Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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it is deff diffrent from any other ride and not just any old drop ride in any old theme park, the mechanics behind it are totaly diffrent and thats just to start off with!

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Agent Lex

Quote from: "Remco K."You are comparing a great themed Tower of Terror to a decorated carnival ride. I hope you can see the difference... Please tell me you see the difference.
Yes, I can. Tower of Terror is essentially a carnival ride with absolutely brilliant theming. Toy Story Playland is essentially carnival rides with unknown, but possibly good to great theming.
I'm not denying that ToT is a great attraction, I absolutely love it. All I'm saying is, when you strip down the theming, it's a glorified drop ride. The theming makes it the superb ride that it is.

But fine, if you want an undeniable comparison, Fantasyland. Just... Fantasyland.


Know what guys. This forum used to be a very nice and welcoming forum. But since a few month it is starting to become very negativ in every "land".

Too many toons (bad)
Stupid carnival rides (bad)
MMP - waste of money (bad)
Castle decorations (bad)

Almost everything is bad. What had happend? Isn't there anything good left at DLP?

Why can't we just sit and wait, till TPL is finished?

The Butlin Boy

I think it looks quite promising right now. I definitely think that the Studios really needs a little area like this right now. The park still too adult/teen orientated, and it needs more family rides. This zone delivers that; tree new attractions in one year. This was the case for the 15th celebrations, and that worked incredibly well. The plans don't show the themeing either, and I don't for one second believe that this will not be filled to the max with theming, props, etc.

It also brings more elevation; STAIRS!!! :mrgreen: The three rides may not be high capacity, that's probably why they are adding three attractions; if they were only opening one, I'd be concerned, but with three I'm not quite as much. It may also help to fund the future expansions (add a bit more cash to ratatouille), especially tying this in with Toy Story 3. They might even close down Woody's Round-up too I suppose.

I think we all need to relax a bit and wait to see what happens before sayign whether or not we definitely like it or not :wink:

Quote from: "RnRCj"Just made this:

You can see how they've left gaps for future expansion. :)

Thanks for doing that J, it really helps to visualise it :)

Quote from: "Remco K."Than ask yourself the following question: if you had to make a list of your favourite Disney rides, wouldn't Toy Story Playcrap be somewhere down the list?

But would the likes of The Mad Hatter's Tea Cups, Dumbo, Casey Jr, Flying Carpets, etc make your list? They may not be the best, the most themed, the most invative, or in-depth attractions, but they are as important to a Disney park as the Tower of Terror is. And when you think about Casey Jr, that's just a coaster on a patch of grass really isn't it, any themeing it has comes from the boats below, or some circus signs. It's no TOT or Space Mountain, but it's a big and popular part of the park :wink:

Remco K.

Quote from: "Agent Lex"But fine, if you want an undeniable comparison, Fantasyland. Just... Fantasyland.
Those are indeed themed carnival rides, but at least they don't stick up 25M in the air...

Yes, you can decorate this. But it will always be a halfpipe, no matter how good it looks. It will be visible on a distance, and in the worst scenario, even from Disneyland Park.

And about Tower of Terror: like Bigrossco mentioned, this is not just a drop ride. It has it's own unique ride system, which can't be found at Thorpe Park.

But I won't keep on raving about it. That seems unwished over here. Let's continue with the 'happy happy joy joy' talk.


I haven't got a problem with anyone voicing there opinion, I just don't understand why people are negative when nothing has been built yet.

I will not hesitate to make my opinions known if the land is terrible.
I'm not against being negative, I'm against being negative when you haven't got a clue what the area will look like.

Since when has Disney strayed away from "Carnival rides"?
Crush's coaster is a standard Maurer-Schone spinner, one which is available to tour fairgrounds.
TOT is a drop tower.
Cars is a standard Mack flat ride. (I think its a Mack or a Zamperla).
There are more.

There is nothing special about the mechanical rides Disney build, its the story and theming that makes Disney the top Theme Park chain.

Its the Disney difference that takes these rides from being standard cheap rides into good rides. Why cannot this happen for TS:PL?


im with you willow on this one, i am looking forward to the land, but wont 'fanboi' it if its no good   :D


Quote from: "Remco K."Thanks for making that clear. I had forgotten that these discussion forums are for positive discussions only. Everything Disney makes is quality and unique.
The point seemed to be more that another ongoing to/fro argument wasn't really necessary. Most people would much rather rationally talk through the specific points of what's bad (or even not so bad) about this plan than just throw around lame spin-off names and completely bash it.

Quote from: "Remco K."What I can't understand is that so many people seem excited about all this Toy Story Playcrap. You all consider yourself fans?
Where are these excited people? No one is jumping in the aisles. You make an excellent point though Remco that Disney really shouldn't be a "maybe it'll turn out ok" company, it's just a shame Euro Disney has all this debt behind it. It's not really something you want to throw vast sums of money at too quickly.

On the other hand, perhaps the only reason that phrase has been thrown into the last 30 pages of discussion so much is because certain people came in blazing negativity the moment they heard "Pixar", "Toy Story" and "Flat Rides".

Quote from: "Remco K."Than ask yourself the following question: if you had to make a list of your favourite Disney rides, wouldn't Toy Story Playcrap be somewhere down the list?
It wouldn't even be on my list, it hasn't opened yet. Butlin Boy said the rest.

Now, can I entirely neutrally suggest... the RC Racer/Halfpipe supports could be themed to something like K'Nex? Like a giant, toy-sized version of those amazing K'Nex coasters?

Ok, maybe there's a bit of optimism seeping through there.


Quote from: "lil-shawn"
QuoteLooks just like I expected it to be.... just plain carnival rides connected by some paths... disappointing.

i argee with you...
don´t understand why disney is take out the pracure drop in DCA and now put one into our WDS, also its not smart to put the halfpipe coaster in, i was thinking they will learn from crush coaster and now they put in 3 low capacity attractions.
its just wrong in my eyes, maybe they change the whole concept befor they begin to build it.

But DCA are not removing the parachute drops, there being replaced to where the maliboomers currently stand.

I hate the 'carnival ride' term. It reminds me of those zipper and tilt a whirl rides. If a 'carnival ride' is a ride that can travel in a fair. Isn't that most rides these days.

I'm so happy that there's a new project to follow in dlrp, even if it isn't there best idea !


I'd like to make one thing clear, EVERYONE is entitled to have its own opinion about Toy Story Playland.  I hope both "sides" will respect each other's opinion...

And something else, this is an OLD plan.  The marketing and press teams all over Europe were shown a scale model of the land earlier this week.  It featured not two, but one Half Pipe coaster.  And everything will be surrounded by large trees, 12m high bamboo and large glass blades like at the HISTA set at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

QuoteLooks just like I expected it to be.... just plain carnival rides connected by some paths... disappointing.

Yep, from that one plan you can make that up!   :lol:   No seriously, it's not going to be like that at all.


[quote="Agent LexYes, I can. Tower of Terror is essentially a carnival ride with absolutely brilliant theming. Toy Story Playland is essentially carnival rides with unknown, but possibly good to great theming.
I'm not denying that ToT is a great attraction, I absolutely love it. All I'm saying is, when you strip down the theming, it's a glorified drop ride. The theming makes it the superb ride that it is.

But fine, if you want an undeniable comparison, Fantasyland. Just... Fantasyland.[/quote]

actually, when WDI developed ToT, they worked with engineers to develop a system that take you down faster than gravity. Also, ghosts and mirror effects are a key part of the experience. These carnival rides will not be anywhere near in the same vein of theming.

As for Fantasyland, well it has been my least favorite land even since childhood, but at least there are great settings to explore. Doubt we can say that for this farce of a development.

As for wait and see? Nope, it does not take a genious to work out the capacity issues and track record for these sorts of attractions in the last 15 years across the globe have not been great for Disney. The whole point of plans etc. are to see if things could work. Frankly a well themed environment would be a better use of money, or save it until they are ready to build something worthy of the the OLD Disney name.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "Reiana"Know what guys. This forum used to be a very nice and welcoming forum. But since a few month it is starting to become very negativ in every "land".

Too many toons (bad)
Stupid carnival rides (bad)
MMP - waste of money (bad)
Castle decorations (bad)

Almost everything is bad. What had happend? Isn't there anything good left at DLP?

Why can't we just sit and wait, till TPL is finished?

First of all, because recent Disney moves across the US, DLP and even some of the stuff in Asia are creatively bankrupt and are raping the legacy of the Disney name.

Secondly, we don't want to wait and see. If something looks bad on paper, it is not likely to be much better in real life (see Chester and Hesters and Flik's Fun Fair for reference, or HKDL). Therefore, with so little money available, I do not want Disney to waste their money and make WDSP a worse experience.
since 2001 (many before that)


Ooh, a picture have we.

Hmmm... Well, regardless of how they'll theme these things, the placement is just... Oy.

This park is turning more and more into a pupu platter of "what has Euro Disney's market research department shown to be needed next." They pull a big handle on a machine and when a piece of paper comes out that reads "three kiddie rides with a Toy Story theme," then Euro Disneyland Imagineering plops those down somewhere — anywhere.

Where is that "bigger picture" spirit that has finally hit Disney with regards to Disney's California Adventure?

So in conclusion, yes, go optimism.


Quote from: "pussinboots"So in conclusion, yes, go optimism.

Right on, you da man!
since 2001 (many before that)


Hm I´m not that negative about this project. Should be nice to come out of this toon town/cars area down the street into some green (yes really green with trees and bushes and and and) area. Something that you wouldn´t find at another spot in WDS. But by the way: This is just a simple (old) map. No concept arts yet. So let´s wait and see till we know how the Imagineers create the theming to the left and to the right of this paths and attraction. Till now my problems with Toy Story Land are smaller then first expected. I´m also not a Toy-Story-At-Every-Corner-Guy, but from the paths it should be nice to have a area (maybe together with toon studios and hollywood bvd.) to just walk around.
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