What is your least pleasurable DLRP experience?

Started by Masamune, December 28, 2006, 12:41:23 PM

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Hi there!

I love DLRP and have booked for 09...been 06, 07 and 08...Now I'm hoping its a coincidence but EVERY time we go we (2 adults and 2 kids) get violently ill....sickness and the other.....I am 99% the place is disease ridden but I'm hoping on the 1% of it being coincidence...we keep holding out that it is because we trully love the place!..We take alot of medication with us now...in 07 it was that bad the doctor didn't want me to fly but I did....it was horrific and when we arrived at the hotel (SF) we saw a man lying down on reception seating with a blanket looking really bad too :cry: ......

ps we never get ill like that at home..the most we have is the cold!.....so coincidence or not???????
8th visit to the magic coming very soon x



i think it may be a bad coinsedence, ive been there 6 times and i havent been sick at all


I hope so!! :D

In 07 there was 3 people on different occasions being sick over railings...??? Maybe its the time of year I go or something????
It puts a dampner on the holiday cause we wait to get ill!!! :lol:  :lol: oh in January there was 3 people in our party (arrived different times and different hotel room) and they got really bad and it spoilt their holiday, we didn't see them the whole 6 days :cry: In all cases its been like food poisoning.

If we get ill next time then Im complaining cause thats taking the Mickey!!...see what I did there? :lol: ok I'm outta here!!
8th visit to the magic coming very soon x



i just got back from disney and it was awwwsome! =]
other than the first night, something went really wrong, and either our travel company or the hotel made a mistake and the coach hadnt been given rooms!!
we weren't booked in anywhere
its was horrible i didnt know what was happening where we were going to be staying or anything.
and everyone else on the coach felt the same.
but an hour later [so around 12:30 ish] we were able to squeeze in spare rooms at the Dream Castle instead of the Kyriad, but this was only for the one night as those rooms were to be taken the next day.
so then we didnt know where we were going to be able to stay afterwards.. :shock:
but were lucky enough to be able to get into the Kyriad for the remainder of the holiday.
so it wasnt that good an experience but i got to stay in a new hotel haha which was fun =D
and everything worked out great.
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


We waited for a great seat for the Fantillusion parade last year. We were sat on the concrete benches near the Fantasyland stage and when the Fantillusion parade finished they barred off the area where we were sitting for the fireworks (health & safety I guess), and when we tried to move out of the way the staff member kept jamming the rope into me and my sister's back. We were trying to move out the way but there was no room and she just kept pushing us into people. i even fell into a woman with a pushchair and she was not happy!

Won't be sitting there this year thats for sure!


Quote from: "nathan.jackson"We waited for a great seat for the Fantillusion parade last year. We were sat on the concrete benches near the Fantasyland stage and when the Fantillusion parade finished they barred off the area where we were sitting for the fireworks (health & safety I guess), and when we tried to move out of the way the staff member kept jamming the rope into me and my sister's back. We were trying to move out the way but there was no room and she just kept pushing us into people. i even fell into a woman with a pushchair and she was not happy!

Won't be sitting there this year thats for sure!

Oh, I was going to try and get a place over there for the parade & fireworks!! So it's all closed  :( ? They should have warned you before, really!


Yeah everyone else was annoyed. It's only open for the Fantillusion parade!

Pete's Dragon

My worst experience was the trip there one year. My wife is Italian, and her passport only shows her maiden name, and of course I booked her seat using her married name. The girl at the check-in wasn't going to let her on the flight and told us she would have to buy another seat on the plane ( £150 ) or produce a marriage certificate ( yeah, like I walk around with it in my pocket ! ). So, I got straight on the phone to my mum and told her she had 45mins to get up the motorway with the certificate. I went back to the check-in to explain what was happening, but the girl had gone home ( this was at 1pm, and she must have been working since early in the morning, hence her grumpy,uninterested attitude ). I told the new girl the situation, and that my mum was on her way. The girl looked at my wife, then her passport, tutted and shook her head, typed something into the computer and told us to go on . Rang my mum back and told her the panic was over.

When we about to get board, a message came over the tanoy that the flight was delayed because the battery was flat and they were having trouble tracking another one down. After 30mins they found one and it was off the CDG. But that wasn't the end of our troubles.

By the time we reached Disneyland everyone was tried and just wanted to get into our room. I got the keycard and was told our room was 11. When I got to the room, the card wouldnt work, so back to the reception. They swiped it throu the computer and said it should work now. It worked all right, but there was someone elses luggage already in there so back to the reception. The girl at the desk apologised and said our room was 111, not 11. So went to 111 and the card wouldnt work, SO BACK TO THE RECEPTION. This time she gave me 3 swipecards, and double-checked the worked. And yes, finally we got sorted.

Oh, and to top it all off, the next morning, there was torrential rain until 12pm. Exactly 24 hours since we arrived at the airport. But the rest of the holiday was amazing.It was my sons first time and he loved it, and we're all going back in September ( and I remembered to book my wife under her maiden name )


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"My worst experience was the trip there one year. My wife is Italian, and her passport only shows her maiden name, and of course I booked her seat using her married name. The girl at the check-in wasn't going to let her on the flight and told us she would have to buy another seat on the plane ( £150 ) or produce a marriage certificate ( yeah, like I walk around with it in my pocket ! ). So, I got straight on the phone to my mum and told her she had 45mins to get up the motorway with the certificate. I went back to the check-in to explain what was happening, but the girl had gone home ( this was at 1pm, and she must have been working since early in the morning, hence her grumpy,uninterested attitude ). I told the new girl the situation, and that my mum was on her way. The girl looked at my wife, then her passport, tutted and shook her head, typed something into the computer and told us to go on . Rang my mum back and told her the panic was over.

