Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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hi as someone who has worked at Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney  i feel i ned to write and say that yes this job is awesome and everyone that would love to do it, should go for it but it is also the hardest job you will ever do, for example having 80,000 people all wanting your autograph at once being grabbed left and right is not a nice feeling!! The money is not great( unless your in Tokyo), dont expect to be rich, the social aspect is good as long as your respectful of others and there cultures!! there is no time to be lazy as they will get rid of you just as quick as they hired you, you do not get paid holiday for a year!! you share with anyone from 1-5 other strangers!! I've noticed a lot of people think there coming over to dance in the parades or to be a face character every day, i hate to be the bearer of bad news this just does not happen (unless you are in Tokyo) you will be put out in costume and have to work very hard, the parades should be treated like a privilege!! The Job as i said is awesome and the rewards are that you make peoples dream come true but don't expect to get any recognition for it, it wont happen but if you can be happy knowing you just made that kids dream by shaking his hand or saying hi, then go for it!! if you need to be dancing everyday stay away from here as you will hate it!! Me personally i loved it there in Tokyo and Paris!!
Also i read about people transferring to different parks, that doesn't happen i had to audition to go to Tokyo and wait for the call like everyone else, it can even be a hindrance working in the other park if paris needs you to stay they can pick who can go to tokyo as a few of my friends have found out recently!! i wish everyone thats is going out to Paris or Tokyo well :D


Quote from: "disneydream"hi as someone who has worked at Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney  i feel i ned to write and say that yes this job is awesome and everyone that would love to do it, should go for it but it is also the hardest job you will ever do, for example having 80,000 people all wanting your autograph at once being grabbed left and right is not a nice feeling!! The money is not great( unless your in Tokyo), dont expect to be rich, the social aspect is good as long as your respectful of others and there cultures!! there is no time to be lazy as they will get rid of you just as quick as they hired you, you do not get paid holiday for a year!! you share with anyone from 1-5 other strangers!! I've noticed a lot of people think there coming over to dance in the parades or to be a face character every day, i hate to be the bearer of bad news this just does not happen (unless you are in Tokyo) you will be put out in costume and have to work very hard, the parades should be treated like a privilege!! The Job as i said is awesome and the rewards are that you make peoples dream come true but don't expect to get any recognition for it, it wont happen but if you can be happy knowing you just made that kids dream by shaking his hand or saying hi, then go for it!! if you need to be dancing everyday stay away from here as you will hate it!! Me personally i loved it there in Tokyo and Paris!!
Also i read about people transferring to different parks, that doesn't happen i had to audition to go to Tokyo and wait for the call like everyone else, it can even be a hindrance working in the other park if paris needs you to stay they can pick who can go to tokyo as a few of my friends have found out recently!! i wish everyone thats is going out to Paris or Tokyo well :D

Couldn't put it any better myself.


Have you got the call for your return visit yet?

I'm more excited about the potential of Pluto/Buzz Lightyear than Jack Sparrow I think. Finally got round to watching the film though. Only waited 7 years after it's release!


Hey guys!

Sorry i haven`t posted in a while but its been busy and i havn`t got my laptop with me. I`m having a great time here :)

Most of last week I was Mickey Mouse and it was great. I was on the all star express for the first time yesterday and it was amazing! I was Dale :)

Congrats to those who have got jobs and to those who passed the audition. It is an amazing experience and i hope i get offered a cdi contract :)

Not sure when i`ll be posting again but hopefully I won`t leave it as long.



Hi all!

Havent been on here in ages! sorry! but congrats to eveyone who has been offered a contract! I didnt make it to the audition in the end, i fractured my ankle 3 days before, so wouldnt have been able to dance or anything...  :cry:

however.... i had my interview for DCL yesterday and got the job!  :D so looks like a different sort of disney dream coming true for me!  :D  its guna be VERY hard work, but im so excited! Chiyo... I know its going to be hard working 4 and a half months without a day off, but you do get time off everyday, and you get time to see the places the ship stops as well! Plus the crew areas sound brilliant! Its also good pay for this sort of job, and im planning to travel during my 6 weeks off at the end of the contract!  :D

Laura hope youre having an amazing time!!  :) Peterpan88, you should totally be jack sparrow!! i love him!! hes amazing!!
Natalie, hows the disney store? bet its manic running up to christmas!!

