What is your least pleasurable DLRP experience?

Started by Masamune, December 28, 2006, 12:41:23 PM

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Oh dear... I never fancied that ride much, and I know its not disney's fault or anything, but thats put me off it even more...

When my auntie, uncle and cousin caitlin went to typhoon lagoon in florida, a girl had drowned in the wave pool! She went past the red rope,(which is meant to say "GO NO FURTHER!") and the wave got too big, and sadly, she couldn't get to the surface again...

They didn't find out til about midday, when her parents were looking for her, and someone reported an unconscious girl floating in the water. So, they closed typhoon lagoon, and my auntie, uncle and cousin all had to leave the park.

The sad thing is, it was one of their last days there too! :(

Anyway... I know this is a least pleasurable experience, but can we get back to the slightly "happier" talk of things?


:o I'm pretty sure there's a "what is your best DLRP experience?" thread somewhere.


Oh yeah, this stupid little kid kept screaming all the way throug Animagique, and then he fell on my head!!!  :evil:


My least pleasurable experience ( only one so far!!! ) was in the Plaza Gardens restaurant 27th December 2007  :evil:

It was in Plaza Gardens Restaurant ( which was the pits....and we are not fussy whatsoever...we enjoy everything )

It was a scrum to get in....we had pre-booked so we joined the correct queue....but there was some 'foreigners' who decided my and my family were queuing for no apparant reason and an obese woman ( I am too so I am not being obesist  :wink:  ) crushed my baby in his pushchair with her huge derriere....his face was smothered  :shock:
As it happens before I could rugby tackle her a 'foreign' woman tapped her on the shoulder and told her to shift....

Anyway we fought our way through and were astounded by the beautiful decorations and were really pleased we decided to eat here....BUT....

It was overbooked and overcrowded.... I had heard about the 'foreigners' not queueing...and we live in Spain so we are well practiced in the art of pushing and shoving and queue jumping...
but even so I am British and I have kept my manners....

COULD I GET ANY FOOD??????????  

Three times I attempted to get my food from the buffet before I went back to our table to summon up all the strength I could to go back....

Me and my eldest daughter ( she had not succeeded either...my other 4 children had...) went back and we queued as there seemed to be an orderly line at last....
Well it all went smoothly and we reached the food...
I got my chicken...
My daughter got some steak...
I reached for the chips....


Well....that was it...I was having none of it... :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  
There was an almighty fight over the chips....they were flying here there and everywhere....
She was shouting at me in french....I was shouting at her in Spanglish ( I hoped she would understand some English and Spanish swearwords because I didn't know any French  :lol:  )
We argued over the carrots....we argued over the croquettes....

Eventually both of us had reached the end of the line with full plates of food neither of us wanted....I think we had a few desserts floating in our gravy aswell....!!!

As I walked away I recieved a little round of  =D>  from the very obviously British folks in the queue.... :lol:

It spoilt my meal though....but apart from the silly woman I was appalled at the complete lack of organisation of the Plaza Gardens....

Just a small niggle....which nearly made is lose our Christmas Day reservation at Walt's restaurant was there only being 3 gates open in the late afternoons to get into Disneyland Park....
Everyone queued relatively well....but it was swarming and there was trouble with 2 of the gates....yet they never opened more....
It took us about 20 minutes to get through....( it happened on other afternoons aswell )
and we did think it could have been better organised.


:shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
was this woman so hungry she had to resort to food rage ?!?!?
i've never tried this restaurant and i don't think i'll be bothering.
have you noticed that most of our complaints are about people barging in  :?
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


Last week, I had a fast pass for TOT and we went and joined the Q behind these 2 french teens. They took out and lit cigarettes, right next to a no smoking sign and started puffing away, blowing their smoke all over the 20 odd people Qing around them. No-one said anything which annoyed me. If they were English I would've had a right go lol.

The Q all around us was moving forward, apart from these 2 idiots who just stood smoking in front of us, so obviously the usual people who like to Q jump did so. I was getting really really annoyed at these 2 daft idiots who seemed to be half asleep. Then one of them dropped his cigarette on my foot, which made me even angrier, and I think he realised, so the 2 of them moved to the front of the Q, where they then held up the Q even more because they didn't even have fast passes. Some people are complete idiots!!!

