Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Thanks, I've emailed them to tell them I'm available, I just don't want to get my hopes up, if they don't hire new people for those short periods.


@Wendydarling Hello! I think its all different for the parade department so I can't really comment, but for the roles in merchandise, restaurantation, ticketing and hotels, im pretty sure they are only taking old cast members because everyone who already had a contract and requested a new one, was sent an email a few weeks back saying "if you want a contract for halloween and xmas, ring us at this time.. etc" and it also specified that we were only allowed to go back into the same division.. for example I worked in a boutique earlier this year, and i'm only allowed to go back boutiques for H and Xmas. I assume its just for the reason they dont really want to have to be training new people at the busyiest time of year, for only a two week period, which in all fairness makes sence. Maybe they will be hiring new people early next year, I think thats likely, and I wish you the best for then! :D hopefully you'll be out living the magic in DLRP sooooon!! :D x
If you have any more questions let me know!! :) x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


@_Natalie_x  Thank you for your reply :)
I'm interested in a role in merchandise. I had my interview last March and have been in the talent pool since then. How long do I stay in the talent pool before I have to do another interview, do you know? x


Got a job offer for Christmas dates today! Anyone else?


Quote from: "pollypocket"Got a job offer for Christmas dates today! Anyone else?
Me too! For employée de Restaurant!  :P


I got a contract for Christmas.  I CAN'T EVEN BREATHE!!!!  Best day ever. <3

I'm so nervous about this phone call I've to make on Monday... my French isn't great, and I'm afraid  I won't understand what they're saying to me. Does anyone know what kind of things they ask int he phone call? Should I have anything prepared? x


Same! See you there, if this damn phone call goes ok on Monday..FEAR


Hi everyone!
Been reading this thread since February! Finally decided to register and talk to you guys :)!

Long story short: got an e-mail for Employée de Restaurant for Christmas and have to call on Monday from 10.00 to 13.00 and 14.30 to 17.00 .
(Now just to make sure that I don't blow my chances by making a simple mistake...) These are local, french times, right? (I'm from Estonia...we have a time difference in 1 hour!)


I got the email about xmas jobs too, do you think this means theres a contract for everyone who got the email or not?? I'm also a little worried about the phone call on Monday- probably won't have a clue what they're saying!


So yeah I got the Christmas job email too!

Like everyone else the phone call is the most terrifying part! I just hope I understand them as they can speak fast!

Again same question, does this mean everyone who gets the email has a job or are they going to choose a few who say they can? I am assuming seen as it is a job offer everyone has the job if they want it?

Congrats to all, I finally got the email I have been waiting for for so long!
If you all do go, maybe we should organise meeting up so we know someone before we go etc? Book similar train times or something too? Just ideas now :)



Congratulations everyone! Hope you all have a blast making magic over there (:


Yeah hopefully it means everyone has the job! what dates did you all get offered? i can choose between 22nd december- 6th jan or 29th december-6th jan but I can't decide whether I want to be away for xmas or not! mines also for a 'vendeuse boutique' so hopefully seeing as other people have been offered different things then it means they've actually got specific jobs for us all!


I was just said they have 22nd Dec until 6th Jan. Also my job is a Serveur so again looks like they are all individual jobs so looks like they are individual job offers.

Go for it, go for the longer time? I was thinking about Christmas but imagine Christmas there, it would be amazing!


i think i will just go for it, christmas there will be amazing! good luck with the scary french phone call on monday everyone!


good luck every one all the best with your christmas contracts, i am praying one day i will get to be a disney character and be in that park need more people to believe this will happen.
