Mobilization against the creation of F1 circuit

Started by benjicool, September 28, 2008, 12:50:26 PM

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Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"Just a thought, couldn't dlrp use the circuit for a go-kart course or something when not in use of official events ?
Yes, but as FordPrefect says, it'll be too long. It would be much better suited to Driving Experiences. Maybe they could do something like the Petty thing but with Touring Cars.

Quote from: "phantom247"I feel quite sad that this is a project that Eurodisney SCA wants to push forwards when their are many projects that are at a stage in their development that all it needs is the final financial approval for the bothans (for the uniniciated this is a term for Imagineers) in Both Paris and California to break ground.  We are at a crossroads if we Invest now in our existing infrastructure and expand this infrastructure we have got a bright future ahead of us if not look towards big cutbacks in entertainment budgets as Guest numbers go down it could be worse than 2003-2006 where we saw a big drop of in overall guests when investment in new facilities dried up.  Yes a F1 race may be good in filling Hotel rooms if placed in a low occupancy period of the year like September, January, Febuary, March but what about the Polution, Noise and other things that will have to come along with this I am not anti F1 I enjoy motor racing but I can think their could be many other areas in France where this could go without effecting resort operations.
"Bothans" are only a term for "insiders" used by one blogger.

California and Paris are run separately and therefore they do not approve a project for DCA and issue a cut back in WDS.

Guest numbers are down because the global economy is in the toilet.

It is also possible that this track could be paid for separately to in-park additions.

The French GP will not be held in September, let alone January/February/March - the weather is one main reason. (As Ford Prefect has already stated twice, the race is traditionally June or at the very least the first weekend in July).

I'll concede on the noise, but "pollution" ?  :roll: F1 cars are not some diesel burning Bedford van from 1962. They do not smell, nor send plumes of thick smoke into the air. The Resort is not going to end up looking like London during the Industrial Revolution.
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ford prefect

An interesting article:

F1 happily states that the car emmisions are insignificant, it is the rest of the circus that causes the hassle and pollution.

Before every one leaps at me and says AHA, TOLD YOU!!! I would like to say that the carbon footprint would be the same whether it was at DLP or elsewhere.

Overall there would not be any significant change in CO2 emmission in or around Disney, since all of us travelling to DLP create a fairly hefty dollop of carbon dioxide every time we go.

I am not sure the pollution argument will wash either.

The argument is essentially noise and "I don't want to see a circuit where there should be a third gate" and "I don't want to see a circuit from my hotel".

I respect all of those views.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


QuoteGuest numbers are down because the global economy is in the toilet.

hmm interessting, and why they should build this race track? when the global economy is
at the end, why i should go to such an expansive race and to an expansive disney park?

i love to go to disney and i love to watch the races, bit i don´t think its the best idea at this place, why think a lot of you the guest numbers go up in the park when the race track is there? i don´t think so!!
but i have to say lets give it a try, they have to build it and disney have to make an contract with them, when the gust numbers in the parks go down, and because of that they lose money mr. ecclestone have to give them the millions  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "lil-shawn"
QuoteGuest numbers are down because the global economy is in the toilet.

hmm interessting, and why they should build this race track? when the global economy is at the end, why i should go to such an expansive race and to an expansive disney park?
Well that is a valid point, but same would apply to building a third gate at this stage.

I was referring to the previous posters excuse that "attendance is down".  :)

Quote from: "lil-shawn"i love to go to disney and i love to watch the races, bit i don´t think its the best idea at this place, why think a lot of you the guest numbers go up in the park when the race track is there? i don´t think so!!
but i have to say lets give it a try, they have to build it and disney have to make an contract with them, when the gust numbers in the parks go down, and because of that they lose money mr. ecclestone have to give them the millions  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Bernie won't be parting with his money on this one. He's too shrewd for that.

He knows how to play the game, and I doubt he'll be offering EuroDisney a full refund like he did the Singaporean Government if it didn't work out.
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Quote from: "ford prefect"An interesting article:

F1 happily states that the car emmisions are insignificant, it is the rest of the circus that causes the hassle and pollution.

Before every one leaps at me and says AHA, TOLD YOU!!! I would like to say that the carbon footprint would be the same whether it was at DLP or elsewhere.

Overall there would not be any significant change in CO2 emmission in or around Disney, since all of us travelling to DLP create a fairly hefty dollop of carbon dioxide every time we go.

I am not sure the pollution argument will wash either.

The argument is essentially noise and "I don't want to see a circuit where there should be a third gate" and "I don't want to see a circuit from my hotel".

