Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Thats good so! I didn't win anything haha fair play to you though! :)

Yeah I got him for the interview which was sort of off putting having to start off straight away in french but I dont think I did too bad although I did say a few words in english! He didn't ask too many questions either and i dunno if thats good or not :/ I did make him laugh though so thats good!

Yeah we were told the same thing about being notified by the end of the week! I'm the same it was great just to go throughit and I'd say it will be tough enough to get a job  but there's always next year! :) make sure and post whatever the news :)


Yup..I'll be sure and let you know :) Were there many people there today?
I wonder how many people from the two days will get put in the talent pool? :)


I'm glad to hear you both enjoyed your experiences - I'm sure if anything, that will have shone through and I have every confidence you'll both be placed in the talent pool! Then we can all carry on waiting together...!


So excited for you all who are heading out there or on waiting lists!  I don't think I'm going to go to the Leeds auditions.  I couldn't start work in the summer and I think you audition max. 2 months before you want to start?  Feels odd just not going though, I still really want to get to Disney!!  Plus Leeds would be much easier to get to than London.  I'm doing some music work with some dancers at the moment so I'm going to try and learn some tips from them for the next audition!  

Oh and those talking about the auditions, don't go in jeans, I did and I was the only one lol.  Though I don't think for a minute it affected my chances!  I got through the acting bit and royally stuffed up the dancing  :( There's loads of info further back in this thread.  It's such a fun day whatever happens :)  People wear all sorts and a total mix of people got through, not just the ones with dance experience.  They put loads of emphasis on the fact they're looking for lots of different looks, shapes, sizes etc and not just professional actors/dancers.

If I'm still unemployed come September I'm going to apply for a different job over Halloween, I bet it's an awesome time to be there!  I did French and German A levels, so I'm hoping that I can speak enough for a shop job.


@mackattack There seemed to be less people there yesterday than on Monday. I'd say between 30 and 40 people maybe?Well done with your interview and bon chance!

And @disniamh it was really nice to meet you- sorry I didn't come over and say hello sooner haha! Glad t hear you got on so well. My interview seemed a little on the short side too, but I think that might be because we were towards the end? Hopefully that's why anyway! :)

I'm quite happy with my interview too. I had Noellie for mine so I relaxed straight away when I realised I wouldn't be bombarded with French questions straight away haha! I did kind of just blurt out how much I love Disney and Walt and everything though after my first question... I'm sure she was probably sick of hearing people say it but I couldn't help it!  :lol:
Apart from that, the interview is actually fun and quite simple. I think people just get stressed out about the French but if you prepare a few answers you should be fine (Although that might be easy for me to say seeing as I only got asked about my hobbies and if I'd ever visited France or any other countries, in French...) But definitely try to brush up on your grammar so you can attempt  any question they throw at you! To anyone going for an interview soon, good luck!

But anyways, we've done it now and hopefully we'll all get a yes by the end of the week!  :D




Hey..just thought I'd let everyone know that following my interview in Dublin on Monday.....I'm now in the talent pool!! :D I'm so happy..all my hard work payed off!! :D


aaah I'm also in the talent pool!  :D :D but does that mean we actually have a chance of getting a job? Hopefully we'll be told soon enough the waiting game is not so  fun :(


congrats everyone and welcome to the Talent Pool !  :D  i'm sure you'll get the job, they need lots of people for the 20th anniversary, especially for this summer so fingers crossed  ;)


Hi guys, I'm new to the forum.
Had my interview yesterday (tues) and got an email today saying I'm in the talent pool. Can not believe it!! XD
Never felt so happy before. Haha
Good luck to everyone in the talent pool. My fingers are crossed for us!! :)


hey guys!
I went down to Dublin for the interview yesterday (tuesday). The recruitment officers were so nice! I had the lovely guy interviewer! Wasn't sure if I rambled on too much, but just got an email to say I'm in this wonderful talent pool too! I hope this was the best response I could have gotten, anything is better than a point blank no! So excited but hopefully I won't be swimming around in this pool for too long! It would be interesting to know how many people were accepted from the group yesterday, glad to see some of you guys got the same thing as me!

(P.S. this is my first time posting in a "forum" so I hope I'm doing it properly!)


Ehe, well done everyone! Yay more disney people! x


So many of us! AHH. This is too exciting!


Ah this is so exciting..I wonder if they said no to anyone..nearly everybody seems to have gotten into the talent pool from dublin..:P haha


Well done everyone! Fingers crossed for you all!!! :)