Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I just want to know why it everything is all hunky dorey when people swoon over Disney, but god forbid we ever critisize it?

I think part of the problem is many people only go to Disney parks once or twice a year and the thought of something new is exciting so we gush, with your experience of Disney you probably see more in this and look more deeply than most and then, please correct me if I am wrong, you just say thats rubbish or what an eyesore. Share your experience, explain, I for one would love to know what its like inside one of the Mouse's parks and why this doesn't compare, my own experience is purely from a retail point of view.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Grow up RNR, it is not that cut and dry. The fact many Europeans wouldn't know a Disney experience if it bit them between the legs is not the only thing on trial here. Have you ever stopped to think we keep checking in to see if we were wrong? Or in the hopes some people would wake up and also vocalise.

We are talking about a Disney park here, not Butlins or sea side amusements. As a major FAN who has invested £100,000's in Disney over the years and agood 10-15% of my life, I am keen to see improvements. Maybe that is why we stick around. Your head bashing comment is how I feel when I read the naive statements on the boards.
Yeah, because America is wonderful isn't it, its so fantastic everyone in the world loves America. Oh wait, I'm being sarcastic. So what because were Europeans we don't know what a "Disney Experience" is. Rubbish. Just because you don't like TSPL and have given Disney so much of your money (through your own choice) it doesn't mean that they're going to pull it down. And if were naive and your so "in" on Disney, I assume you're the CEO of Disney, more powerful than Iger?
Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"

The new land fits perfectly in with the rest of WDS, I really see that now. It´s not as colorful and carnival looking as I feared. I(nfact it´s pale with a few kitchy bursts of... orange and it is like carnival from beggining to the end. Only thing missing now is a buch of teens getting tato´s. It is THE WORST ADDITON TO ANY DISNEYPARK EVER. It´s just a good as the Dinorama thing in Animal Kingdom!

What are those houses by the coaster? They look like lavatories at an outside pool in a farmtown. It has NOTHING to do with toys. Slinky the dog or what they call it looks like... a larva more than a... slinky.

This was my reaction to the new land.  Disneyland is is a true star on the sky, Walt Disney Studios park is a lightbulb in a basement. The reputation of the worst park in Disney history will live on.
Rubbish! I can afford better things. I´m not going to DLRP this year for sure.

Walt is spinning in his grave like a rocket to China.

Dear Walt, look what they did to your dream!
Really? I mean no-one cares if you think that because Slinky looks like a Slinky and the "farmtown pool toilets" look like toy buildings. I suppose you'll come back with your narrow minded "Six Flags can do better" opinion.

So if you read any articles about this land you'll see feedback is 80% positive, so if you don't like it, don't go to Disneyland Paris.


Oh for goodness sake! I'm going into Mum mode here!
As Thumper would say-
"If you cant say something nice to each other and make comments about the park in a negative or positive manner-(whichever is your view that you are completely entitled to!) without the complete dragging down of things or of each other into the gutter, dont say anything at all!"
Oh alright I slightly expanded on Thumpers saying but it still stands!
We understand some of us hate the park becaue of its carnival style rides and they're not going to go to the park, some like it because its adding something to a slightly sparse park, me I feel its all a bit disjointed-laser blast, Woodys round up and TSPL all in different parts of the two parks, but I still like the look of it as we love Toy Story in this house and I can see the area as one small part of the park and I want to ride Slinky Dog and the Parachutes, because its taken me three years to save to go back and I'm not having people try and ruin things. I have mentioned this before and I think what is being said now we've covered quite a lot in this thread. Ideas can come over elitist and as though my family and I dont deserve to go to DLP. But I am not going to take it personally.
We are all entitled to our own opinions thats what we are here to do but please can we stop raking up the same things over and again.
As I have said before my son loves Indiana jones, but this is a ride he cant go on, so this is an area of the park we avoid-maybe you could consider averting your eyes from TSPL?
People in families like different things and sometimes those leading the family -whether that be the adult or the child have to consider catering for different tastes. Sorry if anyone is offended by what I have said but I dont want to read through the same arguments to try and catch up on relelvant news.

Now .....does anyone need to go and have 10 minutes to calm down on the bottom step or shall we move on?

Anyhoo, this question was asked a while back but seems to have been lost-does anyone know if theres going to be an opening ceremony?

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Well said Tubbsy :)

I'm not sure about what sort of opening ceremony they might have? I should imagine they'll put on some sort of spectacle for the press though!


Quote from: "SM:M3"
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Grow up RNR, it is not that cut and dry. The fact many Europeans wouldn't know a Disney experience if it bit them between the legs is not the only thing on trial here. Have you ever stopped to think we keep checking in to see if we were wrong? Or in the hopes some people would wake up and also vocalise.

