Crush's Coaster

Started by Anthony, July 18, 2006, 07:20:53 PM

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The Butlin Boy

Where is the Crush projection in the ride, I know he's at the end of the ride but where is actually projected on to and where do you have to sit to see it?


Quote from: "Jorien"
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I would say it's probably on a par with Indy for scariness.  If you are frightened of Indy, chances are you will be frightened of Crush.

 :? really? I'm not sure if i'll be doing this ride then when i'll be in dlrp again.. Never been on Indy as i háte rollercoasters. Tried it again on Phantasialand two weeks ago, and even hated it more, i get so terrified. As DisneyAlba already said, i really don't like the drops!

But maybe i should try it at least once, and find out if i'll ride it again after that......At this moment i really don't know what i'll do.

Same here, Jorien... I'm not sure what I'll do. Comparing it to Indy seems a little weird to me, since Indy has loop-da-loops, the sight of which puts me off instantly... This comparison makes it sound as though the drop in Crush's Coaster is just about as scary as a giant dip followed by a big looping?? Hmm....  :sick:

:!: Does anyone have the definitive answer on whether or not the drop in Crush's Coaster is longer and/or steeper than the drop in Pirates?

I have a feeling I may chicken out at the last moment.  :wink: Though I would like to see the ride... Sigh. This reminds me of the Splash Mountain situation I encountered in Walt Disney World, Florida: I'd really like to see the inside, the 'calm' part of the ride with lovely theming, but the drop at the end makes it way, way too scary for me to attempt it. (Hehe, perhaps someone knows how the Crush drop compares to the Spash Mountain drop? Grasping at straws here. Trying to avoid a phobic terror. :wink: )

OT: Oh my, just discovered the lovely emoticons:  :stitch:   :cheshire_bounce:
You can take the girl out of Scotland, but you can't take Scotland out of the girl.


The drop is defenitely steeper than the one on pirates!
But really smooth and much fun!

Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"Where is the Crush projection in the ride, I know he's at the end of the ride but where is actually projected on to and where do you have to sit to see it?

On a screen beneath the horseshoe I guess (where it was planned in the first place). You see the projection from every place because you go slowly on that point (the brakes section).


If you look at that diagramme, where the track banks sideways you have a 25% chance of being upside down, but in reality it is more like 50%.  I do really like Crush Coaster, but I am annoyed it's the only highly themed dark ride attraction at WDS as it is likely 7 - 10 years before I will be able to ride it as a family, and then, it will probably be rought like SM.

But beware - Cartoons do not always equal family friendly.

I have ridden 100's of coasters around the globe, and this is not a kiddy one.
since 2001 (many before that)


Is that the actual track for Crush's coaster?!


Quote from: "lilcharlie"Is that the actual track for Crush's coaster?!

Yes, except for the first part which was extended to fit in the dark ride scenes :)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"If you look at that diagramme, where the track banks sideways you have a 25% chance of being upside down, but in reality it is more like 50%.  I do really like Crush Coaster, but I am annoyed it's the only highly themed dark ride attraction at WDS as it is likely 7 - 10 years before I will be able to ride it as a family, and then, it will probably be rought like SM.

But beware - Cartoons do not always equal family friendly.

I have ridden 100's of coasters around the globe, and this is not a kiddy one.
Hi Dave,

MS is known to build coasters that stay a bit more smooth than the competition, so if they get the needed maintenance, I think in 7 years it will still not be half as rough as SM is now ;)

It may not be a kiddy ride, but I have seen 4year olds joining that were big enough, and they enjoyed every bit of it...  I honestly think it really depends on your children, and a parent should be able to judge for them :)  If you decide to take your kids along, and aren't really sure how they'll react to the coaster part, just get their mind focussed on looking for crush in the coaster section ;)
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13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


I am sure my kids will go on it younger (I hope), but I really wish they had opted to put in a family friendly dark ride in WDS.  Maybe we'll get TSM if it proves successful.
since 2001 (many before that)

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"but I really wish they had opted to put in a family friendly dark ride in WDS.  

It would be very nice to have a family dark ride in the stdios, but unfortunatly, I don't think that we are going to get one for a while :cry:

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Maybe we'll get TSM if it proves successful.

Hopefully, fingers crossed :wink:


Well, my trip is a bit more than 1 month away, but I'm just too nervous and so looking forward to it :)

As many of you now I'm afraid of many coasters *g*, but I love BTM and Indiana Jones is okay for me, too (like DisneyAlba, I'm more afraid of big drops than loopings etc.).
What I still don't understand is:

Where exactly should I sit and how heavy should a turtle shell be so that the coaster is the less wild and fast for me?! I hope someone can explain ;)
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Mal kurz auf deutsch:

@Nala: Da die Schildkröten herumwirbeln, ist es egal ob Du vorwärts oder rückwärts einsteigst ;-)

Die Schildkröten-Wagen fahren nur in ersten Teil so wie Du eingestiegen bist, nach dem kurzen Abstecher in den Außenbereich fangen sie an zu kreiseln.


@All: Sorry for posting in german, but I don´t know the right words in english :-(


Sorry, but all posts have to be made in English.  Try using an online translator next time like Babelfish.


Thank you, Alexandra :)

(She only meant that it doesn't matter whether you sit for- or backwards because the shells turn around later on)

But I thought someone here said that the position and the weight of the persons in the shell DO matter?!? Didn't anyone say you get faster if ... ?  :shock:
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


No, no person will say this to us when we was ride with Crush :-)

And thank you for translating my german words ;-) At the moment I post it I don´t know the right words.



Quote from: "Nala_84"Thank you, Alexandra :)

(She only meant that it doesn't matter whether you sit for- or backwards because the shells turn around later on)

But I thought someone here said that the position and the weight of the persons in the shell DO matter?!? Didn't anyone say you get faster if ... ?  :shock:
Well, if you look at it from the rules of engineering...  If you do not equally divide the weight in a spinning device, it could spin faster though, so I think it is best if you try and divide the weight in your group as good as possible (put the two largest persons diagonal from each other in a vehicle).

I don't think it will influence the ride THAT much.

Also, please don't think you'll be spinning around as in the tea cups - this really isn't to be compared with such heavy spinning :)  You'll be fine, really!
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!