What is your least pleasurable DLRP experience?

Started by Masamune, December 28, 2006, 12:41:23 PM

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So hows that gonna work? Not that I care cos I dont smoke. But if you go to a park will they have designated  smoking areas, or isit a clear ban?

I would like to see smoking areas put in DLRP. I just think it'd be great not having someone elses smoke blown in your face, making sure your kids faces arent near anyone walking with a fag in their hand at their face level n the occasional fag butt dropped on the ground....although its quickly cleaned up. It wouldnt be any other way there.

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


:lol: The idea of staff at Blackpool speaking French or German makes me giggle. :P I have to say, I've never even heard of theme park employees in this country having to know a language other than English.

:) So yes, I'm very grateful that DLRP have thought to employ so many English-speaking people. :D Good English too. I've rarely encountered any sort of language barrier with any of the staff.


Can you imagine their accents too? I have friends who are French and German and I make them cry with laughter when I try my BAD French and German on them! I am sooo grateful for their support! But I think I cheer them up when they hear how I mutilate their mother tongue. :lol:

"I am feeling depressed today, I know lets get Sam with her Essex accent to speak French. That will cheer me up so much!" :lol:  :P  

Have you tried to speak French in DLRP? They are so patient and helpful and will jump in so readilly speaking English when they see the pain on my face and they dont laugh at me either! :lol:

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club



So this photo combines two of my worst experiences. I'd gone to the Park for a day (OK, an afternoon) one Saturday last December.  My first and definitely last visit on a weekend! I guess it was naive of me next to have expected such huge queues but I've never seen anything like it.  So, no rides for me although I still came home satisfied as I managed to take a good couple of hundred photos!

But if you look at the photo - yep, despite people barely being able to breathe, the crowds were so big, there's a woman in the middle with her cigarette.  Smoking's a bit hate of mine anyway, but seriously - when everyone's wedged up against each other does it seem even vaguely sensible to smoke?

As there was no chance of getting on a ride, I took myself over to wait for the Parade in good time.  But sure enough, with minutes to go before it started a family arrived behind me and shooed the children through to the front to practically sit on my feet.  Now I get that children are small (although so I am :P ) so it's tough for them to see a row or two back.  But you know what? If you want to get a view, make an effort and get there early.

OK, rant(s) over!


@ tubbsy - :P It doesn't even bear thinking about.

:o I know what you mean about the staff being very understanding. I always make an effort to learn a bit of French before we go, but like you say, our accents don't help much. :lol: Mine's Mancunian, so I don't know which is worse out of us two.

@ fray - :shock: That picture is like something out of a horror movie.

"Pirates of the Caribbean; The Curse of the Long Que"


Masamune :cheshire_bounce: I can see it now, you n me, in a shop, in DLRP, using our French. OUCH thats soooo painful! :P

I went in August and didnt see queues like that.  :shock: But we did go mid week. Some people have a serious problem if they can t wait to have a cigarette.

If I didnt think I'd get in HUGE trouble for doing it I'd snatch the fag out of anyone who blew smoke near me n stamp on it then spray air freshener at them!

Or I could bottle the smell of Eau De Teenager and spray that around a bit. That'd REALLY upset smokers! :P

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "Masamune"

@ fray - :shock: That picture is like something out of a horror movie.

"Pirates of the Caribbean; The Curse of the Long Que"

I love DLRP (goes without saying!) but I have to admit that day was nearly enough to put me off! And the whole Park was like that.

So never again on a Saturday for me. Never :P


@ tubbsy - :lol: I'm sure we could manage it as a team.

@ fray - :o I would've hid in the Studios. :) Even on weekends, I doubt it's as busy there.


Yeah, going home on the train I heard someone say the Studios were quiet (mind you, this was the day after it was evacuated!). Sadly I only had a one Park pass and so had to give it a miss.

Will make up for it this summer although no doubt in July I'll still be battling through the crowds! (and cigarettes)


fray - that is shocking I go in August and it's not that bad!

The worst experiences I've had was taking my sister to studios as she can't que and she is pretty much bling and she couldn't do anything in that park!

Getting all the was to POTC and then being told we needed a pass type thing for my sister to skip the ques. I mean someone at the hotel could have told us or they could have told us to go get one after we'd been on the ride. I know it sounds fussy but you have no idea how difficult it is with my sister.

Also people just standing still and not moving when we are trying to get passed with a wheelchair. My advice is move or get hit. I will politely ask a few time bu ater that watch your ankle.

The thing the really irks me is people hiring wheelchairs and pretending to be disabled! I mean you see people swapping around in the wheelchairs. If you don't have a disablilty don't wish for one!

Overall very few people this time when rang up to book the hotel was very helpful in making sure we could use the fridge to store her food and get to the pool easily!


I love DLRP and we usually have a lovely time there with very few probs.

However, this July we had a few problems with people pushing my children out of the way while we were waiting for parades etc.  

We also had a horrible experience with the street sellers who stand outside the Parks, on our way to the busses - a few of the blokes began to have a big argument and then began fighting, amongst loads of guests leaving the parks, including children who became very scared.  About 7 or 8 men were shouting and pushing each other around and threw punches without any regard for all the families who were walking past at the time.  My own 8 year old son became very upset and it put a damper on the evening.

I wish that those sellers could be moved on as they are not very 'Disney' and seem a bit intimidating really.
Second Star To The Right And Straight On Til Morning!

xx Wen xx

My Trip Report: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5261


Quote from: "Masamune":lol: The idea of staff at Blackpool speaking French or German makes me giggle. :P I have to say, I've never even heard of theme park employees in this country having to know a language other than English.

:) So yes, I'm very grateful that DLRP have thought to employ so many English-speaking people. :D Good English too. I've rarely encountered any sort of language barrier with any of the staff.

Lol, i guess Oakwood speak english and welsh. Even though its not the most popular language.


worst one was when we stayed in Davy Crockett Ranch and i was pretty ill for the last 3 days of the trip,

it was really boring being at disney in bed ill :P
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


@ Wendy - :shock: I've always wondered why Disney allows those sellers to stay there. I guess it's a public space, but like you say, they can be quite intimidating if they get right up in your face to try and sell you something.


Quote from: "Masamune"@ Wendy - :shock: I've always wondered why Disney allows those sellers to stay there. I guess it's a public space, but like you say, they can be quite intimidating if they get right up in your face to try and sell you something.

that circle they stand in isn't owned by Disney, the circle is government property so they can sell there all they like and disney cant get rid of them
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone