Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast (8th April 2006)

Started by Anthony, March 14, 2005, 12:46:08 AM

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Quote from: "Masamune"Is it going to be an actual roller coaster with dips and such, or is it gonna be like the Pinocchio ride where you're just moving along on a flat track?
The ride will be more like Phantom Manor than Pinocchio, but it's definately a dark ride and not a coaster.  It uses an "Omnimover" ride system, which is the same as Phantom Manor.  The Laser Blast vehicles have a spinning mechanism (controlled with a stick like the one on Dumbo/Carpets) and laser guns.  I'm not sure if it goes up and down hills... I think the international versions do, but I can't be sure if the Paris one does.  Even if it does, they'll be smaller than the Phantom Manor ones, so nothing scary.

It seems the main entrance sign is now complete... again.  Can anyone spot any differences to before?  :?

I still really like the look of the entrance.  OK, so it's more Star Tours than Space Mountain, but I think it *just about* fits.

I wonder how the lighting on the sign will work?  Will just the logo light up?  It would have been cool to have fibre optics like Kris said... the original concept art seemed to show a more technically impressive entrance.  This one is pretty good though, easily the best of all the Buzz rides.

The Butlin Boy

The guns/satalites on the entrance are now complete: ... rabole.jpg

and a poster for laser blast has appeared where the old Le visionarium poster was: ... ffiche.jpg

They must have nearly finished the outside now, do you think we will be seeing the blue wall coming down soon :?:

The Butlin Boy

Sorry, I forgot to put:
For more pictures:


Quoteand a poster for laser blast has appeared where the old Le visionarium poster was: ... ffiche.jpg

Sorry paddy  :(


The poster isn't too bad actually, it could have been much worse...  :)

I'm really looking forward to seeing the building completed for myself now, they've definately put a lot of effort into it - more than I would have expected, say, 12 months ago...  :D


Quote from: "raptor1982"
Quoteand a poster for laser blast has appeared where the old Le visionarium poster was: ... ffiche.jpg

Sorry paddy  :(

 :( , Yep it is a sad day when they have replaced this elegant, sophisticated, beautifully artistically drawn

With this computer generated, cartoony rubbish

Have to say I saw it coming and I'm not happy with the result, I'm not not even seeing the land I fell in love with anymore just thanks to this one attraction, the little satellite things do not impress me and to be honest it does not show a wow they have put a lot of effort into it factor that I once felt.  Really I want to know why they had to put it here anyway and have to say Timekeeper was much better, I can't see myself loving this attraction anymore thanks to the terrible exterior, buzz manakin and this awful poster I'm not impressed, wow did I just talk like a certain forum :P .


Quote from: "Baloo"
Quote from: "Masamune"Is it going to be an actual roller coaster with dips and such, or is it gonna be like the Pinocchio ride where you're just moving along on a flat track?
The ride will be more like Phantom Manor than Pinocchio, but it's definately a dark ride and not a coaster.  It uses an "Omnimover" ride system, which is the same as Phantom Manor.  The Laser Blast vehicles have a spinning mechanism (controlled with a stick like the one on Dumbo/Carpets) and laser guns.  I'm not sure if it goes up and down hills... I think the international versions do, but I can't be sure if the Paris one does.  Even if it does, they'll be smaller than the Phantom Manor ones, so nothing scary.
Hm... :P I think it would be better with some dips and such...I'm not actually a fan of Phantom Manor, I think it's kinda rubbish... :D I love the Dumbo and Carpet rides though!

:o I'm sure this one will be really fun regardless...


*probably I may not say it as I have to promote the new attraction within a month (1 of my tasks at the DLRP promotion desk for the Benelux)* But I hate the total exterior. And now especially with that huge poster.
They better changed the name Discoveryland into 'Ugly Everything Toyland"
What's next? a yellow Hyperion and a blue orbitron?


Here's what someone on has to say about the ride, with some comparisons to the Florida version:


I am very lucky to know someone who works on the new attraction. He was able to convince his superiors to let me ride the attraction. He was able to convince them by saying they should get someone's point of view because when you work on the attraction for two years it loses it's magic to your eyes. Well anyways so I was able to go for one ride ( and only one, so I made sure not to blink )and I loved it. It is a lot better than the Florida version ( that I have ridden many and many and many times).

I will start off with the positive points.

First of all, it's new. No one has scrapped the paint off or put trash on the floor, wrote their names on the wall...

Second of all the vehicles are way better. They are quite spacious on the interior. Lots of room for two regular sized people. They are also very compact. The vehicles are smaller because they got rid of all the extra Fiberglas on the exterior ( They got ride of the extra useless forms that made the vehicles very large and bulky ).

Third of all, even if the scenes are practically identical to it's Californian copy they are well built and everything looks nice and clean compared to the Florida version where the effects and sets are aging.

Fourthly the guns are AWESOME !!! It is great how the make noise, light up and are detachable. I do not remember if they vibrated or not. If they did they only vibrate a little bit though. The little displays are good because they do not just tell you what score you got but they also tell you what level you are at. In Florida you had one second to look at your score and then to find out what level you were at and to find out what title you got. That is VERY little time to do all that at once. So here they tell you your level so you quickly know what title you got. On this trip I was able to get 245 500 points which is pretty good for a first run.

