Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Hello together!

I am Chiyo, as you can see on my nickname  :D and I will go to audtion 29th of september in Paris.
Hopefully on this or maybe on another  day my dream will come true: to be a character performer at Disneyland Paris.
This dream grew while I was working in Disneyworld Florida as a Culural Representive in the German Pavillion (So, now you can also see: I'm a german girl who loves Disney :) ). And now I'm going to try my best.

But... it's gonna be my very first audition, and I'm sooo nervous. Well, now I'm looking for people, who are feeling the same, so we can neither going mad together or working together, giving advices  and, most important: having fun, because that is what we're going to once we're working as performers at DLP, right?

Before I leave to try to get a little sleep (which is gonna be difficult, cause I got my invitations for audition just today... mmh, acutally yesterday) I wish all of you who is also auditioning the very best luck, and all who are starting working at Disneyland Paris soon the best experience ever. Cause, I can promise you: Working at Disney IS the best experience you ever can do!

So, I'm looking forward to wonderful hours at this board, while waiting for the important date :)
Chiyo ^^

P.S If you want to "hear" the whole story, how did I came to Disney, just ask. I think it sounds like wonderful Disneyfairytale... eeehr...... almost... I don't think there was a fairy... It was a... meercat?!?!


Hi Chiyo!!  Welcome to the forum!! :D
Best of luck for the audition, i'm sure you'll have some idea of what theyre looking for if you have already worked in Disney !!  So lucky, i would love to have that experience.. hopefully sooonn :D
I would love to hear about how you started your career in Disney so if you ever have the time you could write it here, i'm sure everyone else would like to read too :)
Do you live in Germany and are travelling to Paris for your audition?  If so that's fantastic commitment !! :D I really do wish you good luck and will have my fingers crossed for you on the day. Please come back here afterwards and tell us your story of the audition. :)

Luke, Lewis and Alaina, if I haven't already made this clear. I hate you.
;) <3 xxxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


We love u too Nat  :P

Can't believe u guys have only got 3 wks til u go!! Bet it will go really quick, save a space in the sports bar for me :o) I hope we do get to dress us as the characters altho think there's only Tink & Wendy in my height range so I'll be done pretty quick lol


Quote from: "alaina82"We love u too Nat  :P

Can't believe u guys have only got 3 wks til u go!! Bet it will go really quick, save a space in the sports bar for me :o) I hope we do get to dress us as the characters altho think there's only Tink & Wendy in my height range so I'll be done pretty quick lol

2 weeks and 6 days actually, HA! So what is this Sport bar thing, just a welcoming party or something. Do Disney actually arrange it?



Don't really know what the sports bar thing is, maybe it's just a tradition to go there on a Friday night & newbies
start on a Friday so guess that's when everyone meets for the first time. Whatever it is I need
to be planning an outfit now lol

PS. Ssshhh with ur 2 wks 6 days, gloating gets u nowhere  :P


Quote from: "_Natalie_x"Hi Chiyo!!  Welcome to the forum!! :D
Best of luck for the audition, i'm sure you'll have some idea of what theyre looking for if you have already worked in Disney !!  So lucky, i would love to have that experience.. hopefully sooonn :D

Hello Natalie_X!
Thank you so much... I guess I will need th luck. Actually I guess I really have some ideas what there are looking for - and unfortunately I'm afraid, that I'm not that what they need. I mean... my height and especially the weight. But I will try it, and try it again, and again.... Probably it's just my own thinking, that I feel that I'm not good enough. I will give it a try and let Disney decide :)
Quote from: "_Natalie_x"I would love to hear about how you started your career in Disney so if you ever have the time you could write it here, i'm sure everyone else would like to read too :)
Yeah, maybe, but I have to warn you: It's a very crazy story full with dreams and a little bit sadness. Like I told you - almost like a Disneystory ^^
Maybe I'll write it down tomorrow - gonna be a hard thing with that English - but I love it :D

Quote from: "_Natalie_x"Do you live in Germany and are travelling to Paris for your audition?  If so that's fantastic commitment !! :D I really do wish you good luck and will have my fingers crossed for you on the day. Please come back here afterwards and tell us your story of the audition. :)
Yes, at the moment I live at the east part of Germany, and will travel to Paris just for the auditions. And, hopefully, if I have enough money, I will visit DLP for Halloween. So, if they take me, I could stay direct after my visit. The thing is, I just saw in one the posts, that the newbies start at Fridays, and I will be there for the weekend. Th plan was to travel back home on Monday, the 1st of November. So the contracts don't start at the first of a month, but on Fridays? (almost similar to WDW.....  there is the arrival on Tuesday and traditions = first day of work on Saturday)

But yeah, sure, I will tell you the whole story from my very first audition, once I'm back :)

So, now I'm hungry, need to eat something.

Have good night!

Chiyo ^^


Hey Chiyo

Good luck with your audition, make sure u let us know how u get on!! Don't worry about thinking that you're not what they're looking for, Disney take people of all ages, shapes & sizes & if u don't get through that day it probably isn't because of a certain issue but because you don't fit the profile on that day. If you went to the same audition a week later u might be offered a role, fingers crossed u get thru but if not don't worry too much & try again. At least you'll have the experience of a Disney audition & will know what to expect next time.

As for the contracts as far as I'm aware you arrive on the Friday but don't officially start until the Monday so effectively have the weekend off to explore! I can only speak for the contracts that I know about so might not be true for every new starter


Hey Chiyo

Good luck with your audition, make sure u let us know how u get on!! Don't worry about thinking that you're not what they're looking for, Disney take people of all ages, shapes & sizes & if u don't get through that day it probably isn't because of a certain issue but because you don't fit the profile on that day. If you went to the same audition a week later u might be offered a role, fingers crossed u get thru but if not don't worry too much & try again. At least you'll have the experience of a Disney audition & will know what to expect next time.

