Reasons to be Cheerful...

Started by Magic M, November 16, 2009, 01:27:57 PM

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I think that anyone on this forum obviously loves DLP , I agree it has the best castle of any park worldwide , the best POTC , and a lot of extra features that make it stand out above a lot of the other Disney parks , and I could go on and on !! But Disney is known for its attention to detail ,and when you see things broken or in desperate need of a repaint it is disappointing.It is the perfection of a Disney park that makes it so appealing , otherwise Alton Towers or Universal would be considered the ultimate.
I only go once a year but have been visiting since opening ,so have seen plenty of changes over the years , but never come away feeling I didn't enjoy my trip .I haven't had a holiday ruined by a gas lamp not working in Liberty Arcade , or the smoke effects on the cannon of SM not running ; but these little touches make the difference to our experience and the little extra detail is what we all love about Disney  !
If we never knew that the the cannon on SM moved , and had smoke effects we would never be bothered or think how great it could look if they added it ! It is because we know how fantastic it can look with all the effects working that we are upset when they aren't fixed for the longest time !
We all like different things , "puss in boots" thinks "Beauty and the Beast" is dull !!  :shock: LOL and I love it , I find Armageddon unimpressive but some people love it !!!
Maybe people should write more positive threads ,i.e " Why  the Paris castle so wonderful to me !" or "Adventureland is so amazing because...." but no one seems to post anything quite like this,I think it is taken that we all love DLP ! :D


Quote from: "Annet"Well I just think quotes like these are disrespectful. I don't think discussion equals telling people they're not true fans.

Dear Annet, I´m sorry to make you feel, taht your are not a true fan. That wasn´t my intention. I just reacted on this..´.

Quote from: "Magic M"Such negativity and poor opinion is sadly sweeping across this Magic Forum – a chat site devoted to fans of Disneyland Paris.  FANS!  

This gave ME the feeling, that I´m not a fan because I complain! I think RnRCj just found my words:

Quote from: "RnRCj"I don't understand how people can call themselves fans if they don't really care about the resort's deterioration and don't want to help to improve it.

I always like to compare it with a mother or a brother or a family... Would you just always say... "Oh my little brother is so cute and nice and he can´t fail?" Or would you additionally say your brother, if he makes something wrong because you care for him?
Thats the point!

Quote from: "Tuvok"Problems is, when you are trying to be possitive here, the dark side of this forum will treat you like you're inferior.... If I visit Disneyland, I don't have time to get my superzoom camera and try to find all the paint that is wearing off....

The Problem is, you complaint that people don´t respect you opinion, but in the same post you do just the same. You exaggerate what we do and talk like we have nothing more to do like searching for bad things!
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Quote from: "Timbo"We all like different things , "puss in boots" thinks "Beauty and the Beast" is dull !!  :shock:

Read again...


Quote from: "Timbo"We all like different things , "puss in boots" thinks "Beauty and the Beast" is dull !!  :shock:

It does make you wonder if some people actually read the threads they respond to properly  :shock:   :shock:
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


Yes i have complained about certain things at DLP like MMP etc, and that awful Mickey head on the castle but it doesn't make my trip any less magical.  I go to Disney because 1) I'm a huge Disney fan and 2) to make memories with my 4 year old daughter.  I'm not saying i haven't noticed things that don't need tending to, I just don't let it ruin my trip.

What annoys me is that people complain and complain on here but they really should be complaining to the company themselves, if they don't know whats wrong how can they even try and fix it?
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


MagicStar and RnRCj, thanks for your reactions. Your statements seem much more nuanced now, it sounds just a tad friendlier for your fellow-forummers who disagree ;) I'm not saying we all have to agree, it would become quite a boring forum actually if that was the case.

Just like littlemermaid I do wonder though, but I already asked that before, is anything going to happen with all the comments? Cause complaining here won't work, I'm sure as hell not going to get my ladder and paint the park myself :P


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"What annoys me is that people complain and complain on here but they really should be complaining to the company themselves, if they don't know whats wrong how can they even try and fix it?
Actually, I've written to them twice in the last year! Both times I told them what all the main problems are (with particular emphasis on maintenance and entertainment) but also the things they are doing right. They always send back friendly and appreciative responses. The last time I wrote to them they said my comments had been passed onto the "highest levels of management".


