Mobilization against the creation of F1 circuit

Started by benjicool, September 28, 2008, 12:50:26 PM

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Quote from: "ford prefect"These 2 hotels would equally attract the motorsport fans if they are appropriately themed.

But thats the thing ITS DISNEYLAND !, not motorsport land. Why should the hotels be appropriately themed to something they would prefer when fans like us want disney hotels !  :x

ford prefect

Quote from: "Owain"
Quote from: "ford prefect"These 2 hotels would equally attract the motorsport fans if they are appropriately themed.

But thats the thing ITS DISNEYLAND !, not motorsport land. Why should the hotels be appropriately themed to something they would prefer when fans like us want disney hotels !  :x

By your argument the largely irrelevant themes of sport, music, movies and popular history of the last 50 years have no place in Disney.

Interesting, considering the popularity of the All Star music, Sports and Movies resorts, not to mention Pop Century Resort in Walt Disney World.

Disney is surely a triumph of imagination and accessability to  all,  what relevance does a New England Yacht Club have to Disney, or even New York?

My contention is that a motor racing facility is just as relevant to Disneyland Resort Paris as The Richard Petty Driving Experience and Superspeedway is to Walt Disney World.

If you examine a map of Walt Disney World you will see that the Ricard Petty Experience is on resort property a short drive from The Magic Kingdom.

As an aside, I (as a Disney fan and as a motorsport fan) would prefer theming to be a well considered and designed concept that maintains continuity in its location and not clash with the nearby themes.

Each theme sould be self contained, yet be attractive to the demographic it is designed for.

EG: I am not a great lover of Polynesia, so I would not choose to stay at WDW Polynesian Resort, however I do admire the imagineers' art so would happily pay it a visit.

I love all the themes in Paris, there is equally room at DLRP for more and different themes in Paris as there is in WDW.

We need to use our imaginations and open our minds to new thoughts and ideas.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!

Hathaway Browne

Quote from: "ford prefect"The proximity of the hotels is not a problem.

It is coomon practice to have hotels near circuits, even venues that don't host F1!  For example Brands Hatch Circuit in Kent has a Thistle Hotel right at the circuit gates.

These 2 hotels would equally attract the motorsport fans if they are appropriately themed.
Don't forget Monaco, or even better the new Abu Dhabi track on Yas Island, the hotel straddles the track at one point.  8)

Quote from: "Owain"
Quote from: "ford prefect"Why should the hotels be appropriately themed to something they would prefer when fans like us want disney hotels !  :x
Who said that Disneyland was going to be turned into "motorsportland"? The rest of the resort will remain the same.

I don't doubt that if they are to be Disney Hotels then they will have an appropriate Disney theme - easiest solution is to have one of them with the Contemporary's modern style.  [-o<
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Or a Cars theme.....


Okay, most of you can relax now - the plans for a F1 circuit at DLRP have been dropped:
Quote Formule 1 : pas de circuit à Euro Disney
Aurélien Perol | 19.11.2008, 17h27 | Mise à jour : 18h49
La F1 chez Mickey, c'est fini : hier soir, le groupe Lagardère sports a annoncé dans un communiqué «ne pas donner suite au projet d'organiser en 2010 le Grand prix de France de Formule 1 dans la région de Val d'Europe.» Et d'expliquer que «malgré la qualité du dossier constitué par les deux partenaires privés (ndlr Lagardère et Eurodisney) et le soutien de Bernie Ecclestone, il s'est avéré impossible de trouver un accord avec les autres parties prenantes concernées. »

D'après une souce proche du dossier, Lagardère Sports n'aurait pas reçu un soutien financier espéré de la part de l'Etat, et n'a donc pas pu bouclé son plan de financement à temps pour l'organisation d'un grand prix en 2010. Côté Disney, on confirme la décision : «d'un commun accord, nous avons décidé de ne pas poursuivre l'étude du projet, car le business plan n'a pas pu être finalisé» indique un porte parole du géant des loisirs. Les difficultés financières rencontrées par Lagardère dans la reprise du grand prix de France étaient connues depuis plusieurs semaines.

Lors d'une réunion à Matignon le 5 novembre dernier, les représentants de Lagardère Sports avaient, sans succès, sollicité les élus de Val d'Europe pour combler un trou de financement de 15 millions d'euros. Hier dans la journée, la députée de la 8e circonscription de Seine-et-Marne Chantal Brunel a lancé un «appel de la dernière chance» aux maires du secteur afin de «sauver le Grand prix de France». Une demande à nouveau rejetée par les élus.
(Source: Le Parisien)

In short: the financing of the circuit fell through.


Quote from: "experiment627"Okay, most of you can relax now - the plans for a F1 circuit at DLRP have been dropped:
Quote Formule 1 : pas de circuit à Euro Disney
Aurélien Perol | 19.11.2008, 17h27 | Mise à jour : 18h49
La F1 chez Mickey, c'est fini : hier soir, le groupe Lagardère sports a annoncé dans un communiqué «ne pas donner suite au projet d'organiser en 2010 le Grand prix de France de Formule 1 dans la région de Val d'Europe.» Et d'expliquer que «malgré la qualité du dossier constitué par les deux partenaires privés (ndlr Lagardère et Eurodisney) et le soutien de Bernie Ecclestone, il s'est avéré impossible de trouver un accord avec les autres parties prenantes concernées. »

D'après une souce proche du dossier, Lagardère Sports n'aurait pas reçu un soutien financier espéré de la part de l'Etat, et n'a donc pas pu bouclé son plan de financement à temps pour l'organisation d'un grand prix en 2010. Côté Disney, on confirme la décision : «d'un commun accord, nous avons décidé de ne pas poursuivre l'étude du projet, car le business plan n'a pas pu être finalisé» indique un porte parole du géant des loisirs. Les difficultés financières rencontrées par Lagardère dans la reprise du grand prix de France étaient connues depuis plusieurs semaines.

Lors d'une réunion à Matignon le 5 novembre dernier, les représentants de Lagardère Sports avaient, sans succès, sollicité les élus de Val d'Europe pour combler un trou de financement de 15 millions d'euros. Hier dans la journée, la députée de la 8e circonscription de Seine-et-Marne Chantal Brunel a lancé un «appel de la dernière chance» aux maires du secteur afin de «sauver le Grand prix de France». Une demande à nouveau rejetée par les élus.
(Source: Le Parisien)

In short: the financing of the circuit fell through.

Yay  :D I wouldn't have been happy to see the 3rd theme park site being covered in tarmac. I wonder if this will have a bearing on the original contract with the French government saying something new needs to be ready for 2012. I wonder if Disney will start thinking about a new idea.


Hooray! Huzzah! Whoopee!

News of the day right there!

I'd just like to thank the person(s) who decided to cancel this project. :lol:

The Butlin Boy

Phew...what a relief! :)  :D/


yay, what a relief but now the thoughts shift to the 3rd gate dilema


:( shame would of been good
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ford prefect

When this was first mentioned I wrote in:

"F1 charges a circuit for the privilege of holding a race, so Disney would be well advised to stay clear of paying for a facility."

"The investment required would be huge. The british grand prix is being moved from my local circuit (silverstone) to Donington  

Donington are having to invest £100 million merely to improve their (admittedly poor) facilities.

Who on earth would pay? It would need to be government supported and there in lies all kinds of problems.

A private invester or investers? That is one set of rich people. The best way to make a small fortue in F1 is to start with a large one!"

A shame it seems to be proved correct!

Still, it made for a fun discussion!!!
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


I'm so glad that this project is dead. Formula 1 and Disney doesn't fit together.


here is part of the story in english

The future of the French Grand Prix has been plunged into chaos after it has been revealed that Euro Disney – the leading alternative to host the race following Magny-Cours' disappearance – has withdrawn its bid.

With no French Grand Prix on the F1 calendar in 2009 – for the first time since 1955 – and the sport's commercial rights-holder Bernie Ecclestone vowing 'never' to return to the unpopular Nevers circuit again, France had been looking for a new venue to stage the event. Euro Disney had been seen as the most favourable option – until now.

Magny-Cours has long been slated for its rural location, poor access, lack of on-track action and poor crowd turn-out, but Euro Disney had appeared to be a potential saviour, offering huge opportunities in terms of exposure and publicity. Yesterday, however, Euro Disney and the Lagardere Sports group behind the bid announced that with the necessary funding unable to be secured, the project was off.