As for the contracts as far as I'm aware you arrive on the Friday but don't officially start until the Monday so effectively have the weekend off to explore! I can only speak for the contracts that I know about so might not be true for every new starter


Quote from: "alaina82"Hey Chiyo

Good luck with your audition, make sure u let us know how u get on!! Don't worry about thinking that you're not what they're looking for, Disney take people of all ages, shapes & sizes & if u don't get through that day it probably isn't because of a certain issue but because you don't fit the profile on that day. If you went to the same audition a week later u might be offered a role, fingers crossed u get thru but if not don't worry too much & try again. At least you'll have the experience of a Disney audition & will know what to expect next time.

Yeah, that's right. I'm thinking the same way. But I'm still nervous and excited, which actually means, how much I wish to get the job and being part of the magic again.
So, what I also want to ask: I wrote in your posts, that the auditions in UK are very crowed (something 200 -300 people). Do you know, if that is in Paris the same? Cause I know, you people from UK are the most performers in DLP (something around 70 % are from UK, someone told me). I think, the more people on one auditons, the less are the chances, to come through. And I wanted to go Leeds, to audition! *giggle*

Quote from: "alaina82"As for the contracts as far as I'm aware you arrive on the Friday but don't officially start until the Monday so effectively have the weekend off to explore! I can only speak for the contracts that I know about so might not be true for every new starter
Oh, well, that would be really perfect. I arrive on Friday, like I already planed, do what I wanted to to on the weekend, celebrate Halloween on Sunday evening at the HalloweenSoiree, and start work on Monday. Perfect. The only thing is: I have to get the job!!!! :)

Thank you so much for your informations ^^
But I still can't sleep - my very first audition *is going crazy*
Can't wait for dance lesson on monday ^______^

Chiyo ^^


The auditions do tend to be crowded but if there's 3 or 4 going on over a few days they should be ok, it's very unusual to have over 600 people like we did in April!! I've only ever been to London ones sp can't really speak for Leeds but I think natalie auditioned there so maybe she can give u more info. As for starting a few days after the audition itself I again think is unlikely, the shortest gap i've heard of has been 2 wks & that's for an immediate role. If u get through & make it on the waiting list it can be anything up to 6 mths later, if u get offered a contract that is! If after 6 mths u haven't got a contract u have to reaudition! Luckily me, luke & lewis all heard a few mths after our audition so maybe that's the general waiting time, again it depends if there is a role in your height range that comes up! Sorry to sound negative but don't want u thinking that if u get thru you'll start the next day, I don't think it works like that   :(


Oh I guess, that was a misunderstood. What I wanted to say was, in the case they take me (what I only wish, but I don't  really believe, but I try ^^), it would be perfect to start in November, one month later. The only thing, that make me believe, that I could get a contract so fast, is a information I got from a former castmember, who will audition on the same day like me (He also wants to come back to Disney ;) ): He told me, that they want to have alle new performers latest in November there to train, so they will be ready with training in December, when the Christmassaison starts.

But I applied for an opend ended contract, and they start only beteween January and April. So, the question ist, if they want me, will they put me into Christmassaison yet or later in the next year?
I mean, I will tell them, that I'm available from November on (and I will tell them that I'm Halloween there as a guest... probably they can count 1 and 1 ;) ), but I know, the last decision is up to Disney.
My job is now to get my journey to Paris organised - and I can't stop beein excited *lol*

All the other things I will see on time... not to much thinking, right?

Chiyo ^^

Mason Cooper

Quote from: "Chiyo"Oh I guess, that was a misunderstood. What I wanted to say was, in the case they take me (what I only wish, but I don't  really believe, but I try ^^), it would be perfect to start in November, one month later. The only thing, that make me believe, that I could get a contract so fast, is a information I got from a former castmember, who will audition on the same day like me (He also wants to come back to Disney ;) ): He told me, that they want to have alle new performers latest in November there to train, so they will be ready with training in December, when the Christmassaison starts.

But I applied for an opend ended contract, and they start only beteween January and April. So, the question ist, if they want me, will they put me into Christmassaison yet or later in the next year?
I mean, I will tell them, that I'm available from November on (and I will tell them that I'm Halloween there as a guest... probably they can count 1 and 1 ;) ), but I know, the last decision is up to Disney.
My job is now to get my journey to Paris organised - and I can't stop beein excited *lol*

All the other things I will see on time... not to much thinking, right?

Chiyo ^^

hi Chiyo!

Good luck for the audition! When is your audition date? Let us know how it goes!  :D

Mason  :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Thank you Soramason! (KIngdomhearts-Fan? :) )

I will be in Paris on 29th of September. Of course I will tell you everything, including my fail XDDDD... But I hope, I can tell  you that I pass ^^

BTW: There is nobody here, who will audition on that date in Paris?


Mason Cooper

Quote from: "Chiyo"Thank you Soramason! (KIngdomhearts-Fan? :) )

I will be in Paris on 29th of September. Of course I will tell you everything, including my fail XDDDD... But I hope, I can tell  you that I pass ^^

BTW: There is nobody here, who will audition on that date in Paris?


Haha! I am indeed a kingdom hearts fan! lol and don't think fail! Be positive! lol

Would be cool to see if the auditions in Paris are run the same way they are here!

Mason  :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


I'm positive that I will get the job - someday! But I really hope, that I'll get it this time... it's better for my excited nerves :D

Kingdom Hearts! *_____* I love it too! Cause it's so cool to have this wonderful things (SquareEnix AND Disney) together. Thats absolutely my world! *smile*

Chiyo ^^