Mobilization against the creation of F1 circuit

Started by benjicool, September 28, 2008, 12:50:26 PM

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ford prefect

My wife just made a valid point:  The Corona European Jetski Championship used to happen every year on Lake Disney.

This hardly balences out with the concept of a year round placid lake.

If this a fully functionning circuit then I expect their to be approx 10 to 12 events a year.

Please note that not all motorsport reaches the noise level of F1.  Touring cars and motorbikes are not significantly louder than normal road cars, whilst races are louder than street traffic the location of the circuit means that noise would not affect the parks.

Hotel guests would exerience noise.

The timescale of most race weekends is Saturday and Sunday: track activity starts at 10ish and runs to 5.30 with an hour for lunch.  That would be the extent of noise pollution.

Hathaway Browne:  I agree with most of your text, and I think we need to ensure that us lot as DLP fans enjoy our community and our holidays, however such events look to be beyond our control.

This means we either have to accept that DLP changes or we don't go to the resort at all.

For the sake of argument let us assume that the circuit is built and it becomes a full season long race venue.

The season starts in April and runs through until October.  During this period there will be a mix of touring cars, sports cars, bikes, F1 and single seaters

What disruption will this cause to us as holidaymakers?

Park activity and Village activity will be unchanged (it just might be busier)

Hotels maybe busier and the view from the hotels maybe less grassland and more grandstands.

There will be noise at the weekends, however i have sat in the pub in silverstone village whilst there are F1 cars touring the circuit.  I could only just hear the cars.  The pub is approx the same distance from the circuit as the parks would be from this proposition.  Therefore, most racing will have little impact.

Guest safety:  When ever you buy a ticket for a motorsport event there is a caveat stating that motorsport is dangerous and that you attend at your own risk.

Nobody will be forced to go and those that do must accept any minmal risk.

I can assure you that the circuit would not be visible to any hotel room. Were it to be visible those rooms would be the most popular in the hotel.

I am less convinced that it won't happen, however we do need to control our vitriol.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!

ford prefect

deleted dreaded double post  :D
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Quote from: "Riebi"For example here :?:  :!:


and at every what-disney-magic-could-do release :?:  They say quiet often that they are such an enviroment friendly place to be honest  :lol:  

Don't confuse corporate talk with public image. Sure, they rather show you pictures of nice green trees than of the dumpsters behind Main Street filled with paper cups and plastic cutlery from Casey's Corner.
So, when was there ever an add (print, tv, internet) that said: "visit Disneyland Resort Paris, the greenest place on Earth"?  

QuoteA F1 circuit would definitely reposition the resort - but necessarily in a bad light: it could present DLRP as a varied vacation resort with tons of things to do ... besides visiting that "amusement park with that pink castle and Mickey Mouse". (If done right.)


Sorry, meant to say not necessarily in a bad light...


Well, alot of mixed feelings, but lets think Silverstone (Biggest circuit in UK) has 9 events half of which are exclusive to them, but lets think about this logically, if DLRP want their guests to be happy they wont allow the FIA/F1 teams use it middle of july/august when its peak season.

Besides, F1 Really isn't that loud, you would not be able to hear it from the parc's and 99% of races start at mid-day, by then your awake and ready to roll!
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone

Pete's Dragon

What if Disney organised races for the visitors, like an Autopia with the metal railing in the middle of the road. Would that be appealing ? You can already take time out and go golfing, so why not try your hand at at a few laps ?

ford prefect

Walt Disney World Richard Petty circuit offers laps as does almost all circuits, so why not?

I don't know many drivers who wouldn't love to play on a racetrack in a well made sports car if the price was right and they had the opportunity.

So we have another source of income for the resort.

I have been sleeping on this idea and would like to comment generally:

We have had the football school, we have had the jet ski, we get a village and hotels full of paintballers, the stages were stuffed full of rock n rollers earlier this month.

Last time I was in the park I couldn't walk up Liberty Arcade because it was full of Majorettes.

I was in the Village during the world cup and couldn't move for people enjoying the atmosphere.

The atmosphere will be fab (if this happens) and you will find that it will create its own festival like the world cup, paintball, jetski, magic music days, rock n roll, country, carnival etc.

Try it, you might like it.

Disney is a multifacetted experience.

Perhaps we should welcome Walt Disney's comment "...keep moving forward..." and embrace his sentiment that the Disney Parks should never be completed.  Walt was a lover of innovention and technology and loved his cars and trains.  In many ways because of the constant desire to improve and refine and innovate, motorsport is rather similar to Disney.

It is an entertainment.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


That's fine FP, but I would rather have a 3rd park. One that could be enjoyed by all, 365 days a year!!!!  If they wanted to make the ring road a F1 track, fine. My complaint is the thought of losing land that could hold another park.
since 2001 (many before that)


That's fine FP, but I would rather have a 3rd park. One that could be enjoyed by all, 365 days a year!!!!  If they wanted to make the ring road a F1 track, fine. My complaint is the thought of losing land that could hold another park.
since 2001 (many before that)

Hathaway Browne

^Dave I do agree with you on the land for the Third Gate issue. That is my only reservation on this.

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"Well, alot of mixed feelings, but lets think Silverstone (Biggest circuit in UK) has 9 events half of which are exclusive to them, but lets think about this logically, if DLRP want their guests to be happy they wont allow the FIA/F1 teams use it middle of july/august when its peak season.
Well that's probably true, there will be reservations on having the race on the traditional first week in July slot. However, its a two way street and the summer is the time to have the race. I'm sure a compromise will be reached.