I respect all of those views.

The pollution argument is not so much what it will add to global carbon emissions, it's what people fear it will do to the rather green resort area. People are having visions of smoke fumes, of smoggy air (which DOES happen in certain weather conditions when smoke can't go up), of hearing those engines all the way to Pirates of the Caribbean, of litter, asphalt and the lingering smell of gasoline. While some of that may be irrational (those cars are not from 1934 after all), it's pretty undeniable that the presence of a Formula 1 circuit will be felt — and heard, and smelled...

And come on, if this isn't smoke then what the hell is that bluish haze:

ford prefect

Quote from: "pussinboots"The pollution argument is not so much what it will add to global carbon emissions, it's what people fear it will do to the rather green resort area. People are having visions of smoke fumes, of smoggy air (which DOES happen in certain weather conditions when smoke can't go up), of hearing those engines all the way to Pirates of the Caribbean, of litter, asphalt and the lingering smell of gasoline. While some of that may be irrational (those cars are not from 1934 after all), it's pretty undeniable that the presence of a Formula 1 circuit will be felt — and heard, and smelled...

And come on, if this isn't smoke then what the hell is that bluish haze:

I have never been aware of a gasoline smell at a grand prix.  
Although the cars use a variation on petrol ( ... /5288.html)
The smell at a grand prix comes from tyre smoke.
that bluish haze is tyre smoke caused by several thousand newton metres of torque being forced through four bits of rubber (who said torque is cheap).

If an engine lets go it creates a bit of a niff, but since that only happens to Ferrari (Sorry Javey) nobody really worries about it.

I can assure you that you will not smell a race outside of the immediate surroundings

Now, I accept your argument re littering and the pollution created by spectators.  

That is beyond reproach, and I was disgusted to see rather a lot of litter left at in piles on the floor dispite the close proximity to a 3 large bins.  

Oh, wait a minute, that was in The Videopolis in August.  

Silverstone tends to be fairly clean and tidy, however considering over 150000 people are on site from 5am there is bound to be rubbish to be cleared.

Litter is a problem where ever people gather and is not the sole province of a motor race.

I have mentioned noise on several posts.  I assure you, you will not be able to hear the cars in the parks. Anymore than I can hear them at Silverstone circuit when sitting in Silverstone Village.

The last thing I want to do is to upset anyone or offend anyone or disregard their views, however a lot of the views expressed have come from people who (it appears) have never experienced (and have no wish to experience) a motor race.  

I respect that.  I have no desire to watch a football match, yet I loved the atmospher in Disney Village during the World Cup.

Their is a danger of circular arguments unsupported by facts and based on perceived rumour or prejudicial ideas.

I repeat: There will be no impact to the parks except they may be busier.  I accept your argument re people pollution, (litter etc) and that the presence of a motor race will be felt in the hotels and village as was Jetski, paint ball etc.

It won't won't be heard, smelt, or tasted though.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Hathway you may know a lot about F1 and motor sports in General and that Paris WDI works independently of California but comunication has been quite frantic across the pond untill the credit crunch hit hard and with June being peek season I feel their will not be enougth beds to go round because I feel that Most hotel projects will be put on hold untill we see how this credit crunch effects hotel occupancy overall.

ford prefect

Quote from: "phantom247"Hathway you may know a lot about F1 and motor sports in General and that Paris WDI works independently of California but comunication has been quite frantic across the pond untill the credit crunch hit hard and with June being peek season I feel their will not be enougth beds to go round because I feel that Most hotel projects will be put on hold untill we see how this credit crunch effects hotel occupancy overall.

With current occupancy at just over 90% beds are hard to come buy in the big 7 hotels.

Just to point out: Most motorsport fans will camp or use non disney hotels because they won't want to get in the way of the Disney-ness.  

It is also part of the tradition of a grand prix to sit and chill outside of your tent or listen to a couple of bands in the beer tent.  There will be plenty of accommodation to go round, you are forgetting the overall capacity of nearby hoteliers who will attract the teams and the likes of campinile and formule 1 (sic) and etap all of which are morelikely to be used by any non camping fans.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!

Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "phantom247"Hathway you may know a lot about F1 and motor sports in General and that Paris WDI works independently of California but comunication has been quite frantic across the pond untill the credit crunch hit hard and with June being peek season I feel their will not be enougth beds to go round because I feel that Most hotel projects will be put on hold untill we see how this credit crunch effects hotel occupancy overall.
Sorry you've lost me there. "communication has been frantic until the credit crunch?"

