Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Ahh! The wait is killing me! I'm the same Catherine, stuck in not so sunny Scotland! I hope we hear soon....What did you put as your start date?


Waiting ....Waiting ...Waiting aaahhh i just want to get out there now!!, anyone else out there at the moment ? whats the weather like? any developments or news going around and what the status on Armageddon is it still closed ? Hopefully i will get a call soon , but TBH they do have a lot of files to get through , if you think the amount of people they have auditioned. But still playing the waiting game is no fun :(


Yeah I understand they have soooo many people to sort out, but would rather it was a yes or no process rather than maybe you will get a contract......Will have to wait and see! AHHH!!! Hope we hear soon :) x


Uh, I really want a call to. Anyone in paris know who knows if there are a Lot of people who are leaving for summer or start school maybe? :)


Hey I'm Jess and I'm new to the forum. I have an audition in July and I was just looking for some help on how to do well, anything would be good, thanks guys (: .


Does anyone know how they contact you if you have a job? Is it by email or do they ring? I'm not going for a cast member job :)


Quote from: "hakunamatata"Does anyone know how they contact you if you have a job? Is it by email or do they ring? I'm not going for a cast member job :)
If you're lucky enough to get offered a contract, they will email you :)


or if you are going for a performance role , you will get contacted by phone , from the casting directer who did your audition :)


Anyone else heading out on the 28th of June? Would be great to know someone going around the same time :) so excited!


Hey guys,

has anyone received a summer contract offer already ? I am just curious as it has been repeatedly posted here that last year people got theirs on 19th . :roll:


Quote from: "Yvette92"Hey guys,

has anyone received a summer contract offer already ? I am just curious as it has been repeatedly posted here that last year people got theirs on 19th . :roll:

Hey Yvette,

Looking at last years posts people heard on the 19th. I know some people who got contracts straight away but I think it depends on your start date, i'm not really sure, and availability etc. I hope we hear soon :) Don't give up just yet! Maybe we will hear next week.........  :thumbs:


Hi guys!!
I just got an email to attend a private audition on the 30th at "POLE EMPLOI Spectacle" in France for Parade, Character & Look A Likes!!
I'd be going all the way over from Ireland on my own, and it's pretty expensive for me as I'm totally broke! It's such short notice and such a risk, I don't know what to do!!  :cry:
Has anyone been to a private audition before?
Do you think it would be worth my while going?
And I don't speak french so I'm pretty scared!! :oops:
Anyone have any advice?  xxx


go for it ! , it will be worth the sacrifice of money , as if the worst happens you have experienced some disney magic and have had an extremely professional audition from disney , if the best happens you get it ! , as walt would say never give up on your dream , he never did, even with all the people saying the world will not pay to see full length cartoons! , so neither should you ! x :)   Have fun and hope for the best !


anyone heard anything as far as jobs go ? its the 19th ! getting worried !

