have people done in their audition for when being a dwarf?? ...thats a difficult one, compared to things such as pirate or princess etc.

 I heard something about that you can choose one of the seven dwarfs from SnowWhite, but I'm not 100% positive about that. I will audition on 29th of September.
Maybe the other ones who alreadey auditioned will know more about that particular thing ;)

Tomorrow is your great day, isn't it?
Wish tons of luck for that... and for Natalie too, of course :)


Totally GUTTED!!! the audition is at 10, yet my first bus on a sunday isnt until around 9.50 n takes a good 45 mins to get to leeds. how annoying. taxi is too expensive. : ( never mind. good luck to any one who is going to the auditions.

Mason Cooper

Oh my Alaina that's not good! I hope things settle down soon! Let's us know how the training is going! And glad to know you are now in Paris! Hehe so lucky! I'm happy for ya!

And what chiyo said is absolutely right! Although most people at my audition went for sleepy or squeezey so ty and go for a different one! And is there no way you could possible walk to the audition or is it too far away? Or could a friend or family member give you a lift there? It would be such a gutting time if you can't go! :(

Oh and finally good luck to anyone who is auditioning in Leeds tomorrow! The best of luck and have fun! Hope to see some of you lot with the rest of us on the waiting list! Lol

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Good luck today Nat, will have fingers crossed for you [-o<
Let us know how you get on xx
September 2007-Cheyenne
March 2009-Santa Fe
January 2010-Cheyenne
October 2010-Hotel New York
December 2010-Cheyenne
February 2011-Disneyland Hotel
October 2011-Newport Bay
December 2011-Santa Fe
August 2012-Offsite
October 2012-Explorers Hotel
December 2012-Sequoia Lodge
May 2013-Kyriad
October 2013-Kyriad
December 2013-Dream Castle
October 2014-WDW Saratoga Springs[/color]


Hey guys, just out of the audition now, I'm so annoyed with myself I feel propa uselss!! So we did the animation stage as usual, I was bang in the middle at the front in our group, daniel watched me for the first 2 beats of being a cowboy, I did a good clear move, full of energy using my face and everything, n he wrote something str8 down on my sheet. Then he never even glanced at me or anythin for the rest of the 50 or whatever beats!! :( so now I'm convinced thts its not what I'm doing its how I look. I studied the ppl tht got thru n they're all super skinny!! So my new life plan is exercise and diet everyday until I can wear a crop top for the next audition! Hahaa daniel sed "I know exactly what I'm looking for, for the next 6 months" so tbh there is now no point in me auditioning again until after the 6 months, bcus at least then ill have lost weight (for deff I promise!) And be all ready to get in :D hehehe just abit crap cuz now I've got to get an actual job and life until then. Bumbumbumbumbum. Unhappy :( hope ur day is better than mine everyone!! Lol :) xxxxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Oh no, that are really bad news, Natalie... I was so sure, that you will make it this time :(

But that is not fair, when they are only looking for skinny people.... so it's probably better for me to stay at home, because I'm not that skinny too... just more... the opposite. I've got a little bit more on my hips *cry*

I think I really could save the money (from the jobagency *gggg*), when I read this.

Wish you good luck with your life plan, Natalie, and the next time you will get through, okay?


Of course I will! And chiyo I'm sorry I don't mean to have put you off auditioning, that is just my opinion from what I have experienced today but it might jut bve me tryna hide from the ugly truth! Hahaha -_- I think auditioning would give you a great experience and if it isn't too much trouble then I still think you should go for it :) don't give up on your dremas because of me!! Xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


That's right, auditioning is a great  experience, but I also want to have the job... actually I just want to have the chance. But if they discriminate people who have a little bit more weight (which is actually not visible under a costume like Baloo or something), then it makes no sense in my eye, to spent my time at auditions and more auditions. It's like senseless begging.
I mean, I'm spending a lot of money for the contactlenses and so on, just for not even having a chance? I don't have that much money for nothing :(
No, I know that I can't be a princess because of that, but everything else???

I will try it this time, of course, because I'm preparing everything for that audition and I'm excited, but if they cut me, and I can see, that is because of my weight, that wouldn't be fair, seriously. And then I'm will be really angry with Disney, I promise. (As far as I can, cause actually I love it to much ;) )
No, I know that I can't be a princess because of that, but everything else???

I'm really disappointed how it seems how they choose. (I know bad english :( )


Oh no don't worry your english is fantastic :) I think that yes it seems unfair but at the end of the day, the costumes have to be made to fit everyone for example if you are a dancer in the parade you have to fit inside the same costume as the person who did it before you, so its simpler to just take tiny people. Also they say it gets so hot in the costumes, and you have to keep up movement and energy for 30 mins sytr8 so you really do have to be physically fit. At least now I have somethings to work for and have a goal with an amazing prize at the end! Lol :D xxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


That makes sense, sure. But then they have to put the weight restrictions also on the applying website, so we have an imagination about we have to be for the job.

And we can save money and nerves, by preaparing ourselves (including the weight), also we don't have the bad experience of being cut cause of our weight...

THAT is not fair!  (just my opinion ^^")

Oh, thank you... is it really fantastic? Well, I think the year in Orlando helped a lot *smile* I miss it so much :(  (Sometimes I cry when I think about it - just a little secret ;) )