Favourite attraction?

Started by disneyloverjessie, August 04, 2008, 10:48:30 PM

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whats your favourite ride in the disneyland park and why? also your favourite land and why? your favourite bit of scenery and why? thanx to anyone who replys! x
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\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

Hotel New York = 10 times
Sequoia Lodge = 1 time

[size=150]Disneyland Paris<3[/size]


my favourite ride is Big Thunder Mountain, because i think its just a really enjoyable ride, with amazing views lol
soo..my favourite land is Frontierland because i think the theming is amazing! and i love the shops, and it contains my favourite ride!!
i love all the scenery in Frontierland and Adventureland, as there's quite a lot of water, and I love water. Specially the waterfalls etc  :mrgreen:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


Hmmm, it's like asking which is my favorite child!!!!

My two fav attractions (jointly) are Phantom Manor and Pirates of the Caribbean - to me these are the quintessential Disney experiences, and DLP's versions are better than the 2 american parks, or Tokyo's.

As for my fav land, that's difficult too. I think Frontierland because it reminds me of where I grew up in the States. But I also really love Discoveryland - so cool in the retrofuture view. Not as great as it used to be (before Buzz kicked the timekeeper out and when Spacemountain went to the victorian moon), but still very cool.
since 2001 (many before that)



I have been asked this several times before, and I never have an official answer (It changes all the time!)

Like one week I'll be singing its a small world all the time, and drawing pics of the small world characters, and stuff, and then the next its "When the crypt doors creek and the tomb stones quake!"

I have a list...a top 10... no wait... if we include wdw, then a top 20! Does this include parades?

Right now, I have an obsession with the dragon beneath the castle, but no doubt it will change within a few days!


This is a really difficult question!!!

I can never really choose between BTM and Buzz's Laser Blast!


My favourite attractions at Disneyland Park are Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Tours. I like the atmopshere and details in both attractions. However, until a few years ago my answer would have been Space Mountain- de la Terre a la Lune.

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"As for my fav land, that's difficult too. I think Frontierland because it reminds me of where I grew up in the States. But I also really love Discoveryland - so cool in the retrofuture view. Not as great as it used to be (before Buzz kicked the timekeeper out and when Spacemountain went to the victorian moon), but still very cool.

I completely agree, Frontierland and Discoveryland are my favourite lands, although I like Main Street a lot aswell. Discoveryland has gone a bit downhill in recent years like you mentioned, but its still cool indeed. In recent years (post 2000), Discoveryland was at its best in the summmer of 2004 I think (with Space Mountain- de la Terre a la Lune, Le Visionarium still in place and the recent addition of The Legend of the Lion King). Back then, the area got painted and refurbished aswell (although the Columbiad didn't work properly for years and those animal statue's inhabited Discoveryland). Frontierland is still mostly untouched since 1992 (not counting Woody's Roundup, Pocahontas Playground and the altering of live entertainment). I have to say Frontierland is in good shape after the recent refurbishments.


I like main street but i have to say favourite ride is BTM ;) its plain and simply fun. fav area has to be Adventure land
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"whats your favourite ride in the disneyland park and why?

Pirates Of The Caribbean because of the details, the animatronics, the soundtrack, the smells, the atmosphere, the short queues...

Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"also your favourite land and why?

Main Street U.S.A. because of the atmosphere, the music, the hidden details, and the view down the street towards Le Chateau de la Belle au Bois Dormant.

Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"your favourite bit of scenery and why?

Boot Hill and the Geysers because they're unique, detailed, and it's just generally a nice little corner of the park to explore.


Its such a difficult one to answer as so much of DLRP is themed so well with so much detail - however today (and it will change all the time) I'd say POTC and BTM.

From the mansion on the hill
Shrieks of laughter break the still
Ghoulish figures start to wake
Makes your knees begin to quake

DLRP - We\'ve been there one or two times .....


my fave ride is phantom manor :D

Fave land is Frontierland. I love the smells and the sounds, the way it all looks and the awsome shops. Great veiws, lots of little corners to explore and great attention to details even on the floor! Its just brilliant -total genius!

having said that i also love main street for exactly the same reasons but i defently prefer Frontierland.


Favourite attraction is either Phantom Manor or BTM because of the story behind them and the amount of theming on them, and their uniqueness.  BTM in DLP is the only BTM to be on a island and PM is the only Haunted Maison to have a story like ours behind it :D

Favourite land has to be Frontierland, everything is right with it.  The attractions, the story, the theming, the shops, the restaurants (Cowboy Cookout yum! :D ) and walking around Frontierland on a hot summer's day is one of the best places i love to be, just looks so cool :D

Favourite bit of scenery?  Have to include Frontierland again :P  Probably Boot Hill for it's theming etc or the whole of Frontierland if i'm allowed to vote for it :P
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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this is such a hard question...
I guess my favourite land would be Fantasyland because I'm a girly sucker for princess-like things and I just love the details there and the entire atmosphere. Just looking at the outside of Pizzeria Bella Notte is such a nice feeling for me.
But I also like Frontierland a lot because my favourite ride would be Thunder Mountain I guess. I just can go all day on that one ride, it's so much fun.
Other rides I adore: Phantom Manor, Pirates Of The Carribean, Peter Pan, Mad Hatter's Tea Cups,....


God, this'll take a while. I love the different areas for different reasons. I love Frontierland for it's atmosphere and music and general feel. I love Adventureland for POTC and Blue Lagoon. I'd have to say my favourite ride is between Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast or POTC.
I'm sure I will of changed my mind in a couple of minutes  :lol:

Disneyland Hotel - 2001, 2004
Sequioa Lodge - 1996
Hotel New York - 2008, 2005
Newport Bay - 2003
Santa Fe - 2011,
February 2012!!


favorite ride DLP - Space Mountain mission 2 - Woo Brilliant ride 5 stars
favorite ride WDS - Tower Of Terror - Only ridden the Flordia one but i'm sure its same (ish)

favorite Land DLP - Frontierland - I like the theming of this area its the best!
favorite Land WDS - Backlot - It has all the best thrill rides in that area


Favourite attraction - Phantom Manor. Better than the American "Haunted Mansion"s. Miles better.

Favourite land - Fantasyland. I just love the theming and love everything about the Disney princesses, so this is the perfect land for me!

Favourite scenery - The castle. Beautiful, classic, elegant. Perfect. :)
