What is your least pleasurable DLRP experience?

Started by Masamune, December 28, 2006, 12:41:23 PM

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having to come home  :cry:
i dont let anyting bother me when i am there just let it all pass by!

oh i forgot getting blisters and sore feet ha ha  :P


Smoking. Everytime I go to the parks, I am disgusted with the amount and frequency with which the European's smoke. I was waiting in line for Buzz Lightyear's Laser Blast and a man in front of me sparked up and the smoke he was blowing out went right into a child's face who was sat on her parents shoulders. It's nasty. Just because you smoke doesn't mean I do.
      Also, I was watching the Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony at Christmas just gone, and we were all stood squashed together and the guy next to me whips out a cigarette and puffs away. Idiot. It would be impossible to make the park non-smoking I know, but to have some understanding and common courtesy should be a given, you know? x

miss disney fan

hi Martha, just read your comments and i got to say that i smoke not alot but enough but whenever we go out for a meal we sit in the no-smoking areas, i never smoke with people in my car and at home i only smoke outside the house, my view is that yes i do smoke (even though i'm going to try and quit for my brithday) i dont believe in making other people who dont suffer, in the past when we have gone to dlrp i only smoked outside, tryed to stay away from other people and have never throw a fag end on the floor (aways used the bins proved)

(must learn to spell, lol)


Quote from: "Martha86"It would be impossible to make the park non-smoking I know, but to have some understanding and common courtesy should be a given, you know? x

Here in Wales at the start of april are banning smoking in all public areas, and thats a country. So you never no what the future could bring. A Smoke Free Disneyland Paris .  :D


@ shell - Coming home is the worst! :P

@ Martha - :( Yeah, it sucks that some people just can't go without smoking for a day. Hopefully most will at least try, for the sake of the younger guests. Standing next to someone who's smoking in a que isn't fun.


As we always drive to DLRP it's even harder coming home than flying or Eurostar, with those u get on and thats it, u have no control, ur on the way home but when u drive (or when we drive home), we are so depressed we look for excuses to stop....."do we need to take money out the cashpoint??, do we need to pop into Compiegne for a snack?....." - anything to delay the inevitable drive home


The only thing I really hate is when I am sitting ready for over 2 hours to see a parade.... there are always people who try to stand in front of you while they have just arrived... I always am fighting of those people.. what do they think??


I didn't think smoking was anywhere near as bad this year as last, so maybe the anti-smoking laws are making a difference.

As to people pushing in at the parade, yeah, it is annoying when you've been waiting. I tend to sit on the kerb until they make the announcement about 5 or 10 minutes before the parade is due to start, then stand up.

It might annoy people who come up behind you, but what do they expect, you've been waiting all that time, and you're hardly going to sit on the floor and miss things when the parade starts.

People need to bear in mind that they need to get ready for a decent place early. They can't expect those who've been queuing for an hour or more to just sit back and let others push them out of the way.


There  are parks in America and in UK that have designated smoking areas. In fact, was at a park with Rob on Thursday and a member of staff went up to a guest and asked them to either put the cigarette out or move to a designated smoking area.... How well would this go down in DLRP?

Last year a gang of us (Spanish, Brits n French) were all sat waiting for the parade, when a family tried to push their kids to the front. (English, so they understood me!) We banded together and  made it clear that if you wanted to watch the parade clearly then you should have got here earlier! We'd all been sat for half an hour, taking each other family photos and daughter doing some improptu pin trading!

The shoving and the smoking bugs me so much! :evil:

Oh and whilst I'm bad mouthing people from my own country. I hate it when I hear British people moaning cos a lot of stuff is in French..... DUH!  :?

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


I never really notice the French stuff that much. It kind of bugs me a little bit that some of the merchandise has French names. Like Little Mermaid is La Petite Sirene, and Snow White is Blanche Neige. I'd have thought the US names would take prominence on things. But as my favourite character is Belle, and her name is French anyway, a lot of the stuff I buy wouldn't be affected.


But it never really bothers me that much about signage being in French, or parts of attraction soundtracks. I think just as much of it is in English, and with a lot of the shows - like The Lion King - English versions seem to take precedence.


I dont notice really, but when I went with another family, they seemed to notice it a lot! I dont know, maybe cos I can, with a lot of patience on behalf of a French speaker, make myself understood.

We're on holiday in France, therefore people will speak French and signs will be in French and there is a lot of stuff in English! The family we were with just seemed to pick up on announcements and ride names and the fact that cast members spoke French!. :roll:  

I think a tip for me is never go with another family! :lol:

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Thing is, the vast majority of the castmembers do speak english, and if you don't speak much french, you're still not going to have much difficulty. I've always found that the hotel staff in Sequoia Lodge speak excellent english, and most of the castmembers in shops and on attractions speak english once they realise that you're english. I tend to forget that I'm in France to be honest when I'm at Disneyland.


I'm not a fan of smoking, but it isn't something that I really notice around DLRP. It would only bother me if someone was smoking in an enclosed space, like in a que.

:x People who try to push in like 5 minutes before the Parade starts are so annoying and rude. If they actually asked me politely, I'd happily allow their kids to stand in front of me throughout the Parade. But since they insist on trying to shove their kids there, there's no way I'll stand for it. :lol: I'm not above telling people from any country to go elsewhere.

:) And the Franch stuff doesn't bother me at all. :P It's their country, so I think we're lucky that they have pretty much all their Cast Members speaking English when needed. ;) Also, I love that Donald is the English-speaker in Animagique.


Exactly Masamune-How many parks do we have in the UK where staff can speak at least two languages? Its just that this family kept moaning about the whole French thing! Ho hum! :D I was beginning to rant earlier on. Sorry :oops:

But they are only annoying little things and at the end of the day, those that push-I usually smile sweetly at (unless provoked!) n the smoking thing. I can walk away (unless stuck in a queue)-and as I walk away I cough loudly so they think, who is that crazy woman?

I love being at DLRP

My biggest moan? I cant get there as often as I want to be there. Like right now!   :cry:

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Tommorow is the start of the no smoking in public places in wales.  :)