Just how frightening is the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster?

Started by RocketBabyDoll, April 09, 2007, 10:40:27 PM

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i dont think i'll try space mountain, i dont want to hurt my neck. how fast is indy


It's not so much a case of hurting your neck, it's your head that bashes against the side of the harness, which is thankfully padded. I've never rode it and felt my necks been strained, just felt a bit concussed!



at the moment i prefer the sound of rnrc as your not asaware as indy nad i dont fancy my head being bashed! :shock:



That's part of the fun of it though!



yeah but im a wuss when it comes to pain, i freak over paper cuts :P


I found Indy quite rough actually, and it did hurt my backside a bit when it went into the loop. That was only on my last visit though, I don't remember it being like that on visits before then :?


My brother used to be scared of inversions, so at our last visit in August 2006 i decided to change this. I started him on Indiana Jones which he loved, then onto RnRC and finally after much persuausion onto SM2, which again he liked but did find he got bashed about a bit. Even so he now loves them all and we are going together in August, where im sure we will ride each of them loads of times!


Quote from: "Dark_Prince"It's not so much a case of hurting your neck, it's your head that bashes against the side of the harness, which is thankfully padded. I've never rode it and felt my necks been strained, just felt a bit concussed!


i have ! i ended up with whiplash before so i was walking around for about 6 days after with everything looking like its on a funny angle
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Well, when i went to DLRP at xmas 06, I was queuing with my dad and i s aw the rollercoater launch and i completely freaked out, so they let me go out the staff exit because i decided not to go on it,

Where Magic Lives


Oh, I forgot about this topic. Well, I went on it three times now and it's not scary, it's great. The launch is frightening the first time, but fun after that.
Don\'t waste your time or time will waste you


Went on it without music the other day - it was quite incredibly boring  :(

But when everything working's OK, it's a great ride, although yes, your head can get a little knocked about (as on Space Mountain).  Plus it always smells really nice!!


Quote from: "fray101"Went on it without music the other day - it was quite incredibly boring  :(

But when everything working's OK, it's a great ride, although yes, your head can get a little knocked about (as on Space Mountain).  Plus it always smells really nice!!

I've ridden this ride 60 times, and have always had the music playing! You must have been really unlucky :P I love the smell too! :lol:


Well, I've been on it loads of times before so wasn't a huge deal - but the whole thing was a mess.  I had about 30 mins before the Toon Train show - i said there was a 10 minute wait for R'n'R so I decided to do that first.  Well as soon as I got inside it was quite clear things weren't working properly.  The queue moved very slowly, I saw a couple of empty trains go by and when I finally got on it...no music!  I just made it the Front Lot in time for the show though (yes, I know many of the members here would say not to bother with it but I love those Chipmunks :P )


R'n R Coaster isn't rough at all in my opinion, actually it's very smooth... definately compared to Indy, speaking of a rough ride!  :lol:
it's a bit like SMM2, but smoother and a bit faster... theming totally different
The launch might indeed be scary the first time, but it's over before you know and the first 30 seconds really are the best part of the ride, I think.
Everybody should go on it at least once!  :D enjoy!
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I like R'n'RC. It really is a good and fast ride. And your not that much bumping around like at SMM2. The launch is very fast and just after the launch comes the first loop, that's great. But for people who are afraid of riding a rollercoaster that can be a bit bad. I would not try R'n'RC as the first wild ride. Then you should first try out Indy and if you licked that and don't felt sick or so, give R'n'RC a try.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"