Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Thanks! Same to you!! Is that for characters? Exciting! I applied for rides from June to the end of August, but I think for rides you need to be there until the end of september..... will see! What dates did you apply for? Its great to hear you are in the same situation! Its killing me not knowing what's going on! Yeah apparently since they took on more permanent staff to cover the 20th anniversary there will be less part timers like us... so hopefully we get a contract!!!


yer character performer was what i auditioned for , my dates are 5 July - December 20th , I am sure you will be fine , as alot of people have been saying to me , we can't work out when they will call or what they will say as it completely depends on the individual and luck  , i suppose , grab a 4 leaf clover now !! :) im gunna start looking for one ! ok ( fun question ) what would be your ideal attraction to work on and why ?? haha


Haha I better get looking for one!! Well they asked in the interview which ride I would like and I said either Thunder mountain or the Pirates of the Caribbean because they are my mums favourite rides haha! What character would you like to be? :D


what character , good question well my height range cover the chip n dale ( tic n tac , as they r called over there , weird right!) and possibly pluto amongst others and yer those are amazing characters and fun energetic ones to play as well ( not like eyoer who just mopes around shrugging the whole time, hahaha! . Amazing they are both my favorite rides to , pirates is soo fun to work on as you get to put on a costume when working and can put a pirate like way of talking and stuff ( you will have so much fun ) more so then say if you did peter pans flight or something pretty standard. So jealous, well i will defo come and see you then , as that's a must do ride !! Haha


I love chip and dale! Great pair! Haha well we need to get a contract first.... fingers crossed we hear soon!!! x


year defo ! , Hopefully mid to end of may , if not sooner, let me know what ur situation is as love hearing of people's Disney Successes! ( ok another fun question haha , love these!) have you visited any of the other parks and if so what do you think in comparison to Disneyland paris ? and why did u choose to work at Paris , out of interest? , how come none of the other parks ? :) :)  :) :)


Will do, if successful!! Haha erm, I chose the Paris park due to the multicultural aspect I guess, improve French and maybe pick up another few languages. What about you?? I've visited the park in California, Florida and the Paris, I've been quite lucky :) I think they are all really different. x


Um, I chose Paris coz of its close to home ,if anything where to happen , like break something ( touch wood), I live in the uk , so a 2 hours train ride and its also not as big as WDW so yer . I have been to Florida and paris but not california , haha was in LA recently and there was a bus leaving outside our hotel to disneyland everyday, but sadly could not go :(

Have you received any emails yet since the talent pool email ?


Hey guys, quick question! :) I did an interview last March in Dublin and got put into the talent pool. I was not offered a summer contract because of my availability dates. Then, they emailed me saying that I would be considered for a Christmas position, but I heard nothing from them. Now, I have emailed Noellie and the general email address a few times asking them whether or not I will be considered for a position this year or if I would have to do another interview to get into the talent pool again.

Could anybody advise me as to where I stand? Do i have any chance of getting offered a contract for this summer?


Hey guys,

I'm in the same position as most, had an interview in London and got into the Talent Pool...now just waiting for something so I can leave Scotland waaaaah!


Quote from: "tarajanelovesshoes"For people who have previously worked at Disney and are from the UK, what did you do about your mobiles? Did you get a sim card in France and put it in your phone/another if yours is locked to a network? Cos I have an iPhone on contract which I can't use in France because it will cost me loads, so I wondered what the options were..
also..if/when I am out there (yet to receive a contract, but fingers crossed!) I want to be able to use Facebook and Skype to contact home, would I be stupid to bring my laptop with me? Or do other people do that?

I hope you cannot use any other sim with your iPhone unless it is unlocked. If you are planning to make your visit before the contract you have to unlock it. As iPhone goes with remote unlocking it is easy and simple to get it unlocked. When I had the same issue during my travel I preferred a third party dealer to get the same done. if you are intrested try with Mobile-unlocker.com hope it will be helpful.. you can connect to Fb and skype without carrying your laptop...


Quote from: "tarajanelovesshoes"For people who have previously worked at Disney and are from the UK, what did you do about your mobiles? Did you get a sim card in France and put it in your phone/another if yours is locked to a network? Cos I have an iPhone on contract which I can't use in France because it will cost me loads, so I wondered what the options were..
also..if/when I am out there (yet to receive a contract, but fingers crossed!) I want to be able to use Facebook and Skype to contact home, would I be stupid to bring my laptop with me? Or do other people do that?

I hope you cannot use any other sim with your iPhone unless it is unlocked. If you are planning to make your visit before the contract you have to unlock it. As iPhone goes with remote unlocking it is easy and simple to get it unlocked. When I had the same issue during my travel I preferred a third party dealer to get the same done. if you are intrested try with Mobile-unlocker.com hope it will be helpful.. you can connect to Fb and skype without carrying your laptop...


yer im sorry about not getting the summer contract you wanted, i saw that when reading the forums. I think if you had not been offered a contract for summer and winter then you might be out of luck my freind as the talent pool and audition waiting list are only for 6 months and as you say it has been a year. however try calling the casting office directly to get an awnser and still if not then send a message on the dlp casting page of face book and then if still no awnser, try re-interviewing. just some idears and i hope you do get the contract you want! let me know what happens when trying to reach dlp casting :) :)


Hi mackattack, nice to see you around here again! I remember we were both in the same situation last year, waiting for offers that never showed up!

The exact same happened to me. I let them know I could do Christmas but never heard anything and then in February I emailed just to ask what the situation was and let them know I was available for summer, and I also asked if I needed to re-interview. I didn't get a reply so after a month I emailed again and this time I got a response straight away saying they had noted my new availability on their records. I haven't heard any more since.

However, I did read on the casting website that you don't get removed from the talent pool unless you specifically ask them to, so I think it's just a case of reminding them every now and then that you're still interested and still available!


this is amazing news for you guys!! i hope all your disney dreams come true this year around :) .....Meanwhile i am still waiting on the list for character only .... Hope i get the call , but i suppose its early days yet , as i auditioned on the 21st March. :)   good luck you you guys anyway !