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"Besides, F1 Really isn't that loud, you would not be able to hear it from the parc's and 99% of races start at mid-day, by then your awake and ready to roll!
There's a chance you will hear it in the park, but its not going to be as loud as people expect.
I have spent many a year walking through Silverstone Village on the way to the circuit race morning and, yes you can hear the cars, but its no louder than normal road traffic noise.

Quote from: "ford prefect"Walt Disney World Richard Petty circuit offers laps as does almost all circuits, so why not?

I don't know many drivers who wouldn't love to play on a racetrack in a well made sports car if the price was right and they had the opportunity.

So we have another source of income for the resort.

Quote from: "ford prefect"I have been sleeping on this idea and would like to comment generally:

We have had the football school, we have had the jet ski, we get a village and hotels full of paintballers, the stages were stuffed full of rock n rollers earlier this month.

Last time I was in the park I couldn't walk up Liberty Arcade because it was full of Majorettes.

I was in the Village during the world cup and couldn't move for people enjoying the atmosphere.
No doubt the NIMBY's are of the same opinion of these events, so don't be surprised that you get shot down on this one.

To me though, you're absolutely right. There are many events throughout the year(s) that have caused minor disruption. So F1 is no different.

Quote from: "ford prefect"The atmosphere will be fab (if this happens) and you will find that it will create its own festival like the world cup, paintball, jetski, magic music days, rock n roll, country, carnival etc.

Try it, you might like it.

Disney is a multifacetted experience.

Perhaps we should welcome Walt Disney's comment "...keep moving forward..." and embrace his sentiment that the Disney Parks should never be completed.  Walt was a lover of innovention and technology and loved his cars and trains.  In many ways because of the constant desire to improve and refine and innovate, motorsport is rather similar to Disney.

It is an entertainment.
=D>  =D>
Nail. Hit. On. Head.
Marching along, we\'re Adventurers! Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!

ford prefect

Davewasbaloo, I agree.  If I had a full and free option I would much rather have a third gate.  

In August my wife and I walked from Sante Fe to Explorers and were discussing the empty fields around and exactly where we would put a circuit and I'm glad to see that we thought the same as the planners.

On the left hand side, stretching from Sante fe to beyond explorers hotel is a very large empty plot of land.  Now, I am sure that this has been earmarked for some form of development and perhaps the third park os not dead yet, merely resting.

This assumes that the circuit will get the go ahead which is by no means certain.  

Further: I don't believe that in the current economic climate Eurodisney SCA will be able to gather the required funds to build a park.

I would rather a third park but I it has been rumoured for years with little action and as Kristof said, Disney has to provide an attraction.

There is little we can do to influence any decisions.  But personally I welcome all comers and wolud be quite happy if they built anything that provides revenue and atmosphere, entertainment and new experiences.
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!

ford prefect

QuoteWell, alot of mixed feelings, but lets think Silverstone (Biggest circuit in UK) has 9 events half of which are exclusive to them, but lets think about this logically, if DLRP want their guests to be happy they wont allow the FIA/F1 teams use it middle of july/august when its peak season.

As I said earlier the french grandprix Usually takes place in June.

The only events that are exclusive to Silverstone are:
The Silverstone Classic
The Walter Hayes Trophy
Britcar 24 Hours.

Please note that Silverstone has a lot more events
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!

Hathaway Browne

Glad to hear some positivity on this. Too much "its the end of the world" talk IMO.

Are there any other location options for either a third park or this circuit so we could get the best of both worlds?
Marching along, we\'re Adventurers! Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!


Oh I saw some plans to put the Circuit at other places around the resort. One place was next to Davy Crocket. Maybe they had there some (similar) problems cause of the village nature project with Pierre et Vacances (and pierre et vacances was a stronger partner). There was serveral places for the circuit. I think that place direct next to the train station, the hotels and lake disney would be the most agreeable for bernie cause he can drive in by plane, TGV or car directly and must not move his ageing body much. What a stress. He´s really old you must know. He need to have it comfortable.  :mrgreen:

I´m not totally world-end-like against a circuit near DLRP. But putting this thing on this place isn´t a high quality solution for the holiday expierences. Take another location and I will be happy. But I won´t life with a window-view that shows me just a big circuit. I would change my room. And by the way: Normal motor noise inside the park would bother me. I remembered well how interrupting the "normal motor noise" of the normal street near the Studios tram tour route is (just example). You get totally out of your park expierence if some cars running there next to you. It´s Disney. It has to be perfect in any way (that was also something Walt would like to have :wink: ). But let them make the music louder and forgett a 3. theme park.

(Keep moving forward...maybe also an erotic expo could be a nice attraction (brings also lot of people) but maybe a simple water park could also be a "3. attraction" and fits more into a Disney Resort. The question is not would the F1 fans buy a ticket. They will buy it everywhere they place it, I can tell you. The question is would a Disney Fan buy a Theme park ticket for a theme park next to a racing circuit)

But I don´t think that we will have any influence on this.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...

ford prefect

Quote from: "Riebi"Oh I saw some plans to put the Circuit at other places around the resort. One place was next to Davy Crocket. Maybe they had there some (similar) problems cause of the village nature project with Pierre et Vacances (and pierre et vacances was a stronger partner). There was serveral places for the circuit. I think that place direct next to the train station, the hotels and lake disney would be the most agreeable for bernie cause he can drive in by plane, TGV or car directly and must not move his ageing body much. What a stress. He´s really old you must know. He need to have it comfortable.  :mrgreen:


 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


See, now a circuit south of the motorway near DCR would be very cool indeed.  I do wonder what has happened with the Nature Resort Feasability study.
since 2001 (many before that)