As for "available beds" the plan shows two 1,100 room hotels to be built. That should be enough for the majority of the Paddock. Plus there's always the partner hotels and failing that others a little further a field.

Quote from: "ford prefect"
Quote from: "phantom247"Hathway you may know a lot about F1 and motor sports in General and that Paris WDI works independently of California but comunication has been quite frantic across the pond untill the credit crunch hit hard and with June being peek season I feel their will not be enougth beds to go round because I feel that Most hotel projects will be put on hold untill we see how this credit crunch effects hotel occupancy overall.

With current occupancy at just over 90% beds are hard to come buy in the big 7 hotels.

Just to point out: Most motorsport fans will camp or use non disney hotels because they won't want to get in the way of the Disney-ness.  

It is also part of the tradition of a grand prix to sit and chill outside of your tent or listen to a couple of bands in the beer tent.  There will be plenty of accommodation to go round, you are forgetting the overall capacity of nearby hoteliers who will attract the teams and the likes of campinile and formule 1 (sic) and etap all of which are morelikely to be used by any non camping fans.
That is also true. So there should be no issue of "lack of accommodation".

And if ED are clever they'll do a package that includes hotel, park passes and tickets to the race.  :D/
Marching along, we\'re Adventurers! Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!

ford prefect

Hathaway: Have you ever felt outnumbered!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!

Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "ford prefect"Hathaway: Have you ever felt outnumbered!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Ever since I stepped into this thread! (the thread title says it all!)

Glad someone's on my side!  :D
Marching along, we\'re Adventurers! Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!


Quote from: "ford prefect"I have never been aware of a gasoline smell at a grand prix.  
Although the cars use a variation on petrol ( ... /5288.html)
The smell at a grand prix comes from tyre smoke.
that bluish haze is tyre smoke caused by several thousand newton metres of torque being forced through four bits of rubber (who said torque is cheap).

If an engine lets go it creates a bit of a niff, but since that only happens to Ferrari (Sorry Javey) nobody really worries about it.

I can assure you that you will not smell a race outside of the immediate surroundings

Now, I accept your argument re littering and the pollution created by spectators.  

That is beyond reproach, and I was disgusted to see rather a lot of litter left at in piles on the floor dispite the close proximity to a 3 large bins.  

Oh, wait a minute, that was in The Videopolis in August.  

Silverstone tends to be fairly clean and tidy, however considering over 150000 people are on site from 5am there is bound to be rubbish to be cleared.

Litter is a problem where ever people gather and is not the sole province of a motor race.

I have mentioned noise on several posts.  I assure you, you will not be able to hear the cars in the parks. Anymore than I can hear them at Silverstone circuit when sitting in Silverstone Village.

The last thing I want to do is to upset anyone or offend anyone or disregard their views, however a lot of the views expressed have come from people who (it appears) have never experienced (and have no wish to experience) a motor race.  

I respect that.  I have no desire to watch a football match, yet I loved the atmospher in Disney Village during the World Cup.

Their is a danger of circular arguments unsupported by facts and based on perceived rumour or prejudicial ideas.

I repeat: There will be no impact to the parks except they may be busier.  I accept your argument re people pollution, (litter etc) and that the presence of a motor race will be felt in the hotels and village as was Jetski, paint ball etc.

It won't won't be heard, smelt, or tasted though.

Not even tasted? Hmm. I believe you, I really do (because you know about "torque" and until two days ago I thought Michael Schumacher was a Jewish comedian), although I'm still not quite sure about the noise thing. My father went to Monaco a few times and according to him, that noise was inescapable, "deafening" and audible all over town. He may have been exaggerating slightly, but that doesn't sound like something the windows of the Newport Bay Club are going to drown out.

Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "pussinboots"Not even tasted? Hmm. I believe you, I really do (because you know about "torque" and until two days ago I thought Michael Schumacher was a Jewish comedian), although I'm still not quite sure about the noise thing. My father went to Monaco a few times and according to him, that noise was inescapable, "deafening" and audible all over town. He may have been exaggerating slightly, but that doesn't sound like something the windows of the Newport Bay Club are going to drown out.
Well the thing with Monaco is all that the sound reverberates off all the appartment buildings and the mountains which makes it sound worse. Plus if you sit at Virage du Tabac you have the track in front and behind you.  :)
Marching along, we\'re Adventurers! Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!

Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "Riebi"//
Can anyone access the plan now? All I'm getting is 404 Not Found.
Marching along, we\'re Adventurers! Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!


After some days of abscence it seems not much new arguments and discussion steps has been taken  :lol:

Quote from: "Hathaway Browne"
Quote from: "Riebi"//
Can anyone access the plan now? All I'm getting is 404 Not Found.