Most of my unpleasant experiences at DLRP are to do with Q-jumpers as well. DLRP need to invest in some anti-Q jumping signs like the ones at Thorpe Park lol
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?? A Wimba Way A Wimba Way ??


oh my... this has to be the most relieving thread i've ever seen in a disney forum...

most of the experiences i see posted here are similar to the ones i've had at DLRP, i don't feel alone now!

i see some of you had bad experiences with spaniards, i'm not from Spain but i live in Seville since last year. It's true that spanish people is very loud, specially those from the south of the country... but the worst experiences i've had with people at DLRP were with french and foreigners from other countries (europeans!).
queue-skipping, shoving and putting kids on shoulders so that no one else can see shows are among the most common thing we've seen at the DLRP parks
i've been to US parks more than once and i know very well that this is something you only see in the french parks
also flash photography (which is prohibited in US parks), ruining people's photographs (specially those in front of the castle) by stepping in, and many other things that were sooo rude!

another very rude and common one was... flatulence!!! we found (and smelled) flatulence every now and then absolutely every day during our stay... we don't know if it came from kids or adults (except one particular time while we were in line for Peter Pan), nor we know if it came from french or other foreign countries but it was there! it seems that it's a common thing in France (or in some european countries) to just let the flatulence out, no matter if there's people behind you or near you... . Ok, kids might not be taught enough to avoid farts, but at least the parents could have offered an apology!

Pirates of the Caribbean is the mecca of queue-skipping, that we learned after 10 minutes of queuing...

One time we were waiting for two seats to become available at casey's corner, with our meals in our hands, and there was this group drinking beer and having a chat in the table next to us, the chat went on for about 20 minutes, they had already finished the beers and kept on chatting and smoking (this happened last year)... we were waiting and waiting patiently with our meals already cold, and the group left (without taking the garbage with them!) but one of the guys was still there finishing his cigarette. He didn't leave until the cigarette was almost burning his finger... and he was giving us a look every now and then as if he was saying "oh... too bad you're waiting for having lunch... you'll have to wait.. because i say so!" ...
he finally left but come on!
also, a lot of people took places in tables without their meals! that's so inconsiderate!
and character photographs are impossible to have if you're an adult (or you have kids but shoving people isn't in your nature)

i haven't experienced much language-related bad experiences, most french people were willing to try to understand your practically non-existent french and willing to try to understend your English or Spanish,... but i had so many rude experiences with so many tourists!!!
we felt so "good-mannered" and polite! (if that's a word)

PS: sorry for my English!


We qued for POTC for an HOUR!

My brother was so desperate to get on this ride because its his favourite! Anyway, the sign said 10 minutes wait time from here, so we thought "Ok, so not very long!" but the machine broke down or something, so we stood outside for a while, then we got to the inside and thought "we're almost there!"

HOW LONG IS THE QUEING AREA? Its just rows back and forth! Plus, we stood next to this little kid, who had a buzz lightyear laser blaster toy, and kept pointing it at everyone yelling "DIE!!!" over and over! Ok, he's just a kid, but seriously, didn't his parents get sick of hearing "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" over and over...

Then there was this woman stood behind us with a pram, and everytime there was a teeny tiny gap she'd ram it into our legs and say "Move along!" then she'd whisper (well, not so much whisper!) to her husband "I wish these people would move along! There's plenty of room! They're just holding us all up!" etc. etc.

We were so happy to finally get on the ride (even thought I almost lost my mickey mouse hat on the drop... :( )

The Butlin Boy

Perhaps one of my worst experiences was on the last day of our last trip. We got to the parks early and used the advantage of EMH to get to the Studios a bit quicker. When we were let in the park, we headed straight for Crush, waited until 10 when the rides around us started, but no sign of Crush working. It was about 10 or 15 minutes later until we found out that there was a "Technical Error" (in 2 out of 3 queues for the ride during that trip, Crush broke down). so we had waisted our EMH. :evil:
In the afternoon when we were in the Disneyland Park, we headed for POTC. We queue for about 10 minutes when we got to the loading bit, and the boats stopped moving. A couple of minutes later a group of teenage boys stormed out from ride (behind the exit side of the loading are) and a Cast member just looked at them amazed and just said "you got out of the boat!" :o . This slowed down the whole ride (they must have performed an emergency stop) and waisted another 10 minutes of our final day. Later in the ride, in the fire scene before the final drop, we saw two cast members with a torch (looking for something or damage?) which was weird and quite out off place with all of the drunken pirates.

We then we to do Casey Jr which was broken down. So we decided to go on the boats next to it. When we came off they had started working Casey again, but when got into the queue, guess what, it broke down again!!! We then spent 10 minutes waiting to see if it would be fixed before leaving, which it didn't. :?

We then decide to do Buzz as our last ride (we had booked a character tea for an hour or so later to end our trip). We got into the queue and everything seemed fine, but then it slowed down quite a lot (which remained for the rest of the queue, even fastpass had a queue), and a lot of people came out of the fire exits of the building. They hadn't said about any problems with the ride, and didn't stop letting people in, so we continued to queue. When we finally got into the building, we realized that there no sound at all, nothing, no green aliens, no mission status, nothing. We then entered the next room with Buzz, again silent. This bit was the worst memory of ever going on the ride for me, because seeing Buzz fully functioning, without any voice just completely ruins the magic of it :( . As we got a bit further, we started to here some of the rides audio, it was working in only the final section of the queue (which was still moving unusually slow :x ) We did finally get onto the ride though, which was as fantastic as ever (still one of my favorites :mrgreen: )

Other than that though, everything was perfect :)


I got a PM from a member regarding Tinkerbelle's post, so I'd like to respond with my opinion.

Quotequeue-skipping, shoving and putting kids on shoulders so that no one else can see shows are among the most common thing we've seen at the DLRP parks
i've been to US parks more than once and i know very well that this is something you only see in the french parks.
also flash photography (which is prohibited in US parks), ruining people's photographs (specially those in front of the castle) by stepping in, and many other things that were sooo rude!

That is not true!  I've been last week for 10 days in Disneyland California  and I can tell you guests do that there as well.  Balloons and kids on shoulders during fireworks,  running into pictures (ask the numerous photo pass CM's I've taken pictures with).  

And don't get me started about getting run over by overweight people at Walt Disney World in their personal "people movers"...

Don't forget this message board is European with many many members from all over Europe and the world, and not strictly friends from the UK.  You might insult people by saying "but the worst experiences i've had with people at DLRP were with french and foreigners from other countries (europeans!)."


oh no! i had written a long post and my connection got lost...  :evil:

as I was saying, I didn't mean to offend anyone by pointing out that my worst experience was with europeans- i just wanted to point out that i didn't mean southamericans or asians, since guests coming from any of those parts of the world seem to belong to the group of the "top ten most annoying nationalities" in the american disney parks-related forums/boards. Sorry if anyone felt offended, that of course wasn't my intention! but then i have to say that those who wrote that the worst group are the Spanish guests would have offended us, since my husband is spanish and he's a complete darling ;D
i think nobody here is trying to offend anyone, so let's take everyone's comments as what they are... just mere remarks :)
My husband is european, and my ancestors are europeans too, so of course offending wasn't in my plans while posting :) and of course i know most people here are europeans (as well as most of DLRP visitors)

i must have been very lucky while being at the US parks! i had so many good experiences there, with CMs as well as with park guests! we of course had a few bad moments with some people but it was nothing compared to what we've seen at DLRP. It definitely takes out a lot of the magic, but we still LOVE DLRP and can't wait to go back!

since i hate comparisons and going back to the topic, it has to be horrible to witness a death at a disney park! I know a girl whose friend suffered a miscarriage after riding TOT (i think) at WDW. She was of course, unaware of her pregnancy... it was very sad.

Every visitor to a theme park should be aware for once that they should be well informed about their medical conditions and health situation before riding stuff...

PS: my apology to the member who PM raptor!



My grandad was going to come on BTM, but we read the leaflet thing, and it said "No pregnant women, or people with heart and back problems" and since my grandad just had an operation on his heart last year to put a pace maker in, we thought it'd be best not to!


Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"OH NO! MORE DEATHS!

I think this comment is a little inappropriate considering what happened less than a year ago.


Innapropriate? How?

But everyone has stories about people dying on rides! Well...only 3 as far as I know, but still... Its very sad!  :(


We all didn't talk about it much/at all when it happened, its not exactly a nice topic for a family friendly DLRP forum? I agree it was very sad but it doesn't mean we have to dwell on it in topics, thats why the original topic was closed out of respect.