Selfie sticks

Started by stifle, June 14, 2015, 12:40:45 PM

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I agree selfie sticks are a nuisance especially on rides, ruins other people's enjoyment.

But I keep reading about this "smoking ban" which as a very experienced guest to DLP I've not once heard of? There are smoking areas dedicated for smokers (like myself) around the park/s. where you're allowed to have a cigarette. I know this for a fact and have been to DLP around  30times (2-4 times a year)

Although I know some hate smokers in general and I'll probably get stick for being one  ::) many people do smoke especially Europeans. If there was a complete ban like there are in some places like a local farm I went to the other day in UK there are signs up telling you and I didn't see one other person smoke because the signage said NO smoking. I went out of the place as everyone else did into the carpark. So if they want to ban it they need to take steps too.

I'm not the kindkf smoker to light up where ever I like or one that does so waiting for dreams ect! I use the smoking areas although they themselves need to be a little more obvious I do think however that should be enforced more when I last went I see 2 men light up waiting for mark twain boat on the loading platform! How rude right next to other waiting guests!? I don't know people can make rules up it doesn't mean everyone will stick to them. I think the CMs probably try hard but gave up because as we all know some people can and always will be confrontational and rude their day is hard enough as it is I'm sure...


Still it is a children's park. There is no need to walk around with a cigaret and everything that goes with it. I've seen people walking out of a ride in the last few days not even waiting for the turnstils, they just light the cigaret when they are technically still within the ride.

The smoking areas are shown on the map, just like people look for rides and restaurants, they can use the map to find the appropiate smoking area. And now that I look at the map myself, there are a lot of smoking areas. Especially when you compare it to DLR.

And in DLP's FAQ;

[attachment deleted by admin]


@Puffin: Whilst it is true that the public should just follow the rules, I think it is VERY easy to enforce both smoking and selfie stick ban. CMs simply have to go up to offenders, tell them there is a ban and people (in a polite and decent manner of course) to follow the rules. If people throw a strop or start an argument, well they can always be reminded of the fact that security can evict them off the property if they don't follow the rules.

@pixie dust: I wouldn't get on your case for you being a smoker. Especially not considering you smoke in the smoking areas. I think people should decide for themselves whether they smoke or not. But the fact is, that there IS a smoking ban. And the fact that smoking areas are advertised should, in my opinion at least, be a clear hint that people aren't allowed to smoke where ever they want in the parks.
It's clear from the selfie stick ban, which does have signs, that signs are just something that get ignored anyway, so frankly I think that if DLP did put no smoking signs up, it wouldn't change a thing.
Sure, CMs don't have a easy job, but that does NOT mean, nor excuse them just allowing people to break the rules. Addressing these people and asking them to stop it is part of their job. If they worry for their safety addressing certain guests then surely they can ask a security guard to come address a guest with them.

@arvid: agreed! Well aside with the fact that it's a children's park. Plenty of people go without kids, it really isn't just a kid's park ;) But that aside I completely agree.

DLPWonders (Banned)

I'm at DLP right now, and in the past couple of days I've seen a few CM's telling guests not to smoke.
Also there's an extra announcement now, together with the parade announcement, that selfie sticks aren't allowed.
So both rules are definitely enforced!
°o° DLP AP holder since '08 - DLP CM 2016  °o° Character catcher | Addicted to books, tea and old musicals | Unconditional love for John Hughes, Woody Allen, Tim Burton, Judy Garland and Helena Bonham Carter. | ''She's a flower child with a rock 'n roll attitude.''


Good news, DLRPWonders!
Have a great time there, as always!

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


I'm shocked to learn that people are using Selfie sticks in Disneyland.

Do people have no manners?

I would never take any form of tripod with me to a public place because it's unfair; it just gets in people's way. I think that when you're visiting a public place like DLP, you should show some respect for the other visitors.

They've paid to be there too, so why should their experience be ruined by camera equipment getting in the way?


I've just come back yes selfie sticks were being used by lots of people I even saw someone wrapping it up in a jacket before getting to the bag search. Think they should be confiscated at that point maybe having to spend half hour filling out a reclaim form might put some off?
Smoking was awful, people walking around and standing in queues lots of French, Spanish and Italians. My concern was when the cigarettes being held down low when walking along so easy for a child to be burnt, or God forbid a costume catching


I've said it before and I'll say it again, until a serious incident happens with both smoking and selfie sticks, DLP is never going to consistently enforce it.
That's the sad reality.