We are talking about a Disney park here, not Butlins or sea side amusements. As a major FAN who has invested £100,000's in Disney over the years and agood 10-15% of my life, I am keen to see improvements. Maybe that is why we stick around. Your head bashing comment is how I feel when I read the naive statements on the boards.
Yeah, because America is wonderful isn't it, its so fantastic everyone in the world loves America. Oh wait, I'm being sarcastic. So what because were Europeans we don't know what a "Disney Experience" is. Rubbish. Just because you don't like TSPL and have given Disney so much of your money (through your own choice) it doesn't mean that they're going to pull it down. And if were naive and your so "in" on Disney, I assume you're the CEO of Disney, more powerful than Iger?
Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"

The new land fits perfectly in with the rest of WDS, I really see that now. It´s not as colorful and carnival looking as I feared. I(nfact it´s pale with a few kitchy bursts of... orange and it is like carnival from beggining to the end. Only thing missing now is a buch of teens getting tato´s. It is THE WORST ADDITON TO ANY DISNEYPARK EVER. It´s just a good as the Dinorama thing in Animal Kingdom!

What are those houses by the coaster? They look like lavatories at an outside pool in a farmtown. It has NOTHING to do with toys. Slinky the dog or what they call it looks like... a larva more than a... slinky.

This was my reaction to the new land.  Disneyland is is a true star on the sky, Walt Disney Studios park is a lightbulb in a basement. The reputation of the worst park in Disney history will live on.
Rubbish! I can afford better things. I´m not going to DLRP this year for sure.

Walt is spinning in his grave like a rocket to China.

Dear Walt, look what they did to your dream!
Really? I mean no-one cares if you think that because Slinky looks like a Slinky and the "farmtown pool toilets" look like toy buildings. I suppose you'll come back with your narrow minded "Six Flags can do better" opinion.

So if you read any articles about this land you'll see feedback is 80% positive, so if you don't like it, don't go to Disneyland Paris.

 Disney built this land since it knows it can get away with it. 80% Positive... here yes. Other forums and when speaking to people it´s a whooole other thing. This is the very thing they are trying to rebuild in DCA.
Toy houses? that has to be the most... ah doesn´t matter.

Children will have fun at anyplace. It was never a matter if it was fun or not. As said many times before. This will not boost anything major for WDS  in the long run. Temporary crowds and is certein since there isn´t much competition.

They would NEVER build crap like this now and call it Harry Potter land expansion in IOA in Florida. There would be no point in doing that. It would be regarded as a joke to make an addition like this to any resort. People here in Europe don´t have as many choices and do not really know a great themepark the way the do in USA. The Fantasyland expansion in WDW may be lame but atleast it will look good and have one major new ride.

Speaking of Six Flags... WDS sure is starting to look like all six of them!

This is not a campaign. A campaign is not needed in WDS. There new rides will prove themselves.

But for the people that don´t care about theme and are into Toy Story will love this new land and Big Buzz will make alot of small kidds smile.

Just look at how a tiny part of a second gate can look when done in true Disney fashion:

 Now compare it to the picture of TSPL. It´s the same type of land/port....

DisneySEA here I come!


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"The fact many Europeans wouldn't know a Disney experience if it bit them between the legs is not the only thing on trial here.

Dave, I really respect your opinion. It's just that on this matter it feels like you don't respect the opinion of other's.

I spent a lot of time of my life with Disney theme parks. Ever since that first visit to DLP back in '93. I have experienced amazing Disney entertainment, went to times and places with Disney. And I am still getting thrilled when I am walking through Adventureland and I notice that they've changed the old Aladdin background music at the basar to something more oriental; something more fitting. I prefer my "Pirates" without a Captain Jack. I would love to see cancan dancers back at the Lucky Nugget, "From the Earth to the Moon" return to "Space Mountain" and ride a new attraction on the scale of a "Western River Expedition".

And I am ok with Toy Story Playland. I think it looks like an honest effort to create something small. It is not a reason for me to visit a Disney theme park. But neither are many other rides and shows.

Now, when you say "many Europeans wouldn't know a Disney experience if it bit them between the legs" then well, that is insulting to me. And I suppose to many others here on these boards, as well. Otherwise tempers wouldn't run that high.

I know that you don't like Toy Story Playland. You don't have to. Disney *has* done better. Certainly.
But, in the end, please respect that not all of us who don't mind these new rides - and those who are actually welcoming it! - wouldn't "know a Disney experience if it bit them between the legs".

Thank you.


