Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Irish contracts were given out on the 19th April last year, but the interviews for last year were held a week earlier than the interviews for this year. So I would say you'll hear by next week hopefully! Fingers crossed for everyone :)


thanks 'wendydarling'  hopefully we will all hear something , if people hear any news good or bad please post here , as there are allot of us in the same position , hope we all get there :)


Anyone starting in July for character and parade? xoxo


Hi Disney lovers!

I took part in Disneyland Paris recruitement in Warsaw and really quickly I received an email about being in 'talent pool'. I've already read your posts so many times but I couldn't find anyone who became Cast Member from Poland. Is anybody from my lovely country here? :) I think my interview went really great, I know that many people did great during theirs and didn't get in, but I do still have hope, it's my dream since I was a little girl :) have anyone already received a job offer? I postulated for vendeuse and operatrice animatrice d'attractions ( well it was an interviewer who suggested me this type of work)



Hey guys!

I'm so happy to say that I got offered a contract as a vendeur boutique and I'll be starting the 29th June and finishing the 31st August! This is after the recruitment event in Dublin in March! Anyone else also been offered a contract for the Summer? :)


Quote from: "kettleofgareth"Hey guys!

I'm so happy to say that I got offered a contract as a vendeur boutique and I'll be starting the 29th June and finishing the 31st August! This is after the recruitment event in Dublin in March! Anyone else also been offered a contract for the Summer? :)

Congrats, such a fantastic time! How long have you been in talent pool? Do you have any experience? And when precisely was the recruitement event in Dublin? So many questions :D


Yeah, I worked in Disneyland last Summer as a stocker but this year I'll be in the actual shop :) excited! I had the recruitment event on the 27th March :) I've my fingers crossed for you!


oh, i'm getting a bit worried, my recruitement event was on the 14th march... anyway, I still have hope! :)


Don't worry, it's early days yet! I didn't receive my email until the 11th May last year :) where did you do the recruitment event?


Hi guys, I'm from the UK and I got an email yesterday saying there are available contracts for August and to reply if I would like a contract before Wednesday...It was a very short email and had no other info so I just replied yes...not sure what happens now. What's the usual way of getting a contract? Is it like this?


Hi Catherine they should reply fairly soon or contact you within the next week or so , Congradz , what department is that for ? :)

Sam :)


Thank you haha
It's as a serveuse in one of the restaurants so I'm just waiting to hear the dates. I just hope it's for more than just August I want to go the end of next month!


Hey guys, I was one of the people who got into the Talent Pool after the Dublin interviews in March. I haven't received any email about a contract, and I'm getting nervous! Is there anyone else in my boat?


Quote from: "kettleofgareth"Hey guys!

I'm so happy to say that I got offered a contract as a vendeur boutique and I'll be starting the 29th June and finishing the 31st August! This is after the recruitment event in Dublin in March! Anyone else also been offered a contract for the Summer? :)

I'm also heading out from Dublin for the same dates! Whoooo! You flying out on the 28th?


I'm getting a bit worried now! I also got into the talent pool after the Dublin interviews but I haven't gotten any emails...