Wow people. Try taking some deep breaths.

I don't post much on this forum, but I do read it every single day. I love coming here and reading about updates on my favourite Disney park in the world.

I shall give you my outsiders point of view.

 I agree with both sides of the argument because they both present valid points.

Recently this forum has gone into a habit of being very negative on nearly all aspects of DLP.
On some front Disney deserves these complaints (The billboard in front of studio 1 or that racetrack in Discoveryland that has not been used for more than a decade, ect).

On other things I think you guys can be way too harsh. Every theme park will have things break down at a certain point. These things can take time to fix, so we should be patient. Give Disney a little time to cough up extra cash, and they will try to get to it, i'm sure of it.

One thing that really bothers me is how negative people can be about "New" things in either park.  For example about the new Toy Story Playland. Yes, it might not be the most innovative, best themed new attraction Disney could have build, but we are getting three new attractions (in a park that desperately needs some) in a time when Disney is running at a 63 million loss! I think we should be happy we are getting ANYTHING at all in my opinion.
Everyone can have their own opinion, but some posts can be really unfair and spewing vomit on something that has not even been build yet!

When it get's down to it, the "Happiest and most magical place on earth" is a business and it needs money to operate. If it is running at a 63 million loss. No money is coming in, and all of us here know that NO money has been the story with Euro Disney from day 1.

The only TRUE MAGICAL thing about Disneyland Paris is that it still EXISTS AND EXPANDING after almost 20 years of operation making no money at all!

That is what I am grateful for. I can still visit the only place on earth that brings me back to my childhood. It is still open and running while Disney Corporation and the "Others" invest money into something that will give them no return. You could (almost) think of it as a charity project.

I definitely think we should send this list of defects in to DLP, so they can have a look at it and try to fix it. But it will probably take some time.

I understand where (most) of the negativity comes from though.

One thing I have always said is that when the time comes I will apply to work at DLP for some time. This is not because of my obsession with DLP that I want to be there every single day. I actually believe the magic will disappear once I start working there. But I want to work there so I may make other people happy, and give them their times of their lives in DLP.

I think this relates with the obsessive minute detail gathering and the negativity on this forum. It is because you want to make the park better so that other people will enjoy it just as much as you did on your first day there. But Try keeping the trolling and negativity moderate and let's all support one another instead of attack.

I'm saying this because at this time this forum is NOT the happiest place on earth.

The End


Quote from: "pussinboots"
Quote from: "Timbo"We all like different things , "puss in boots" thinks "Beauty and the Beast" is dull !!  :shock:

Read again...
:roll: Errr......sorry !!! I did read the whole thread in one go ,so was reading some bits obviously a bit too quick ! It's one of those things where you expect to see something and don't expect a difference ! Am I forgiven ?


Quote from: "Timbo":roll: Errr......sorry !!! I did read the whole thread in one go ,so was reading some bits obviously a bit too quick ! It's one of those things where you expect to see something and don't expect a difference ! Am I forgiven ?

You are, if you compile a list of positive things about Disneyland Paris and sign it with my name, haha.

I just didn't want to go down in history as the person who hates Beauty and the Beast! They might revoke my fan club membership.


Quote from: "pussinboots"
Quote from: "Timbo":roll: Errr......sorry !!! I did read the whole thread in one go ,so was reading some bits obviously a bit too quick ! It's one of those things where you expect to see something and don't expect a difference ! Am I forgiven ?

You are, if you compile a list of positive things about Disneyland Paris and sign it with my name, haha.

I just didn't want to go down in history as the person who hates Beauty and the Beast! They might revoke my fan club membership.
I love just about everything at DLP !! The list would be far too long to put on here !!
I am sure there are a lot of people who don't like Beauty and the Beast , though PUSSINBOOTS IS NOT ONE OF THEM !!!
We all have different likes and that is what makes the world a more interesting place ,and this forum too ! :wink:



Magic M

Thank you all for your responses.