When I was there last week there were selfie sticks everywhere so I don't think any kind of ban is being implemented which is a shame as they are quite annoying especially if someone holds it in front of you and blocks the view  :(
Still I do sympathise with the cast members as I think it must be very hard to enforce.
'05 Santa Fe
'07 Newport Bay
'08 Santa Fe
'09 Disneyland Hotel
'10 Santa Fe
'12 Sequoia Lodge
'13 Santa Fe
'14 New York
'15 Sequoia Lodge
'17 Sequoia Lodge (Golden Forest)
'19 Santa Fe
I also visited in '98, '00, '02 & '03 and stayed offsite


selfie rods are evil. I am glad that they are prohibited in the park.

But I want to ask. when I go alone on the road and have me take a picture of who is allowed to use selfie bar just for a photo shoot with the characters?


Quote from: vuk on September 25, 2015, 12:14:02 PM
selfie rods are evil. I am glad that they are prohibited in the park.

But I want to ask. when I go alone on the road and have me take a picture of who is allowed to use selfie bar just for a photo shoot with the characters?

If you are going to DLP on a solo trip and meeting characters, there is always a CM "friend" with them. Thats part of their job, to take photos of the characters with people.

The same if you do a character meal on your own, just the CM with the character. Also its Disney, random strangers will often offer to take a photo of you if they see you struggling to take a selfie, or just ask random people, do you mind taking a photo of me. There is NO need for selfie sticks in a Disney Park
When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyworld Florida 1992
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland California 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland Paris 2011 2013, 2016


Quote from: bad-pink-tink on September 25, 2015, 06:49:17 PM
Quote from: vuk on September 25, 2015, 12:14:02 PM
selfie rods are evil. I am glad that they are prohibited in the park.

But I want to ask. when I go alone on the road and have me take a picture of who is allowed to use selfie bar just for a photo shoot with the characters?

If you are going to DLP on a solo trip and meeting characters, there is always a CM "friend" with them. Thats part of their job, to take photos of the characters with people.

The same if you do a character meal on your own, just the CM with the character. Also its Disney, random strangers will often offer to take a photo of you if they see you struggling to take a selfie, or just ask random people, do you mind taking a photo of me. There is NO need for selfie sticks in a Disney Park
This. If you have a trust problem then that's YOUR fault.

Slimy yet satisfying

Im sure that your post wasnt intended to be rude but it certainly sounds it! Please dont use capital in reply to a question which has obvious translation errors, we dont want this forum to sound unwelcoming to non brits. The park is remember in France and many people visit forums that are not in their home language. I wouldnt fancy my skills on a French forum!
1992 Honeymoon DH
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My husband and I just went last weekend, and whilst I did see some people using selfie sticks, I saw less than 10 doing so. Mind you, we didn't go to the parade or Dreams, so I don't know how bad it was then.
Sadly we didn't see any CMs addressing these people, nor did they address smokers (not that we saw many smokers either mind).

I was actually surprised I didn't see more people use selfie sticks or smoke in the parks, considering it was REALLY busy.


For those who get anxious about asking someone to take a picture of them; you don't always have to use words.

If you can muster up the courage to make eye contact with someone, "all" you have to do is smile and hold out your camera. I'm pretty sure most people will understand you want them to take a picture of you. If you want something in particular in the background I guess you could point/make general arm gesture to it and yourself.

I'm an introvert myself and at worst when someone asks me to take their picture, I worry a little that it won't be exactly the way they want it, but then realize that it would still be better than nothing. I always take at least 2 shots and ask for them to check (or point to the camera screen and say "ok?"). Someone asking me to take a picture has never taken me out of the magic or had any effect on my holiday experience, please remember that.

Oh and, I may be generalizing because I use a DSLR, if you're worried about bothering people during their holiday, if you see someone walking around with a DSLR (the big cameras with big lenses), they most likely love photography and would be more than happy to spend a minute helping you out.

As an aside, I loathe selfie sticks and reading about people losing them on rides is, quite frankly, frightening. What if it gets stuck on the tracks and the ride derails? People could die.

Banning monopods on the other hand seems kinda silly if that would be the case. Unlike tripods, they don't really take up extra space or hinder anyone's view. And using a monopod as a selfie stick? I dunno, that seems incredibly impractical. I for one would't be able to hold that entire, heavy, contraption steady enough to take a half way decent picture. On top of that I'd be terrified of someone knocking it out of my hands and dropping €1000+ of equipment on the ground...