Reasons to be Cheerful...

Started by Magic M, November 16, 2009, 01:27:57 PM

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Magic M

I've been a member of this forum for nearly two years now and I've got to say that recently the air has changed to one of negativity.  Disneyland Paris – like all Disney parks around the world – were built on Walt's vision of creating a magic world of wonders and a park that would never be completed as long as there is imagination in the world.

I am a long time fan of Disneyland Paris.  As a very young child my parents took me and my brother to Walt Disney World in Florida and I have to say most of those memories have faded away now and most of my Disney memories are rooted in Disneyland Paris.  I will heartily tell all and sundry that I love the place and that I try to go there at least once a year.  I talk about the ease of travel, the two parks, the new rides, the wonderful parades, and the magic of a Disney Christmas.  However most Brits that I talk to about Disneyland Paris still call the park "Euro Disney" and think of it as a poor replica of its American cousins.

Such negativity and poor opinion is sadly sweeping across this Magic Forum – a chat site devoted to fans of Disneyland Paris.  FANS!  I read nothing but bad reviews about broken light bulbs, faulty smoke machines and peeling paint.  I know that DLRP has recently received bad financial news but Disneyland Paris is still growing strong.

By the middle of next year Disney Studios will have not just the annual "new attraction" but A WHOLE NEW THEMED LAND!  Three brand new rides themed around one of the most successful Disney films of all time!  Toy Story is easily the most profitable Disney movie franchise ever.  By building these new rides the same year that Disney re-release Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3-D and produce a 3rd film to the trilogy has got to boost the attendance of the parks.

Yes I've heard all the nay-sayers and their "bare pipe work" and "fairground attraction" rants but seriously – look around the park!
* Dumbo the Flying Elephant = Merri-go-round
* Orbitron = Merri-go-round
* Flying Carpets over Agrabah = Merri-go-round
* Phantom Manor = Ghost Train
* its a small world = The Tunnel of Love
* Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril = Wild Mouse Coaster
* Carousel De Lancelot = its a freaking Carousel!!
Disney has always had "fairground" style attractions and it is not like these are going to be "bare pipe work" – they are going to be themed to like like toys!  The whole concept of the Toy Story films is that people have always wondered what the world would be like from a toy's point of view.  Toy Story Playland will create this effect and have 3 new thrill rides to boot!

Ok, my rant is over.  I called this thread "reasons to be cheerful" and there really is a lot to be cheerful for.  It seems that the DLRP uber-fans spend too much time photographing rubbish bins and building sites and not enough time focussing on how beautiful and magical Disnayland Paris really is.  So here's some key points.

Why Disneyland Paris is unique:
* It is the largest "Magic Kingdom" style park in the world.  Sure it may not have the most attractions but it has the largest footprint and the biggest and best manicured grounds.
* Roy E. Disney called Sleeping Beauty's castle "best most beautiful fantasy castle we have ever built".
* It is the only "Magic Kingdom" with the Discoveryland concept based on California's aborted Discovery Bay complete with parked up Nautilus.
* Space Mountain: Mission Two was the first SM to have on-board sound and include inversions.
* No other MK park has an Alice In Wonderland themed maze.
* Our Mad Hatter's Teacups is the only one to have a roof.
* It is the only MK park with an Adventure Isle – a beautifully created and totally free-play attraction.
* DLRP has the only Pirates of the Caribbean ride built to Walt's original specifications (albeit with a more logical route) and without the addition of Johnny Depp et al...
* Phantom Manor took the already successful Haunted Mansion concept but created a more cohesive storyline and linked it to a Frontierland setting.
* Big Thunder Mountain is the only BTM ride to have the entire ride on a separate island.
* WDS created the Moteurs Action stunt show which was then copied around the world.
* WDS has the only Finding Nemo themed coaster in the world.
* Armageddon SFX was created especially for WDS.
* The Cinemagique movie was created especially for WDS.

More great things about DLRP:
* Most Brits can get to Paris in around 90 minutes to 2 hours and be in the parks by Midday on their first day.
* DLRP was designed specifically for a European market and decorated for European sensibilities.
* DLRP are constantly churning out offer after offer to get us to come!  20%, 30%, 40% off, All Meals Free, 1 Day and 1 Night Free, Kids Stay and Play for free.
* Disney's Fairytale Christmas – need I say more.

I am VERY passionate about DLRP and I am also a lover of change.  Any change is always a change for the better.  If the park stayed the same it would just stagnate and Walt's vision has always been one of improvement and innovation.  Walt Disney lived through the Great Depression so he knew what financial crisis is all about.  What did Walt do?  He took a gamble.  He created the first ever full-length, colour cartoon movie and it set the world on fire.  We are in a global credit crisis right now so DLRP are RIGHT to build new attractions because they attract new customers.  You have to spend money to make money.

I believe that Disneyland Paris is here to stay and I will keep visiting this magical place... because it makes me happy.


Tremendous post, well said!!!!!


As I already posted before: through financial reasons I visit the park only once a year, so I always focus on the bright side. For me, a trip to DLP is pure magic and it makes me feel like a kid again. I don't agree that any change is always a change for the better in global, but in DLP I do look forward to all new creative projects.


wow what a post :D its hugee and i think that its all going to come down to personal taste i only visit once a year like so anything new each year gets me excited

[size=150]Please Follow Me - - - - ---- Thanks


It annoys me how people moan about others for being "negative" when all we're trying to do is make things better for everyone.

It's not negativity - it's reality.