It seems they have deleted it?!

Quote from: "ford prefect"The argument is essentially noise and "I don't want to see a circuit where there should be a third gate" and "I don't want to see a circuit from my hotel".

That seems to be the core of it all. Would we like to have it that way or are there any other possibilities. I thin yes we have others.

Quote from: "pussinboots"
Quote from: "ford prefect"An interesting article:

F1 happily states that the car emmisions are insignificant, it is the rest of the circus that causes the hassle and pollution.

Before every one leaps at me and says AHA, TOLD YOU!!! I would like to say that the carbon footprint would be the same whether it was at DLP or elsewhere.

Overall there would not be any significant change in CO2 emmission in or around Disney, since all of us travelling to DLP create a fairly hefty dollop of carbon dioxide every time we go.

I am not sure the pollution argument will wash either.

The argument is essentially noise and "I don't want to see a circuit where there should be a third gate" and "I don't want to see a circuit from my hotel".

I respect all of those views.

The pollution argument is not so much what it will add to global carbon emissions, it's what people fear it will do to the rather green resort area. People are having visions of smoke fumes, of smoggy air (which DOES happen in certain weather conditions when smoke can't go up), of hearing those engines all the way to Pirates of the Caribbean, of litter, asphalt and the lingering smell of gasoline. While some of that may be irrational (those cars are not from 1934 after all), it's pretty undeniable that the presence of a Formula 1 circuit will be felt — and heard, and smelled...

And come on, if this isn't smoke then what the hell is that bluish haze:

I don´t think we should see only the facts here. It´s more about a company/holiday desternation image. F1 doesn´t mean green plants and happy birds all over for the people. Even if you say: there´s noooo polution they would never really believe it.

Quote from: "ford prefect"Just to point out: Most motorsport fans will camp or use non disney hotels because they won't want to get in the way of the Disney-ness.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Sorry it must be sooo hard for the fans to first destroy my holiday destination number one and then saying "uuuuuuh...there´s disney everywhere at Disneyland Resort Paris". How to complaining about the french people in france? Next step to do?
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Sorry but I´m on the floor cause of all that laughing running through my body  :lol:

Quote from: "Hathaway Browne"As for "available beds" the plan shows two 1,100 room hotels to be built. That should be enough for the majority of the Paddock. Plus there's always the partner hotels and failing that others a little further a field.

These two hotels on the plan shouldn´t be the next planned hotels. They were rumours to built first ONE hotel between Disney Village and NPBC next to the rumoured big confernce center that they wanna built some day (and there are also two places for future hotels at this area). I don´t think we should see this 2 hotels inside the circuit for the next years. They have also a possible location for a next partner hotel between the other partner hotels at the lake outside the ring (val de france).
I think they have take this hotels to the plan just to show how the resort development should be ONE glorious day far far far far far away. There´s also an article in a german theme park journal about a hotel they wanna built and that they don´t wanna give any clue about the theme.
 So cancel the two hotels on the plan in your mind (like a third theme park if the circuit is coming) :wink:  it´s more possible to see the next hotel at another location. Also cause I don´t think that they build a high themed disney hotel just for F1 one week a year.

Quote from: "Hathaway Browne"
Quote from: "pussinboots"Not even tasted? Hmm. I believe you, I really do (because you know about "torque" and until two days ago I thought Michael Schumacher was a Jewish comedian), although I'm still not quite sure about the noise thing. My father went to Monaco a few times and according to him, that noise was inescapable, "deafening" and audible all over town. He may have been exaggerating slightly, but that doesn't sound like something the windows of the Newport Bay Club are going to drown out.
Well the thing with Monaco is all that the sound reverberates off all the appartment buildings and the mountains which makes it sound worse. Plus if you sit at Virage du Tabac you have the track in front and behind you. :)

Sorry to say this again but ANY noise of it isn´t acceptable. I´ve read a big report about a Disney manager who had the same in mind saying that Euro Disney wouldn´t have any motor noise at Main street USA or in other parts of the park. I just can say I even don´t wanna hear any noise at other parts of the resort but the most unbelievable thing would be to hear it inside the parks. Also just for ONE week or day. Disney has to be perfect. (you pay much money for it) We shouldn´t complaining about the not sooo perfect theme (now only in parts) of WDS and saying on the other hand "Why not a just a day or two or three....of noise, we don´t need every day a perfect disney day". Noise destroys also theming.

And for the plan: I thin Disneytheque has it online:

Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...