Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Hi guys!
I had a skype-interview about 3 weeks ago, and recently found out I'm in the talent pool, but since my friend got a contract right away, I was (and am) freaking out about this talent pool-thing. Does anyone have a clue on how big my chances are, and when I will find out (I applied for a job during the summer)?

First post here anyway, you all seem so nice :)


Quote from: "sophie"Hi guys!
I had a skype-interview about 3 weeks ago, and recently found out I'm in the talent pool, but since my friend got a contract right away, I was (and am) freaking out about this talent pool-thing. Does anyone have a clue on how big my chances are, and when I will find out (I applied for a job during the summer)?

First post here anyway, you all seem so nice :)

Hi, I'm in the same position, tell me, what are your friend's contract details e.g. when are they going, what role etc. because the official word on summer contracts is that they're being given out a month in advance of your intended start date.


Quote from: "sophie"Hi guys!
I had a skype-interview about 3 weeks ago, and recently found out I'm in the talent pool, but since my friend got a contract right away, I was (and am) freaking out about this talent pool-thing. Does anyone have a clue on how big my chances are, and when I will find out (I applied for a job during the summer)?

Although being in the Talent Pool doesn't guarantee you'll have a contract, very few people don't end up with one. I was told at my interview that we still have to wait a couple of weeks before anyone gets a Summer contract because they were still sorting out the Easter ones. When is your friend ready to start ?


Quote from: "Tink_22"
Quote from: "sophie"Hi guys!
I had a skype-interview about 3 weeks ago, and recently found out I'm in the talent pool, but since my friend got a contract right away, I was (and am) freaking out about this talent pool-thing. Does anyone have a clue on how big my chances are, and when I will find out (I applied for a job during the summer)?

Although being in the Talent Pool doesn't guarantee you'll have a contract, very few people don't end up with one. I was told at my interview that we still have to wait a couple of weeks before anyone gets a Summer contract because they were still sorting out the Easter ones. When is your friend ready to start ?

That's quite encouraging.


OMG i literally thought i was up to date on this forum but I must have just missed one email.. and its ahead about 10 pages since i last looked! woops!!
Firstly. congrats to everyone with interviews, in the talent pool, on the waiting lists, and actually with contracts.. Very exciting !!
secondly good luck to everyone planning on interview/auditioning soon!!! Its all fun and disney-fied whatever you are doing so just let your personality shine through and the rest will follow :)

I'm on my way over to DLP on the 6th April to start a 5 month contract working in the boutiques.. They said i'm in the 'Disney Store' which sounds obviously but confuses me abit since surely they are all Disney stores.. ;) However i think the one they mean is the big one in the Disney Village! :D (very lucky if this is the case as the earl of sandwhich is just round the corner) ;) haha!!

big love to everyone on here and hope you're all having a magical day!! ;) xx

ps. if anyone else is has contracts starting soon.. please add me on facebook so I can have friends over there! ;) I think the links on my profile here. :D:D:D:D <3 x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hi Natalie!
Congrats on the job! So exciting, you'll have a great time- are you staying in their accommodation and everything?
And I'm pretty sure the Disney store IS the one in Disney Village! When I was there last month that's the only actual 'Disney Store' I remember seeing! :D


Yes staying in their accommodation same as Rebecca from here :D Im pretty sure it's that one too, which is abit over whelming because it's huge!! I work here in a Disney store but i guess we can't compare :L what's your story Georgie are you interviewing for anything or have a contract etc??:D x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


It's great though! I would just be admiring all the stuff all the time and not working haha! :P I'm currently on the waiting list as a character and parade/show dancer- so nothing set in stone yet! Oooo what store do you work in here? x


Meadowhall- sheffield! :) it's a ball but looking forward to moving on! :D that's awesome that you're on the waiting list for character! I wanna be there eventually :D hope it works out for you! X
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Booooom I love being namedropped Natalie (; Congrats people for getting into the talent pool, contracts etc and good luck to anyone going to interview. I was super nervous at the interview, but they're so nice there's no need to be! People in the talent pool - I waited over 2 months for a contract but they do come! It seems that they gather everyone they want into the talent pool then send out a pile of contracts at the same time. (: Natalie aren't they opening a new massive Disney store there or am I imagining things? World of Disney maybe?

IS ANYONE GOING OUT ON THE 30TH MARCH? I seem to be alone in this and I'm not happy about it!! If anyone is going then or around then, feel free to add me on facebook (:

Hope you're all enjoying the suuuunnssshhiiiinneee! xxx


Hi :)

Im auditioning in Leeds on the 2nd of April. Is anyone else going?

What would be normal to wear? Ive got visions of me turning up and everyone else wearing some sort of dancing clothes. So if anyone knows what would be okay to wear please tell me :) And Im a boy btw  :)


Hey Sam!
There really is no set thing to wear so don't get too stressed! But you will be dancing, so I suggest some jogging bottoms or comfortable trousers- easy to move around in- and a vest or t-shirt. It's nice to go for a coloured one to make you stand out more! As long as you don't go in jeans or looking scruffy you'll be fine! As for shoes- dance shoes (if you have them) or trainers or something similar! :D This is what boys at mine were wearing! GOOD LUCK!


Ah okay, thanks for your help :)

Would plimsoles be okay for shoes?

I've never stressed out over what to wear as much before haha :)


Quote from: "outofstep"Hey I've an interview in Dublin on Tuesday too! Me and a friend are heading to it. I'm quite excited about it- Despite is being a job interview, it sounds really fun haha! Just trying to brush up on my French now! Fingers crossed we all get contracts!  :D

Ah really thats so cool maybe i'll see you so! :) I know it's so excited would be so cool to work there for the summer! ah that would be great have you learnt much french for it?

@mackattack how did the interview go today? :) Any tips for tomorrow's audition? getting really nervous now :O


Quote from: "ssaamm"Ah okay, thanks for your help :)

Would plimsoles be okay for shoes?

I've never stressed out over what to wear as much before haha :)

Plimsoles are fine! As long as you can dance in them :)