What is your least pleasurable DLRP experience?

Started by Masamune, December 28, 2006, 12:41:23 PM

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:lol: Can't the Government tell them to move then?


well if they cause trouble then they can, but if they are sitting there making about 2 sales a day maximum thats not against the law sadly :(

it really does spoil the magic
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Considering what happened when Wendy was there, maybe they should consider having some police around. :o I know there's police in the train station, but I rarely see police actually keeping an eye on these selling people.


something pretty freaky happened to me with one of those people stood there actualy but i had half forgoten about it untill now.

When i went last october there were about 10 men stood around with clipboards and they said they were collecting money for charity, now im all for charity if its going through the right channels but there blokes were asking for a minimum donaton of 50 euro and they were pestering everyone, then the money was going into their pockets, not even charity collection boxes, anyway one of them was trying to get money out of me and my sister and mum carried on walking ahead so i have him 20 euro to shut him up and get him off my case!

then another one of them came up either behind me or next to me and grabded hold of my wrist and he wouldnt let me go. He was saying ridiculous things like he loved me and would i marry him but he would not let me go and it was bloody hurting!! I wasnt excatly scared because there were so many people around but nobody else seemed to care. I had to literaly drag myself away from him and there was a red mark left round my wrist from where he had hold so tight!

I didnt let it bother me at the time but thinking about it now its pretty bad really


Quote from: "Nicholas-c"that circle they stand in isn't owned by Disney, the circle is government property so they can sell there all they like and disney cant get rid of them

Cant they buy the circle ?


i hate que jumping, last time i was there it happend 3 times to me. once in the que for sm - a big group of french lads was behind me and my brother, they kept standing on my feet etc - and pushing my brother who is only 9, i wouldnt let they past me and put up with it, and kept saying thigs like 'some people are so rude' - even thought they prob didnt understand me.

and in the que for buzz - me and my family were in the que and the ride broke down, we decided to stay in the que even though a lot of peopel left, so we enderd up near the front, before you go in to the building, and as the ride re opened a family of indians tried to get in front of us, so my dad told them to f off as we were there first then as we started moving forward they got in front of my mum, so my dad had to tell them to move and let her through.


@ leota - :shock: OMG that's terrible! o-o Did you get your hotel to ring the police or anything like that? :( Gosh, I would've been really scared. :lol: But then, I think my mum would kill any stranger that grabbed me like that, so I wouldn't be scared for long.

@ ukool - :x I can't stand people who try and push in front by separating you from whoever you're with. Or worse, people who send their kids forward in the que then follow after them pretending that their kid just got away. :roll:


When we arrived at the Disneyland Hotel once, a staff member said he would take our bags to our room. But when we got up to our room our bags weren't there!

So we waited for about half an hour and they still didn't turn up. We started to get suspicious so we contacted someone at the reception. They said they would search for the luggage but after about another half an hour, they hadn't found anything.

By this time my mum was getting a little angry, so we were let down into the basement where all the luggage is kept. We had to look through thousands of suitcases but still didn't find anything.

So we went back up to reception, my mum getting pretty angry now, and they told us to sit down and wait. So we turned round and guess what??? Our luggage was sitting there in the middle of the lobby :oops: We still don't have a clue what happened.


Quote from: "RnRCj"When we arrived at the Disneyland Hotel once, a staff member said he would take our bags to our room. But when we got up to our room our bags weren't there!

So we waited for about half an hour and they still didn't turn up. We started to get suspicious so we contacted someone at the reception. They said they would search for the luggage but after about another half an hour, they hadn't found anything.

By this time my mum was getting a little angry, so we were let down into the basement where all the luggage is kept. We had to look through thousands of suitcases but still didn't find anything.

So we went back up to reception, my mum getting pretty angry now, and they told us to sit down and wait. So we turned round and guess what??? Our luggage was sitting there in the middle of the lobby :oops: We still don't have a clue what happened.

how, stange, strange indeed

the main reason is why didn't the staff notice bags being there for an hour +
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Quote from: "Masamune"@ leota - :evil:


@ RnRCj - o-o; Eek, that's so weird.

@ leota - :) It's good that you didn't let it ruin your day.

:lol: And that's the main thing I don't get about que jumping. The max amount of time you'll gain from doing that is about 5 minutes, so what's the point in risking getting grief off other guests?


when we were in the Studios Park in June, a group of 3 French teenagers tried to push through the RNRC queue.  The ran past us on the ramp outside the building and squeezed past a couple more inside the building.  They then tried to push past an Italian guy who was quite well built - wearing a vest type top and was obviously into body building.  The Italian guy just put his hand on one of the kids chest, said "no" and shook his finger.  The French teenager had a look of abject terror on his face and must have thought he was about to get a punch.  They didn't try to push past anyone else.


Quote from: "bikemonkey"when we were in the Studios Park in June, a group of 3 French teenagers tried to push through the RNRC queue.  The ran past us on the ramp outside the building and squeezed past a couple more inside the building.  They then tried to push past an Italian guy who was quite well built - wearing a vest type top and was obviously into body building.  The Italian guy just put his hand on one of the kids chest, said "no" and shook his finger.  The French teenager had a look of abject terror on his face and must have thought he was about to get a punch.  They didn't try to push past anyone else.

hehe!!  :lol: thats brilliant! well done to the guy that stopted them!!


Ooh, I have just remembered a very odd experience when we were there, it started off with a few Indian kids gradually pushing their way forward in the queue for Buzz Lightyear and the adults who were with them pushed past people to 'catch-up' to their kids.  Then the strangest thing, a man with a large suitcase on wheels came through the crowd saying "exscuse me, exscuse me" as if he was meant to be pushing through but when he caught up with this family he stopped with them, then they pushed forward again, until they were out of sight.. anyway, I wondered at the time what he was going to do with the suitcase on the ride (it was really big and had a top box cooler type thing on top of it).  As we approached the loading station this bloke came back through the crowd, on his own, without the suitcase - where did it go?!? I was a bit worried to be honest, as you never know with the threat of terrorism etc. but it was strange, dont you think or am I missing something  :o
Second Star To The Right And Straight On Til Morning!

xx Wen xx

My Trip Report: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5261


We've been pretty lucky at DLRP - apart from one year when we checked into our hotel (Disneyland) and went happily up to our room to find that a Middle Easten family of about 24 were barricading the room, pratically holding it hostage and refused point blank to leave, even when the bellman tried to deliver our bags.   :shock:  
We got another room but it was a pretty funny start to the hol! I wonder how they managed to evade the check out time!?

Otherwise, have to say the most annoying thing is in the height of summer and people sweating all over the place. Particularly when you stood inches away from a really smelly guest. Littering and yobs writing things on queue walls is a major pet hate too. Why spoil such a beautiful place?

Hold on to them hats and glasses, cos this here\'s the wildest ride in the wilderness!