When we about to get board, a message came over the tanoy that the flight was delayed because the battery was flat and they were having trouble tracking another one down. After 30mins they found one and it was off the CDG. But that wasn't the end of our troubles.

By the time we reached Disneyland everyone was tried and just wanted to get into our room. I got the keycard and was told our room was 11. When I got to the room, the card wouldnt work, so back to the reception. They swiped it throu the computer and said it should work now. It worked all right, but there was someone elses luggage already in there so back to the reception. The girl at the desk apologised and said our room was 111, not 11. So went to 111 and the card wouldnt work, SO BACK TO THE RECEPTION. This time she gave me 3 swipecards, and double-checked the worked. And yes, finally we got sorted.

Oh, and to top it all off, the next morning, there was torrential rain until 12pm. Exactly 24 hours since we arrived at the airport. But the rest of the holiday was amazing.It was my sons first time and he loved it, and we're all going back in September ( and I remembered to book my wife under her maiden name )

Wow. :shock: Isn't it strange how things always seem to go wrong together? There's never just one problem - always lots of problems! :P Hope your next trip goes a bit more smoothly.

Pete's Dragon

Thanks, I hope so too. The only thing I'm worried about is that my daughter wont go on any of the rides. It's her first time


How old is she PetesDragon?? Most of the Fantasyland rides should be OK for her.

I didn't have any really bad experiences when I was at DLRP last year, other than when I nearly got knocked over in a character scrum for Eeyore!... I'm anticipating something going wrong at the end of the month though!! :lol:



Nearly getting hit with a falling tile off the castle in March. It was when the gales struck on the 10th March. It literally landed a few cm's from me, and the castle was quickly roped off after that.

Some suggested that I should have kept it as a souvenir, but I didn't really think about that at the time, I was more disappointed that the Princess meet and greet was cancelled.  :lol:


when i went to DLP in 2005, it was my last day and my family and I decided to take one good last look at the park and went on Disneyland Railroad, however we decided to get off at Frontierland and go on Phantom Manor for the last time.....as i got off the train i smashed my head on the carriage door and had subsequently got concussion. i fainted and then was sick and bad and had too spend the rest of my time in the Discovery Arcade!!

but i still love the Disney RailRoad even if i did cause a rather large bump and bruise!
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


From my 2008 trip report:

QuoteAfter that we headed back over to Disneyland Park where we decided to go on Phantom Manor and here is the story of it in full.

We first of all we were in the queue line, just at the side of the manor with a slightly big queue behind us as well, when about 6 English youths around my age (14-16 my guess) just ran up the bank of Phantom Manor, jumped over the wooden fence and skipped everyone :x  Then at the doors they started banging the door that was closed because there was another bunch of people in there for the stretch room but that didn't bother them.  When we entered the manor they were talking and shouting non stop, even when the CM told them to be quiet, when we entered to stretch room things didn't improve, they we still shouting away, then when the CM told us to move to the center in french, they started saying "What she on about?  What does that mean?", they were also told various by the CM to keep quiet by would they?  No.  They didn't actually shut up until the CM walked up to them and said "do you want to be put out?", but that still didn't stop them talking throughout the scene.  Know if you think that is bad just wait until you here this.  When we actually got on to the ride part they completely ruined it for everyone, shouting, spitting, yes spitting!  I saw one of them spitting at the first aimatronic of Melanie and at one stage one of them was holding on to our doombuggy  :x  :x  I was soo close to just hitting his hand to get him off, put i didn't, i knew that behind the scenes you are always watched.  I couldn't stop think that all the time, effort and money WDI spent making PM this great was being ruined because of a few youths, now i know there are members around my age who was around the age of them, and i think they would agree with them when i say it is good to have a laugh with friends but there is a line not to cross, and they crossed it big time.  Anyway back to the story.  Towards the end of the ride where you exit the doombuggy via the
moving walkway, we were getting off the buggy but the walkway wasn't moving, the doombuggys were not moving and there was no CM standing by the controls, which was beeping with a big, flashing red light on it, we started walking out of the manor, filled with rage over them youths when we could hear one of them, "Get off of me!!" he was shouting, the CM at the end of the ride was dragging him back into the ride by the back of his neck, along with the rest of him, at first we thought that they pressed a button on the control panel, thus stopping the whole ride but then it clicked, security must of been watching them since the stretch room and then contacted the CM to stop them and probably ban them from going on PM again.  When we left PM we headed over to the seating area beside the Mark Twain enterance because that's where my dad was (he didn't want to go on PM), just after telling him the story we seen the lot of them walking past us and not a sound from them, what ever the CM said to him i thank him so much for doing so.
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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We've had very few problems at the Park.
I have a son with a disability and, when he decided it was time to sleep (and we had forgotten our stroller and not bothered to hire one as he was getting older), we asked if we could hire one to take him back to the hotel. They explained that they couldn't leave the park and payed for a taxi for us!
That's service.
The two worst things that have happened was getting a Coke from Casey's which tasted rather funny and gave me a lot of tummy problems through the night (I think one of the salespersons had added "something of his own making" to it. Maybe he didn't like my face!).
The other annoying thing was a week ago at the Toad Hall Restaurant where we arrived an hour before closing.
They ran out of fish!
About half an hour later (only two people got served in that time), they ran out of fishburgers as well.
Eventually we had to shout "don't tell us what you haven't got, tell us what you HAVE got" and a very red-faced manageress said "chicken burgers only".
Everyone walked out.
We went to the Marionette instead and had Mickey burgers and chips.
Other problems have been trivial (like getting separated and ending up on opposite sides of the street during the parades).
Wish they'd decide which restaurant is open on what day though. All too often you get there and they say "closed at 4 today" when they were open at 6 the day before.