The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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Have just returned tonight and my 4 year old girl Chloe went on, she loved it and was very brave.  I was screaming lots and she thoroughly enjoyed it.  It goes super fast up to the SKY and drops down suddenly which is scary but fun. :lol: Everyone was looking at her in the line because she is so young, but she is a little daredevil!


Does anyone know why in the far right elevator shaft the corridor scene is above the mirror scene? In the other two shafts the mirror scene is above the coridor scene. :? Surely they did this for a reason.


Quote from: "RnRCj"Does anyone know why in the far right elevator shaft the corridor scene is above the mirror scene? In the other two shafts the mirror scene is above the coridor scene. :? Surely they did this for a reason.

Really? I never noticed this! But maybe this is because of the Library? Probably not...
But if you look at a Picture of the Tower the Building in front of the far right shaft is a bit higher!

I have only a Video from the "mirror above coridor scene" shaft. Maybe somebody have a video from the other one?!


Have you even seen this?:
Picture If You Will... (If you survived the tot :-))

And on our last Trip I saw this new T-Shirt with the Florida TOT on it:

And some more Photos I have made:



The pics are wonderful but this t-shirt  :shock:  really scared meeee :lol:

thanks for sharing!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Great photos there! :D  I notice in the video they said to stop filming. That happened when I was there - Someone had their camera out and was taking photos. It ruins the ride a bit when the soundtrack is cut off so a CM can say "Put your camera away" or whatever, but it's probably a safety thing.


It's mentioned several times before you board your vehicle that videotaping and photography is strictly forbidden inside the elevator.  It's not fair to other guests to have the audio cut off.


#1371 ... eur_travel

I guess this is a new promo film, but it shows the best footage of both the attraction and its surrounding Hollywood Boulevard till date. Simply awesome!  :D


Quote from: "Maarten"

I guess this is a new promo film, but it shows the best footage of both the attraction and its surrounding Hollywood Boulevard till date. Simply awesome!  :D

It's a video montage for internal presentations.  The footage filmed with the zeppelin is used in this.


Quote from: "Maarten"

I guess this is a new promo film, but it shows the best footage of both the attraction and its surrounding Hollywood Boulevard till date. Simply awesome!  :D

That's definitely the best footage I've seen of the Tower so far! I'm quite amazed how close they managed to get to it from the air. :shock: I hope they do more like this!

Edit: I've just found another amazing video: The making of Tower Of Terror! :D

Here: //


Pictures & videos of yesterday Grand Opening here :
Source : Disney & More Blog


I only have one word to say about that opening, amazing!!! :D  :mrgreen:
Wouldn't it be a good idea to have those projections on the tower during Halloween at night :mrgreen:


What an amazing opening ceremony! :D  I loved the whole 'going back in time' thing to when the hotel was in it's full glory, and then the guests coming back as ghosts at the end. :shock: I also liked all the effects in Studio 1, it seemed very spooky in there.

I wish I'd seen it all in real life! :lol:


I've never been on the tower of terror before, but my friend Morgan put me off when she said:
"I went on the one in Florida! The guy behind me in the que had just eaten a HUGE hotdog, and after going up and down a few times, he threw up all over my head!"


Quote from: "RnRCj"What an amazing opening ceremony! :D  I loved the whole 'going back in time' thing to when the hotel was in it's full glory, and then the guests coming back as ghosts at the end. :shock: I also liked all the effects in Studio 1, it seemed very spooky in there.

I completely agree. In my opinion this is the best opening ceremony for an attraction at Disneyland Resort Paris ever! Its so dramatic and full of atmosphere. Just look at the costumes, cars and area loop... Studio 1 was very dramatic aswell. I see a lot of potential for the Halloween season. Studio 1 and Hollywood Boulevard/Tower of Terror just scream for a nighttime spectacular and streetmopshere. Way to go Disneyland Resort Paris! I'm so proud you're my "home" park!  8)

Quote from: "RnRCj"I wish I'd seen it all in real life! :lol:

Hopefuly they will keep a few oldtimer cars. That would be awesome. Just as props on the boulevard. I always felt that was the only aspect that was missing. I also think that keeping a few Hollywood characters would upgrade the area desperately... the costumes look way better then the tacky and unrealistic costumes of the Cinefolies, and they definately give you a sense of place and time. The last detail I would like them to keep is the elevator from the UK promotion tour. Its a great photopoint, and a great teaser for the attraction. It looks like the elavator just landed in front of the Hollywood Tower Hotel... (by the way, I'm glad they finally added some white stripes on the asphalt of Hollywood Boulevard, now its properly finished!)  :)

One more time; well down Disney, this was worth the wait!  =D>


Hello, the whole grand opening evening  event and the fantastic show of the TOT celebration is now on line on Disney and more with 45 photos and 23 videos (!) .

You will see EVERYTHING of what happens last night, just like if you' were there! ... ening.html

ps: to the web master: exceptionally, i post here instead than in the web link section because i think that everybody is waiting for videos of the grand opening. thank you for your comprehension.

edited: oops, sorry, i didn't saw that someone else already provided a link with the site...