Its sometimes good to stir up a tempest in a top-hat - its good for morale!  I wrote my intitial "mission statement" call it what you will because I love Disneyland Paris and I didn;t want any negatives vibes getting in the way of my next trip in March.  Its now only 2 months away and I am more excited than ever to go.

Wishing you all a magical new year.



Hi guys,

I just read this whole post from start to finish, wow  :shock: a lot to take in in one go!

I just thought I'd add my own personal standpoint into the mix:

There have been additions, removals, rennovations etc to my favourite place in the world that I have been both pleased and disapointed with over the past few years. Take, for example, the rennovation of the Last Chance Cafe. In my opinion, a fantastic idea that has been poorly exicuted. I'm reserving final judgement until I have seen it for myself (only 3 days!!!) although I think that the fact they have addressed the need for shelter is a step in the right direction, to me the roof sticks out like a sore thumb in an otherwise stunning area of the park. It also has the potential to disrupt the view of PM when you enter the land. Because that is one of my favourite views in all the parks it means a lot to me, but I accept that this isn't the case for everyone. (I'm only moaning on this post for the sake of giving a good example  :wink: )

When I step into Disneyland it truely feels like I'm entering another world. Now, I'm by far not the neatest person in the world (in fact I think I'm in the running for untidiest person ever!) but when I saw the state that Alice's Curious Labrynth was in the last time I was there (Nov 2008) that bought me out of the magic. I don't see all the problems of Disney while I'm there, for the most part I'm totally submerged in the magic.

It is a shame to see things go to waste, or opportunities missed and I can completely understand why people feel the need to complain about it. I know that when I see something being done wrong, whether that's wholely my opinion or shared by others, I feel the need to talk about it. Mostly I do this with my family but when it comes to Disney I know that they don't really care so I use the forum. I would honestly bore them to death if I had never discovered this place  :wink:

Similarly, I can understand why some users would feel that people are complaining too much. It's just looking at things from a different perspective. I have often caught myself moaning in a post and thought 'wow I'm moaning a lot' but I only do that with the things I feel passionate about. We all have our favourite places/ attractions/ restaurants within the park. If they suddenly decided to close Billy Bobs I would think it a shame that it was going (especially as it's an orginal place with no Disney theme) but I wouldn't be sending round petitions or anything. But if they decided to close Annettes I would most certainly be straight on the forum delivering all manner of angry posts and, if I had the money I'd be tracking down the person who made the decision and giving them a piece of my mind!
My personal favourite ride is Crush, despite all its problems (now how many of you can argree with that?  :shock:  :wink: )

I think it boils down to the elements of the resort that we hold dear, whether it be born out of childhood memories or otherwise. What someone might be indifferent to is something that someone else feels really passionate about and there will be times that we all need a good moan/rant about something. I think the only time this becomes a problem is when it drags down the whole mood and feel of the forum (which in my opinion it hasn't done, I just think there's more opinions out there now). We've got a great forum here, by far the friendliest place on the internet (this topic included) and the reason for that is simple. We are all able to write what we want (in moderation :wink: ) good or bad, where people understand when we get annoyed about something just as much as when we get stupidly excited before we go to DLRP. People actually care about every detail of my holiday, including as many pictures as possible and what I had for breakfast each morning, where else do you find that?!
I cannot wait to do my trip report and I'm hoping that people will enjoy it.

We've got a great community here, moaning and all!
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


Magic M's post was top notch! Disneyland Paris is meant to be a place where you can get away from all the hassle and stress . To go on a trip and take pictures of those magic moment is something special but to go and come back and complain that a light bulb wasn't working is just pretty sad! I'm sure on your next trip the light bulb will be fixed again  :lol: I wouldn't lose sleep over something like that. I understand people like Kristof who take pictures around the park and of rubbish bins :lol: but that is his hobby and it's what he enjoys doing  but I don't see him taking pictures of all the tiniest faults. He takes pictures of what really matters... the magic. I'm just using Kristof as an example by the way :lol:

So I say here's to the next stage of DLRP's development and hopefully it will be as magical as ever! :)