Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Quote from: "Christie"
Quote from: "Yvette92"Has anyone who attended the UK auditions already received their contract ? This waiting is seriously nerve wrecking :S

 I was at the London interviews, some contracts have been sent out already. I haven't received one, hopefully I will though! I think it depends what you went for, as in they are sorted by different departments. Even if it turns out we have missed this round (which hopefully isn't the case), there are more rounds, people drop out etc. So don't give up, and you're not alone, I know exactly what you mean i'm checking my emails every 5 seconds! Hope this post helps, some contracts are out but there are more to come!  x

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply ! I requested a position in a restaurant or a bar. What about you ?

Even though I try my best to stay positive, I've started to explore my options so that I have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong last minute .... anyways, I truly hope they haven't forgot about us and we will receive that one email we've been anticipating so eagerly :S

Best of luck !  :P


Quote from: "kettleofgareth"
Quote from: "VigBasil"I'lll already be in Paris beforehand, but I'm also starting on the 29th.  :)

Same here, I'll be flying out on the 28th probably. Where are you from?

Waterford, but I go to college in Dublin.  So happy to actually have summer plans for once.  :D


Hi Everyone!
I had my interview at the end of March and am in the talent pool! I'm crossing every part of my body that i get a contract for this summer!!
Just a quick question though - do they contact you by phone or email about a job? Vodaphone has been down in my area for about a week and won't be up again until about mid June so I don't want to miss a call! I've got myself a temporary sim with a new number for the time being - do you think I should email them and give them this number?
Katie :)


Hey, maybe we could create a page on facebook where we could talk about our summer jobs and know each other before?


Quote from: "alexandra00"Hey, maybe we could create a page on facebook where we could talk about our summer jobs and know each other before?

This actually a great idea !!!  :thumbs:


have those with contracts already booked transport? i feel like a few days after the email is a bit soon, seeing as i dont even have an actual contract yet but i just looked online and there are only 3 spaces on the eurostar id need to get  - panic! are they likely to change the start date/can they change it?!


Quote from: "hakunamatata"have those with contracts already booked transport? i feel like a few days after the email is a bit soon, seeing as i dont even have an actual contract yet but i just looked online and there are only 3 spaces on the eurostar id need to get  - panic! are they likely to change the start date/can they change it?!

Oh, you start really early! Are you a student?
Today,after confirming my work terms I got an e-mail about sending my contract to me by regular mail, so I started to consider booking plane tickets, because as for now, they're quite cheap...

Does anybody know something about 'remboursement' our travel expenses? What should I show to them? Just my plane tickets? How does it work and when we can get this refund back?


Hey I received my contract today! 28th July - 31st August but I wanted to go earlier. do you think if I called I could get an earlier date?


hi Yvette I was at the London auditions in march and am still waiting to hear something , don't panic remember that it is still early doors, as they have only just started giving out UK Operational contracts , so i think we still have to play the waiting game :( it is so hard but hay that is how it is. Never give up hope :) we will get there eventually

Sam :)


Thanks for the reply Sam ! Fingers crossed we will get there ! This summer would do just fine :D ^_^


Hello again !

everyone still up for a FB page where we can ask for advice/discuss/meet before actually go to DisneyLand ?

If yes, any suggestions you might have as to the name would be very much appreciated !



https://www.facebook.com/DisneylandPari ... ewsAndTips !!!!  Join/add/invite/advertise ! ^_^


Quote from: "alexandra00"
Quote from: "hakunamatata"have those with contracts already booked transport? i feel like a few days after the email is a bit soon, seeing as i dont even have an actual contract yet but i just looked online and there are only 3 spaces on the eurostar id need to get  - panic! are they likely to change the start date/can they change it?!

Oh, you start really early! Are you a student?
Today,after confirming my work terms I got an e-mail about sending my contract to me by regular mail, so I started to consider booking plane tickets, because as for now, they're quite cheap...

Does anybody know something about 'remboursement' our travel expenses? What should I show to them? Just my plane tickets? How does it work and when we can get this refund back?

Yeah but I've had a year away and been working in France this year, my contract for my current job has just ended so I can start asap :) I'd also like to know about remboursement - I assume you just keep a reciept and they add it on to your first wages? that's how I've always been reimbursed in the past!


Quote from: "catherineando"Hey I received my contract today! 28th July - 31st August but I wanted to go earlier. do you think if I called I could get an earlier date?

It's worth a try! They definitely offer longer contracts than that and you never know whether someone who was offered a longer one has turned it down  :D


Thank you I will call them tomorrow morning :D