Favourite attraction?

Started by disneyloverjessie, August 04, 2008, 10:48:30 PM

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cheshire cat

So many to choose from??????  :?  :?

....It would be a choice between BTM and POTC....

My favourite part of POTC is going through the Blue Lagoon resturant.
going off the point...(whats the food like there).

 :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:
Where the magic happens..........


Quote from: "cheshire cat"So many to choose from??????  :?  :?

....It would be a choice between BTM and POTC....

My favourite part of POTC is going through the Blue Lagoon resturant.
going off the point...(whats the food like there).

 :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:  :cheshire_bounce:

So THATS where the blue lagoon is! I've been reading all these trip reports and thinking "Where is the blue lagoon?"


There are so many great attractions! I love PotC and I love Buzz!
Normally, my favourite attraction always is a rollercoaster, but space mountain hurts my head and big thunder mountain is a lil´bit slow  :shock:
I think PotC is the best, it´s so well themed and nice for everybody :mrgreen:
Next Trip: 28th of March---Hotel Santa Fe


My favorite attractions are:

1) Pirates of the Caribbean (the best themed ride)
2) Big Thunder Mountain
3) Space Mountain: Mission 2
4) Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast
5) Peter Pan's Flight

Space Mountain: Mission 2 was my favorite attraction until our last visit. The ride is very bumpy at the moment. I really hope that they can fix it.

Phantom Manor really needs an update. The Haunted Mansion in the Magic Kingdom at WDW is so much better than the DLRP version, but it was recently updated. If our Phantom Manor will receive such an update, I'm sure that this ride will be one of my favorite attractions again.


I always find it so hard to pick my favourites! but i would probably have to say Phantom Manor, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Big Thunder Mountain! but then i also love Space Mountain. and I really love the Carousel in Fantasyland, there's just something about the fairground arrangements of all the classic Disney tunes which really gets to me!


That is such a tough question.  I think mine is "Indiana Jones Adventure".  I went to Disneyland (California) when it was new for the 40th anniversary in 1995 and waited 45 minutes in line each time - my 70 year old Gran even went on it with her eyes shut the whole time.  Its a really thrilling ride and I do think the version in DisneySea is slightly better - more intense.
I really love all the classic attractions like Haunted Mansion and Pirates....the atmosphere in Pirates in just so amazing when you first lauch and it feels like you are really outside.  Although I think rides like "Star Tours" is a bit dated now (the technology improved with rides like "StormRider" and "Soarin' Over California") I still love it and have been on it loads of times now.  It still thrilling.  "Soarin' Over California" made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!!!
Disneyland - 1991, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2012
Walt Disney World - 1998, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012
Tokyo Disneyland - 2008, 2011, 2012
Disneyland Paris - 1997, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 (March, May, Halloween & Dec), 2010 (Feb, July, Oct & Dec), 2011 (April, July & September), 2012 (March, April & July & New Years Eve) 2013 March
Hong Kong Disneyland - 2007, 2008


Really hard to chose, but my favorites definitely are Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan's Flight and The Haunted Mansion. Think that are also the attractions i visited the most on my last trip. But many other are great too of course.


Our familys favourites are:

1. Big Thunder Mountain (long queus, but it has Fast pass)
2. Crush's Coaster (not my favourite, I was terrified!) (very long queus)
3. Buzz Lightyear (very long queus, but it has Fast pass)
4. Pirates of the Carribean (can be long queus but you can ride quickly, very big capacity)
5. It's a small world (short ques)

Other attractions that we like is: Autopia (very long ques), Star Tours (can be long queus but you can ride quickly, very big capacity), Phantom Manor (short ques) and The PanoraMagique Balloon (short ques) (in Disney Village).



My favourite is Pirates of the caribbean but I haven't been on the big rides yet so next time I go it will probably be rock'n roller coaster as my favourite attraction!

- Also Im looking foward to Space Mountain which is a good ride says most people  =D>


From last time I went (2001) my favourites were BTM, so much fun  :D and Space Mountain, as it was my first "real roller coaster" I was so proud to have gone on it! I
Also really liked Phantom Manor, Pirates and it's a small world!

Frontierland is my favourite land, I love the atmosphere, and the Castle, it wouldn't be disneyland without it ;)


My favourite ride would undoubtedly have to be POTC! I just love everything, the fact you can see the boats going round from The Blue Lagoon, the music in the queuing, the smell, the lighting! Ahhh, I love it!
My favourite scenery would have to be, just before you walk back into Fantasyland from Adventureland, there's a large rock which I always sit on every time I go and just watch everyone buzzing around with excitement! And obviously if you hadn't gathered, my favourite land is also Adventureland  :lol:


My favourite has to be Big Thunder Mountain...I love it!!  :D  :wink:
From the goats eating the washing on the washing line to getting sprayed with water!! This was my very 1st rollercoaster experience since i was young so it has a very special place in my heart!!  :oops:  :P

I love POTC too and Indiana Jones...But i did enjoy it more when it went backwards! I've broken so many earrings on this ride!!
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"whats your favourite ride in the disneyland park and why? also your favourite land and why? your favourite bit of scenery and why? thanx to anyone who replys! x


My favourite ride is probably Casey jnr and Dumbo- I don't like rollercoasters etc so these rides suit my personality better and they are so cute!
My favourite land is Fantasyland because I love the colours in it and of course it's where the most beautiful building in the world is- Sleeping beauty's castle.
My favourite bit of scenery is when you stand at the bottom of mainstreet at the bandstand and look up and see the magic of main street usa, I also love it at night!

Aveen xxx
Luv Aveen xoxo


This would have to be Big Thunder Mountain.. :D/  :D/  :D/


My favourite land is Fantasyland. I like the shops, and the castle, especially the glass windows.
My favourite ride is Lancelots caroussel, because it`s so relaxing and has nice music. Closly followd by the IASW.
And just walking down Main Street makes me happy.
Ask my daughter and she would say"Stitch live" in the blink of an eye.(It`s studios, I know)Followed by Fantasyland.
Aurora :stitch: