Crush's Coaster

Started by Anthony, July 18, 2006, 07:20:53 PM

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Quote from: "adamguy_6"Im reading the reactions on Miceage to their recent update. They all appear to think Crush is the most interesting development, but the exterior looks like "Something Universal would hash together?"

That's because they are just spoiled with their enormous rich disneyresorts and universal resorts. The themeparks their are way others than what we have over here. We don't even have a universal park..


Quote from: "Japper"
Quote from: "adamguy_6"Im reading the reactions on Miceage to their recent update. They all appear to think Crush is the most interesting development, but the exterior looks like "Something Universal would hash together?"

That's because they are just spoiled with their enormous rich disneyresorts and universal resorts. The themeparks their are way others than what we have over here. We don't even have a universal park..

We used to - Port Adventura in Barcelona - now sold.
since 2001 (many before that)


Well I'm not crying any tears over not having a Universal park. And I don't think we need to worry about people who think they can form a total verdict on a new attraction from one article made up of a few (construction) photos. Judging Crush with a photo taken from the roof of AODA is silly too, I mean how many guests will be seeing it from up there come June? :roll:

Anyway - I don't think we celebrated those seagulls enough.  All hail the first animated figures (I'm not sure if they count as full AAs) at Walt Disney Studios!!! =D>


My twin girls have just turned 4 and they are 1.02 - hoping they will grow in 5 weeks to 1.04 or I will just need to put wedges on them!  Do you think it will be too scary for young kids, I am desperate to go on the ride but don't want to scare the kids? :minnie:


And for the people that were worried about the small attraction sign: there will be another one with the Crush figure on the other side of the entrance, at least according to the trustworthy La Roquine on Disney Central Plaza.  :D


This sounds much better ;) Although I like the small sign, it would look better with a larger sign!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


QuoteAnyway - I don't think we celebrated those seagulls enough. All hail the first animated figures (I'm not sure if they count as full AAs) at Walt Disney Studios!!!

 :lol:   Yeah you're right.  Besides, there should be more Animatronics in the ride as well like the Angler-fish and Bruce.


About those two angler fish (one facing each direction)...

I read somewhere (maybe Jim Hill?) that the ones at WDW's The Seas and at DL's Submarine Voyage actually use a modified Kuka robocoaster arm to move around (they're pretty huge).  Apparently WDI bought about 5 or 6 of them and used them for this before Universal bought exclusive rights to Kuka, so now WDI can't buy any more.

I wonder if we'll also have our own hidden robot arm too? :)



Quote from: "Baloo"About those two angler fish (one facing each direction)...

I read somewhere (maybe Jim Hill?) that the ones at WDW's The Seas and at DL's Submarine Voyage actually use a modified Kuka robocoaster arm to move around (they're pretty huge).  Apparently WDI bought about 5 or 6 of them and used them for this before Universal bought exclusive rights to Kuka, so now WDI can't buy any more.

I wonder if we'll also have our own hidden robot arm too? :)

I dont understand, why do they need a robocoaster arm ?


The large (and heavy) anglerfish animatronic is fixed onto the end of it I guess, to pounce out at guests.  It does seem a bit over the top, but I think WDI wanted to test the technology, as well as needing something very strong to lift the giant fish.

Quote from: ""It was this news (and not that the Walt Disney Company & J.K. Rowling had failed to come to terms) that really upset the guys in Glendale. Mind you, before Kuka & Universal were able to hammer out their new deal, WDI did manage to score seven of these robotic arms. One of which is now being used in the angler fish sequence of Epcot's new "The Seas with Nemo & Friends" introductory ride. While the other six will then be used to create a similar sequence in Disneyland's soon-to-be-opening "Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage." With three of these robotic arms being used to move angler fish around on each side of the sub.

The article seems to say all 7 have been used in the US, but our fish must be similar to theirs, so you never know.  Just thought it was interesting.


Can anybody tell us what the exact height is for this ride. On this forum it is mentioned that the minimum height is 104 cm, but on the Dutch travel site the height mentioned is 112 cm. We hope it is 104 because our son is absolutely not as big as 112......! Also on this forum this ride appears to be a ride for the entire family. This is not clear from the information we have read earlier. They told us it's for kids as from the age of 7.

Await your response in due course.



Belle sorry am waiting for the height restrictions also.. somewhere in this forum was said also 1.20 as height. Little one here is about 1.15 so he could manage the 1.04 and 1.12 but no one really knows at this point I geuss... We'll have to wait till the 9th of June..


Maybe someone could do a super-zoom-in on that new warnings sign they just installed? :P

As soon as the height is officially confirmed, it'll be posted here.  Let's try not to get into a frenzy like with the Toon Studio opening date.



Sorry Baloo, couldnt resist. :lol:

I just want to know!!!!!!

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "tubbsy":twisted: FRENZY? (FRANTIC PULLING OF HAIR!!!) WHOSE GETTING INTO A FRENZY?  :twisted:

Sorry Baloo, couldnt resist. :lol:

I just want to know!!!!!!
Haha! :lol: Well I totally understand, it is very frustrating when they keep back information like this.

I just got a leaflet from the shareholders club about the previews, so I read through it all because you'd expect them to say the height restriction - I mean what if shareholders want to take their kids?! - but no, nothing.  In the small print it just says "according to height and physical restrictions indicated at the entrance of the attraction".

Well that's not a lot of good... :lol:  I have a feeling they're keeping it quiet because if they announce say 1.2m then that might put lots of families off... :?  Either that or they're hoping and praying WDI can get it down as low as possible.