Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Well first of all, the halfpipes appear to have bare supports - I really hope those will be hidden by theming that isn't shown on the plan. Also, I thought the queue lines seem a little short for the fairly low capacity of the attractions. And I'm guessing the empty area in the the top right will be the playground?

But one good thing - it seems the land will have some sort of elevation change because of the little steps shown on the plan. Now someone needs to edit this onto a bird's eye picture of the park! :lol:


I don't know what I should think about these attractions. I will make any judgements when this part of the park is ready.
I do understand Disney why they are building these rides. Except Aladdin there are really no rides for children. Disney is known for family entertainment and WDS is not a park for the whole family.

I'm a big fan of the Toy Story movies, maybe I will like Toy Story Playland.


So phew, plans at least are finally out there. And actually, they've been tweaked quite a bit. Hurrah for the bit that looks like a children's play area and the second halfpipe!

Quote from: "Remco K."Looks just like I expected it to be.... just plain carnival rides connected by some paths... disappointing.
Yes, rides and paths. These are building plans, that's all they need to show.

Quote from: "lil-shawn"don´t understand why disney is take out the pracure drop in DCA and now put one into our WDS
It isn't entirely clear yet, but there will be (at least) 3 seats on each gondola of this custom version (still not great, I know). They also appear to be facing inward, to avoid bad views over backstage areas.

The circular ride looks like a roulette wheel...  :lol:


QuoteIt isn't entirely clear yet, but there will be (at least) 3 seats on each gondola of this custom version (still not great, I know). They also appear to be facing inward, to avoid bad views over backstage areas.

The circular ride looks like a roulette wheel...

hmm facing inward, very interesting, so then i hope they will bring up a high theme for the steel support. and 3 seats are not that much.
i really don´t have that much problem with this attraction but i think its on the wrong place, if they take it into the forest it would be better, and i t would be more hidden.
maybe it will really look great with the themening i still have hopes, right now i cant imagine how all will look...

Remco K.

Quote from: "Anthony"Yes, rides and paths. These are building plans, that's all they need to show.
That's all it's gonna be...

Sure, these plans still miss the theming. But even when themed, it will still be 3 low capacity carnival rides that can be found elsewhere.

What I can't understand is that so many people seem excited about all this Toy Story Playcrap. You all consider yourself fans? The same fans that praise Disney for it's unique and brilliant themed rides? Than ask yourself the following question: if you had to make a list of your favourite Disney rides, wouldn't Toy Story Playcrap be somewhere down the list?


QuoteThat's all it's gonna be...

Sure, these plans still miss the theming. But even when themed, it will still be 3 low capacity carnival rides that can be found elsewhere.

What I can't understand is that so many people seem excited about all this Toy Story Playcrap. You all consider yourself fans? The same fans that praise Disney for it's unique and brilliant themed rides? Than ask yourself the following question: if you had to make a list of your favourite Disney rides, wouldn't Toy Story Playcrap be somewhere down the list?

hehe not really, i don´t say i like it but maybe it will turn out okay. we don´t have the power to say they shuld not build it.


Just made this:

You can see how they've left gaps for future expansion. :)

Remco K.

Quote from: "lil-shawn"but maybe it will turn out okay.
This is actually what bothers me. Since when is Disney about "Maybe it will turn out okay.". I just think it's a waste of money. With the same money they could've build one, more unique ride. I would've loved to see that instead of To Sorry Plainland.


Thanks for overlaying the plans on top of a satellite photo of the park.

So, where is the rumoured Ratatouille dark ride supposed to go?

I really wish they would gut the Costuming Department building and turn it into a Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater restaurant with a Cars theme. I mean, that way, it'd tie in with Cars Race Rally, creating a little Cars area.

Alternatively, they should gut/demolish the Costuming Department building and turn it into Toy Story Mania, making it part of Toy Story Playland.

But like Remco said, these plans look very un-Disney and unexciting. This is what I meant when I said I wish they DIDN'T build original attractions at Disneyland Paris. It's risky stuff. They're gonna waste a lot of money on an idea/design that is basically untested crap.


Lets not start the whole the theming is going to be rubbish discussion again.
The plans are just showing the basic infrastructure.