Some people seem to mistake "positivity" for living in fantasy world where nothing can go wrong. It's not that. Positivity is being confident and hopeful. And you know what? Secretly in the back of my mind I do have hope that one day DLP will return to what it should be. I do have hope that one day WDS may become a great park.  

I don't point out faults for the sake of it. I want DLP to be the best place in the world, as any fan should. A fan is a supporter. So I support DLP by providing the feedback that might make the resort better for all of us.

Ignoring problems won't do any good. If you ignore them, they're only going to get bigger.

Stop living in the fantasy world. You are the ones that are making DLP lose it's quality. You are the ones that have made the problems at the resort as bad as they are - by accepting them! If you carry on, it's only going to get worse! What "true" fan would want that?

Quote from: "Magic M"Phantom Manor = Ghost Train
Bit of an insult to the Imagineers, is this not?

Quote from: "Magic M"Walt Disney lived through the Great Depression so he knew what financial crisis is all about. What did Walt do? He took a gamble.
This is exactly what DLP don't seem to do anymore. They just stick to the same old rubberhead dance shows, the same old carnival rides. They're not going forwards - only sideways and in some cases backwards. Space Mountain was a true gamble. That ride was revolutionary at the time and was a huge risk, but it payed off.


Nice to see how you don't like being called a pessimist, but do blame others for the loss of quality in the parks... Can we just all stop blaming eachother please?! I just ignore the negative posts here and I don't like being called a bad 'fan' just because I want to fully enjoy my one trip a year.


:D Magic M

Think you read my mind!!


Quote from: "RnRCj"Sanity


Quote from: "Annet"I just ignore the negative posts here
See, this upsets me. We point out DLP's faults in an attempt to make it better for all of us. And you just ignore us... well thanks.

Quote from: "Annet"I don't like being called a bad 'fan' just because I want to fully enjoy my one trip a year.
I always enjoy my trips. Who wouldn't? It's Disneyland after all. It has lots of great things. But I'm not completely oblivious to the many problems that there are. :wink:


I was thinking about what to answer to this post... until I read, what RnRCj wrote!
Thanks! Thats exactly what I think!

I don´t understand, why people call themselve "Fans", because they ignore, what they don´t want to see!
As I already wrote somewhere else... For me, it´s the task of the fans to show, what doesn´t work! Wake up.
Walt would be shocked to see it like it is now.
We don´t blame them. We criticise to make it  better.
If everyone looks through the glasses of ignorance, DLP will have no reason to make things better. Why should they? Nobody complains.

BTW: I still love to visit DLP. Its like coming home! But I don´t like to see how this home is getting worse
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



So we have a difference of opinion. I don't think that anyone's right or wrong here, everyone has a point. But it rather upsets me that I get the feeling my opinion is not allowed here or that it makes me a lousy fan. When I see the pictures you guys make, sure I won't disagree that some things need work. But when I'm there, I only make pictures of the beautiful happy moments. Time's too short to get upset.

I like coming to this forum, on the overall everyone's friendly. But when the subject comes to this, suddenly there's a very hostile attitude.


First of all, I'll be the first to admit that I am a horrible, negative, misanthropic and ludicrously neurotic person, a stain on society, both on forums and elsewhere in life.

But in defense of complaining, who do you suppose built these parks you all so love? Perfectionists, that's who! People who mind the details, neurotics, artists who didn't settle for mediocrity. If Walt and all of his artists and engineers had not possessed these qualities, you would all be going to that dingy funfair in which Walt conceived the idea of Disneyland.

If you're saying no more nitpickers, you're saying death to Disney.

And I feel like buying some Uggs!


QuoteI was thinking about what to answer to this post... until I read, what RnRCj wrote!
Thanks! Thats exactly what I think!

I don´t understand, why people call themselve "Fans", because they ignore, what they don´t want to see!
As I already wrote somewhere else... For me, it´s the task of the fans to show, what doesn´t work! Wake up.
Walt would be shocked to see it like it is now.
We don´t blame them. We criticise to make it better.
If everyone looks through the glasses of ignorance, DLP will have no reason to make things better. Why should they? Nobody complains.

BTW: I still love to visit DLP. Its like coming home! But I don´t like to see how this home is getting worse

I completely argee with you, don´t have to add anything...


Isnt this the whole point of a forum for people to air there sure member so of the disney company read what goes on here?? But I think that the first topic of reasons to be cheerful is correct...with everything in life there are people who will love it , and hate it bit or marmite going on  :D but I love Disney be it all good or bad its what you make of it when u go there and when u see your kids face light up or the grown ups face light up with it been a merrygo round or a parade well who cares you get what you pay for and I will always love roll on 2010 and see whats in store



I have to say I can see this turning into an argument of opinions but...

Magic M, I loved your post and all the positives and beauty of DLP that you highlighted, it's great to hear the positives and I have to agree with you people are focusing on negitive things that are small like lights not working or things like that and I do feel personally at times it is unnesscary.

I'm sure we all agree that we all have a right to have our own opinion on what we like or don't like and I think Magic M's opinion should be respected like all others. We may not agree with each others perspectives but at the end of the day I think even those who sound negitive aren't doing it to be nasty about the park but just feel disappointed and want things to be better, which is a valid reason! We all love DLP, if we didn't we wouldn't be here and when you think about even people who notice light bulbs not working or paint peeling etc are people who love the park and who know it so well that they notice so it's not nesscarily bad either I guess.

Thanks for cheering me up with your post Magic M, I'm not having the best day so it was nice to read your post! :D
Luv Aveen xoxo