The load and unload areas are also very compact and rather efficient.

Now for some of the less awesome points.

The buzz at the entrance is amazing it's too bad you do not see him for a lot of time. In Florida you see him for a longer time because you do the "zigzags" in the room but here you simply pass him. That means on a busy day you will get to see everything he does but not on a low crowded day. His movements are very fluid and the etch-a-sketch is very cute.

I am very glad that they added a lot ( and I mean a lot ) of permanent ( metal bars like the ones on rock n roller coaster or space mountain ) queue. In Florida ( and somewhat in California) there a lot of white cords everywhere blocking the traffic flow in the parks which is very annoying. However the major part of this queue is on the outside near videopolis. It looks like they just added a block of queue there. For example on roller coaster tycoon when you need extra queue you just kind of just put a random queue zigzag somewhere. That is the feel here because you go through the arch just to turn right to do all those random in a corner "zigzags" to just come back to where you were. It is too bad they were not able to add a lot more interior queue.

One thing that is disappointing is that they have very tall ceiling and now that we have the removal guns they could have put targets on the ceilings.

The scenes are pretty good. There is a lot of 3D objects which is a VERY good thing but I still find that there are too many plywood cut-outs.

Overall I had a wonderful time and I can not wait to ride it again the 29 of march a few times.

As for the exterior, I'm actually realising now how *glad* I am that it replaced Le Visionarium.  Imagine if they had have thrown it into a new showbuilding over by Pizza Planet... or in the studios.  It would have been ugly, cheap and uninspiring.  Thanks to the awesome architecture of Le Visionarium, we've got (imo) a superb attraction building.  I'm not saying it's a masterpiece, but it looks bright, classical and *interesting*.  Maybe the Buzz figure is unecessary, but I think it looks better than Star Tours' X-Wing.

Le Visionarium, as much as I loved it, was dead.  No-one wanted to ride it, the effects were dull, and the exterior was very very tired.  If Buzz didn't replace it, something else would have done.  We should be glad they didn't extend the lime green to the main part of the building, or build that ugly Buzz statue like Hong Kong has (it was on the original plans for Paris).  As for Discoveryland losing its timeless theme, we still have Hyperion, Nautilus, Orbitron, Space Mountain, the dedicated plaque, etc.

We should be glad that we're getting Buzz at all, especially in a form that complements the rest of Discoveryland so well (again, imo).  It'll do more good for the resort than Le Visionarium ever did.

And just to ensure that I get punched in the face, I never really liked the Le Visionarium poster much anyway.  The "Un Voyage a Travers le Temps" words were badly placed and the poster wasn't that great.  I think losing the old Space Mountain poster last year was a bigger shame.



hi all

i have to say i am really looking forward to riding this....unfortunately this won't be for at least a year if not 2.  I never rode le visionarium, i don't even know what it was!  i can only presume it was so insignificant to me i didn't even register its existence.  i am sure buzz is going to appeal to lots more people particularly your average family group.
Kate, disneyholic who is having withdrawal symptoms!

The Butlin Boy

Buzz lightyear mania has hit constellations: ... shop01.jpg ... shop11.jpg

And here is a picture of the entrance and exit que lines for laser blast, Notice the STAR COMMAND sign above the entrance door! ... shop02.jpg ... shop03.jpg

Click the link for more:


The Laser Blast marketing artwork looks pretty good on that t-shirt - like Buzz is bursting out of your chest!  :lol:

I like the Star Command symbol above the door too, and the way the exit ramp looks - very simple and not too modern, so it should age quite well.  I'm *so* glad they added some kind of gradient change in the attraction, it's much better than just having it all flat and boring.

I'm getting very excited about the ride now actually, it's great to have another full dark ride in the resort.  :D


Yeah, Buzz is a fun ride, at least it was at WDW.   :D  

That merchandising has been in the store for a few months now (except for the Laserblast stuff ofcourse).  

I do too like that exit ramp.


in some ways i like the le visionarium poster better

And paddys gonna kill me once i say this but..........
I never liked the le visionarium ride. But loved the outside! I prepare  to be killed!
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

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Quote from: "Dlrpfan"And paddys gonna kill me once i say this but..........
I never liked the le visionarium ride. But loved the outside! I prepare  to be killed!
Haha!  Luckily for you, Paddy's away for a day or so, so he might gloss over that comment...  :lol:

Even though I actually really liked Le Vis, I definately understand kate and Dlrpfan's point of view.  Le Vis was overlooked by most guests, and DLRP just weren't getting the best use of the space that they could.  With Buzz being so compact yet having such a high capacity and re-ride potential, it should please the DLRP bosses!  :wink:

And now I have to say that I am *very* impressed by this, the new on-ride photo counter:

Not only does it match the design of the main building, but it looks expensive, and even....  Discoveryland-ish!!  :o

Another view of the exit:

Part of the queue nearing the entrance doors:

These excellent photos by "Philou" on DLRP Mag Forum.

It's starting to really come together, don't you think?  :)