If I drew a plan like that for Discoveryland it will look exactly the same, it wouldnt show any of the theming it would just be rides and paths.

Why be so negative when very few people know what the land will look like?
Its an increasing thing in the Theme Park community that everyone thinks attractions will be rubbish before a shovel is even in the ground.

It annoys me so much. If, come opening day, the land looks terrible and a waste of money, by all means have a moan about it but nobody should be moaning when groundwork has only just started.

Have some faith guys. The people designing TS:PL know what they are doing.


QuoteThis is actually what bothers me. Since when is Disney about "Maybe it will turn out okay.". I just think it's a waste of money. With the same money they could've build one, more unique ride. I would've loved to see that instead of To Sorry Plainland.

since they build the whole studios, it is all just okay except TOT...
i argee with you to spend the money in something unique would be better..

QuoteLets not start the whole the theming is going to be rubbish discussion again.
The plans are just showing the basic infrastructure.

If I drew a plan like that for Discoveryland it will look exactly the same, it wouldnt show any of the theming it would just be rides and paths.

Why be so negative when very few people know what the land will look like?
Its an increasing thing in the Theme Park community that everyone thinks attractions will be rubbish before a shovel is even in the ground.

It annoys me so much. If, come opening day, the land looks terrible and a waste of money, by all means have a moan about it but nobody should be moaning when groundwork has only just started.

Have some faith guys. The people designing TS:PL know what they are doing.

the whole moaning is not about the themening, its more about the rides they will build, the problem is all the rides don´t have a lot of capacity and two of them are high towers.
i don´t think they know what they do, okay maybe with the themening but not with the choosing of the rides...

Remco K.

Quote from: "Willow"Lets not start the whole the theming is going to be rubbish discussion again.
Well, this is in fact a discussion forum... :P

Quote from: "Willow"Why be so negative when very few people know what the land will look like?
Like lil-shawn already said, we know what the rides are like. And like I said before, they don't offer any experience that can't be retrieved elsewhere.

I'm sorry for sounding negative, but it's hard to have faith in To Sorry Plainland... I know WDI can do better. It's probably not even WDI's fault, but more of a low budget thing.

Agent Lex

Quote from: "Remco K."
Quote from: "Willow"Lets not start the whole the theming is going to be rubbish discussion again.
Well, this is in fact a discussion forum... :P
You two are giving the word "discussion" a bad name. The situation would give the word "argument" a bad name, too...
Remco: It'll suck!
Willow: No it won't!
Remco: It'll suck!
Willow: No it won't!
Remco: It'll suck!
Willow: No it won't!
Ad nauseum...

Quote from: "Remco K."
Quote from: "Willow"Why be so negative when very few people know what the land will look like?
Like lil-shawn already said, we know what the rides are like. And like I said before, they don't offer any experience that can't be retrieved elsewhere.
Because Tower of Terror offers so much mo- oh no wait, I can take a train over to Thorpe Park and go on a drop ride. Well how about Rock n Roller Coaster, that's a uniq- wait no, it's a basic goddamn rollercoaster if you strip it down. A lot of great Disney rides, especially in the Studios, are all about theming, which deliberately isn't shown on utilitarian plans like these, and you can't possibly know about at the current time.


Let's make this clear.



All the plan is for is to give an idea of the layout of the land. I agree though that low capacity carnival attractions are a stupid idea right now. Toon Studio needs some more area development before three new attractions. When will we get a good restaurant? Or a proper shop?

Remco K.

Quote from: "Agent Lex"You two are giving the word "discussion" a bad name. The situation would give the word "argument" a bad name, too...
Thanks for making that clear. I had forgotten that these discussion forums are for positive discussions only. Everything Disney makes is quality and unique.

Quote from: "Remco K."Because Tower of Terror offers so much mo- oh no wait, I can take a train over to Thorpe Park and go on a drop ride. Well how about Rock n Roller Coaster, that's a uniq- wait no, it's a basic goddamn rollercoaster if you strip it down. A lot of great Disney rides, especially in the Studios, are all about theming, which deliberately isn't shown on utilitarian plans like these, and you can't possibly know about at the current time.
You are comparing a great themed Tower of Terror to a decorated carnival ride. I hope you can see the difference... Please tell me you see the difference.