Quote from: "tubbsy"Anyhoo, this question was asked a while back but seems to have been lost-does anyone know if theres going to be an opening ceremony?
Maybe there will at least be a small ceremony in the morning with the ambassadors, similar to recent openings like Laser Blast and Tower of Terror? The land (and especially the entrance area) is quite small for that sort of thing though. I don't know how they're going to handle it on opening day.


It'll be interesting to see how they handle it then. Thanks Anthony :D

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


I hope they do some sort of ceremony! I'm there opening day and have not been at the resort for anything like that before! We booked it in February and we're really pleased when we heard it was opening while we were there!

We don't plan on going on any of the rides in TSPL this trip but we are hoping it will mean less of a queue for Crush's coaster (which we love)

It's been 3 years since are last trip even ToT is new to us!

I'm glad they are building rides smaller kids can go on! I don't have kids myself and my sister is nearly 14 but I remember on my last trip little kids trying CC and not liking it (it was too fast and dark for them) Studio's has been seriously lacking  in the family area and TSPL does fill this now that they have more rides for families (fairly cheaply compared to some ride costs) so now they can get on developing more better quality rides (ratatouille ride maybe) without feeling that families with young children will go to the park at all!

Toy story has been a popular film franchise for 15 years now so does have some staying power and is popular with children and adults! It would of been nice if they had relocated to pizza planet to this area to give WDS more places to eat!
August 1997 offsite
August 1998 Cheyenne
May 1999 Disneyland hotel
July 2004 Cheyenne
August 2007 offsite
August 2010 Santa Fe
August 2011 Santa Fe
September 2015 Sequoia Lodge


I think that TSPL is like Marmite, You either love it or you hate it :)
August 1997 - Off Site
August 1998 - Cheyenne
May 1999 - Disneyland Hotel
July 2004 - Cheyenne
August 2007 - Off Site
August 2010 - Santa Fe
August 2011 - Santa Fe
September 2015 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest


Davewasbaloo "The fact many Europeans wouldn't know a Disney experience if it bit them between the legs"

I don't see how making such insulting generalisations can make any kind of point other than about yourself. When we're discussing DLRP restaurants you don't hear people suggesting all Americans are really fat, because it would be insulting and a pointless generalisation.


Just arrived back from Disney a few hours ago. Didn't see much of TSPL but the giant Buzz looks like very good quality - they've ensured they've done an excellent likeness.

Got to watch the parachute drop being tested whilst waiting for ToT - interesting looking concept! Definitely a my first drop ride.

For what I can see of it, it certainly isn't themed in the style of nicey, nicey old Disney BUT it is very Toy Story. That film is full of very bright, simple colours and the land seems to reflect that simplicity. I love the idea of it being Andy's backyard. I think it would be out of place in the more traditional DLP but is perfect for the Studios with its clearly different style.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


Sorry folks, I know I went OTT. Not an excuse, but I lost a dear friend today and a job, then posted this. The point is, only the European boards are lapping this up, while other boards are calling WDSP a joke for this, and I agree them. My point is, there are a few who have other points of Disney reference, but iMHO this sort of thing has no place in a Disney park. If you look at the HISTA playground in DHS or Mermaid Lagoon in TDS, they hide the tacky fun fair view in a much more convincing way.

I am worried about the capacity, the fact these rides are not family friendly, and they are poor choices in the wet and cold weather we have in DLP. They are a poor investment, and when I see people fawning over it with very little point of reference of how Disney could do better, it is an endorsement to do more of this. It makes me very angry. The fact that I was at Chessington World of Adventures yesterday and they did a good job with their Wild Asia area, and it is more compelling than this is worrisome. Disney is supposed to be world class. What is world class about this?

But as a market, DLP fans (mainly European) are more into this stuff. There is a preference of thrills too. Why? Because a lack of comparison to other options.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Sorry folks, I know I went OTT. Not an excuse, but I lost a dear friend today and a job, then posted this. The point is, only the European boards are lapping this up, while other boards are calling WDSP a joke for this, and I agree them. My point is, there are a few who have other points of Disney reference, but iMHO this sort of thing has no place in a Disney park. If you look at the HISTA playground in DHS or Mermaid Lagoon in TDS, they hide the tacky fun fair view in a much more convincing way.

I am worried about the capacity, the fact these rides are not family friendly, and they are poor choices in the wet and cold weather we have in DLP. They are a poor investment, and when I see people fawning over it with very little point of reference of how Disney could do better, it is an endorsement to do more of this. It makes me very angry. The fact that I was at Chessington World of Adventures yesterday and they did a good job with their Wild Asia area, and it is more compelling than this is worrisome. Disney is supposed to be world class. What is world class about this?

But as a market, DLP fans (mainly European) are more into this stuff. There is a preference of thrills too. Why? Because a lack of comparison to other options.

that was an opinion i could understand.
first, thanks for your courtesy and i'm very sorry for your "friend-job-story"

but back to the theme...for me (a european(german)), the tspl expansion is completele okay.
i have never been in another resort, but i have been at dlrp nearly every year since i was born...(i'm 16 now)
i accept your opinion and i more or less agree with you...i would love to see a "real disney" e ticket attraction,
but i also know that the resort has no money for big changes as maybe DCA has :(
for the moment i think tspl is good...the park needs new attractions which keep making the park interesting for "normal visitors"(which make a much bigger part than "we" do)....
i know about the disney standarts and i assess thevalue of it, but things like tspl is what the resort needed

in my opinion...


Just for fun and for a wider view:)
Here are just a few of the things different persons from around the globe on another forum say about TSPL:

"Hey ya, here are some new pics of the construction of this "beautiful Land"
not realy it will get really ugly, and for this they really pay 70millions!"

"While I don't agree with the land, since it's just tacky carnival rides, it's nice to see progress as well."

"I cannot see a bright side to this, other than attracting more guests to make more money and build good rides. But that's a cheat anyway cos they'll use the money to build more of this stuff."

"Looks like something you would never see at Disney."

"You wouldn't that's why it is in DLP"

"From the concept art I have seen, I would say it looks still better than Chester and Hester's Dinorama at DAK. Nevertheless I'm also not happy with TSPL."

"I kinda like the idea of Toy Story Playland but the rides seem to undetailed and simple and boring and cheap. They could've at least add TSM to the land so it would have at least somewhat quality themeing"

"Alain does a fantastic job of reporting, as usual, but this land still looks like a terrible waste to me.
I still don't understand how it makes sense in a Studios park, nor do I understand how Disney thinks moderately themed off-the-shelf carnival rides are going to result in any long-term attendance increases for the parks, especially when such an incredible park like Disneyland Paris is right next door. Did they learn nothing from California Adventure?"

"Good lord that thing is UGLY."

"Love Alain's site and his work...
Can't stand WDSP Playland. Ugh.In my mind, it is much worse than Flik's Fun Fair at DCA. Not a great direction for this already awful park."

"I'm just wondering what they were thinking when they built all these low capacity attractions. Do they not understand that they are Disney and that guest expect a higher level of storytelling and rides with huge capacity?
Can you imagine what the line will be like for that half pipe coaster? One car on the track. Load/ride/unload/safety check. OMG. It is going to be awful. Not only does it look like a boring ride, but people may end up waiting hours for it. The word of mouth is very likely going to be terrible.
But, all of it would have been just fine if it were part of the theme and overflow for a Toy Story Mania ride. This is what Imagineering and terrible executive management has done to Disneyland Resort Paris. SOOOOOO sad.
PLEASE, give these parks to Oriental Land Company before they are completely run into the ground!"

"Reminds me of 'Bug's Life', not too original."

"I wasn't aware of the height restrictions for RC Racer thats rather pathetic if you ask me. How many kids are going to see RC Racer in action because its so visible though out the park. And be left upset that they are unable to go on it for being too short."

"WTF? Is this Six Flags or Disney? They really screwed up here."

"I know some will say we should wait to see the final product before forming an opinion, but in my experience in the past ten years or so, what looked as if it might be crap when first announced turned out to indeed be crap when it opened."

"Looks just like the area in DCA, which while I've walked through I've never ridden anything in there.
While I think the area is dumb at DCA, it works because only families with kids go there, and since DCA isn't a very crowded park the area isn't very crowded.
The Half-Pipe coaster might draw older folk and I would guess will end up with quite a line.
I would much rather see one large attraction than 3 carnival rides."

"Wow RC Racers looks really big! But unfortunately, it's still ugly."

"Oh so that is how they get away giving guests a carny style experience at disney-style prices? That's so DAK/DCA!!! So what will be next? A Tilt-A-Wheel disguised as a slinky dog?"

"It looks cheap and tacky. Not very Disneylike. I hope for Disney's sake and ours that it is better than it looks."

"Alain said.. "brilliantly themed carnival rides". That's when I had to stop reading and go cry. I have to agree with Dustysage of course, please give these parks (and the entire Disney theme park division) to OLC so we can have some real Disney quality in the western hemisphere."

(A fan of DLP wrote:) "WDS needs these attractions. I dont care what people say you cant call wds a theame park a land or section of a theame park."

and a final one that I found amusing: "That looks amazing."

...just to get a wider view of what people around the globe say and think about this new land to hit the most amazing resort in Europe.