'Despite the quality of the dossier put together by the two private partners and the support of Bernie Ecclestone, it proved impossible to reach an agreement with the other parties, which was an essential condition in the development of the project,' read a joint statement, revealed on Pitpass.

'As a result, Lagardere Sports, in accordance with Euro Disney, has decided not to pursue the project to organise the 2010 Formula One French Grand Prix in the Val d'Europe region.'

It is reported that the Euro Disney initiative – which had the backing of France's only F1 World Champion, four-time title-winner Alain Prost – was unpopular with local residents, who last weekend protested against the noise that would have been created and the negative impact a race would have had on their quality of life. Locals have also expressed themselves in opposition to a grand prix around the streets of Paris, an idea long championed by Ecclestone.

Euro Disney was one of six possibilities being mused over by the French motorsport federation (FFSA), and could have taken place as soon as 2010, but the latest news means the return of the French Grand Prix – in the country that coined the term grand prix – could now be some years further off still.

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Brilliant news.

I've not really been following this project until recently, because it seemed just like a load of fabricated possibilities based along the lines of "we'd like a new F1 track - hey, there's some land at val d'europe!", forgetting completely that it didn't fit one bit with the actual planning of the resort, the local environment or the reasons those 15 million visitors come to this little patch of Ile de France. But then I saw the plans - there were actually plans! - and... oh blimey. They weren't even going to attempt to separate it from the resort. It'd be hideous, ugly, noisy - when in use - and a barren wasteland for the rest of the year. I mean - seriously - were Euro Disney SCA keen on this, did they really place a bid to have this next to Disneyland? I'd be one hell of a price to pay just for a few extra filled hotel rooms.

And sure, Walt Disney World has something similar, but that resort is HUGE and the course does not run directly past the windows of expensive Disney Hotels. Most guests never know it's there.

So hurrah for the credit crunch is all I can say. Let's hope when the money starts rolling around again, they haven't forgotten Lava Lagoon. And common sense.


its official, posted on ITV F1 website!

Bernie Ecclestone has warned that the French Grand Prix is unlikely to return to the Formula 1 calendar before 2011.

Next year's race has already been cancelled after the French motorsport federation (FFSA) announced in October that it was no longer willing to promote it due to the economic downturn and the substantial loss the event made in 2008.

Amid general dissatisfaction with Magny-Cours, the FFSA has been evaluating a number of proposals to stage the race at other venues closer to Paris from 2010 onwards.

But earlier this week the Disneyland Paris project, seen as the front-runner, was abandoned after its backers concluded it was not financially viable.

Ecclestone told French newspaper L'Equipe that, as a result, "I think it's almost certain that there will not be a grand prix in 2010".

He added that he was disappointed to see the Disneyland scheme fail.

"I always thought the Disney site was the right place for us, the new location that would suit the French Grand Prix," he said.

"There's a lot of infrastructure in place, the trains go there, everyone would know it – it was perfect."

Ecclestone has been looking for a new home for the French GP for several years, with Magny-Cours unpopular with many in the paddock due to its remote location and lack of atmosphere.

The F1 supremo believes the event needs to be held in the Paris metropolitan area, perhaps even on a street circuit taking in some of the capital's landmarks.

The FFSA admitted last month that the Disneyland project was the only one likely to be ready in time for 2010, but said five other ventures were all "serious" possibilities in the longer term.

A bid to move the race to the relatively poor Paris suburb of Sarcelles as a regeneration initiative is backed by the local mayor and former F1 driver Jean-Pierre Beltoise, and claims to have already secured some private funding.

Another option is Flins-sur-Seine northwest of Paris, the site of a large Renault manufacturing plant.

Ecclestone says he is keen to visit prospective venues himself and believes it is worth taking time to find the right long-term solution.

He added that he would not allow the race's future to be decided by domestic political considerations, as happened in 1991 when it was moved from the popular Paul Ricard circuit in Provence to Magny-Cours at the behest of President Mitterrand.

"We went to Magny-Cours for political reasons, for the wrong reasons," said Ecclestone.

"Let's avoid doing that again.

"What we want is to find definitely the right venue, as the French Grand Prix needs to be long-lasting."

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