Starbucks Coffee in Disney Village

Started by Kristof, June 11, 2008, 05:18:56 PM

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my partner works for starbucks so i get to drink their coffee everyday, and you know what, i actually like it, so bring it on.

Pete's Dragon

As I've said before, my wife came 3rd in th UK Barista Competion. The supplier of her coffee also supplies The Savoy, The Ritz and Buckingham Palace, as well as other hotels around the country. Maybe its because I've been spoilt with top notch coffee made by an expert (if my wife is reading this : hi honey, luv ya !!!), that Starbucks coffee tastes, to me, like rancid dishwater ( to put it mildly ). Its like Sirloin verses Kebab :wink:


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"As I've said before, my wife came 3rd in th UK Barista Competion. The supplier of her coffee also supplies The Savoy, The Ritz and Buckingham Palace, as well as other hotels around the country. Maybe its because I've been spoilt with top notch coffee made by an expert (if my wife is reading this : hi honey, luv ya !!!), that Starbucks coffee tastes, to me, like rancid dishwater ( to put it mildly ). Its like Sirloin verses Kebab :wink:

But are we talking brewed coffee or espresso here? Because espresso is far more Starbucks' thing (and the vast majority of its business).

(Which reminds me of an experience I had at the Disney Village McDonald's, when I asked for a "small coffee" and got a thimble of espresso. I began to object, but the look on the cashier's face... She may have cursed my offspring.)

Pete's Dragon

:?  Obviously espresso, I cant see them running a competition on making filtered or instant coffee, where's the skill in that? Boil water, and pour  :? My wife uses one of the most acclaimed brands in the UK, and god only knows what part of the floor they sweep up the junk for the Starbucks blend

Starbucks coffee is disgusting. But as Beth Orton wrote " If I'd never seen the sunshine, I wouldn't mind the rain "


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon":?  Obviously espresso, I cant see them running a competition on making filtered or instant coffee, where's the skill in that? Boil water, and pour  :? My wife uses one of the most acclaimed brands in the UK, and god only knows what part of the floor they sweep up the junk for the Starbucks blend

Starbucks coffee is disgusting. But as Beth Orton wrote " If I'd never seen the sunshine, I wouldn't mind the rain "

Oh there are, drip coffee is a hot issue in some circles, haha. All about blends and aftertastes and gurgling with a very intense facial expression... The reason I asked is because I rarely read bad reviews about Starbucks espresso, but their regular coffee gets some slack. But I'm no expert.

In the US, McDonald's was recently in the news when their (new and improved) regular cup of joe was deemed to be of a higher quality than Starbucks'.

Pete's Dragon

Seems strange their regular coffee would get the critisism if the espresso doesn't. An espresso shot is the basis for all of their beverages. Regular coffee - add hot water . Latte and Cappacino - add milk.

But at the end of the day its all about taste, and I for one cannot stomach Starbucks.

Hard to read but its says " 8th Annual UK Barista Comp. 3rd Place"


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"Seems strange their regular coffee would get the critisism if the espresso doesn't. An espresso shot is the basis for all of their beverages. Regular coffee - add hot water . Latte and Cappacino - add milk.

But at the end of the day its all about taste, and I for one cannot stomach Starbucks.

Hard to read but its says " 8th Annual UK Barista Comp. 3rd Place"

Actually, an espresso plus hot water would be an Americano, also available at Starbucks, although it was invented as a substitute for regular drip coffee (for American World War II soldiers in Italy who craved the coffee they were used to back home). Sorry to be such a wiseass. :|

But your wife's repertoire is obviously quite impressive, and I'm sure what you get at home is far superior to what Starbucks serves. It's just that for regular schmoes like myself, whose other coffee options in daily life include office Nescafe machines, crappy restaurant coffee and the dreaded single-serve pod machine, Starbucks is a godsend.

Pete's Dragon

:lol:  I wish I could get her to make coffee at home. No chance

" I make coffee all day long and blah blah blah....." :lol:

No, she makes coffee sometimes, but we dont have a proper coffee machine yet ( savin for DLRP ) so I'm afraid I have to make do with Nescafe ( still nicer than Starbuck )


ease off the seattle siren, it depends what blend you have if you are going to brew starbucks at home i for one hate sidmao , but love the boldness of the french roast. All starbucks in the u.s. are having new espresso machines installed to ensure that the coffee they serve is the freshest, at the moment they get 2 shots though the machine for each customer and throw the first one away to make sure the customers coffee is fresh. Back on topic has anyone got anymore news on when Starbucks is going to open

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Kristof"

Yeah, yeah, very clever, but you may regret that one day :roll:  :wink:


I can't stand the taste of coffee, but think it smells really good. I've only tried a few types like kenco instant. Anyway i'd love a startbucks in the village just so i can have there Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino its soooooo nice!


Quote from: "Martyng"I can't stand the taste of coffee, but think it smells really good. I've only tried a few types like kenco instant. Anyway i'd love a startbucks in the village just so i can have there Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino its soooooo nice!

I don't like coffee too, and I never drink expressos. However, I really love the Starbuck's Caramel Macchiato. It's delicious. You should try it !  :P


I'd love a Starbucks, but I'd miss the Buffalo Trading Co.

I got a REALLY nice Poncho from there this year :) LOVE IT.


Quote from: "PeterPaan"
Quote from: "Martyng"I can't stand the taste of coffee, but think it smells really good. I've only tried a few types like kenco instant. Anyway i'd love a startbucks in the village just so i can have there Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino its soooooo nice!

I don't like coffee too, and I never drink expressos. However, I really love the Starbuck's Caramel Macchiato. It's delicious. You should try it !  :P

I might just do that, but on your head it is! lol i'll let you know wat i think when i get around to it.

It's a shame they can't just build a small one somewhere like the little popcorn carts in the parks. Then everyone could be happy! well as long as it looked nice


im a barista at costa coffee and to be honest starbucks sucks compared to our coffee. and its much more expensive for a cheaper blend of bean.