Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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QuoteWhat tends to happen is that initially, any news seems like good news, simply because there isn't that much coming from Euro Disney, but then once it's built, you realize that now we're stuck with this mediocre thing. Or is that just me.

I totally agree with you. If there would have also been an expansion like in Hong Kong, I think most people wouldn't get so excited about three carnival rides. I'm sure that's the reason why in HKDL forums aren't happy at all about TSPL, because there they will also get two fantastic attractions.

Here in Europe Disney fans are facing difficult times. We are happy about a new store and a new restaurant. I admit I'm also happy that a new store is coming, although it will not help to sell more merchandise as long as the quality will not get better. Other resorts receive fantastic new attractions, while here in Europe we get three carnival rides. I do understand that the financial situation is bad, but ED SCA needs to build something great that makes people want to return. I'm pretty sure TSPL is not the kind of attraction that makes DLP stand out of the other themeparks in Europe.

QuoteAnyway, I sincerely hope that with Ratatouille they will finally build enough of something for it to have any sort of emotional impact. That they won't stop somewhere halfway again.

I really hope that Ratatouille turns out to be good. Hopefully Disney doesn't start to eliminate things out of the ride just to make it cheaper. The park desperately needs a highly themed family dark ride.


Quote from: "ed-uk"Yes well we've been discussing the magic and TSPL, those who like it and those who don't. And they still built it, which was my piont. If we had all agreed not to like it in the first place, Disney would never have built it? And I don't except that Disney aren't really proud of TSPL and the final product. At least I've not heard them say so, maybe others have? Fantasyland expansion at WDW probably cost a lot more. I'm not compareing TSPL to SM, BTM or TOT. I know TSPL isn't full of E ticket rides. It's just increased capacity in WDS.

Ed, I agree with you that Disney still would have built TSPL. The fanbase in Europe isn't just as powerful as in the US. But I'm also sure, that the fans in the US made Disney to rethink the Fantasyland Expansion. The plans were ready and suddenly they announced something else. That wouldn't have happened without fan protests.

I haven't seen any Imagineers being proud of it, too, but there are videos, there is one on the TS 3 BluRay, that show Imagineers praising the three rides. That's a bit sad, when you look on the other great things they have done.

I get what you mean with the capacity, but I still think that other rides what have been better to increase the capacity, because according to many visitors, loading isn't fast at all.


I don't suppose loading is that fast on the Flying Elephants, dagobart or the Flying Carpets. They did change plans in Fantasyland at WDW. But as I understand it, Robert Stags took over from Jay Rasulo, and apparently he thought the original plans were too girly, not enough for boys. We couldn't call TSPL girly. As I said I'm not compareing TSPL to TOT. But TSPL has increased capacity in WDS and I think that was the intention. My point was Disney would have built it anyway, at least that's what they did, probably in the hope that others would like it, too, so someone somewhere must have believed in it. Disney don't always build big Blockbuster rides like SM, sometimes they build smaller rides like Orbitron. To be clear, it's not my favourite.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"I don't suppose loading is that fast on the Flying Eliphants, dagobart or the Flying Carpets. They did change plans in Fantasyland at WDW. But Robert Stags took over from Jay Rasulo, and apparently he thought the original plans were to girly. Not enough for boys. We couldn't call TSPL girly. As I said I'm not compareing TSPL to TOT. But TSPL increased capacity in WDS and I think that was the intention. My point was Disney would have built it anyway, at least that's what they did probably in the hope that others would like it to, so someone somewhere must have liked it.

You could be right with the loading, but WDS doesn't have as many attractions as DLP to allocate the visitors. In WDS the park is small and so I think it would have been better to use other carnival rides instead of the parachute tower.

I don't believe that the management change was the only reason why they altered the plans. Just because an executice officer has boys who don't like princesses doesn't make a whole division to change the plans. Fans were criticizing the project and Disney didn't want to admit that they made a mistake. The whole company is just about franchises recently and now they realized that not everyone is happy with meet and greets.


DLP is a franchise I thought. What have meet n greets got to do with TSPL? So you don't mind carnival rides so long as it's not Parachute drop. What other carnival ride would you have liked, Jumping Jelly Fish? As Disney have changed their plans with Fantasyland expansion, that's sort of admitting to a mistake, Robert Stags obviously didn't like it.  Millions of people go to Disney theme parks, so they must please a lot of people. I don't teach Disney to suck eggs. Someone implied in a previous post that if we had all joined in with his protest a strategy, TSPL could be changed. I'm not sure that I agree in this particular case, but you might.
Ed & David


the current thing in the studios is to improve capacity, so they built an area which gives some extra room. it did its job. it has made the park close to a full day park, what they wanted. but when the expansion of the park finally comes, it will make even less sense. they need to build the 3rd gate by 2030 or something, and i think there is a good chance that they might move tspl to it


Hong Kong Disneyland has got their Woody installed, which was originally planned for the Walt Disney Studios, but replaced by Buzz Lightyear.


Ew, it looks so cheap. It literally looks like one of those knock-off parks that were all over youtube years ago.


sorry, are you talking about the Woody? or the photo on your post? What is that?


I don't think Woody looks all that bad from afar, maybe closer things will look a little different, but I'd rather have that over Buzz I think. That is a very poorly placed window in the Snow White character though..

As for TSPL, to make it that little bit more Disney, I still say the Mr Potato Head AA is a needed addition to the area!
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


dear lord, it looks like a perverted version of disneyland. i now need to go and wash my eyes.


I was commenting on the woody statue and comparing it to the statues at fake Disneylands.


it looks like a pretty good Woody to me from that photo, would you prefer it to have been done differently?


Quote from: "DopeyDad"it looks like a pretty good Woody to me from that photo, would you prefer it to have been done differently?

No. I just don't think large, over-sized, plastic looking figures look good in general.


Fair enough, but as a Woody, it's a good likeness of Woody right?
I mean you'd rather it wasn't a toy figure there I guess, so it's more a design choice you object to rather than how they've execute it.