Hope everyones good!
What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?

Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother


blondie85 congratulation with the job :D
When do you start at the ship.  I'm sure you will have a great time  :D/
Disneyland 1981, 1986
Walt Disney World 1986, 1990
Disneyland Paris 1995, 2011


Thank you very much blondie85 for your informations. And congratulations for you for getting the job at the DCL. Do you already know on which you will go?

I think I will apply for DCL in January, beside of my application for Character and Parade Department, for the Internship Mangment  Program in Disneyworld and my application at Disneyland Paris.

I guess, it will one of them then for me... and I know, that it will happen the best of them all (for me ;) )
So, I'm excited, what it will be.

Thank you Laura for your update about your work at DLP, as I saw your FB status I just thought: please give us an update. And then I went to this board, and voila, there it was *happy*

I've heard some exciting news from my friend, who was with me at the audition, got the job and is actually working there.
There planning an amazing show for the "Magical Moments Festival" and they are going to be look for  the following faces: Captain Hook, Smee and the brother from Wendy!

Hook and Smee are going to be faces for the show, and the Wendys brother is going to be a regular Meet and Greet character, if understood that right;)

Oh, I can't wait to see the "Magical Moments Festival"  - as cast member or guest, that doesn't matter ^^"


HEY GUYS!! very long time since a post.. but this board is so full of optimism and happiness and cheers me up everytime I read it! massive congratulations to all who have got disney jobs... keep living the dream! xxx

July/August 2013 :D

Just back from the best holiday yet \":D\"


Hello!!  Blondie YES the disney store is maaaanic!! god theres so many people and prams we can barely get around :lol: but im really enjoying it :D:D
talking of disney stores.. has anyone here ever visited one of the new style ones, the imagination parks i think theyre called..? :D
im making it my mission to go to one before i leave the country but the nearest one to me is milton keynes and even still thats 2 hours away :/ :lol:  its fine, i shall go !!!
and blondie thats fantastic about DCL!! im starting to think about that as an option.. what kind of work are you doing on the cruise and when do you start?? :D id love to hear more about your interview and the job.. :) can you add me on facebook? (its on my profile) :D

Natalie xxxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Happy 1000th post cast members ;) Pointless post, but had to be done!


Lottie I hope you dont mind, but i want to post the weblink for your blog, as I think it is FABULOUS....amazing to here such detail about the job, and think it is excellent for people to know what they are facing if they want to work for disney.




Quote from: "smallblonde"Lottie I hope you dont mind, but i want to post the weblink for your blog, as I think it is FABULOUS....amazing to here such detail about the job, and think it is excellent for people to know what they are facing if they want to work for disney.



I second that! And this one also. I know it's somebody from this forum but can't remember their member name: http://www.offexploring.com/poisonapples

Glorious stuff girls!


I stayed up til 3am last night reading both of those blogs, so insightful, thank you for posting!


Both blogs are fantastic, however it does puzzle me... the Evil Queen blog speaks about charlotte moving in with her and being chip and dale height, and the other blog, wrote by lottie is about being chip and dale characters. If they read this they will have to let us know if they are roomies? hehe. They are fantastic blogs, and im sure people will love reading the updates.  :D


hi everyone!
sorry i never got round to writing how everything was going out here :) I'm so unorganised! but it looks like there's a few people keeping you busy with what its like out here!

it is really fun! although when your ill it does take its toll :( I'm currently in bed with a mass of tissues and empty lemsip packets around me hoping i feel better by wednesday for my next shift!
in reply to smallblonde, it is very ironic, but they aren't room mates, they infact live down the hall from each other :) and i live inbetween them! :)
